Enhanced word highlight


< Opiniones de Enhanced word highlight

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 8/3/2024

Skip highlighting words is not saved. Please fix.

Publicado: 8/3/2024

Please describe what you encounter and what you expect Ewh to react in detail. Otherwise I can't pinpoint anything to fix.

Publicado: 8/3/2024

1) Open the Dialog "Advanced Config"
2) Change the text "the to in on among between and a an of by with" to "the to in on among between and a an of by with blabla"
3) Press ok.
4) Open the Dialog "Advanced Config"

I expected content in Field:
"the to in on among between and a an of by with blabla"

Instead I observed content in Field:
"the to in on among between and a an of by with"

Publicado: 10/3/2024

Bug found andf fixed. Please update to the latest version.

Publicado: 11/3/2024

Bug found andf fixed. Please update to the latest version.

WORKS! That you. :)

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