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hobby search


// ==UserScript==
// @name        hobby search
// @author      vinsai
// @namespace   'vinsai'
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @version     1.0
// @require
// @description test
// ==/UserScript==

	if (location.href.match('')) {
		var imgbox = $('.right .item_attention');
		if (imgbox.length > 0) {
			var imgs = $('.right table .imgbox img');			
		else {
			imgbox = $('center');
			var imgs = $('.imgbox2 img');			

		$(imgs).each(function(index, element) {
			var src = $(this).attr('src').replace('_s.', '.');
			$(imgbox).append("<img src=" + src + " />");

	else if (location.href.match('')) {
		var urls = $('#gallery a');
		var box = $('div.product_img_area').next().next();
		$(urls).each(function(index, element) {
			var src = $(this).attr('href');
			box.before("<img src=" + src + " />");
	else if (location.href.match('')) {
		var urls = $('#item_detail .cpModal');
		var box = 	$('#item_detail .center').next();
		$(urls).each(function(index, element) {
			var src = $(this).attr('href');
			box.before("<img src=" + src + " />");

//			- Weekly Auto-Update Check -
// CheckForUpdate() will verify if the time has come to look if an update is available.
// CheckVersion() will verify if this script version is the latest available.
var script_title = "178 Photos Download";
var source_location = "";
var current_version = "1.0";
var latest_version = " ";
var gm_updateparam = "178PhotosDownload_lastupdatecheck";
var lastupdatecheck = GM_getValue(gm_updateparam, "never");

// a google document is used to store the latest version number (If the version in that file does not match the current_version variable, an update will be triggered)
var version_holder = "";

//Add a command to the menu in case someone wants to manually check for an update.
GM_registerMenuCommand("Better Good Smile->Manually Update", CheckVersion);

//Initiate the download of the new script version.
function GetNewVersion() {
        var today = new Date();
        GM_setValue(gm_updateparam, String(today));
        window.location = source_location;

//Verify if it's time to update
function CheckForUpdate()
	var today = new Date();
	var one_day = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; //One day in milliseconds

	if(lastupdatecheck != "never")
		today = today.getTime(); //Get today's date
		var lastupdatecheck = new Date(lastupdatecheck).getTime();
		var interval = (today - lastupdatecheck) / one_day; //Find out how much days have passed		

		//If a week has passed since the last update check, check if a new version is available
		if(interval >= 7)			

//Make sure we don't have the latest version
function CheckVersion()
		    method: 'GET',
		    url: version_holder,
		    headers: {'Content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},		    
		    onload: function(responseDetails)
				var line = String(responseDetails.responseText.match(/version=[0-9].[0-9]?[0-9].[0-9]?[0-9]/));				
				if(line != null)
					var strSplit = new Array();
					strSplit = line.split('=');					
					latest_version = strSplit[1];

					if(current_version != latest_version && latest_version != "undefined")
						if(confirm("A more recent version of " + script_title + " (" + latest_version + ") has been found.\r\nWould you like to get it now?"))
					else if(current_version == latest_version)
						alert("You have the latest version of " + script_title + ".");
					alert("Could not locate the version holder file.\r\nThis should be reported to the script author.\r\nThank you!");

//Ask the user to be reminded in 24 hours or only next week.
function AskForReminder()
	if(confirm("Would you like to be reminded in 24 hours ?\r\n(Cancel to be reminded next week only)"))
		var today = new Date();
		today = today.getTime();		
		var sixdays_ms = 6 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
		var sda_ms = today - sixdays_ms;		
		var sixdaysago = new Date(sda_ms)

		//Since we check for updates after 7 days, just make it seem like the last check was 6 days ago.
		GM_setValue(gm_updateparam, String(sixdaysago));

//Set the next update check in seven days
function SkipWeeklyUpdateCheck()
	var today = new Date();
	//As if we've just updated the script, the next check will only be next week.
	GM_setValue(gm_updateparam, String(today));
//			- Weekly Auto-Update Check -