A Better eBay Filter

Allow filtering eBay searches based on additional criteria, global site support

< Opiniones de A Better eBay Filter

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 10/3/2018

Fix for Greasemonkey 4 api

Hello, your script is so much helpful.
Unfortunately it didn't work when installed on current Firefox as the GM api has changed a few months ago.
I'm sending a fixed version, tested successfully on Firefox 58+Greasemonkey and Chrome 65+Tampermonkey.

Publicado: 25/3/2018

I'll take a look and post it, or a pointer to your version. I'm basically thinking it's time to move it to a Chrome extension, and will try to work on that the next few weeks, as Greasemonkey has been problematic on and off over time. Thanks.

Publicado: 2/4/2018

Seems to work OK, I posted it to the main script update, thanks.

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