// ==UserScript==
// @name Douyin Crawler csv_v2.3
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version v2.3_20241129
// @description capture statistics of an author
// @author qmcc
// @match https://www.douyin.com/user/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=douyin.com
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const posts = [];
let hasMore = true;
const author = {};
function scrollToBottom() {
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
setInterval(() => {
if (hasMore) {
console.log('Scrolling to bottom');
}, 100);
function parseHasMore(response) {
if (response.has_more === 1) {
hasMore = true;
} else {
hasMore = false;
function parsePost(aweme) {
// 视频信息统计
// title: 视频标题
const post = {};
post.title = aweme.desc;
// createDatetime: 发布日期
post.createDatetime = new Date(aweme.create_time * 1000);
// likeCount: 点赞数
post.likeCount = aweme.statistics.digg_count;
// shareCount: 转发数
post.shareCount = aweme.statistics.share_count;
// commentCount: 评论数
post.commentCount = aweme.statistics.comment_count;
// collectCount: 收藏数
post.collectCount = aweme.statistics.collect_count;
// duration: 时长
post.duration = aweme.duration / 1000;
function parseAuthor(profile) {
// 作者信息收集
// nickname: 昵称
author.nickname = profile.user.nickname
// id: 抖音号
author.id = profile.user.unique_id || profile.user.short_id;
// favoratedCount: 获赞数
author.favoratedCount = profile.user.total_favorited;
// followerCount: 粉丝数
author.followerCount = profile.user.follower_count;
// followingCount: 关注数
author.followingCount = profile.user.following_count;
// favoritingCount: 喜欢数
author.favoritingCount = profile.user.favoriting_count;
// gender: 性别
author.gender = profile.user.gender == 1 ? '男' : '女';
// age: 年龄
author.age = profile.user.user_age > 0 ? profile.user.user_age : null;
// ipLocation: IP属地
author.ipLocation = profile.user.ip_location.replace('IP属地:', '');
// province: 省份
author.province = profile.user.province;
// city: 城市
author.city = profile.user.city;
// postCount: 发布视频数
author.postCount = profile.user.aweme_count;
// hasShop: 是否有橱窗
author.hasShop = profile.user.with_fusion_shop_entry;
// hasLiveCommerce: 是否有直播带货?
author.hasLiveCommerce = profile.user.live_commerce;
// signature: 个性签名
author.signature = profile.user.signature;
// withCommerceEnterpriseTabEntry
author.withCommerceEnterpriseTabEntry = profile.user.with_commerce_enterprise_tab_entry;
// withCommerceEntry
author.withCommerceEntry = profile.user.with_commerce_entry;
// withNewGoods
author.withNewGoods = profile.user.with_new_goods;
// youtubeChannelId
author.youtubeChannelId = profile.user.youtube_channel_id;
// youtubeChannelTitle
author.youtubeChannelTitle = profile.user.youtube_channel_title;
// showFavoriteList: 是否展示喜欢列表
author.showFavoriteList = profile.user.show_favorite_list;
// showSubscription: 是否展示关注列表
author.showSubscription = profile.user.show_subscription;
// isActivityUser: 是否活跃用户
author.isActivityUser = profile.user.is_activity_user;
// isBan: 是否被封禁
author.isBan = profile.user.is_ban;
// isBlock: 是否被拉黑
author.isBlock = profile.user.is_block;
// isBlocked
author.isBlocked = profile.user.is_blocked;
// isEffectArtist: 是否是特效艺术家
author.isEffectArtist = profile.user.is_effect_artist;
// isGovMediaVip: 是否是政府媒体VIP
author.isGovMediaVip = profile.user.is_gov_media_vip;
// isMixUser: 是否是混合用户
author.isMixUser = profile.user.is_mix_user;
// isNotShow: 是否不展示
author.isNotShow = profile.user.is_not_show;
// isSeriesUser: 是否是系列用户
author.isSeriesUser = profile.user.is_series_user;
// isSharingProfileUser: 是否是分享资料用户
author.isSharingProfileUser = profile.user.is_sharing_profile_user;
// isStar: 是否是明星
author.isStar = profile.user.is_star;
// isoCountryCode: 国家代码
author.isoCountryCode = profile.user.iso_country_code;
// customVerify: 自定义认证
author.customVerify = profile.user.custom_verify;
// hasMcn: 是否有MCN机构
author.hasMcn = (profile.user.account_info_url && profile.user.account_info_url.includes('mcn')) || false;
// groupChatCount: 群聊数量
author.groupChatCount = 0;
if (profile.user.card_entries) {
const groupChatEntry = profile.user.card_entries.find(entry => entry.sub_title && entry.sub_title.includes('群聊'));
if (groupChatEntry) {
const match = groupChatEntry.sub_title.match(/(\d+)个群聊/);
if (match) {
author.groupChatCount = parseInt(match[1]);
let dataFrame = [];
function clearDataFrame() {
dataFrame = [];
function addEntryToDataFrame(header, content) {
// if content is string, replace newline with space
if (typeof content === 'string') {
content = content.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
content = content.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
dataFrame.push({header, content});
function addAuthorToDataFrame() {
addEntryToDataFrame('ID (抖音号)', author.id);
addEntryToDataFrame('Nickname (昵称)', author.nickname);
addEntryToDataFrame('Favorated (获赞数)', author.favoratedCount);
addEntryToDataFrame('Follower (粉丝数)', author.followerCount);
addEntryToDataFrame('Following (关注数)', author.followingCount);
addEntryToDataFrame('Favoriting (喜欢数)', author.favoritingCount);
addEntryToDataFrame('Gender (性别)', author.gender);
addEntryToDataFrame('Age (年龄)', author.age);
addEntryToDataFrame('IP Location (IP属地)', author.ipLocation);
addEntryToDataFrame('Province (省份)', author.province);
addEntryToDataFrame('City (城市)', author.city);
addEntryToDataFrame('Post Count (发布视频数)', author.postCount);
addEntryToDataFrame('Has Shop (是否有橱窗)', author.hasShop);
addEntryToDataFrame('Has Live Commerce (是否有直播带货)', author.hasLiveCommerce);
addEntryToDataFrame('Signature (个性签名)', author.signature);
addEntryToDataFrame('With Commerce Enterprise Tab Entry', author.withCommerceEnterpriseTabEntry);
addEntryToDataFrame('With Commerce Entry', author.withCommerceEntry);
addEntryToDataFrame('With New Goods', author.withNewGoods);
addEntryToDataFrame('Youtube Channel ID', author.youtubeChannelId);
addEntryToDataFrame('Youtube Channel Title', author.youtubeChannelTitle);
addEntryToDataFrame('Show Favorite List (是否展示喜欢列表)', author.showFavoriteList);
addEntryToDataFrame('Show Subscription (是否展示关注列表)', author.showSubscription);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Activity User (是否活跃用户)', author.isActivityUser);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Ban (是否被封禁)', author.isBan);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Block (是否被拉黑)', author.isBlock);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Blocked', author.isBlocked);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Effect Artist (是否是特效艺术家)', author.isEffectArtist);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Gov Media VIP (是否是政府媒体VIP)', author.isGovMediaVip);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Mix User (是否是混合用户)', author.isMixUser);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Not Show (是否不展示)', author.isNotShow);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Series User (是否是系列用户)', author.isSeriesUser);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Sharing Profile User (是否是分享资料用户)', author.isSharingProfileUser);
addEntryToDataFrame('Is Star (是否是明星)', author.isStar);
addEntryToDataFrame('ISO Country Code (国家代码)', author.isoCountryCode);
addEntryToDataFrame('Custom Verify (自定义认证)', author.customVerify);
addEntryToDataFrame('Has MCN (是否有MCN机构)', author.hasMcn);
addEntryToDataFrame('Group Chat Count (群聊数量)', author.groupChatCount);
function addPostToDataFrame(title, post) {
addEntryToDataFrame(title + '-Datetime (发布日期)', post.createDatetime.toLocaleDateString());
addEntryToDataFrame(title + '-Like (点赞数)', post.likeCount);
addEntryToDataFrame(title + '-Share (转发数)', post.shareCount);
addEntryToDataFrame(title + '-Comment (评论数)', post.commentCount);
addEntryToDataFrame(title + '-Collect (收藏数)', post.collectCount);
function getStatistics() {
// 作者信息
// 视频平均长度
const averageDuration = posts.reduce((acc, post) => acc + post.duration, 0) / posts.length;
addEntryToDataFrame('Average Duration (平均时长)', averageDuration);
// 视频中位数长度
const durations = posts.map(post => post.duration);
durations.sort((a, b) => a - b);
const medianDuration = durations[Math.floor(durations.length / 2)];
addEntryToDataFrame('Median Duration (中位数时长)', medianDuration);
// 视频前10%长度
const percentile10Duration = durations[Math.floor(durations.length * 0.9)];
addEntryToDataFrame('10% Duration (前10%时长)', percentile10Duration);
// 视频后10%长度
const percentile90Duration = durations[Math.floor(durations.length * 0.1)];
addEntryToDataFrame('90% Duration (后10%时长)', percentile90Duration);
// 最近一周发布的视频数量
const oneWeekAgo = new Date();
oneWeekAgo.setDate(oneWeekAgo.getDate() - 7);
const lastWeekPostsCount = posts.filter(post => post.createDatetime > oneWeekAgo).length;
addEntryToDataFrame('Last Week Posts Count (最近一周发布数)', lastWeekPostsCount);
// Top3热门视频信息
const top3HotPosts = posts.sort((a, b) => b.likeCount - a.likeCount).slice(0, 3);
top3HotPosts.forEach((post, index) => {
addPostToDataFrame(`Hot${index + 1}`, post);
// Latest3最新视频信息
const latest3Posts = posts.sort((a, b) => b.createDatetime - a.createDatetime).slice(0, 3);
latest3Posts.forEach((post, index) => {
addPostToDataFrame(`Latest${index + 1}`, post);
// Oldest3最早视频信息
const oldest3Posts = posts.sort((a, b) => a.createDatetime - b.createDatetime).slice(0, 3);
oldest3Posts.forEach((post, index) => {
addPostToDataFrame(`Oldest${index + 1}`, post);
// 生成表头
const headers = dataFrame.map(entry => entry.header);
// 生成内容
const content = dataFrame.map(entry => entry.content);
return [headers, content];
function writeHeadersToClipboard() {
// Excel tab-separated format
const headers = getStatistics()[0];
const text = headers.join('\t');
function writeContentToClipboard() {
// Excel tab-separated format
const content = getStatistics()[1];
const text = content.join('\t');
if (hasMore) {
} else {
console.log('Douyin Crawler is running');
function findDivByInnerText(text) {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div')).find(div => div.innerText === text);
setInterval(() => {
const feedback = findDivByInnerText('意见反馈');
if (feedback) {
const newFeedback = feedback.cloneNode(true);
newFeedback.innerText = '复制内容';
newFeedback.onclick = writeContentToClipboard;
const faq = findDivByInnerText('常见问题');
if (faq) {
const newFaq = faq.cloneNode(true);
newFaq.innerText = '复制表头';
newFaq.onclick = writeHeadersToClipboard;
}, 1000);
function convertToCSV(headers, content) {
// Combine headers and content into a CSV string
const csvRows = [ content.join(',')+"\n"];
return csvRows.join('\n');
function downloadCSV(filename, csvContent) {
// Create a Blob with the CSV content
const blob = new Blob([csvContent], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8;' });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url;
link.download = filename;
function exportDataToCSV() {
const [headers, content] = getStatistics();
const csvContent = convertToCSV(headers, content);
downloadCSV('douyin_data.csv', csvContent);
alert('CSV 文件已生成并下载!');
// 增加一个按钮,用于触发 CSV 导出
function createExportButton() {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = '导出为 CSV';
button.style.position = 'fixed';
button.style.bottom = '270px';
button.style.right = '20px';
button.style.padding = '10px';
button.style.backgroundColor = '#ff5722';
button.style.color = '#fff';
button.style.border = 'none';
button.style.borderRadius = '5px';
button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
button.addEventListener('click', exportDataToCSV);
// 调用按钮创建函数
// Hijack XMLHttpRequest
var open = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, url, async, user, pass) {
this.addEventListener('readystatechange', function() {
if (this.readyState === 4 && url.includes('/post')) {
const response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
const awemeList = response.aweme_list;
awemeList.forEach(aweme => {
console.log('Posts:', posts);
} else if (this.readyState === 4 && url.includes('/profile/other')) {
const response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
console.log('Author:', author);
}, false);
open.call(this, method, url, async, user, pass);