DCSS Webtiles Extension Module Loader

Load the DWEM from other Webtiles sites as well.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         DCSS Webtiles Extension Module Loader
// @description  Load the DWEM from other Webtiles sites as well.
// @version      1.8
// @author       refracta
// @match        http://webzook.net:8080/*
// @match        https://crawl.kelbi.org/*
// @match        https://crawl.dcss.io/*
// @match        https://crawl.akrasiac.org:8443/*
// @match        https://underhound.eu:8080/*
// @match        https://cbro.berotato.org:8443/*
// @match        http://lazy-life.ddo.jp:8080/*
// @match        http://lazy-life.ddo.jp:8000/*
// @match        https://crawl.xtahua.com/*
// @match        https://crawl.project357.org/*
// @match        http://joy1999.codns.com:8081/*
// @grant        none
// @run-at document-start
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/467840
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    'use strict';
    const [head] = document.getElementsByTagName('head');

    async function haltRequireJS() {
        let disableRJSInjection = true;
        for (const funcName of ['appendChild', 'insertBefore']) {
            head['_' + funcName] = head[funcName];
            head[funcName] = function (tag) {
                if (disableRJSInjection && (tag.getAttribute('data-requirecontext') !== null || tag.getAttribute('data-requiremodule') !== null)) {
                    return tag;
                return this['_' + funcName].apply(this, arguments);

        const scripts = head.getElementsByTagName('script');
        let rjsScript = Array.from(scripts).find(s => s.src?.endsWith('require.js'));
        if (!rjsScript) {
            rjsScript = {src: "/static/scripts/contrib/require.js", getAttribute: () => "/static/scripts/app"};

        const config = (() => {
            const dataMain = rjsScript.getAttribute('data-main');
            let mainScript = dataMain;
            const src = mainScript.split('/');
            mainScript = src.pop();
            const baseUrl = src.length ? src.join('/') + '/' : './';
            mainScript = mainScript.replace(/\.js$/, '');
            if (/^\/|:|\?|\.js$/.test(mainScript)) {
                mainScript = dataMain;
            return {deps: [mainScript], baseUrl};

        window.require = window.define = window.requirejs = undefined;
        const newRJSScript = document.createElement('script');
        newRJSScript.src = rjsScript.src;
        await new Promise(resolve => {
            newRJSScript.onload = newRJSScript.onreadystatechange = () => {
                if (!newRJSScript.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(newRJSScript.readyState)) {
                    newRJSScript.onload = newRJSScript.onreadystatechange = null;

        window.startMainScript = async () => {
            disableRJSInjection = false;

    (async () => {
        await haltRequireJS();
        // localStorage.DWEM_MODULES = JSON.stringify(['https://example.org/module.js', ...]);
        // If DWEM_MODULES is not set, the following modules are loaded by default:
        localStorage.DWEM_MODULES = JSON.stringify([
            ...JSON.parse(localStorage.DWEM_MODULES || '[]'),
            ...['io-hook', 'site-information', 'websocket-factory', 'rc-manager', 'module-manager', 'sound-support', 'convenience-module', 'advanced-rc-editor']
            .map(m => "../modules/" + m + "/index.js")
        localStorage.DWEM_LATEST_DURATION ||= 300;
        localStorage.DWEM_LATEST_TIME ||= 0;
        if (localStorage.DWEM_DEBUG === 'true') {
            await import(localStorage.DWEM_DEBUG_LOADER);
        } else {
            const currentTime = Date.now();
            if (localStorage.DWEM_LATEST_TIME && localStorage.DWEM_LATEST_DURATION) {
                const latestTime = parseInt(localStorage.DWEM_LATEST_TIME);
                const duration = parseInt(localStorage.DWEM_LATEST_DURATION);
                const cacheAge = (currentTime - latestTime) / 1000;
                console.log(`DWEM_LATEST Cache Age: ${cacheAge}s`);
                console.log(`DWEM_LATEST Cache Duration: ${duration}s`);
                if (cacheAge > duration) {
                    try {
                        localStorage.DWEM_LATEST = (await fetch(`https://api.github.com/repos/refracta/dcss-webtiles-extension-module/commits/main`).then(r => r.json())).sha;
                        localStorage.DWEM_LATEST_TIME = Date.now();
                    } catch (e) {
            localStorage.DWEM_LATEST = localStorage.DWEM_LATEST || 'latest';
            await import(`https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/refracta/dcss-webtiles-extension-module@${localStorage.DWEM_LATEST}/loader/dwem-core-loader.js`);