Nexus Download Collection

Download every mods of a collection in a single click

< Opiniones de Nexus Download Collection

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 18/5/2024

works fine, had to change the extra pause as 1.5mb/s for bigger files was a bit slow. I reached more than 3mb/s in avr. with nexusmods slow download.

Publicado: 18/5/2024

I hope that was the right block to change.

this.pauseBetweenDownload === 0
        ? 0
        : Math.round(mod.file.size / 1024 / 3) + this.pauseBetweenDownload;

I just divided it between 2.5 - 3 instead of 1 (3 has a faster time than the actual download)

Publicado: 20/5/2024

Hi, thank for the feedback ;)
Yeah I based my calcul on a 1m/s download speed because in my test the speed was always below 1.5m/s.

I just discovered that this 3m/s download speed is ONLY for the users that dont have adblock on 🤯 I might try to investigate this to bypass it

You did edit the right part of the code ;)
I had in mind to add a field to set this value, maybe I'll add it when I have time.

Publicado: 27/5/2024

I have adblock and it still went up to 3mb/s, sometimes even above that but quickly went down.

Publicado: 27/5/2024

I have adblock and it still went up to 3mb/s, sometimes even above that but quickly went down.

My bad. This is probably because i have the supporter rank.

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