// ==UserScript==
// @name KG_Chat_Empowerment
// @namespace klavogonki
// @version 0.2
// @description Enhance the chat abilities
// @author Patcher
// @match *://klavogonki.ru/g*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=klavogonki.ru
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
// Your actual nickname to use it as an exclusion for the message beep and voice notifications
const myNickname = document.querySelector('.userpanel .user-block .user-dropdown .name span').textContent;
// Function to dynamically append font link to the head
function appendFontLink(fontFamily, fontWeights) {
// Check if the font link element with the specified class already exists
const existingFont = document.querySelector(`.font-${fontFamily.replace(/\s/g, '-')}`);
// If it doesn't exist, create a new link element and append it to the document head
if (!existingFont) {
const fontLink = document.createElement('link');
fontLink.rel = 'stylesheet';
fontLink.href = `https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=${fontFamily.replace(/\s/g, '+')}:wght@${fontWeights.join(';')}&display=swap`;
fontLink.classList.add(`font-${fontFamily.replace(/\s/g, '-')}`);
// Append the font link element to the document head
// Specify the font weights you want to include
const montserratFontWeights = ['100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900'];
const orbitronFontWeights = ['400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900'];
const robotoMonoFontWeights = ['100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700'];
// Call the function to append Montserrat font link
appendFontLink('Montserrat', montserratFontWeights);
// Call the function to append Orbitron font link
appendFontLink('Orbitron', orbitronFontWeights);
// Call the function to append Roboto Mono font link
appendFontLink('Roboto Mono', robotoMonoFontWeights);
// Define voice speed limits
const minVoiceSpeed = 0;
const maxVoiceSpeed = 2.5;
// Define voice pitch limits
const minVoicePitch = 0;
const maxVoicePitch = 2.0;
// Define default voice speed and pitch
const defaultVoiceSpeed = 1.5;
const defaultVoicePitch = 1.0;
// Retrieve KG_Chat_Empowerment from localStorage or create an object with empty voiceSettings if it doesn't exist
// This is the main key for the settings
let KG_Chat_Empowerment = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('KG_Chat_Empowerment'));
// If KG_Chat_Empowerment doesn't exist in localStorage, create it with an empty voiceSettings object
if (!KG_Chat_Empowerment) {
KG_Chat_Empowerment = {
voiceSettings: {
voiceSpeed: defaultVoiceSpeed, // Set default values for voiceSpeed
voicePitch: defaultVoicePitch, // Set default values for voicePitch
messageSettings: {},
localStorage.setItem('KG_Chat_Empowerment', JSON.stringify(KG_Chat_Empowerment));
// Define the default voice speed and pitch
let voiceSpeed = KG_Chat_Empowerment.voiceSettings.voiceSpeed !== null
? KG_Chat_Empowerment.voiceSettings.voiceSpeed
: defaultVoiceSpeed; // Default value if KG_Chat_Empowerment.voiceSettings.voiceSpeed is null
let voicePitch = KG_Chat_Empowerment.voiceSettings.voicePitch !== null
? KG_Chat_Empowerment.voiceSettings.voicePitch
: defaultVoicePitch; // Default value if KG_Chat_Empowerment.voiceSettings.voicePitch is null
// Define the users to track and notify with popup and audio
let usersToTrack = [
{ name: 'Даниэль', gender: 'Male', pronunciation: 'Даниэль' }
// Notify if someone addresses me using these aliases (case-insensitive)
let mentionKeywords = [];
// Define a list of moderator whose new user nicknames in the chat list should have a shield icon.
let moderator = [];
// Define user list of users whose messages should be hidden
let ignored = [];
// Define empty array for the toggle settings
let toggle = [];
// Check and load settings from localStorage if available and not empty
const storedUsersToTrack = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('usersToTrack')) || [];
const storedMentionKeywords = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mentionKeywords')) || [];
const storedModerators = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('moderator')) || [];
const storedIgnored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ignored')) || [];
// Replace usersToTrack with stored value if it exists and is not empty
usersToTrack = storedUsersToTrack?.length ? storedUsersToTrack : usersToTrack;
// Replace mentionKeywords with stored value if it exists and is not empty
mentionKeywords = storedMentionKeywords?.length ? storedMentionKeywords : mentionKeywords;
mentionKeywords.push(myNickname); // Actual nickname
// Replace moderator with stored value if it exists and is not empty
moderator = storedModerators?.length ? storedModerators : moderator;
// Replace ignored with stored value if it exists and is not empty
ignored = storedIgnored?.length ? storedIgnored : ignored;
// Key Events: CTRL and ALT
// Initialize variables to track the state of Ctrl and Alt keys
let isCtrlKeyPressed = false;
let isAltKeyPressed = false;
// Helper function to set key state based on key events
const setKeyPressed = (key, value) => {
if (key === 'Control') isCtrlKeyPressed = value;
if (key === 'Alt') isAltKeyPressed = value;
// Add event listeners for keydown and keyup events
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => setKeyPressed(event.key, true));
document.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => setKeyPressed(event.key, false));
// Add a blur event listener to reset variables when the document loses focus
document.addEventListener('blur', () => {
// Check if Ctrl or Alt keys were pressed
if (isCtrlKeyPressed || isAltKeyPressed) {
// Log the combination of keys that were true
console.log(`${isCtrlKeyPressed ? 'Ctrl ' : ''}${isAltKeyPressed ? 'Alt ' : ''}key was true`);
// Reset key states
isCtrlKeyPressed = false;
isAltKeyPressed = false;
// Function to create the audio context and return a Promise that resolves when the context is ready
function createAudioContext() {
const audioContext = new AudioContext();
return new Promise(resolve => {
audioContext.onstatechange = function () {
if (audioContext.state === 'running') {
// Create the audio context and wait for it to be ready
const audioContextPromise = createAudioContext();
// List of frequencies to play for "User Left" && "User Entered" && "New Messages"
const userEnteredFrequencies = [300, 600];
const userLeftFrequencies = [600, 300];
const usualMessageFrequencies = [500];
const mentionMessageFrequencies = [600, 800];
// Volume of the reader voice
const voiceVolume = 0.8;
// Volume of the beep signal
const beepVolume = 0.2;
// Duration for each frequency
const duration = 80;
// Smooth inception and termination for each note
const fade = 10;
// Space between each note to make noticeable pauses
const delay = 100;
// Function to play a beep given a list of frequencies
function playBeep(frequencies, volume) {
audioContextPromise.then(audioContext => {
for (let i = 0; i < frequencies.length; i++) {
const frequency = frequencies[i];
if (frequency === 0) {
// Rest note
setTimeout(() => { }, duration);
} else {
// Play note
const oscillator = audioContext.createOscillator();
const gain = audioContext.createGain();
oscillator.frequency.value = frequency;
oscillator.type = "sine";
// Create low pass filter to cut frequencies below 250Hz
const lowPassFilter = audioContext.createBiquadFilter();
lowPassFilter.type = 'lowpass';
lowPassFilter.frequency.value = 250;
// Create high pass filter to cut frequencies above 16kHz
const highPassFilter = audioContext.createBiquadFilter();
highPassFilter.type = 'highpass';
highPassFilter.frequency.value = 16000;
gain.gain.setValueAtTime(0, audioContext.currentTime);
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(volume, audioContext.currentTime + fade / 1000);
oscillator.start(audioContext.currentTime + i * delay / 1000);
oscillator.stop(audioContext.currentTime + (i * delay + duration) / 1000);
gain.gain.setValueAtTime(volume, audioContext.currentTime + (i * delay + (duration - fade)) / 1000);
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, audioContext.currentTime + (i * delay + duration) / 1000);
// Create a promise that will resolve when the list of available voices is populated
const awaitVoices = new Promise(resolve => {
// Create a speech synthesis object
const synth = window.speechSynthesis;
// Retrieve the list of available voices
let voices = synth.getVoices();
// Define the voice names for Pavel and Irina
const pavelVoiceName = 'Microsoft Pavel - Russian (Russia)';
const irinaVoiceName = 'Microsoft Irina - Russian (Russia)';
// Find and store Pavel's voice
let pavelVoice = voices.find(voice => voice.name === pavelVoiceName);
// Find and store Irina's voice
let irinaVoice = voices.find(voice => voice.name === irinaVoiceName);
// If either voice is not found or the voices list is empty, wait for it to populate
if (!pavelVoice || !irinaVoice || voices.length === 0) {
synth.addEventListener('voiceschanged', () => {
voices = synth.getVoices();
pavelVoice = voices.find(voice => voice.name === pavelVoiceName);
irinaVoice = voices.find(voice => voice.name === irinaVoiceName);
// If both voices are found, continue with the initialization
if (pavelVoice && irinaVoice) {
// Define the utterance object as a global variable
const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
// Set the "lang" property of the utterance object to 'ru-RU'
utterance.lang = 'ru-RU';
// Set the "voice" property of the utterance object to Pavel's voice
utterance.voice = irinaVoice;
// Resolve the promise
resolve({ synth, utterance, voices, pavelVoice, irinaVoice });
} else {
// Define the utterance object as a global variable
const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
// Set the "lang" property of the utterance object to 'ru-RU'
utterance.lang = 'ru-RU';
// Set the "voice" property of the utterance object to (Needed) voice
utterance.voice = irinaVoice;
// Resolve the promise
resolve({ synth, utterance, voices, pavelVoice, irinaVoice });
// Converts text to speech using the Web Speech API.
async function textToSpeech(text, voiceSpeed = voiceSpeed) {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
// Wait for the voices to be loaded asynchronously
const { synth, utterance, voice } = await awaitVoices;
const cleanedMessage = text
.replace(/_/g, '-') // Replace underscores with hyphens
.replace(/https?:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+)(\/[^\s]*)?/g, (_, p1) => p1) // Replace URLs with domains
.split(' ').map(word => word.replace(/\d+/g, '')).filter(Boolean).join(' ').trim(); // Clean digits and format
// Set utterance properties, such as text to be spoken, rate, volume, pitch, and voice
Object.assign(utterance, {
text: cleanedMessage, // Cleaned message to be spoken
rate: voiceSpeed, // Speed at which the speech will be delivered
volume: voiceVolume, // Volume level of the speech
pitch: voicePitch, // Pitch of the speech
voice: voice // The selected voice for the utterance
// Speak the utterance using the Web Speech synthesis engine
// Resolve the promise once the speech finishes
utterance.onend = resolve; // Trigger resolve to indicate completion
const verbs = {
Male: { enter: 'зашёл', leave: 'вышел' },
Female: { enter: 'зашла', leave: 'вышла' }
function getUserGender(userName) {
const user = usersToTrack.find((user) => user.name === userName);
return user ? user.gender : null;
// Handles user entering and leaving actions
function userAction(user, actionType, userGender) {
const userToTrack = usersToTrack.find(userToTrack => userToTrack.name === user);
const action = actionType === "enter" ? verbs[userGender].enter : verbs[userGender].leave;
const frequencies = actionType === "enter" ? userEnteredFrequencies : userLeftFrequencies;
const message = `${userToTrack.pronunciation} ${action}`;
playBeep(frequencies, beepVolume);
setTimeout(() => {
textToSpeech(message, voiceSpeed);
}, 300);
// Generate HSL color with optional parameters for hue, saturation, lightness
function getHSLColor(hue = 180, saturation = 50, lightness = 50) {
return `hsl(${hue},${saturation}%,${lightness}%)`;
// Function to purge chat user actions with a smooth step-by-step animation
// Parameters:
// - delayBetweenAnimations: Delay between each animation step (default: 300ms)
// - smoothScrollDuration: Duration of smooth scrolling (default: 500ms)
function purgeStaticChatNotifications(delayBetweenAnimations = 300, smoothScrollDuration = 500) {
// Get all elements with the class .static-chat-notification
const staticChatNotifications = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.static-chat-notification')).reverse();
// Get the chat container
const chatContainer = document.querySelector(".messages-content");
// Return early if the chat container does not exist
if (!chatContainer) return;
// Function to check if an element is visible in the viewport
function isElementVisible(element) {
const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return (
rect.top >= 0 &&
rect.left >= 0 &&
rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) &&
rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)
// Function to apply the animation to an element
async function animateOut(element, index) {
// Calculate the delay for each element
const delay = index * delayBetweenAnimations;
// Apply opacity and translation animation with delay
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
element.style.transition = `opacity ${delayBetweenAnimations / 1000}s cubic-bezier(0.83, 0, 0.17, 1), transform ${delayBetweenAnimations / 1000}s cubic-bezier(0.83, 0, 0.17, 1)`;
element.style.opacity = 0;
element.style.transform = `translateX(1em)`;
// After the animation duration, remove the element
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delayBetweenAnimations));
// Check if the next notification is visible
const nextIndex = index + 1;
const nextElement = staticChatNotifications[nextIndex];
if (nextElement) {
// Use await to ensure element is visible before scrolling
if (!isElementVisible(nextElement)) {
await scrollToNextElement(nextElement, chatContainer, smoothScrollDuration);
// Remove the next element after scrolling or if already visible
} else {
// If last element, smooth scroll back to the bottom
chatContainer.scrollTop = chatContainer.scrollHeight;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, smoothScrollDuration));
chatContainer.style.scrollBehavior = 'auto';
const containers = document.querySelectorAll('.static-chat-notifications-container');
containers.forEach(container => container.remove());
// Function to handle smooth scrolling to the next element
async function scrollToNextElement(nextElement, chatContainer, smoothScrollDuration) {
const closestContainer = nextElement.closest('.static-chat-notifications-container');
const containerHeight = closestContainer ? closestContainer.offsetHeight : 0;
const extraSpace = 200;
const distanceToTop = nextElement.offsetTop - chatContainer.offsetTop - containerHeight - extraSpace;
chatContainer.style.scrollBehavior = 'smooth';
chatContainer.scrollTop = distanceToTop;
// Wait for smooth scroll animation to finish
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, smoothScrollDuration));
// Use forEach on the reversed array and apply animations
staticChatNotifications.forEach((element, index) => {
animateOut(element, index);
// Constants for SVG icon properties
const actionIconWidth = 16;
const actionIconHeight = 16;
const actionStrokeWidth = 2;
// SVG icon for entering
const enterIcon = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="${actionIconWidth}" height="${actionIconHeight}"
viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="${actionStrokeWidth}"
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="icon-enter icon-feather icon-log-in">
<path d="M15 3h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-4"></path>
<polyline points="10 17 15 12 10 7"></polyline>
<line x1="15" y1="12" x2="3" y2="12"></line>
// SVG icon for leaving
const leaveIcon = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="${actionIconWidth}" height="${actionIconHeight}"
viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="${actionStrokeWidth}"
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="icon-leave icon-feather icon-log-out">
<path d="M9 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4"></path>
<polyline points="16 17 21 12 16 7"></polyline>
<line x1="21" y1="12" x2="9" y2="12"></line>
// Function to check if notifications should be shown based on localStorage settings
function shouldShowNotifications(type) {
const toggleData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('toggle')) || []; // Retrieve toggle settings or default to empty array
// Define toggle names based on notification type
const toggleNames = {
static: 'showChatStaticNotifications',
dynamic: 'showGlobalDynamicNotifications'
// Check if the specified notification toggle is set to 'yes'
return toggleData.some(toggle =>
toggle.name === toggleNames[type] && toggle.option === 'yes'
// Timeout before the dynamicChatNotification should be removed
const dynamicChatNotificationTimeout = 5000;
// Set the initial top distance for the first dynamicChatNotification
const dynamicChatNotificationTopOffset = 160;
function showUserAction(user, iconType, presence) {
// Make sure if the user is tracked and has the state 'thawed' (watched) to notify about presence in the chat to leave static stamps
const isTrackedUser = usersToTrack.some((trackedUser) =>
trackedUser.name === user && trackedUser.state === 'thawed'
// Get current time in format "[hour:minutes:seconds]"
const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit' });
// Determine the icon based on the action type (enter/leave)
const actionIcon = document.createElement('div');
actionIcon.style.margin = '0 4px';
// Fix issue with white border on default white site theme
actionIcon.style.setProperty('border', 'none', 'important');
actionIcon.innerHTML = iconType;
// Append containers with notifications inside the chat only for the tracked users
// Ensure static notifications are enabled for tracked users
if (isTrackedUser && shouldShowNotifications('static')) {
// Get the container for all chat messages
const messagesContainer = document.querySelector('.messages-content div');
// Get the last child of messagesContainer
const latestChild = messagesContainer.lastElementChild;
// Check if the latest child is a static-chat-notifications-container
const isLatestContainer = latestChild && latestChild.classList.contains('static-chat-notifications-container');
// If the latest child is not a container or the container doesn't exist, create a new one
if (!isLatestContainer) {
// Create a new container for chat notifications
const staticChatNotificationsContainer = document.createElement('div');
// Append the container to the messages container
// Create a new div element for the chat notification
const staticChatNotification = document.createElement('div');
// Add a double-click event listener to initiate the removal of chat user actions
staticChatNotification.addEventListener('dblclick', () => {
// Call the function to purge chat user actions with a delay of (N)ms between animations and (N) scroll speed
purgeStaticChatNotifications(150, 100);
// Set the text content of the chat notification to include the user and time
staticChatNotification.innerHTML = `${user} ${actionIcon.outerHTML} ${time}`;
// Add main class for chat notifications
// Check if the presence is true or false
if (presence) {
// Add the 'user-entered' class to the chat notification
// Set the background color, font color, and border color for the chat notification
staticChatNotification.style.color = getHSLColor(100, 50, 50);
staticChatNotification.style.backgroundColor = getHSLColor(100, 50, 10);
staticChatNotification.style.setProperty('border', `1px solid ${getHSLColor(100, 50, 25)}`, 'important');
} else {
// Add the 'user-left' class to the chat notification
// Set the background color, font color, and border color for the chat notification
staticChatNotification.style.color = getHSLColor(0, 50, 70);
staticChatNotification.style.backgroundColor = getHSLColor(0, 50, 15);
staticChatNotification.style.setProperty('border', `1px solid ${getHSLColor(0, 50, 40)}`, 'important');
// Set the padding, display, and margin for the chat notification
staticChatNotification.style.padding = '8px';
staticChatNotification.style.display = 'inline-flex';
staticChatNotification.style.margin = '4px 2px';
staticChatNotification.style.fontSize = '1em';
// Append the chat notification to the latest chat notifications container
// Call the function to scroll to the bottom of the chat
} // Static notifications END
// Handle dynamic notifications only if dynamic notifications are enabled for all users
if (shouldShowNotifications('dynamic')) {
// Check dynamicChatNotificationsContainer for accessibility
let dynamicChatNotificationsContainer = document.querySelector('.dynamic-chat-notifications-container');
// Create container for dynamic chat notifications if not exist in DOM
if (!dynamicChatNotificationsContainer) {
// Container doesn't exist, so create it
dynamicChatNotificationsContainer = document.createElement('div');
dynamicChatNotificationsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
dynamicChatNotificationsContainer.style.position = 'fixed';
dynamicChatNotificationsContainer.style.display = 'flex';
dynamicChatNotificationsContainer.style.flexDirection = 'column';
dynamicChatNotificationsContainer.style.top = '0';
dynamicChatNotificationsContainer.style.bottom = '0';
dynamicChatNotificationsContainer.style.left = '0';
dynamicChatNotificationsContainer.style.right = '0';
dynamicChatNotificationsContainer.style.paddingTop = dynamicChatNotificationTopOffset + 'px';
// Append the container to the body
// Create dynamicChatNotification element
const dynamicChatNotification = document.createElement('div');
// Set the text content of the dynamicChatNotification to include the user and append the icon
dynamicChatNotification.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `${user}${actionIcon.outerHTML}${time}`);
// Set the initial static styles for the dynamicChatNotification
dynamicChatNotification.style.position = 'relative';
dynamicChatNotification.style.width = 'fit-content';
dynamicChatNotification.style.display = 'flex';
dynamicChatNotification.style.marginBottom = '0.2em';
dynamicChatNotification.style.padding = '8px 16px 8px 12px';
dynamicChatNotification.style.alignItems = 'center';
dynamicChatNotification.style.left = '0';
// Set the initial dynamicChatNotification transform beyond the screen of its 100% width
dynamicChatNotification.style.transform = 'translateX(-100%)';
dynamicChatNotification.style.opacity = '1';
dynamicChatNotification.style.transition = 'transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.83, 0, 0.17, 1), opacity 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.83, 0, 0.17, 1)';
// Set the dynamic colorization of the dynamicChatNotification
dynamicChatNotification.style.color = presence ? getHSLColor(100, 50, 50) : getHSLColor(0, 50, 70); // fontColor green && red
dynamicChatNotification.style.backgroundColor = presence ? getHSLColor(100, 50, 10) : getHSLColor(0, 50, 15); // backgroundColor green && red
dynamicChatNotification.style.border = presence ? `1px solid ${getHSLColor(100, 50, 25)}` : `1px solid ${getHSLColor(0, 50, 40)}`; // borderColor green && red
dynamicChatNotification.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0 4px 4px 0', 'important');
// Append dynamicChatNotification to dynamicChatNotificationsContainer
// Animate dynamicChatNotification
setTimeout(() => {
// Initiate the animation by showing the dynamicChatNotification
dynamicChatNotification.style.transform = 'translateX(0)';
setTimeout(() => {
// After (N) seconds, hide it beyond the screen
dynamicChatNotification.style.transform = 'translateX(-100%)';
setTimeout(() => {
// Remove the dynamicChatNotification from DOM after 300ms
}, 300); // Remove
}, dynamicChatNotificationTimeout); // Hide
}, 300);
} // Dynamic notifications END
* Converts links to images in chat messages by creating a thumbnail and a big image on click.
* Looks for links that contain ".jpg" or ".jpeg" or ".png" or ".gif" or "webp" extension and creates a thumbnail with the image.
* If a thumbnail already exists, it skips the link and looks for the next one.
* When a thumbnail is clicked, it creates a dimming layer and a big image that can be closed by clicking on the dimming layer or the big image itself.
* Allows navigation through images using the left (<) and right (>) arrow keys.
// Define global variables for the current big image and dimming background
let bigImage = null;
// Define an array to store all the thumbnail links and their corresponding image URLs
const thumbnailLinks = [];
let currentImageIndex = 0;
const imageChangeDelay = 50; // Prevent double slide by single press adding slight delay
let isChangingImage = false; // Flag to track if an image change is in progress
// Emoji for the image extension
const imageExtensionEmoji = '📸';
// Emoji for the web domain
const webDomainEmoji = '🖥️';
// List of trusted domains
const trustedDomains = [
'userapi.com', // vk.com
'ibb.co', // imgbb.com
* Checks if a given URL's domain is trusted.
* @param {string} url - The URL to check.
* @returns {{isTrusted: boolean, domain: string, isValid: boolean}} - Result and the extracted domain.
function isTrustedDomain(url) {
let isValid = true; // Assume URL is valid initially
let domain = '';
try {
// Parse the URL
const parsedURL = new URL(url);
// Split the lowercase hostname into parts
const hostnameParts = parsedURL.hostname.toLowerCase().split('.');
// Get the last two parts of the hostname if there are more than two, otherwise, use all parts
const lastTwoHostnameParts = hostnameParts.length > 2 ? hostnameParts.slice(-2) : hostnameParts;
// Join the last two parts to form the domain
domain = lastTwoHostnameParts.join('.');
// Check if the domain is trusted
const isTrusted = trustedDomains.includes(domain);
// Return an object with the result, the domain, and the validity of the URL
return { isTrusted, domain, isValid };
} catch (error) {
// If an error occurs, the URL is invalid
isValid = false;
return { isTrusted: false, domain: '', isValid };
* Function to check if a given URL has an allowed image extension
* @param {string} url - The URL to check
* @returns {Object} - An object with properties 'allowed' (boolean), 'extension' (string), and 'valid' (boolean)
function isAllowedImageExtension(url) {
let valid = true; // Assume URL is valid initially
try {
// Use URL API to get pathname
const extensionMatch = new URL(url).pathname.match(/\.([^.]+)$/);
// Extract the file extension from the pathname (if any)
const extension = extensionMatch ? extensionMatch[1].toLowerCase() : '';
// List of allowed image file extensions
const allowedImageExtensions = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'webp'];
// Check if the extracted extension is in the list of allowed extensions
const allowed = allowedImageExtensions.includes(extension);
// Return an object with the result, the extracted extension, and the validity of the URL
return { valid, allowed, extension };
} catch (error) {
// If an error occurs, the URL is invalid
valid = false;
return { valid, allowed: false, extension: '' };
function convertImageLinksToImage(containerType) {
// Define a mapping for container types to their respective selectors
const containerSelectors = {
generalMessages: '.messages-content div', // For general chat
chatlogsMessages: '.chat-logs-container', // For chat logs
personalMessages: '.messages-container' // For personal messages panel
// Get the container based on the passed containerType
const containerSelector = containerSelectors[containerType];
// If a valid container selector exists, process the links
if (containerSelector) {
const container = document.querySelector(containerSelector);
if (container) {
// Get all links inside the container
const links = container.querySelectorAll('a:not(.skipped)');
// loop through all links
for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
const link = links[i];
// Check if the link has a valid href
if (!link.href || !link.href.startsWith('http')) {
continue; // Skip invalid links
// Check if the link's href includes allowed image extension
const { allowed, extension } = isAllowedImageExtension(link.href);
// Check if the link's href includes trusted domain
const { isTrusted, domain } = isTrustedDomain(link.href);
// Check if the link's href includes the allowed image extension and the domain is trusted
if (allowed && isTrusted) {
// Change the text content of the link to indicate it's an image with extension and trusted domain
link.textContent = `${imageExtensionEmoji} Image (${extension.toUpperCase()}) ${webDomainEmoji} Hostname (${domain})`;
// Assign the href value as the title
link.title = link.href;
// check if thumbnail already exists
const thumbnail = link.nextSibling;
if (!thumbnail || !thumbnail.classList || !thumbnail.classList.contains('thumbnail')) {
// create a new thumbnail
const thumbnail = document.createElement('div');
thumbnail.style.width = '6vw';
thumbnail.style.minWidth = '100px';
thumbnail.style.maxHeight = '200px';
thumbnail.style.height = 'auto';
thumbnail.style.cursor = 'pointer';
thumbnail.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
thumbnail.style.padding = '2px';
thumbnail.style.margin = '6px';
// create an image inside the thumbnail
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = link.href; // Assign the src directly
// Add an onload event to check if the image is loaded successfully
img.onload = function () {
// Check if the domain is trusted
if (isTrustedDomain(link.href)) {
// insert the thumbnail after the link
link.parentNode.insertBefore(thumbnail, link.nextSibling);
// Store the thumbnail link and its corresponding image URL
thumbnailLinks.push({ link, imgSrc: link.href });
// add click event to thumbnail to create a big image and dimming layer
thumbnail.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// Reset bigImage to null before processing the new thumbnail click
bigImage = null;
currentImageIndex = thumbnailLinks.findIndex((item) => item.imgSrc === link.href);
// Check if bigImage is already created
if (!bigImage) {
// Create the big image
bigImage = createBigImage(img.src);
bigImage.style.top = '50%';
bigImage.style.left = '50%';
bigImage.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1)';
bigImage.style.position = 'fixed';
bigImage.style.opacity = '0';
bigImage.style.zIndex = '999';
bigImage.style.transformOrigin = 'center center';
// Fade in the big image
triggerTargetElement(bigImage, 'show');
// To show the dimming background
// Attach a keydown event listener to the document object
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
// Check if the key pressed was the "Escape" key
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
// Fade out the big image
triggerTargetElement(bigImage, 'hide');
// Check if the key pressed was the left arrow key (<)
else if (event.key === 'ArrowLeft') {
// Navigate to the previous image
// Check if the key pressed was the right arrow key (>)
else if (event.key === 'ArrowRight') {
// Navigate to the next image
}); // thumbnail event end
// add mouseover and mouseout event listeners to the thumbnail
thumbnail.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
img.style.opacity = 0.7;
img.style.transition = 'opacity 0.3s';
thumbnail.addEventListener('mouseout', function () {
img.style.opacity = 1;
// Call the function to scroll to the bottom of the specified container
} else {
// Handle the case where the domain is not trusted
console.error("Not a trusted domain:", link.href);
// Add a class to the link to skip future conversion attempts
// Add an onerror event to handle cases where the image fails to load
img.onerror = function () {
// Handle the case where the image failed to load (e.g., it's a fake image)
console.error("Failed to load image:", link.href);
// Add a class to the link to skip future conversion attempts
img.style.maxHeight = '100%';
img.style.maxWidth = '100%';
img.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
} // end convertImageLinksToImage
// Function to create a big image with a dimming layer
function createBigImage(src) {
const bigImage = document.createElement('img');
bigImage.src = src;
bigImage.style.maxHeight = '90vh';
bigImage.style.maxWidth = '90vw';
// Set the initial zoom scale and scaling factor
let zoomScale = 1;
let scalingFactor = 0.1;
// Set up variables for dragging
let isDragging = false;
let startX = 0;
let startY = 0;
let translateX = -50; // Initial translation in percentage
let translateY = -50; // Initial translation in percentage
// Define the movement speed
const movementSpeed = 5;
// Function to handle zooming
function handleZoom(event) {
// Determine the direction of the mouse wheel movement
const deltaY = event.deltaY;
const direction = deltaY < 0 ? 1 : -1;
// Update the zoom scale based on the direction and scaling factor
zoomScale += direction * scalingFactor * zoomScale;
// Clamp the zoom scale to a minimum of 1
zoomScale = Math.max(zoomScale, 1);
// Apply the new zoom scale and transform origin
bigImage.style.transformOrigin = 'center center';
bigImage.style.transform = `translate(${translateX}%, ${translateY}%) scale(${zoomScale})`;
// Prevent the default scrolling behavior
// Function to update the image position smoothly
function updateImagePosition(event) {
if (isDragging) {
// Calculate the distance moved since the last mousemove event
const deltaX = (event.clientX - startX) / zoomScale * movementSpeed;
const deltaY = (event.clientY - startY) / zoomScale * movementSpeed;
// Update the translate values in percentages
translateX += (deltaX / bigImage.clientWidth) * 100;
translateY += (deltaY / bigImage.clientHeight) * 100;
// Apply the new translate values in percentages
bigImage.style.transform = `translate(${translateX}%, ${translateY}%) scale(${zoomScale})`;
// Update the start position
startX = event.clientX;
startY = event.clientY;
// Add event listener for mousedown
const mouseDownHandler = (event) => {
// Check if the middle mouse button is pressed
if (event.button === 1) {
isDragging = true; // Set the dragging flag
[startX, startY] = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; // Calculate initial position
// Add event listener for mouseup
const mouseUpHandler = () => {
isDragging = false; // Reset the dragging flag
// Add event listener for mousemove
const mouseMoveHandler = updateImagePosition; // Assuming updateImagePosition is defined elsewhere
// Add event listener for wheel
const wheelHandler = handleZoom; // Assuming handleZoom is defined elsewhere
// Attach event listeners
document.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDownHandler);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUpHandler);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler);
document.addEventListener('wheel', wheelHandler);
// Create a MutationObserver to watch for the removal of scaled-thumbnail elements
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
// Check if nodes have been removed
if (mutation.removedNodes.length) {
mutation.removedNodes.forEach((node) => {
// Check if the removed node is the scaled-thumbnail
if (node.classList && node.classList.contains('scaled-thumbnail')) {
// Remove all event listeners directly
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', mouseDownHandler);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUpHandler);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler);
document.removeEventListener('wheel', wheelHandler);
// Disconnect the observer after handling the removal
// Start observing the body or the relevant parent container
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true, // Watch for the addition/removal of child nodes
subtree: true, // Observe all descendants
return bigImage;
// Function to navigate between images within bounds
function navigateImages(direction) {
const newIndex = currentImageIndex + direction;
// Ensure the new index stays within bounds
if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < thumbnailLinks.length) {
if (isChangingImage) {
return; // If an image change is already in progress, do nothing
isChangingImage = true; // Set the flag to indicate image change is in progress
// Update the bigImage with the new image URL
if (bigImage) {
bigImage.src = thumbnailLinks[newIndex].imgSrc;
// Set a timeout to reset the flag after a short delay
setTimeout(() => {
isChangingImage = false;
}, imageChangeDelay); // Adjust the delay duration as needed (e.g., 50 milliseconds)
// Update the current index
currentImageIndex = newIndex;
// Function to convert YouTube links to embedded iframes based on the specified container
function convertYoutubeLinksToIframe(containerType) {
// Define a mapping for container types to their respective selectors
const containerSelectors = {
generalMessages: '.messages-content div', // For general chat
chatlogsMessages: '.chat-logs-container', // For chat logs
personalMessages: '.messages-container' // For personal messages panel
// Get the container based on the passed containerType
const containerSelector = containerSelectors[containerType];
// If a valid container selector exists, process the links
if (containerSelector) {
const container = document.querySelector(containerSelector);
if (container) {
// Find all links within the container
const links = container.querySelectorAll('a');
// Process each link
links.forEach(link => {
const url = link.href;
// Use the regular expression to match different YouTube link formats and extract the video ID
const match = url.match(/(?:shorts\/|live\/|watch\?v=|youtu\.be\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})/i);
// If the link is a valid YouTube link, replace it with an embedded iframe
if (match && match[1]) {
const videoId = match[1];
// Create a new iframe element
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.width = '280';
iframe.height = '157.5';
iframe.allowFullscreen = true;
iframe.style.display = 'flex';
iframe.style.margin = '6px';
iframe.style.border = 'none';
// Set the iframe source to embed the YouTube video
iframe.src = `https://www.youtube.com/embed/${videoId}`;
// Replace the original link with the iframe
link.parentNode.replaceChild(iframe, link);
} else {
console.error('Invalid container type specified');
// Call the function to scroll to the bottom of the specified container
} // end convertYoutubeLinksToIframe
const empowermentButtonsMargin = 4; // Margin for the empowerment buttons
// Retrieve body element to inject this beast elements
const bodyElement = document.querySelector('body');
// Create parent container for the beast elements
const empowermentButtonsPanel = document.createElement('div');
// Create user count container to store the user count number
const userCount = document.createElement('div');
userCount.title = 'Current Chat Users Count';
userCount.style.filter = 'grayscale(100%)';
userCount.style.transition = '0.2s ease-in-out';
userCount.style.fontFamily = "'Orbitron', sans-serif";
userCount.style.fontSize = '24px';
userCount.style.color = '#83cf40';
userCount.style.backgroundColor = '#2b4317';
userCount.style.width = '48px';
userCount.style.height = '48px';
userCount.style.display = 'flex';
userCount.style.justifyContent = 'center';
userCount.style.alignItems = 'center';
userCount.style.border = '1px solid #4b7328';
userCount.style.margin = `${empowermentButtonsMargin}px`;
// Set initial value as 0
userCount.innerHTML = '0';
// Append user count element inside empowerment panel
// Apply positioning styles for the empowerment panel
empowermentButtonsPanel.style.position = 'fixed';
empowermentButtonsPanel.style.top = '60px';
empowermentButtonsPanel.style.right = '12px';
empowermentButtonsPanel.style.padding = '6px';
empowermentButtonsPanel.style.zIndex = '1000';
// Append panel element inside the body
const userCountStyles = `
.pulse {
animation-name: pulse;
animation-duration: 0.5s;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
@keyframes pulse {
0% {
filter: brightness(1);
50% {
filter: brightness(1.5);
100% {
filter: brightness(1);
// Append styles in head element for the user count element
const userCountStylesElement = document.createElement('style');
userCountStylesElement.textContent = userCountStyles;
// Constants for fade speed control
const fadeIntervalTime = 10; // Time between each opacity change step in ms
const fadeDuration = 100; // Total fade duration in ms
// Function to create and fade the dimming element
function triggerDimmingElement(action) {
// Check if the dimming element already exists
let dimming = document.querySelector('.dimming-background');
// If the action is 'hide' and the dimming element doesn't exist, return
if (action === 'hide' && !dimming) return;
// Create the dimming element only if it doesn't exist
if (!dimming) {
dimming = document.createElement('div');
dimming.style.background = 'black';
dimming.style.top = '0';
dimming.style.left = '0';
dimming.style.right = '0';
dimming.style.bottom = '0';
dimming.style.position = 'fixed';
dimming.style.opacity = '0';
dimming.style.zIndex = '998';
// Append the dimming element to the body
// Add click event listener to remove the dimming element and the upper element
dimming.addEventListener('click', function () {
// First, check for .popup-panel, then check for previousElementSibling
const elementToRemove = document.querySelector('.popup-panel') || dimming.previousElementSibling;
let opacity = parseFloat(dimming.style.opacity) || 0; // Current opacity
const targetOpacity = action === 'show' ? 0.5 : 0; // Target opacity based on action
const step = (targetOpacity - opacity) / (fadeDuration / fadeIntervalTime); // Calculate the change in opacity per step
const interval = setInterval(() => {
opacity += step; // Update the opacity
if ((step > 0 && opacity >= targetOpacity) || (step < 0 && opacity <= targetOpacity)) {
opacity = targetOpacity; // Cap opacity
clearInterval(interval); // Stop the interval
if (targetOpacity === 0) {
// Check if the element is still a child of document.body before removing it
if (document.body.contains(dimming)) {
document.body.removeChild(dimming); // Remove the element from the DOM
dimming.style.opacity = opacity.toString(); // Update the opacity
}, fadeIntervalTime);
// If the action is 'hide', check for and remove the .scaled-thumbnail using triggerTargetElement
if (action === 'hide') {
const scaledThumbnail = document.querySelector('.scaled-thumbnail');
if (scaledThumbnail) {
triggerTargetElement(scaledThumbnail, 'hide'); // Use triggerTargetElement to fade out and remove the scaled-thumbnail
// Function to gradually fade a target element to show or hide it
function triggerTargetElement(element, action) {
if (!element) return; // Return if the element does not exist
const targetOpacity = action === 'show' ? 1 : 0; // Set target opacity based on action
let opacity = parseFloat(element.style.opacity) || 0; // Get the current opacity
const step = (targetOpacity - opacity) / (fadeDuration / fadeIntervalTime); // Calculate the change in opacity per step
const interval = setInterval(() => {
opacity += step; // Update the opacity
if ((step > 0 && opacity >= targetOpacity) || (step < 0 && opacity <= targetOpacity)) {
opacity = targetOpacity; // Set opacity to the target value
clearInterval(interval); // Clear the interval
// Check if element still has a parent before removing it
if (targetOpacity === 0 && element.parentNode) {
element.parentNode.removeChild(element); // Remove the target element from the DOM
element.style.opacity = opacity.toString(); // Update the element's opacity
}, fadeIntervalTime);
// Add a double click event listener to hide the element
element.addEventListener('dblclick', (event) => {
// Check if any panel is open
const isPanelOpen = document.querySelector('.popup-panel');
// If any panel is open and the double-clicked target is the scaled image, do not hide the dimming element
if (!isPanelOpen || !event.target.closest('.scaled-thumbnail')) {
triggerDimmingElement('hide'); // Hide the dimming element on double click, unless the target is a scaled image and a panel is open
triggerTargetElement(element, 'hide'); // Always hide the target element on double click
// Function to remove the previous panel if it exists
function removePreviousPanel() {
const existingPanel = document.querySelector('.popup-panel');
if (existingPanel) existingPanel.remove();
// Rank order mapping
const rankOrder = {
'Экстракибер': 1,
'Кибергонщик': 2,
'Супермен': 3,
'Маньяк': 4,
'Гонщик': 5,
'Профи': 6,
'Таксист': 7,
'Любитель': 8,
'Новичок': 9
// Rank color mapping
const rankColors = {
'Экстракибер': '#06B4E9', // Light Blue
'Кибергонщик': '#5681ff', // Medium Blue
'Супермен': '#B543F5', // Purple
'Маньяк': '#DA0543', // Red
'Гонщик': '#FF8C00', // Orange
'Профи': '#C1AA00', // Yellow
'Таксист': '#2DAB4F', // Green
'Любитель': '#61B5B3', // Light Cyan
'Новичок': '#AFAFAF' // Grey
// Load a given URL into the iframe.
const loadProfileIntoIframe = (url) => {
// Create an iframe to display user profile pages.
const profileIframe = document.createElement('iframe');
profileIframe.style.border = 'none';
profileIframe.src = url;
profileIframe.style.display = 'flex';
profileIframe.style.position = 'fixed';
profileIframe.style.zIndex = '999';
profileIframe.style.width = '75vw';
profileIframe.style.minWidth = '1000px';
profileIframe.style.height = '80vh';
profileIframe.style.top = '48.5vh';
profileIframe.style.left = '50vw';
profileIframe.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';
profileIframe.style.setProperty('box-shadow', '0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)', 'important');
profileIframe.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.6em', 'important');
document.body.appendChild(profileIframe); // Append iframe to the document body.
// Function to handle the space key press.
const removeIframe = () => {
profileIframe.remove(); // Remove the iframe from the document.
document.removeEventListener('keydown', handleSpaceKey); // Clean up the event listener from the document.
const handleSpaceKey = (event) => {
if (event.code === 'Space') {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent scroll caused by the space key.
removeIframe(); // Call the remove function.
// Add event listener for the 'keydown' event to listen for space key presses.
document.addEventListener('keydown', handleSpaceKey);
// Prevent space key scrolling inside the iframe.
profileIframe.onload = () => {
// Add event listener for the iframe's contentWindow to listen for space key presses.
profileIframe.contentWindow.addEventListener('keydown', handleSpaceKey);
// Add event listener for double click to remove the iframe.
profileIframe.contentWindow.addEventListener('dblclick', removeIframe);
// Create the MutationObserver to watch for specific elements being removed.
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
if (mutations.some(mutation =>
Array.from(mutation.removedNodes).some(node =>
node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
(node.classList.contains('dimming-background') || node.classList.contains('cached-users-panel'))
)) {
removeIframe(); // Call the remove function.
observer.disconnect(); // Stop observing.
// Start observing the document body for changes.
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// Function to display the cached user list panel
function showCachePanel() {
// Remove any previous panel before creating a new one
// Check if the panel already exists
if (document.querySelector('.cached-users-panel')) return;
// Get data from localStorage
const fetchedUsersData = localStorage.getItem('fetchedUsers');
// Initialize users by parsing fetched data or setting as empty object
let users = JSON.parse(fetchedUsersData) || {};
// Create a container div with class 'cached-users-panel'
const cachedUsersPanel = document.createElement('div');
cachedUsersPanel.className = 'cached-users-panel popup-panel';
// Set initial styles
cachedUsersPanel.style.opacity = '0';
cachedUsersPanel.style.backgroundColor = '#1b1b1b';
cachedUsersPanel.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.6em', 'important');
cachedUsersPanel.style.position = 'fixed';
cachedUsersPanel.style.top = '100px';
cachedUsersPanel.style.left = '50%';
cachedUsersPanel.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)';
cachedUsersPanel.style.width = '80vw';
cachedUsersPanel.style.height = '80vh';
cachedUsersPanel.style.zIndex = '999';
// Attach a keydown event listener to the document object
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
// Check if the key pressed was the "Escape" key
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
// Fade out the cached users panel
triggerTargetElement(cachedUsersPanel, 'hide');
// Create a container div with class 'panel-header'
const panelHeaderContainer = document.createElement('div');
panelHeaderContainer.className = 'panel-header';
panelHeaderContainer.style.display = 'flex';
panelHeaderContainer.style.flexDirection = 'row';
panelHeaderContainer.style.justifyContent = 'space-between';
panelHeaderContainer.style.padding = '0.6em';
// Create a container div with class 'drop-time'
const dropTime = document.createElement('div');
dropTime.className = 'drop-time';
dropTime.style.display = 'flex';
dropTime.style.justifyContent = 'center';
dropTime.style.alignItems = 'center';
dropTime.style.minWidth = 'fit-content';
// Create span with description for threshold time element
const dropTimeThresholdDescription = document.createElement('span');
dropTimeThresholdDescription.className = 'drop-time-threshold-description';
dropTimeThresholdDescription.textContent = '🚧 Threshold';
dropTimeThresholdDescription.style.padding = '0.6em';
dropTimeThresholdDescription.style.color = '#c6b209';
const dropTimeThreshold = document.createElement('span');
dropTimeThreshold.className = 'drop-time-threshold';
dropTimeThreshold.style.padding = '0.6em';
dropTimeThreshold.style.color = 'lightcoral';
dropTimeThreshold.style.fontFamily = "'Roboto Mono', monospace";
dropTimeThreshold.style.fontSize = '1.1em';
dropTimeThreshold.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
dropTimeThreshold.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
dropTimeThreshold.style.border = '1px solid rgba(240, 128, 128, 0.20)';
dropTimeThreshold.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(240, 128, 128, 0.05)';
dropTimeThreshold.style.transition = 'filter 0.3s';
dropTimeThreshold.style.cursor = 'pointer';
// Add mouseover event to apply brightness filter
dropTimeThreshold.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
dropTimeThreshold.style.filter = 'sepia(1)'; // Increase brightness on hover
// Add mouseout event to reset filter
dropTimeThreshold.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
dropTimeThreshold.style.filter = 'sepia(0)'; // Reset brightness on mouse out
// Get the value from the localStorage key 'cacheRefreshThresholdHours'
const storedThresholdTime = localStorage.getItem('cacheRefreshThresholdHours');
// Update the innerHTML with the stored value (default to '00:00:00' if the key is not set)
dropTimeThreshold.innerHTML = storedThresholdTime || '00:00:00';
// Attach click event to the dropTimeThreshold element
dropTimeThreshold.addEventListener('click', setCacheRefreshTime);
// Create span with description for expiration time element
const dropTimeExpirationDescription = document.createElement('span');
dropTimeExpirationDescription.className = 'drop-time-expiration-description';
dropTimeExpirationDescription.textContent = '💣 Countdown';
dropTimeExpirationDescription.style.padding = '0.6em';
dropTimeExpirationDescription.style.color = '#d0562c';
const dropTimeExpiration = document.createElement('span');
dropTimeExpiration.className = 'drop-time-expiration';
dropTimeExpiration.style.padding = '0.6em';
dropTimeExpiration.style.color = 'antiquewhite';
dropTimeExpiration.style.fontFamily = "'Roboto Mono', monospace";
dropTimeExpiration.style.fontSize = '1.1em';
// Function to prompt the user for a cache refresh time and update the content
function setCacheRefreshTime() {
let isValidInput = false;
// Keep prompting the user until valid input is provided or they click "Cancel"
while (!isValidInput) {
// Prompt the user for a time
const userInput = prompt('Enter a cache refresh time (e.g., HH, HH:mm, or HH:mm:ss):');
// Get the dropTimeThreshold element
const dropTimeThreshold = document.querySelector('.drop-time-threshold');
// Validate the user input
const timeRegex = /^([0-9]+|[01][0-9]|2[0-4])(:([0-5]?[0-9])(:([0-5]?[0-9]))?)?$/; // HH, HH:mm, or HH:mm:ss
if (userInput === null) {
// User clicked "Cancel," exit the loop
isValidInput = true;
} else if (timeRegex.test(userInput)) {
// Valid input, extract hours and set default values for minutes and seconds if not provided
const formattedInput = userInput.split(':');
const hours = ('0' + formattedInput[0]).slice(-2);
const minutes = ('0' + (formattedInput[1] || '00')).slice(-2);
const seconds = ('0' + (formattedInput[2] || '00')).slice(-2);
// Update the content of the dropTimeThreshold element
dropTimeThreshold.textContent = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
// Combine the values and store in localStorage with the key 'cacheRefreshThresholdHours'
const formattedTime = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
localStorage.setItem('cacheRefreshThresholdHours', formattedTime);
// Remove fetchedUsers, lastClearTime, and nextClearTime keys
// Reload the current page after (N) time after changing the cache threshold
setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 1000);
// Set isValidInput to true to exit the loop
isValidInput = true;
} else {
// Alert the user for invalid input
alert('Invalid time format. Please enter a valid time in the format HH, HH:mm, or HH:mm:ss.');
// Append the childs to the drop time parent element
// Append the drop time element to the panel header container
// Create a container div for the search input
const cacheSearchContainer = document.createElement('div');
cacheSearchContainer.className = 'search-for-cached-users';
cacheSearchContainer.style.width = '100%';
cacheSearchContainer.style.margin = '0 20px';
cacheSearchContainer.style.display = 'flex';
// Create the input field for searching users
const cacheSearchInput = document.createElement('input');
cacheSearchInput.className = 'cached-users-search-input';
cacheSearchInput.type = 'text';
cacheSearchInput.style.outline = 'none';
cacheSearchInput.style.width = '100%';
cacheSearchInput.style.padding = '10px';
cacheSearchInput.style.margin = '0 1em';
cacheSearchInput.style.fontSize = '1em';
cacheSearchInput.style.fontFamily = 'Montserrat';
cacheSearchInput.style.setProperty('color', 'bisque', 'important');
cacheSearchInput.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
cacheSearchInput.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
cacheSearchInput.style.backgroundColor = '#111';
cacheSearchInput.style.border = '1px solid #222';
// Append search input to the search container
// Add click event listener to clear the search input by LMB click with Ctrl key pressed
cacheSearchInput.addEventListener('click', () => isCtrlKeyPressed && (cacheSearchInput.value = ''));
// Add event listener to listen for keydown events
cacheSearchInput.addEventListener('keydown', async (event) => {
const oldUsersContainer = document.querySelector('.old-users');
const newUsersContainer = document.querySelector('.new-users');
const fetchedUsersContainer = document.querySelector('.fetched-users');
// Handle Backspace key
if (event.key === 'Backspace' && event.target.value.length === 0) {
oldUsersContainer.style.display = 'grid';
newUsersContainer.style.display = 'grid';
const searchResultsContainer = document.querySelector('.search-results');
if (searchResultsContainer && fetchedUsersContainer) {
// Handle Enter key
else if (event.key === 'Enter') {
const inputValue = event.target.value.trim();
// If input is empty, set it to 'user '
if (inputValue.length === 0) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default behavior
event.target.value = 'user '; // Set input to 'user '
// Create a function to handle the search process
const handleSearch = async (username) => {
const oldUsersContainer = document.querySelector('.old-users');
const newUsersContainer = document.querySelector('.new-users');
const fetchedUsersContainer = document.querySelector('.fetched-users');
if (username) {
// Temporarily hide old and new user containers
oldUsersContainer.style.display = 'none';
newUsersContainer.style.display = 'none';
// Find or create the search results container
let searchResultsContainer = document.querySelector('.search-results');
if (!searchResultsContainer) {
searchResultsContainer = createUserContainer('search-results');
fetchedUsersContainer.appendChild(searchResultsContainer); // Append if it's newly created
} else {
// Clear previous search results if the container already exists
searchResultsContainer.innerHTML = null; // Clear existing elements
const userElements = []; // Initialize userElements array
try {
// Fetch user IDs by username
const userIds = await getUserIdByName(username);
// Iterate over each user ID and retrieve profile data
await Promise.all(userIds.map(async (userId) => {
// Retrieve the user's profile data once
const profileData = await getUserProfileData(userId, false); // Do not touch localStorage key "fetchedUsers"
// Create user element data using the retrieved profile data
const userData = {
rank: profileData.rank, // Assign rank directly
login: profileData.login,
registered: profileData.registeredDate, // Set registered to registeredDate
bestSpeed: profileData.bestSpeed,
ratingLevel: profileData.ratingLevel,
friends: profileData.friends,
cars: profileData.cars,
avatarTimestamp: profileData.avatarTimestamp,
avatar: profileData.avatar // Include avatar in userData
// Create the user element with userId and userData
const userElementData = createCachePanelUserElement(userId, userData);
if (userElementData) {
// Sort userElements by rank and best speed
userElements.sort((a, b) =>
a.order !== b.order ? a.order - b.order : b.bestSpeed - a.bestSpeed
// Append user elements to the search results container
userElements.forEach(({ userElement }) => {
// Create and append the description for search results
const searchDescription = createDescription(`Search Results for: ${username}`, 'search-results-description');
searchResultsContainer.prepend(searchDescription); // Append description as the first element
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching user profile:', error);
// Create an error message element and append it to the container
const errorMessage = document.createElement('div');
errorMessage.className = 'error-message';
errorMessage.textContent = `Error fetching user profile: ${error.message}`;
errorMessage.style.width = 'fit-content';
errorMessage.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
errorMessage.style.fontFamily = 'Montserrat';
errorMessage.style.color = 'lightcoral';
// Debounce the handleSearch function to prevent excessive calls
debounce((event) => {
const inputValue = event.target.value.trim();
const searchMode = localStorage.getItem('cachePanelSearchMode');
// Extract username if input starts with 'user ', or use input directly in 'fetch' mode
const username = inputValue.startsWith('user ')
? inputValue.substring(5).trim()
: (searchMode === 'fetch' ? inputValue : '');
// Trigger search if a valid username exists
if (username) handleSearch(username);
}, debounceTimeout)
// Append the search container to the panel header container
// Use a mutation observer to wait for the element to appear in the DOM
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
if (mutations.some(mutation => mutation.type === 'childList' && mutation.addedNodes.length > 0)) {
const cachePanelSearchInput = document.querySelector('.cached-users-search-input');
const cachePanelLogins = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.fetched-users .login'));
// Fuzzy match scoring function
const getFuzzyMatchScore = (query, text) => {
let score = 0, queryIndex = 0;
for (const char of text.toLowerCase()) {
if (queryIndex < query.length && char === query[queryIndex].toLowerCase()) {
score += 2; // Increment score for matching character
queryIndex++; // Increment index for the next character
return queryIndex === query.length ? score : 0;
// Filter items based on input query
const filterItems = query => {
cachePanelLogins.forEach(item => {
const userContainer = item.closest('.user');
userContainer.style.display = (!query || getFuzzyMatchScore(query, item.textContent) > 0) ? 'grid' : 'none';
// Set focus to the search input field
// Add input event listener to filter items as the user types
cachePanelSearchInput.addEventListener('input', () => filterItems(cachePanelSearchInput.value.trim()));
// Start observing the panel header container for changes
observer.observe(panelHeaderContainer, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// Create a container div with class 'panel-control-buttons'
const panelControlButtons = document.createElement('div');
panelControlButtons.className = 'panel-control-buttons';
panelControlButtons.style.display = 'flex';
// Helper function to apply common styles to a button
function applyHeaderButtonStyles(button, backgroundColor, margin = '0 0.5em') {
button.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
button.style.width = '48px';
button.style.height = '48px';
button.style.display = 'flex';
button.style.justifyContent = 'center';
button.style.alignItems = 'center';
button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
button.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
button.style.margin = margin; // Set margin using the provided value
button.style.filter = 'brightness(1)';
button.style.transition = 'filter 0.3s ease';
// Create cache panel search mode button with the provided SVG icon
const cachePanelSearchMode = document.createElement('div');
cachePanelSearchMode.className = 'user-mode-button';
cachePanelSearchMode.innerHTML = usersSVG;
// Apply common styles using the helper function
applyHeaderButtonStyles(cachePanelSearchMode, 'darkslateblue');
// Set the initial value or existing for cachePanelSearchMode if it doesn't exist
const currentSearchMode = localStorage.getItem('cachePanelSearchMode') || (localStorage.setItem('cachePanelSearchMode', 'cache'), 'cache');
// Set the title dynamically
cachePanelSearchMode.title = `Current active mode: ${currentSearchMode}`;
// Function to update styles based on the current mode
function updateStyles(mode) {
const backgroundColor = mode === 'fetch' ? '#b2a4f9' : 'darkslateblue';
const strokeColor = mode === 'fetch' ? 'darkslateblue' : '#b2a4f9';
// Apply the new background color using the helper function
applyHeaderButtonStyles(cachePanelSearchMode, backgroundColor);
// Update the SVG stroke color
const svg = cachePanelSearchMode.querySelector('svg');
if (svg) {
svg.setAttribute('stroke', strokeColor);
// Initial mode setup
// Add click event listener to the cache panel search mode button
cachePanelSearchMode.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Toggle between 'cache' and 'fetch' values
const currentMode = localStorage.getItem('cachePanelSearchMode');
const newMode = currentMode === 'cache' ? 'fetch' : 'cache';
// Set new mode in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('cachePanelSearchMode', newMode);
// Update styles based on the new mode
// Set the title dynamically based on the new mode
cachePanelSearchMode.title = `Current active mode: ${newMode}`;
// Optional: Log the current mode for debugging
// console.log(`Current mode: ${newMode}`);
// Append the search mode button to the panel header container
// Create a clear cache button with the provided SVG icon
const clearCacheButton = document.createElement('div');
clearCacheButton.className = 'clear-cache-button';
clearCacheButton.title = 'Clear cache';
clearCacheButton.innerHTML = trashSVG;
// Apply common styles using the helper function
applyHeaderButtonStyles(clearCacheButton, 'brown');
// Add a click event listener to the clear cache button
clearCacheButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Call the helper function to hide and remove the cachedUsersPanel
// Clear the cache manually and reset the timer
refreshFetchedUsers(true, cacheRefreshThresholdHours);
// Set the user count element to 0
const userCountElement = document.querySelector('.cache-panel-load-button .user-count');
if (userCountElement) userCountElement.textContent = '0'; // Set the user count to 0
// Append the clear cache button to the panel header container
// Create a close button with the provided SVG icon
const closePanelButton = document.createElement('div');
closePanelButton.className = 'close-panel-button';
closePanelButton.title = 'Close panel';
closePanelButton.innerHTML = closeSVG;
// Apply common styles using the helper function
applyHeaderButtonStyles(closePanelButton, 'darkolivegreen', '0 0 0 0.5em');
// Add a click event listener to the close panel button
closePanelButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Remove the cached-users-panel when the close button is clicked
// Create an array containing the buttons we want to apply the events to
const buttons = [clearCacheButton, closePanelButton];
// Iterate through each button in the array
buttons.forEach(button => {
// Add a mouseover event listener to change the button's brightness on hover
button.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
button.style.filter = 'brightness(0.8)'; // Dim the button
// Add a mouseout event listener to reset the button's brightness when not hovered
button.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
button.style.filter = 'brightness(1)'; // Reset to original brightness
// Append the close button to the panel header container
// Append the panel control buttons element inside the panel header container
// Create a container div with class 'fetched-users'
const fetchedUsersContainer = document.createElement('div');
fetchedUsersContainer.className = 'fetched-users';
// Set grid layout properties
fetchedUsersContainer.style.display = 'grid'; // Use grid layout
fetchedUsersContainer.style.gridTemplateRows = '1fr 1fr'; // Stack two rows for new and old users
fetchedUsersContainer.style.height = 'calc(100% - (64px + 0.6em))'; // Set height for main container
fetchedUsersContainer.style.overflowY = 'auto'; // Enable vertical scrolling if needed
// Function to create a user container with common styles
function createUserContainer(className) {
const userContainer = document.createElement('div');
userContainer.className = className;
// Add common CSS styles for grid layout and centering
userContainer.style.display = 'grid';
userContainer.style.gridAutoFlow = 'dense'; // Allows items to fill empty spaces
userContainer.style.gridTemplateColumns = 'repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr))'; // Responsive columns
userContainer.style.gap = '12px'; // Space between items
userContainer.style.padding = '24px';
userContainer.style.height = 'fit-content';
return userContainer;
// Create containers for old and new users
const oldUsersContainer = createUserContainer('old-users');
const newUsersContainer = createUserContainer('new-users');
// Function to create a description for user groups
function createDescription(text, className) {
const description = document.createElement('span');
description.className = className;
description.textContent = text;
description.style.color = 'bisque';
description.style.fontFamily = 'Montserrat';
description.style.fontSize = '1em';
description.style.margin = '0';
description.style.padding = '0.4em 0.2em';
// Make description span all columns
description.style.gridColumn = '1 / -1';
description.style.height = 'fit-content';
return description;
// Create and style descriptions for old and new users
const oldUsersDescription = createDescription('Active Users', 'old-users-description'); // Create description for old users
const newUsersDescription = createDescription('New Registrations', 'new-users-description'); // Create description for new users
// Append descriptions to their respective containers
oldUsersContainer.appendChild(oldUsersDescription); // Append description to old users container
newUsersContainer.appendChild(newUsersDescription); // Append description to new users container
// Append containers to the fetchedUsersContainer
// Create an array to hold user elements
const userElements = [];
// Get current date for comparison
const currentDate = new Date();
// Helper function to check if registered date is within the last 24 hours
const isNewUser = (registered) => {
const registeredDate = new Date(registered);
const timeDifference = currentDate - registeredDate; // Difference in milliseconds
return timeDifference <= 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 24 hours in milliseconds
// This function creates a user element for the cache panel with detailed user information and metrics.
const createCachePanelUserElement = (userId, userData) => {
// Create the main container for the user.
const userElement = document.createElement('div');
userElement.className = 'user';
userElement.style.padding = '0.2em';
userElement.style.margin = '0.4em 0.2em';
userElement.style.display = 'grid';
userElement.style.gridTemplateColumns = 'auto 1fr';
userElement.style.alignItems = 'center';
userElement.style.height = 'fit-content';
// Define base styling for tracked and untracked users.
const baseStyle = {
marginLeft: '8px',
borderRadius: '2px !important'
// Styles for tracked and untracked users.
const styles = {
tracked: { ...baseStyle, color: 'greenyellow', backgroundColor: 'darkgreen', fontWeight: 'bold', padding: '0 6px' },
untracked: { ...baseStyle, color: 'orange', fontWeight: 'normal' }
// Helper function to convert styles into a CSS string.
const generateStylesString = (styles) =>
.map(([key, value]) => `${key.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase()}: ${value}`)
.join('; ');
// Choose the appropriate style based on whether the user is tracked.
const chosenStyles = userData.tracked ? styles.tracked : styles.untracked;
// Create an avatar container.
const avatarElement = document.createElement('div');
avatarElement.className = 'avatar';
avatarElement.style.marginRight = '8px';
// Handle avatar URL and display logic.
const avatarTimestamp = fetchedUsers[userId]?.avatarTimestamp;
const bigAvatarUrl = `/storage/avatars/${userId}_big.png`;
if ((avatarTimestamp && avatarTimestamp !== '00') || (userData.avatar && Object.keys(userData.avatar).length > 0)) {
const finalAvatarUrl = `${bigAvatarUrl}?updated=${avatarTimestamp}`;
const imgElement = document.createElement('img');
imgElement.src = finalAvatarUrl;
imgElement.alt = `${userData.login}'s avatar`;
imgElement.style.height = '24px';
imgElement.style.width = '24px';
imgElement.style.objectFit = 'cover';
} else {
// Display a random emoji avatar if no avatar is available.
avatarElement.style.fontSize = '1.8rem';
avatarElement.innerHTML = getRandomEmojiAvatar();
// Create the login element with a link to the user's profile.
const loginElement = document.createElement('a');
loginElement.className = 'login';
loginElement.textContent = userData.login;
loginElement.href = `https://klavogonki.ru/profile/${userId}`;
// If the user has visit data, display it.
if (userData.visits !== undefined) {
loginElement.innerHTML += `<span style="${generateStylesString(chosenStyles)}">${userData.visits}</span>`;
// Set styles and hover behavior for the login link.
loginElement.style.setProperty('color', 'skyblue', 'important');
loginElement.style.textDecoration = 'none';
loginElement.style.fontFamily = 'Montserrat';
loginElement.style.transition = 'color 0.3s ease';
loginElement.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
loginElement.style.setProperty('color', 'cornsilk', 'important');
loginElement.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
loginElement.style.setProperty('color', 'skyblue', 'important');
// Load the user's profile in the iframe on click.
loginElement.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent page navigation.
// Helper function to create metric elements (speed, rating, etc.).
const createMetricElement = (className, color, icon, value, title, url) => {
const element = document.createElement('span');
element.className = className;
element.style.color = color;
element.innerHTML = `${icon}${value || 0} `;
element.title = title;
element.style.cursor = 'pointer';
element.addEventListener('click', () => loadProfileIntoIframe(url));
return element;
// Create individual metric elements for the user.
const bestSpeedElement = createMetricElement(
'Best speed',
const ratingLevelElement = createMetricElement(
'Rating level',
const carsElement = createMetricElement(
'Cars count',
const friendsElement = createMetricElement(
'Friends count',
// Group all metrics into a container.
const userMetrics = document.createElement('div');
userMetrics.className = 'user-metrics';
userMetrics.style.marginTop = '4px';
userMetrics.style.gridColumn = 'span 2';
userMetrics.append(bestSpeedElement, ratingLevelElement, carsElement, friendsElement);
// Create the user data container and append login and rank elements.
const userDataElement = document.createElement('div');
userDataElement.className = 'user-data';
const rankElement = document.createElement('div');
rankElement.className = 'rank';
rankElement.textContent = userData.rank || 'N/A';
rankElement.style.color = rankColors[userData.rank] || 'white';
rankElement.style.padding = '2px 0';
// Add a registered date element with hover behavior.
const registeredElement = document.createElement('div');
registeredElement.className = 'registered';
registeredElement.textContent = userData.registered || 'N/A';
registeredElement.style.color = 'cadetblue';
registeredElement.style.fontSize = '12px';
let hoverTimer;
const originalContent = registeredElement.textContent;
registeredElement.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
hoverTimer = setTimeout(() => {
registeredElement.textContent = calculateTimeOnSite(userData.registered);
}, 300);
registeredElement.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
registeredElement.textContent = originalContent;
// Append registered element to user data and user data to user element.
userElement.append(avatarElement, userDataElement, userMetrics);
// Return the created user element and its relevant data.
return {
order: rankOrder[userData.rank] || 10,
bestSpeed: userData.bestSpeed || 0,
registered: userData.registered
// Check if the current mode is 'cache'
if (localStorage.getItem('cachePanelSearchMode') === 'cache') {
// Iterate through each user
Object.keys(users).forEach(async (userId) => {
const userData = users[userId];
const userElementData = createCachePanelUserElement(userId, userData);
// Sort userElements by rank and best speed
userElements.sort((a, b) =>
// First by rank, then by speed
a.order !== b.order ? a.order - b.order : b.bestSpeed - a.bestSpeed
// Distribute userElements into new or old users containers
userElements.forEach(({ userElement, registered }) => {
// Choose container
const targetContainer = isNewUser(registered) ? newUsersContainer : oldUsersContainer;
// Append userElement
// Append the panel-header container to the cached-users-panel
// Append the fetched-users container to the cached-users-panel
// Append the cached-users-panel to the body
// Fade in the cached users panel
triggerTargetElement(cachedUsersPanel, 'show');
// Show the dimming background
// Function to update the remaining time
function updateRemainingTime() {
const lastClearTime = localStorage.getItem('lastClearTime');
const nextClearTime = localStorage.getItem('nextClearTime');
const dropTimeExpiration = document.querySelector('.drop-time-expiration');
if (lastClearTime && nextClearTime && dropTimeExpiration) {
const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
// Calculate the remaining time until the next cache clear
const remainingTime = nextClearTime - currentTime;
// If remaining time is zero or less, execute the refreshFetchedUsers function
remainingTime <= 0
? refreshFetchedUsers(true, cacheRefreshThresholdHours)
: updatedropTimeExpiration(dropTimeExpiration, remainingTime);
// Create a mapping of seconds to clock emojis
const emojiMap = {
0: '🕛',
5: '🕐',
10: '🕑',
15: '🕒',
20: '🕓',
25: '🕔',
30: '🕕',
35: '🕖',
40: '🕗',
45: '🕘',
50: '🕙',
55: '🕚',
// Function to update the drop-time-expiration span
function updatedropTimeExpiration(dropTimeExpiration, remainingTime) {
// Calculate hours, minutes, and seconds
const hours = String(Math.floor(remainingTime / (60 * 60 * 1000))).padStart(2, '0');
const minutes = String(Math.floor((remainingTime % (60 * 60 * 1000)) / (60 * 1000))).padStart(2, '0');
const seconds = String(Math.floor((remainingTime % (60 * 1000)) / 1000)).padStart(2, '0');
// Create the formatted time string
const remainingTimeString = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
// Determine the current seconds
const parsedSeconds = parseInt(seconds, 10);
// Use the parsed seconds to find the emoji index, moving one forward
const nextInterval = Math.ceil(parsedSeconds / 5) * 5; // Move to the next 5-second mark
const currentEmoji = emojiMap[nextInterval] || emojiMap[0]; // Default to 00 if not found
// Update the drop-time-expiration span with the time and emoji
dropTimeExpiration.textContent = `${remainingTimeString} ${currentEmoji}`;
// Call the function to update the remaining time every second
setInterval(updateRemainingTime, 1000);
// Initial update
// Global function to smoothly hide and remove the cachedUsersPanel
function hideCachePanel() {
const cachedUsersPanel = document.querySelector('.cached-users-panel');
if (cachedUsersPanel) {
// Call the fade function for the cachedUsersPanel
triggerTargetElement(cachedUsersPanel, 'hide');
// Call the fade function for the dimming element
// Add styles for hover effects dynamically to the head
const newChatUserListStyles = document.createElement('style');
// Apply class to the style element
newChatUserListStyles.innerHTML = `
#chat-general .userlist-content {
opacity: 0;
#chat-general .smile-tab {
background-color: ${((c) => c[0] == '#' ? c : '#' + c.match(/\d+/g).map(Number).map(x => x.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''))
(getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.chat .messages')).backgroundColor)};
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
.chat-user-list {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
padding-top: 8px;
width: 200px;
height: 94%;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
background-color: ${((c) => c[0] == '#' ? c : '#' + c.match(/\d+/g).map(Number).map(x => x.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''))
(getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.chat .messages')).backgroundColor)};
.chat-user-list [class^="rank-group"] {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.chat-user-list [class^="user"] {
display: inline-flex;
margin: 2px 0;
.chat-user-list .avatar {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
display: inline-flex;
.chat-user-list .avatar img,
.fetched-users .avatar img {
transition: transform 0.3s;
transform-origin: left;
.chat-user-list .avatar img:hover,
.fetched-users .avatar img:hover {
transform: scale(2);
.chat-user-list .name {
text-decoration: none;
display: inline-flex;
width: auto;
height: 24px;
line-height: 24px;
padding: 0 8px;
max-width: 124px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.chat-user-list .name:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.chat-user-list .profile,
.chat-user-list .tracked,
.chat-user-list .ignored,
.chat-user-list .moderator {
display: inline-flex;
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
svg.feather-frown {
stroke: #A47C5E;
/* Common rotation animation */
@keyframes rotateProfileIconAnimation {
0% {
transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1);
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
50% {
transform: rotate(180deg) scale(1.2);
transition-timing-function: linear;
100% {
transform: rotate(360deg) scale(1);
/* Animation for online status */
.chat-user-list svg.online {
stroke: lightgreen;
animation: rotateProfileIconAnimation 1s forwards;
/* Animation for offline status */
.chat-user-list svg.offline {
stroke: chocolate;
animation: rotateProfileIconAnimation 1s forwards;
/* Shake Profile Icon Animation for Small Icons */
@keyframes shakeProfileIconAnimation {
0% { transform: translate(0.5px, 0.5px) rotate(0deg); }
10% { transform: translate(-0.5px, -1px) rotate(-1deg); }
20% { transform: translate(-1.5px, 0px) rotate(1deg); }
30% { transform: translate(1.5px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }
40% { transform: translate(0.5px, -0.5px) rotate(1deg); }
50% { transform: translate(-0.5px, 1px) rotate(-1deg); }
60% { transform: translate(-1.5px, 0.5px) rotate(0deg); }
70% { transform: translate(1.5px, 0.5px) rotate(-1deg); }
80% { transform: translate(-0.5px, -0.5px) rotate(1deg); }
90% { transform: translate(0.5px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }
100% { transform: translate(0.5px, -1px) rotate(-1deg); }
/* Apply shake animation to sto profile svg iconkwith the class eProfileIconAnimation */
.chat-user-list svg.online:hover,
.chat-user-list svg.offline:hover {
animation: shakeProfileIconAnimation 0.5s linear infinite;
// Function to validate required user data
function validateUserData(user) {
const requiredFields = ['rank', 'login', 'registered', 'bestSpeed', 'ratingLevel', 'friends', 'cars', 'avatarTimestamp'];
return user && typeof user === 'object' && requiredFields.every(field => user?.[field] !== undefined);
// Function to get profile summary and registration data
async function getUserProfileData(userId, useLocalStorage = true) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let cachedUserInfo = useLocalStorage ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('fetchedUsers')) || {} : {};
const user = cachedUserInfo[userId];
// Validate if user data exists and has the required properties
if (useLocalStorage && validateUserData(user)) {
// If all data is cached, resolve with the cached data
rank: user.rank,
login: user.login,
registeredDate: user.registered,
bestSpeed: user.bestSpeed,
ratingLevel: user.ratingLevel,
friends: user.friends, // Use cached friends count
cars: user.cars, // Use cached cars count
avatar: user.avatar, // Get avatar availability state
avatarTimestamp: user.avatarTimestamp // Cached avatar timestamp
} else {
try {
// Fetch profile summary and registered date
const summaryApiUrl = `https://klavogonki.ru/api/profile/get-summary?id=${userId}`;
const profileApiUrl = `https://klavogonki.ru/api/profile/get-index-data?userId=${userId}`;
// Fetch both profile summary and registration data in parallel
const [summaryResponse, profileResponse] = await Promise.all([
// Check if both responses are successful
if (!summaryResponse.ok || !profileResponse.ok) {
throw new Error('Failed to fetch data from one of the APIs.');
const summaryData = await summaryResponse.json();
const profileData = await profileResponse.json();
if (
summaryData?.user?.login &&
summaryData.title &&
) {
// Extract the relevant data
const rank = summaryData.title;
const login = summaryData.user.login;
const registered = profileData.stats.registered.sec
? convertSecondsToDate(profileData.stats.registered.sec)
: 'Invalid Date';
// Extract new fields
const bestSpeed = profileData.stats.best_speed || 0; // Default to 0 if undefined
const ratingLevel = profileData.stats.rating_level || 0; // Default to 0 if undefined
const friends = profileData.stats.friends_cnt || 0; // Extract friends count
const cars = profileData.stats.cars_cnt || 0; // Extract cars count
// Extract sec and usec from user.avatar, with null check
const avatar = summaryData.user?.avatar || null; // Default to null if undefined or not present
const sec = summaryData.user.avatar?.sec || 0; // Default to 0 if undefined or null
const usec = summaryData.user.avatar?.usec || 0; // Default to 0 if undefined or null
const avatarTimestamp = convertToUpdatedTimestamp(sec, usec); // Combine sec and usec to get avatar timestamp
// Cache the fetched data if useLocalStorage is true, excluding the avatar
if (useLocalStorage) {
cachedUserInfo[userId] = {
rank: rank,
login: login,
registered: registered,
bestSpeed: bestSpeed,
ratingLevel: ratingLevel,
friends: friends, // Cache friends count
cars: cars, // Cache cars count
avatar: avatar,
avatarTimestamp: avatarTimestamp // Cache avatar timestamp
// Update localStorage with the new cached data
localStorage.setItem('fetchedUsers', JSON.stringify(cachedUserInfo));
// Resolve with the combined data
rank: rank,
login: login,
registeredDate: registered,
bestSpeed: bestSpeed,
ratingLevel: ratingLevel,
friends: friends,
cars: cars,
avatar: avatar, // Return avatar for current session
avatarTimestamp: avatarTimestamp // Include avatar timestamp in the result
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid data format received from the API.');
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching user profile data for ${userId}:`, error);
// Function to convert seconds to a human-readable date format
function convertSecondsToDate(seconds) {
const date = new Date(seconds * 1000);
return date.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '); // Converts to 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' format
// Function to convert sec and usec to the 'updated' timestamp
function convertToUpdatedTimestamp(sec, usec) {
// Create the full timestamp by combining sec and usec (in microseconds)
return sec.toString() + Math.floor(usec / 1000).toString();
// Helper to fetch JSON and validate response
async function fetchJSON(url) {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`Failed to fetch ${url}`);
return response.json();
// Helper function to get user IDs by username via the search API
async function getUserIdByName(userName) {
const searchApiUrl = `https://klavogonki.ru/api/profile/search-users?query=${userName}`;
const searchResults = await fetchJSON(searchApiUrl);
const foundUsers = searchResults.all; // Get all search results
if (!foundUsers || foundUsers.length === 0) throw new Error(`User ${userName} not found.`);
// Return an array of user IDs
return foundUsers.map(user => user.id);
// Function to calculate time spent on the site
function calculateTimeOnSite(registeredDate) {
const totalSeconds = Math.floor((new Date() - new Date(registeredDate)) / 1000);
const years = Math.floor(totalSeconds / (365 * 24 * 60 * 60));
const months = Math.floor((totalSeconds % (365 * 24 * 60 * 60)) / (30.44 * 24 * 60 * 60));
const days = Math.floor((totalSeconds % (30.44 * 24 * 60 * 60)) / (24 * 60 * 60));
const hours = Math.floor((totalSeconds % (24 * 60 * 60)) / (60 * 60));
const minutes = Math.floor((totalSeconds % (60 * 60)) / 60);
const seconds = totalSeconds % 60;
const timeComponents = [];
if (years > 0) {
timeComponents.push(`${years} year${years > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
if (months > 0) timeComponents.push(`${months} month${months > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
} else if (months > 1 || (months === 1 && days > 0)) {
timeComponents.push(`${months} month${months > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
if (days > 0) timeComponents.push(`${days} day${days > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
} else if (days > 0) {
timeComponents.push(`${days} day${days > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
if (hours > 0) timeComponents.push(`${hours} hour${hours > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
if (minutes > 0) timeComponents.push(`${minutes} minute${minutes > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
} else if (hours > 0) {
timeComponents.push(`${hours} hour${hours > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
if (minutes > 0) timeComponents.push(`${minutes} minute${minutes > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
} else if (minutes > 0) {
timeComponents.push(`${minutes} minute${minutes > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
if (seconds > 0) timeComponents.push(`${seconds} second${seconds > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
} else {
timeComponents.push(`${seconds} second${seconds > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
return timeComponents.filter(Boolean).join(' '); // Filter out empty strings and join components
// Function to get rank color based on status title
function getRankColor(mainTitle) {
const statusColors = {
'Экстракибер': '#06B4E9', // Light Blue
'Кибергонщик': '#5681ff', // Medium Blue
'Супермен': '#B543F5', // Purple
'Маньяк': '#DA0543', // Red
'Гонщик': '#FF8C00', // Orange
'Профи': '#C1AA00', // Yellow
'Таксист': '#2DAB4F', // Green
'Любитель': '#61B5B3', // Light Cyan
'Новичок': '#AFAFAF' // Grey
return statusColors[mainTitle] || '#000000'; // Default to black color if status title not found
// Function to get rank class based on status title in English
function getRankClass(mainTitle) {
const statusClasses = {
'Экстракибер': 'extra',
'Кибергонщик': 'cyber',
'Супермен': 'superman',
'Маньяк': 'maniac',
'Гонщик': 'racer',
'Профи': 'profi',
'Таксист': 'driver',
'Любитель': 'amateur',
'Новичок': 'newbie'
const defaultClass = 'unknown';
const rankClass = statusClasses[mainTitle] || defaultClass;
if (rankClass === defaultClass) {
console.log(`Class not found for status title: ${mainTitle}. Using default class: ${defaultClass}`);
return rankClass;
// Function to handle private message
function insertPrivate(userId) {
const userName = document.querySelector(`.name[data-user="${userId}"]`).textContent;
const message = `<${userName}>`;
const textElement = document.querySelector('.messages .text');
textElement.value = message;
textElement.selectionEnd = textElement.value.length;
console.log(`Setting private message to: ${message}`);
const infoSVG = (userId, isRevoked) => {
const statusClass = isRevoked ? 'offline' : 'online';
return `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-info ${statusClass}">
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
<line x1="12" y1="16" x2="12" y2="12"></line>
<line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12.01" y2="8"></line>
// Inline SVG source for the "meh" icon
const mehSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-meh">
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
<line x1="8" y1="15" x2="16" y2="15"></line>
<line x1="9" y1="9" x2="9.01" y2="9"></line>
<line x1="15" y1="9" x2="15.01" y2="9"></line>
// Inline SVG source for the "smile" icon
const smileSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-smile">
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
<path d="M8 14s1.5 2 4 2 4-2 4-2"></path>
<line x1="9" y1="9" x2="9.01" y2="9"></line>
<line x1="15" y1="9" x2="15.01" y2="9"></line>
// Inline SVG source for the "frown" icon
const frownSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-frown">
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
<path d="M16 16s-1.5-2-4-2-4 2-4 2"></path>
<line x1="9" y1="9" x2="9.01" y2="9"></line>
<line x1="15" y1="9" x2="15.01" y2="9"></line>
// SVG icon for the moderator with gradient
const moderatorSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
fill="url(#moderatorGradient)" <!-- Use a gradient fill -->
class="feather feather-shield">
<!-- Define the gradient -->
<linearGradient id="moderatorGradient" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%">
<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color: gold; stop-opacity: 1" />
<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color: darkorange; stop-opacity: 1" />
<path d="M12 22s8-4 8-10V5l-8-3-8 3v7c0 6 8 10 8 10z"></path>
// SVG icon for the tracked with gradient stroke
const trackedSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
fill="url(#trackedGradient)" <!-- Use a gradient fill -->
class="feather feather-star">
<!-- Define the gradient for the fill -->
<linearGradient id="trackedGradient" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%">
<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color: LightSkyBlue; stop-opacity: 1" />
<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color: DeepSkyBlue; stop-opacity: 1" />
<!-- Use the gradient for the fill -->
<polygon points="12 2 15.09 8.26 22 9.27 17 14.14 18.18 21.02 12 17.77 5.82 21.02 7 14.14 2 9.27 8.91 8.26 12 2"
// SVG icon for ignored users
const ignoredSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-slash">
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
<line x1="4.93" y1="4.93" x2="19.07" y2="19.07"></line>
// Helper function to get a random SVG
// function getRandomIconSVG() {
// const svgs = [mehSVG, smileSVG, frownSVG];
// const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * svgs.length);
// return svgs[randomIndex];
// }
// Variable to store the last selected emoji
let lastEmojiAvatar = null;
// Helper function to get a random emoji avatar
function getRandomEmojiAvatar() {
let newEmoji;
do {
newEmoji = emojiFaces[Math.floor(Math.random() * emojiFaces.length)];
} while (newEmoji === lastEmojiAvatar);
lastEmojiAvatar = newEmoji;
return newEmoji;
const emojiFaces = [
// People Emojis (Facial expressions)
'😀', '😁', '😂', '🤣', '😃', '😄', '😅', '😆',
'😉', '😊', '😋', '😎', '😏', '😐', '😑', '😒',
'😓', '😔', '😕', '😖', '😗', '😘', '😙', '😚',
'😜', '😝', '😛', '🤑', '🤗', '🤔', '🤐', '🤨',
'😣', '😥', '😮', '🤯', '😳', '😱', '😨', '😰',
'😢', '🤪', '😵', '😲', '🤤', '😷', '🤒', '🤕',
'🤢', '🤧', '😇', '🥳', '🥺', '😬', '😴', '😌',
'🤥', '🥴', '🥵', '🥶', '🤧', '🤭', '🤫', '😠',
'😡', '😳', '😞', '😟', '😕',
// Cat Emojis (Expressive faces of cats)
'🐱', '😺', '😸', '😹', '😻', '😼', '😽', '🙀', '😿', '😾',
// Other Animal Emojis (Various animals' faces)
'🐶', '🐭', '🐹', '🐰', '🦊', '🐻', '🐼',
'🐨', '🐯', '🦁', '🐮', '🐷', '🐸', '🐵',
'🙈', '🙉', '🙊', '🐔', '🦄'
// Array to store user IDs and their status titles
let fetchedUsers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('fetchedUsers')) || {};
// Function to create a user element with avatar, name, and profile link based on user details
function createUserChatElement(userId, mainTitle, userName, isRevoked) {
const avatarTimestamp = fetchedUsers[userId]?.avatarTimestamp;
// Ensure the bigAvatarUrl is only constructed if avatarTimestamp is not '00'
const bigAvatarUrl = avatarTimestamp !== '00' ? `/storage/avatars/${userId}_big.png?updated=${avatarTimestamp}` : '';
const newUserElement = document.createElement('div');
const rankClass = getRankClass(mainTitle);
newUserElement.classList.add(`user${userId}`, rankClass); // Assign the rank class
const newAvatarElement = document.createElement('div');
// Only create and append an image element if avatarTimestamp is not '00'
if (avatarTimestamp !== '00') {
const avatarImage = document.createElement('img');
avatarImage.src = bigAvatarUrl;
} else {
// Insert a random SVG icon instead of an image when avatarTimestamp is '00'
// newAvatarElement.innerHTML = getRandomIconSVG();
newAvatarElement.style.fontSize = '1.8rem';
newAvatarElement.innerHTML = getRandomEmojiAvatar();
const newNameElement = document.createElement('a');
newNameElement.title = 'Написать в приват';
newNameElement.dataset.user = userId;
newNameElement.textContent = userName;
const rankColor = getRankColor(mainTitle);
newNameElement.style.setProperty('color', rankColor, 'important');
const newProfileElement = document.createElement('a');
newProfileElement.title = 'Профиль';
newProfileElement.target = '_blank';
newProfileElement.href = `/profile/${userId}/`;
newProfileElement.innerHTML = infoSVG(userId, isRevoked); // Update this line
// Add event listener click with Hold Ctrl Key to open profile into iframe
newProfileElement.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
const profileBaseUrl = 'https://klavogonki.ru/u/#/';
if (isCtrlKeyPressed) {
// Open the profile in a new tab
window.open(profileBaseUrl + userId, '_blank');
} else {
// Load the profile into the iframe
loadProfileIntoIframe(profileBaseUrl + userId);
newNameElement.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Check if there is a user in 'usersToTrack' array by their name and state
const userToTrack = usersToTrack.find((user) =>
user.name === userName && user.state === 'thawed'
if (userToTrack) {
const trackedIcon = document.createElement('div');
trackedIcon.title = 'Tracked user';
trackedIcon.innerHTML = trackedSVG;
// Check if the user is in the ignore list
const isIgnoredUser = ignored.includes(userName);
// Create and hide a message element if the user is in ignored
if (isIgnoredUser) {
const ignoredIcon = document.createElement('div');
ignoredIcon.title = 'Ignored user';
ignoredIcon.innerHTML = ignoredSVG;
// Check if there is an <img> element with a src attribute containing the word "moderator" inside the <ins> element
const hasModeratorIcon = document.querySelector(`.userlist-content ins.user${userId} img[src*="moderator"]`);
// Check if the user is in the moderator list
const isModerator = moderator.includes(userName);
// If a moderator icon is found or the current user is in the moderator array, append the moderator icon.
if (hasModeratorIcon || isModerator) {
const moderatorIcon = document.createElement('div');
moderatorIcon.innerHTML = moderatorSVG; // Assuming 'moderatorSVG' contains the SVG for the icon
return newUserElement;
// Function to update users in the custom chat
async function refreshUserList(retrievedLogin, actionType) {
try {
// Get the original user list container
const originalUserListContainer = document.querySelector('.userlist-content');
// Get or create the user list container
let userListContainer = document.querySelector('.chat-user-list');
if (!userListContainer) {
userListContainer = document.createElement('div');
// Find the element with the class "userlist"
const userlistElement = document.querySelector('.userlist');
// Append the userListContainer to the userlistElement if found
if (userlistElement) {
// Define the rank order
const rankOrder = ['extra', 'cyber', 'superman', 'maniac', 'racer', 'profi', 'driver', 'amateur', 'newbie'];
// Create an object to store subparent elements for each rank class
const rankSubparents = {};
// Check if subparent elements already exist, if not, create them
rankOrder.forEach(rankClass => {
const existingSubparent = userListContainer.querySelector(`.rank-group-${rankClass}`);
if (!existingSubparent) {
rankSubparents[rankClass] = document.createElement('div');
} else {
rankSubparents[rankClass] = existingSubparent;
// Create a set to store existing user IDs in the updated user list
const existingUserIds = new Set();
// Iterate over each user element in the original user list
for (const userElement of originalUserListContainer.querySelectorAll('ins')) {
const nameElement = userElement.querySelector('.name');
const userId = nameElement.getAttribute('data-user');
const userName = nameElement.textContent;
// Check if the user already exists in the updated user list
if (!existingUserIds.has(userId)) {
try {
// Retrieve the user's profile data
const { rank: mainTitle, login, registeredDate, bestSpeed, ratingLevel, friends, cars, avatarTimestamp } = await getUserProfileData(userId);
// If the user data is not already stored in the fetchedUsers object
if (!fetchedUsers[userId]) {
// Set rank, login, registeredDate, bestSpeed, ratingLevel, friends, cars, and avatarTimestamp
fetchedUsers[userId] = {
rank: mainTitle,
registered: registeredDate,
} else {
// Update the user's data
fetchedUsers[userId].rank = mainTitle;
fetchedUsers[userId].login = login;
fetchedUsers[userId].registered = registeredDate;
fetchedUsers[userId].bestSpeed = bestSpeed;
fetchedUsers[userId].ratingLevel = ratingLevel;
fetchedUsers[userId].friends = friends;
fetchedUsers[userId].cars = cars;
fetchedUsers[userId].avatarTimestamp = avatarTimestamp;
// If actionType is 'enter' and retrievedLogin === userName, multiply the visits for the entered user
if (actionType === 'enter' && retrievedLogin === userName) {
fetchedUsers[userId].visits = (fetchedUsers[userId].visits || 0) + 1;
// Check if the user is in the usersToTrack array
fetchedUsers[userId].tracked = usersToTrack.some(userToTrack => userToTrack.name === retrievedLogin);
// Check if the user with the same ID already exists in the corresponding rank group
const existingUserElement = rankSubparents[getRankClass(mainTitle)].querySelector(`.user${userId}`);
if (!existingUserElement) {
const newUserElement = createUserChatElement(userId, mainTitle, userName, userElement.classList.contains('revoked'));
// Add the user to the corresponding rank group
// Update existing user IDs
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching profile summary for user ${userId}:`, error);
// Additional removal logic based on your provided code
userListContainer.querySelectorAll('.chat-user-list [class^="user"]').forEach(userElement => {
const userId = userElement.querySelector('.name').getAttribute('data-user');
if (!existingUserIds.has(userId)) {
// Update localStorage outside the if conditions
localStorage.setItem('fetchedUsers', JSON.stringify(fetchedUsers));
// Call updateUserCountText to refresh user count display
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error refreshing user list:', error);
// Helper function to convert time string to single hours
function convertToSingleHours(timeString) {
const [hours, minutes = 0, seconds = 0] = timeString.split(':').map(Number);
return hours + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600;
// Global constant for default cache refresh threshold in hours
const defaultCacheRefreshThresholdHours = 24;
// Get the value from localStorage
let storedFresholdTimeKey = localStorage.getItem('cacheRefreshThresholdHours');
// If the key doesn't exist, set it to the default value
if (!storedFresholdTimeKey) {
storedFresholdTimeKey = defaultCacheRefreshThresholdHours;
localStorage.setItem('cacheRefreshThresholdHours', storedFresholdTimeKey);
// Convert the value to single hours
let cacheRefreshThresholdHours = convertToSingleHours(storedFresholdTimeKey);
// Function to refresh or manually clear fetched users and reset the timer
// @param {boolean} isManual - If true, clears cache unconditionally; if false, clears based on threshold (default is false)
// @param {number} thresholdHours - Time threshold in hours for automatic cache clearing (default is 24 hours)
function refreshFetchedUsers(isManual = false, thresholdHours = 24) {
// Retrieve the last clear time from localStorage
const lastClearTime = localStorage.getItem('lastClearTime');
const timeElapsed = lastClearTime ? (new Date().getTime() - lastClearTime) / (1000 * 60 * 60) : Infinity;
// If clearing manually or the time threshold has been reached, clear the cache
if (isManual || timeElapsed >= thresholdHours) {
// Clear the fetchedUsers from localStorage
// Reset the in-memory fetchedUsers object
fetchedUsers = {};
// Reset the timer by updating 'lastClearTime' and 'nextClearTime'
const nextClearTime = new Date().getTime() + thresholdHours * 60 * 60 * 1000;
localStorage.setItem('lastClearTime', new Date().getTime().toString());
localStorage.setItem('nextClearTime', nextClearTime.toString());
// Optional: Notify the user about the cache clearing
// const message = isManual
// ? `Cache manually cleared. Next clearing time: ${new Date(nextClearTime)}`
// : `Cache automatically cleared. Next clearing time: ${new Date(nextClearTime)}`;
// alert(message);
// Define reference for chat user list
const userList = document.querySelector('.userlist-content');
// Initialize variables to keep track of the current and previous users
let currentUsers = [];
let previousUsers = [];
// Set flag to false to prevent initialization of the notifications
// About entered and left users on the page load after refreshing the page
let hasObservedChanges = false;
let prevUserCountValue = 0;
// Initialize variables for the user count animation
let currentTextContent = [];
let isAnimated = false;
// Define a constant to set the debounce delay
const debounceTimeout = 1500;
// Define a debounce function to limit the rate at which the mutation observer callback is called
const debounce = (func, delay) => {
let timeoutId;
return (...args) => {
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
func.apply(this, args);
}, delay);
// Mutation observer to track all the users with only graphical popup notification
// Also play notification sound "Left" or "Entered" if the one of them is identical from "usersToTrack" array
// Create a mutation observer to detect when the user list is modified
const chatUsersObserver = new MutationObserver(debounce((mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
// Get the sound switcher element and check which option is selected
const soundSwitcher = document.querySelector('#voice, #beep, #silence');
const isSilence = soundSwitcher && soundSwitcher.id === 'silence';
// Check if the chat is closed or opened
const chatHidden = document.querySelector('#chat-wrapper.chat-hidden');
// Retrieve all users textContent from userList ins elements
const newUserList = Array.from(userList.children).map(child => child.textContent);
// Find new users and left users
const newUsers = newUserList.filter(user => !currentUsers.includes(user));
const leftUsers = currentUsers.filter(user => !newUserList.includes(user));
// Retrieve fresh user count length
const userCountValue = newUserList.length;
// Retrieve the counter element
const userCount = document.querySelector('.user-count-indicator');
// Update grayscale filter
userCount.style.filter = userCountValue > 0 ? 'none' : 'grayscale(100%)';
// Check if the user count animation needs to be started only when the chat is not closed
if (!chatHidden && currentTextContent.length === 0 && newUserList.length > 0 && !isAnimated) {
isAnimated = true; // Set this to true immediately to prevent starting a new animation
const actualUserCount = newUserList.length;
const speed = 20; // Change the speed here (in milliseconds)
let count = 0;
const userCountIncrement = () => {
if (count <= actualUserCount) {
const progress = count / actualUserCount;
const grayscale = 100 - progress * 100;
userCount.innerHTML = `${count++}`;
userCount.style.filter = `grayscale(${grayscale}%)`;
setTimeout(userCountIncrement, speed);
} else {
currentTextContent = Array.from(userList.children).map(child => child.textContent);
userCount.style.filter = 'none';
setTimeout(userCountIncrement, speed);
} // Animation END
// Check if chat is not closed and animation is finished
if (!chatHidden && isAnimated) {
// Check if the user count has changed and add pulse animation
if (userCountValue !== prevUserCountValue) {
// Updating the counter element value
userCount.innerHTML = userCountValue;
// Check if chat is not closed and animation is not in progress
if (!chatHidden && hasObservedChanges) {
newUsers.forEach((newUser) => {
if (!previousUsers.includes(newUser)) {
const userGender = getUserGender(newUser) || 'male'; // use 'male' as default
// Check if the user is in the usersToTrack array for 'enter'
const isUserToTrackEnter = usersToTrack.some(user =>
user.name === newUser && user.state === 'thawed'
const iconType = enterIcon;
showUserAction(newUser, iconType, true);
// Pass 'enter' as the action type and the user's login to refreshUserList
refreshUserList(newUser, "enter");
// Prevent voice notification if mode is silence
if (!isSilence && isUserToTrackEnter) {
userAction(newUser, "enter", userGender);
leftUsers.forEach((leftUser) => {
const userGender = getUserGender(leftUser) || 'male'; // use 'male' as default
// Check if the user is in the usersToTrack array for 'leave'
const isUserToTrackLeave = usersToTrack.some(user =>
user.name === leftUser && user.state === 'thawed'
const iconType = leaveIcon;
showUserAction(leftUser, iconType, false);
// Pass 'leave' as the action type and the user's login to refreshUserList
refreshUserList(leftUser, "leave");
// Prevent voice notification if mode is silence
if (!isSilence && isUserToTrackLeave) {
userAction(leftUser, "leave", userGender);
} else {
// Indicator should look deactivated after the chat is closed
userCount.style.filter = "grayscale(1)";
userCount.innerHTML = "0";
// Set flag to true to initialize notifications about entered and left users
hasObservedChanges = true;
// Update the previous users and user count
previousUsers = currentUsers;
currentUsers = newUserList;
prevUserCountValue = userCountValue;
}, debounceTimeout));
// Start observing the chat user list for changes to notify about them
chatUsersObserver.observe(userList, { childList: true });
// Button to close the chat
const chatCloseButton = document.querySelector('.mostright');
// Event listener for mostright click event
chatCloseButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Trigger the logic you want to perform when the mostright button is clicked
setTimeout(() => {
// Check if the chat is not closed
const chatHidden = document.querySelector('#chat-wrapper.chat-hidden');
if (chatHidden) {
// Avoid "newMessagesObserver" run the call functions multiple times when the chat opens again
isInitialized = false;
} else {
// Call the function to assign all the removing functionality again after the chat was closed
// Set chat field focus
// Allow after "N" delay to run the "newMessagesObserver" call functions safely without repeating
isInitialized = false;
setTimeout(() => (isInitialized = false), 3000);
}, 300);
// Function to restore the chat state based on 'shouldShowPopupMessage' key in localStorage
function restoreChatState() {
// Main chat parent wrap element
const chatMainWrapper = document.querySelector('#chat-fixed-placeholder');
// Check if the key exists in localStorage
if ('shouldShowPopupMessage' in localStorage) {
// Retrieve the value from localStorage
const shouldShowPopupMessage = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('shouldShowPopupMessage'));
// Set the display property based on the retrieved value
chatMainWrapper.style.display = shouldShowPopupMessage ? 'none' : 'unset';
} else {
// Default to 'none' if the key doesn't exist
chatMainWrapper.style.display = 'none';
// Call restoreChatState when needed, for example, on page load
// Check if the key exists in localStorage
if (!('shouldShowPopupMessage' in localStorage)) {
localStorage.setItem('shouldShowPopupMessage', false);
// Custom chat hider with hotkeys Ctr + Space
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
// Check if Ctrl key and Space key are pressed simultaneously
if (event.ctrlKey && event.code === 'Space') {
// Main chat parent wrap element
const chatMainWrapper = document.querySelector('#chat-fixed-placeholder');
// Check if the 'style' attribute is present
const hasStyleAttribute = chatMainWrapper.hasAttribute('style');
// Check if the 'display' property is set on chatMainWrapper element
const isDisplayUnset = chatMainWrapper.style.display === 'unset';
// Popup messages container element
const popupMessagesContainer = document.querySelector('.popup-messages-container');
// Toggle the display property
if (hasStyleAttribute) {
if (isDisplayUnset) {
// Set the display property to 'none'
chatMainWrapper.style.display = 'none';
localStorage.setItem('shouldShowPopupMessage', true);
} else {
// Set the display property to 'unset'
chatMainWrapper.style.display = 'unset';
localStorage.setItem('shouldShowPopupMessage', false);
// Retrieve the chat input field and length popup container based on the current URL
const { inputField } = retrieveChatElementsByRoomType(); // Use your helper function
// Check if inputField is valid before focusing
if (inputField) {
inputField.focus(); // Set focus to the chat input field
} else {
console.error('Input field not found. Cannot set focus.');
} else {
// Initial case: Set the display property to 'none'
chatMainWrapper.style.display = 'none';
localStorage.setItem('shouldShowPopupMessage', true);
// Remove the element with class 'popup-messages-container' if it exists and display is 'unset'
if (popupMessagesContainer && hasStyleAttribute && isDisplayUnset) {
// Initialize the variable to keep track of the last username seen
let lastUsername = null;
// Set the flag as false for the mention beep sound to trigger at first usual beep sound for usual messages
let isMention = false;
// Function to check if a username is mentioned in the message
function isMentionForMe(message) {
const messageLowercase = message.toLowerCase();
return mentionKeywords.some(keyword => messageLowercase.includes(keyword.toLowerCase()));
// Function to replace username mentions with their respective pronunciations
function replaceWithPronunciation(text) {
if (text === null) {
return text;
const replaceUsername = (username) => {
const user = usersToTrack.find(user => user.name === username);
return user ? user.pronunciation : username;
const pattern = new RegExp(usersToTrack.map(user => user.name).join('|'), 'g');
return text.replace(pattern, replaceUsername);
// Function to highlight mention words based on the specified container type
function highlightMentionWords(containerType = 'generalMessages') {
// Define a mapping for container types to their respective selectors and message elements
const containerSelectors = {
generalMessages: { container: '.messages-content div', messageElement: 'p' }, // For general chat
chatlogsMessages: { container: '.chat-logs-container', messageElement: '.message-text' }, // For chat logs
personalMessages: { container: '.messages-container', messageElement: '.message-text' } // For personal messages panel
// Get the container and message element details based on the passed containerType
const { container: containerSelector, messageElement: messageSelector } = containerSelectors[containerType];
// If a valid container selector exists, process the messages
if (containerSelector) {
const containers = document.querySelectorAll(containerSelector); // Get all containers of the specified type
// Loop through each container
containers.forEach((container) => {
// Get all the message elements from the current container
const messages = container.querySelectorAll(messageSelector);
// Loop through each chat message element
messages.forEach((message) => {
// Loop through each text node inside the message element
Array.from(message.childNodes).forEach((node) => {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
// Split the text node content into words
const regex = /[\s]+|[^\s\wа-яА-ЯёЁ]+|[\wа-яА-ЯёЁ]+/g;
const words = node.textContent.match(regex); // Split using the regex
// Create a new fragment to hold the new nodes
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
// Loop through each word in the text node
words.forEach((word) => {
// Check if the word is included in the "mentionKeywords" array (case insensitive)
if (mentionKeywords.map(alias => alias.toLowerCase()).includes(word.toLowerCase())) {
// Create a new <span> element with the mention class
const mentionHighlight = document.createElement('span');
mentionHighlight.textContent = word;
// Highlight styles
// mentionHighlight.style.color = '#83cf40';
// mentionHighlight.style.backgroundColor = '#2b4317';
// mentionHighlight.style.border = '1px solid #4b7328';
// mentionHighlight.style.padding = '2px';
// mentionHighlight.style.display = 'inline-flex';
mentionHighlight.style.display = 'inline-flex';
mentionHighlight.style.color = '#83cf40'; // Green color
mentionHighlight.style.fontFamily = 'Roboto Mono, monospace';
mentionHighlight.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
// Append the new <span> element to the fragment
} else {
// Check if the word is already inside a mention span
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = word;
if (span.querySelector('.mention')) {
// If it is, simply append the word to the fragment
} else {
// If it isn't, create a new text node with the word
const textNode = document.createTextNode(word);
// Append the new text node to the fragment
// Replace the original text node with the new fragment
node.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, node);
} else {
console.error('Invalid container type specified');
const rgbToHsl = (r, g, b) => {
r /= 255;
g /= 255;
b /= 255;
const max = Math.max(r, g, b);
const min = Math.min(r, g, b);
let h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if (max === min) {
h = s = 0; // Achromatic
} else {
const delta = max - min;
s = l < 0.5 ? delta / (max + min) : delta / (2 - max - min);
h = (
max === r
? (g - b) / delta + (g < b ? 6 : 0)
: max === g
? (b - r) / delta + 2
: (r - g) / delta + 4
) / 6;
h = Math.round(h * 360); // Convert to degrees
s = Math.min(Math.round(s * 100), 90); // Cap saturation at 90
l = Math.round(l * 100); // Convert lightness to 0–100
// Adjust hue to allow only 0–230 and 280–360 ranges
if (h > 215 && h < 280) {
h = h < 255 ? 215 : 280; // Shift to nearest valid range
return { h, s, l };
const hslToRgb = (h, s, l) => {
s /= 100; l /= 100;
let r, g, b;
if (s === 0) r = g = b = l * 255; // Achromatic
else {
const q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s, p = 2 * l - q;
const hue2rgb = (p, q, t) => {
if (t < 0) t += 1;
if (t > 1) t -= 1;
return t < 1 / 6 ? p + (q - p) * 6 * t :
t < 1 / 2 ? q :
t < 2 / 3 ? p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6 :
r = Math.round(hue2rgb(p, q, h / 360 + 1 / 3) * 255);
g = Math.round(hue2rgb(p, q, h / 360) * 255);
b = Math.round(hue2rgb(p, q, h / 360 - 1 / 3) * 255);
return `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`;
// Normalize chat username color to be readable in the personal messages panel
function normalizeUsernameColor(initialColor) {
const [r, g, b] = initialColor.match(/\d+/g).map(Number);
const { h, s, l } = rgbToHsl(r, g, b);
// Adjust lightness to ensure it's at least 50
const normalizedLightness = l < 50 ? 50 : l;
const finalColor = hslToRgb(h, s, normalizedLightness);
// Round the RGB values in one go
return finalColor;
// Function to get the cleaned text content of the latest message with username prefix
function getLatestMessageData() {
// Select the last <p> element specifically
const messageElement = document.querySelector('.messages-content div p:last-of-type');
// Return null if no message found
if (!messageElement) return null;
// Helper function to check if a node is a text node
const isTextNode = (node) => node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.textContent.trim() !== '';
// Helper function to check if a node is an img (emoticon)
const isImageNode = (node) => node.nodeName === 'IMG' && node.getAttribute('title');
// Helper function to check if a node is an anchor (link)
const isAnchorNode = (node) => node.nodeName === 'A' && node.getAttribute('href');
// Function to collect message parts (text + emoticons + links) from any container
const collectMessageParts = (container) =>
.map(node =>
isTextNode(node) ? node.textContent.trim() :
isImageNode(node) ? node.getAttribute('title') :
isAnchorNode(node) ? node.getAttribute('href') : ''
.filter(Boolean); // Remove empty strings
// Initialize variables for message texts
let commonMessageText = '';
let privateMessageText = '';
let systemMessageText = '';
const systemUsername = 'SYSTEM'; // Default system username
// Process common message
const commonMessageParts = collectMessageParts(messageElement);
commonMessageText = commonMessageParts.join(' ').trim(); // Final common message text
// Process private message
const privateMessageContainer = messageElement.querySelector('.room.private');
if (privateMessageContainer && privateMessageContainer.textContent.includes('[шепчет вам]')) {
const privateMessageElement = messageElement.querySelector('span.private');
if (privateMessageElement) {
const privateMessageParts = collectMessageParts(privateMessageElement);
privateMessageText = privateMessageParts.join(' ').trim(); // Final private message
// Process system message
const systemMessageElement = messageElement.querySelector('.system-message');
if (systemMessageElement) {
const systemMessageParts = collectMessageParts(systemMessageElement);
// Join system message parts into final systemMessageText
systemMessageText = systemMessageParts.join(' ').trim(); // Final system message
// Clear <Клавобот> from systemMessageText
systemMessageText = systemMessageText.replace(/<Клавобот>\s*/g, '');
// Retrieve or initialize personalMessages from localStorage
const personalMessages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('personalMessages')) || {};
// Helper to get the current date in YYYY-MM-DD format
const getCurrentDate = () => new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-CA');
// Helper function to handle messages
const handleMessage = (messageType, messageText) => {
const time = messageElement.querySelector('.time')?.textContent || 'N/A';
const usernameElement = messageElement.querySelector('.username span[data-user]');
const userId = usernameElement ? usernameElement.getAttribute('data-user') : null;
const username = usernameElement ? usernameElement.textContent : systemUsername;
const usernameColor = usernameElement ? usernameElement.parentElement.style.color : 'rgb(180, 180, 180)';
const normalizedColor = normalizeUsernameColor(usernameColor);
// Create a unique key based on the time and username to avoid collisions
const messageKey = `${time}_${username}`;
// Store the message data in personalMessages with the new order
personalMessages[messageKey] = {
date: getCurrentDate(),
usernameColor: normalizedColor,
message: messageText,
type: messageType,
// Save to localStorage only if the user is not in the ignored
if (!ignored.includes(username)) {
localStorage.setItem('personalMessages', JSON.stringify(personalMessages));
// Check if the message contains a mention for the current user
const usernameElement = messageElement.querySelector('.username');
let usernameText = (usernameElement && usernameElement.textContent)
? usernameElement.textContent.replace(/</g, '').replace(/>/g, '')
: systemUsername; // Default to systemUsername if not found
let usernamePrefix = ''; // Initialize usernamePrefix
// Determine the final message text based on the availability of common, private, or system messages
let finalMessageText = commonMessageText; // Start with the common message
if (privateMessageText) {
finalMessageText = `${privateMessageText}`; // If it's a private message
handleMessage('private', finalMessageText);
} else if (systemMessageText && isMentionForMe(systemMessageText)) {
finalMessageText = `${systemMessageText}`; // If there's a system message with a mention
handleMessage('system', finalMessageText);
// Handle mentions
if (isMentionForMe(finalMessageText)) {
isMention = true;
usernamePrefix = `${replaceWithPronunciation(usernameText)} обращается: `; // Use usernameText directly
handleMessage('mention', finalMessageText); // Pass 'mention' and the original final message text
} else if (usernameText !== lastUsername) {
isMention = false;
usernamePrefix = `${replaceWithPronunciation(usernameText)} пишет: `; // Use usernameText directly
lastUsername = usernameText; // Update the last seen username
// Combine the username prefix and the final message text
const messageWithPronunciation = `${usernamePrefix}${replaceWithPronunciation(finalMessageText)}`;
// Return all relevant message data including the system message
return {
modifiedMessageText: messageWithPronunciation || systemMessageText, // If messageWithPronunciation is null, assign systemMessageText
originalMessageText: finalMessageText || systemMessageText, // If finalMessageText is null, assign systemMessageText
usernameText: usernameText // Always return usernameText
// Prevent the "readNewMessages" function from being called multiple times until all messages in the set have been read
let isReading = false;
// Create a Set to store the new messages
const newMessages = new Set();
// This function adds a new message to the Set and triggers the "readNewMessages" function if the Set was empty before
function addNewMessage(message) {
// Check if the new message is not already in the Set
if (!newMessages.has(message)) {
// Add the new message to the Set
// If the "readNewMessages" function is not already in progress, trigger it
if (!isReading) {
// Change the flag to true to be initialized accent beep sound for mention message
isReading = true;
// This function reads the new messages from the Set and removes them after reading
async function readNewMessages() {
// Read each message in sequence from the Set
for (let message of newMessages) {
// Call the textToSpeech function to read the message
await textToSpeech(message, voiceSpeed);
// Remove the message from the Set after reading
// Set the isReading flag to false after reading all messages
isReading = false;
// Track if the user has loaded messages for the first time
let firstTime = true;
// The distance from the bottom at which we should trigger auto-scrolling
const scrollThreshold = 600;
// Scrolls the specified container to the bottom if the user has scrolled close enough
function scrollMessagesToBottom(containerType = 'generalMessages') {
// Define a mapping for container types to their respective selectors
const containerSelectors = {
generalMessages: '.messages-content', // For general chat
chatlogsMessages: '.chat-logs-container', // For chat logs
personalMessages: '.messages-container' // For personal messages panel
// Get the container based on the passed containerType
const containerSelector = containerSelectors[containerType];
// If the container selector is not defined, return
if (!containerSelector) return;
// Get the container element
const container = document.querySelector(containerSelector);
if (!container) return; // Return if the container doesn't exist
// If it's the user's first time loading messages, auto-scroll to the bottom
if (firstTime) {
container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight;
firstTime = false;
} else {
// Calculate how far the user is from the bottom
const distanceFromBottom = container.scrollHeight - container.scrollTop - container.clientHeight;
// If the user is close enough to the bottom, auto-scroll to the bottom
if (distanceFromBottom <= scrollThreshold) {
container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight;
// Function to scroll messages to the middle of the parent container
async function scrollMessagesToMiddle(parent, element) {
const { top, height } = element.getBoundingClientRect(); // Get the position and height of the found element
const { top: parentTop, height: parentHeight } = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); // Get the position and height of the parent
// Calculate the middle position of the parent container
const parentMiddle = parentTop + parentHeight / 2;
// Determine how far to scroll to center the found element
const scrollOffset = top - parentMiddle + height / 2;
// Scroll to the found element to center it within the parent
top: scrollOffset,
behavior: 'smooth'
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); // Wait for the scroll to complete
parent.style.scrollBehavior = 'auto'; // Reset scroll behavior
addShakeEffect(element); // Add a shake effect to the found element
function applyChatMessageGrouping() {
// Get the messages container element
const messagesContainer = document.getElementById('chat-content');
// Get all the chat message elements from the messages container
const chatMessages = messagesContainer.querySelectorAll('.messages-content div p');
// Initialize variables
let previousUser = null;
let isFirstMessage = true;
let spacing = '14px';
// Loop through the chat messages
for (let i = 0; i < chatMessages.length; i++) {
const message = chatMessages[i];
const usernameElement = message.querySelector('span.username');
// Check if it's a system message with the "system-message" class
const isSystemMessage = message.querySelector('.system-message');
if (isSystemMessage) {
// Apply margins to system messages
message.style.marginTop = spacing;
message.style.marginBottom = spacing;
} else if (usernameElement) { // Check if the message contains a username
// Get the username from the current message
const usernameElementWithDataUser = usernameElement.querySelector('span[data-user]');
if (!usernameElementWithDataUser) {
continue; // Skip messages without a data-user element
let usernameText = usernameElementWithDataUser.textContent;
// Remove the "<" and ">" symbols from the username if they are present
usernameText = usernameText.replace(/</g, '').replace(/>/g, '');
// Apply margin-top for the first message or when the user changes
if (previousUser === null || usernameText !== previousUser) {
// Check if it's not the first message overall
if (!isFirstMessage) {
// Add margin-top to create separation between the current message and the previous message
message.style.marginTop = spacing;
} else {
// Check if it's not the first message of the current user
if (!isFirstMessage) {
// Remove the margin-bottom property from the current message to remove any previously set margin
// Check if there is a next message
const hasNextMessage = i < chatMessages.length - 1;
// Check if there is a next message and it contains a username
if (hasNextMessage) {
const nextMessage = chatMessages[i + 1];
const nextUsernameElement = nextMessage.querySelector('span.username');
if (nextUsernameElement) {
const nextUsernameElementWithDataUser = nextUsernameElement.querySelector('span[data-user]');
if (!nextUsernameElementWithDataUser) {
continue; // Skip messages without a data-user element
// Get the username from the next message
const nextUsernameText = nextUsernameElementWithDataUser.textContent;
// Apply margin-bottom for the last message of each user
if (usernameText !== nextUsernameText) {
message.style.marginBottom = spacing;
// Update the previousUser variable to store the current username
previousUser = usernameText;
// Set isFirstMessage to false to indicate that this is not the first message overall
isFirstMessage = false;
// Call the function to apply chat message grouping
// Algorithm to check for similarity between two strings
function similarity(s1, s2) {
const [longer, shorter] = s1.length >= s2.length ? [s1, s2] : [s2, s1];
const longerLength = longer.length;
if (longerLength === 0) return 1.0;
return (longerLength - editDistance(longer, shorter)) / longerLength;
function editDistance(s1, s2) {
s1 = s1.toLowerCase();
s2 = s2.toLowerCase();
const costs = Array(s2.length + 1).fill(0).map((_, j) => j);
for (let i = 1; i <= s1.length; i++) {
let lastValue = costs[0];
costs[0] = i;
for (let j = 1; j <= s2.length; j++) {
const newValue = costs[j];
costs[j] = s1.charAt(i - 1) === s2.charAt(j - 1) ? lastValue : Math.min(Math.min(newValue, lastValue), costs[j - 1]) + 1;
lastValue = newValue;
return costs[s2.length];
// Time difference threshold (in milliseconds) to identify spam
const timeDifferenceThreshold = 400;
// Message limit per timeDifferenceThreshold
const messageLimit = 1;
// Object to track user-specific data
let userChatData = {};
// Maximum number of consecutive times a user is allowed to exceed the message limit
const thresholdMaxTries = 10;
// Function to format time difference
function formatTimeDifference(difference) {
// Define time units
const units = ['hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond'];
// Calculate values for each time unit
const values = [
Math.floor(difference / (1000 * 60 * 60)), // hours
Math.floor((difference / (1000 * 60)) % 60), // minutes
Math.floor((difference / 1000) % 60), // seconds
difference % 1000 // milliseconds
// Map each non-zero value to a formatted string with its corresponding unit
const formattedStrings = values
.map((value, index) => (value > 0 ? `${value} ${units[index]}${value > 1 ? 's' : ''}` : ''));
// Filter out empty strings (units with a value of 0) and join the remaining strings
const formattedTime = formattedStrings
.join(' ');
// Return the formatted time string
return formattedTime;
// Helper function to remove all messages by a user
function removeUserMessages(userId) {
const userMessages = document.querySelectorAll(`.messages-content span[data-user="${userId}"]`);
userMessages.forEach(message => {
const pTag = message.closest('p');
if (pTag) {
const digits = '0-9';
const whitespaces = '\\s';
const latinChars = 'a-zA-Z';
const cyrillicChars = 'а-яА-ЯёЁ';
const commonSymbols = '!@#$%^&*()-_=+[\\]{}|;:\'",.<>/?`~';
// Special symbols as characters
const copyrightSymbol = '\\u00A9'; // ©
const trademarkSymbol = '\\u2122'; // ™
const registeredSymbol = '\\u00AE'; // ®
const leftDoubleAngleQuote = '\\u00AB'; // «
const rightDoubleAngleQuote = '\\u00BB'; // »
const plusMinus = '\\u00B1'; // ±
const multiplication = '\\u00D7'; // ×
const division = '\\u00F7'; // ÷
const degreeSymbol = '\\u00B0'; // °
const notEqual = '\\u2260'; // ≠
const lessThanOrEqual = '\\u2264'; // ≤
const greaterThanOrEqual = '\\u2265'; // ≥
const infinity = '\\u221E'; // ∞
const euroSymbol = '\\u20AC'; // €
const poundSymbol = '\\u00A3'; // £
const yenSymbol = '\\u00A5'; // ¥
const sectionSymbol = '\\u00A7'; // §
const bulletPoint = '\\u2022'; // •
const ellipsis = '\\u2026'; // …
const minus = '\\u2212'; // −
const enDash = '\\u2013'; // –
const emDash = '\\u2014'; // —
// Arrow and Mathematical symbols as Unicode escape sequences
const leftArrow = '\\u2190'; // ←
const rightArrow = '\\u2192'; // →
const upArrow = '\\u2191'; // ↑
const downArrow = '\\u2193'; // ↓
const half = '\\u00BD'; // ½
const oneThird = '\\u2153'; // ⅓
const twoThirds = '\\u2154'; // ⅔
const summation = '\\u2211'; // ∑
const acuteAccent = '\\u00B4'; // ´
const emojiRanges = '\\uD83C-\\uDBFF\\uDC00-\\uDFFF';
// Initialized to store characters found in a message that are not allowed
let disallowedChars = null;
function messageContainsAllowedChars(message) {
const allowedCharsRegex = new RegExp(
`[${digits}${latinChars}${cyrillicChars}${whitespaces}${commonSymbols}` +
`${copyrightSymbol}${trademarkSymbol}${registeredSymbol}${leftDoubleAngleQuote}${rightDoubleAngleQuote}` +
`${plusMinus}${multiplication}${division}${degreeSymbol}${notEqual}${lessThanOrEqual}${greaterThanOrEqual}` +
`${infinity}${euroSymbol}${poundSymbol}${yenSymbol}${sectionSymbol}${bulletPoint}${ellipsis}${minus}${enDash}${emDash}` +
`${leftArrow}${rightArrow}${upArrow}${downArrow}${half}${oneThird}${twoThirds}${summation}` +
`${acuteAccent}${emojiRanges}]+`, 'g'
const allowedChars = message.match(allowedCharsRegex);
if (allowedChars && allowedChars.join('') === message) {
return true;
} else {
disallowedChars = message.replace(allowedCharsRegex, '');
return false;
// Helper function to handle threshold check
function handleThresholdExceeded(userId, generateLogUserInfo) {
if (userChatData[userId].thresholdMaxTries >= thresholdMaxTries) {
// Set 'banned' to true after passing the max thresholdMaxTries to remove user messages passing the messages limit checking
userChatData[userId].banned = true;
console.log(generateLogUserInfo(), 'color: pink');
console.log(`%c${userChatData[userId].userName} cannot send messages anymore`, 'color: pink');
// Function to track and handle spam messages
function banSpammer() {
// Get the current timestamp
const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
// Select the last p element in the chat
const latestMessage = document.querySelector('.messages-content p:last-child');
if (latestMessage) {
// Get user ID from the last message
const userIdElement = latestMessage.querySelector('span[data-user]');
const userId = userIdElement ? userIdElement.getAttribute('data-user') : null;
// Initialize user-specific data outside the if block
if (!userChatData[userId]) {
userChatData[userId] = {
messagesCount: 0,
thresholdMaxTries: 0,
time: currentTime,
userName: userIdElement ? userIdElement.textContent : 'Unknown User',
previousTime: null,
firstInteraction: true,
banned: false
// Calculate time difference
const timeDifference = currentTime - userChatData[userId].time;
// Function to generate log information dynamically
function generateLogUserInfo() {
return `%cID: ${userId}, Name: ${userChatData[userId].userName}, ` +
`Time Difference: ${formatTimeDifference(timeDifference)}, ` +
`Messages Count: ${userChatData[userId].messagesCount}, ` +
`Spam Tries: ${userChatData[userId].thresholdMaxTries}, ` +
`Banned: ${userChatData[userId].banned}`;
// Check if the message contains not allowed chars
if (!messageContainsAllowedChars(latestMessage.textContent, userId) && !userChatData[userId].banned) {
// Increase thresholdMaxTries on every limit pass
// If the message contains not allowed chars, log the information
`%c${userChatData[userId].userName} has sent a message with not allowed characters ${disallowedChars}.
Threshold: ${userChatData[userId].thresholdMaxTries}.`,
'color: orange;'
handleThresholdExceeded(userId, generateLogUserInfo);
// Special handling for the first interaction
if (userChatData[userId].firstInteraction) {
console.log(`%c${userChatData[userId].userName} posted the first message for the current chat session.`, 'color: yellow');
userChatData[userId].firstInteraction = false;
// Check if the user is banned
else if (userChatData[userId].banned) {
// Remove all the messages by that user continuously until banned
} else {
if (timeDifference < timeDifferenceThreshold) {
// Check if the time difference is less than the threshold
if (userChatData[userId].messagesCount > messageLimit) {
// Remove all messages by that user if messages limit was exceeded
// Increase thresholdMaxTries on every limit pass
handleThresholdExceeded(userId, generateLogUserInfo);
// Log the information immediately after updating the values if not banned
if (!userChatData[userId].banned) {
console.log(generateLogUserInfo(), 'color: red');
} else {
// Log the information immediately after updating the values if not banned and not exceeding the limit
console.log(generateLogUserInfo(), 'color: green');
} else {
// If none of the above conditions are met, update user-specific data for the current interaction
userChatData[userId].previousTime = userChatData[userId].time;
userChatData[userId].time = currentTime;
userChatData[userId].messagesCount = 1;
// Log the information immediately after updating the values if not banned and not exceeding the limit
console.log(generateLogUserInfo(), 'color: green');
const popupMessageIconSize = 16;
// SVG markup for a clock icon
const clockSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="${popupMessageIconSize - 2}"
height="${popupMessageIconSize - 2}"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-clock">
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
<polyline points="12 6 12 12 16 14"></polyline>
// SVG for the "chevron right" icon, used in a popup chat messages
const actionSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-chevron-right">
<polyline points="9 18 15 12 9 6"></polyline>
// SVG markup for a user icon
const userSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="${popupMessageIconSize - 2}"
height="${popupMessageIconSize - 2}"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-user">
<path d="M20 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H8a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2"></path>
<circle cx="12" cy="7" r="4"></circle>
const popupChatMessageStyles = document.createElement('style');
popupChatMessageStyles.textContent = `
.popup-messages-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-end;
align-items: start;
user-select: none;
pointer-events: none;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 50px;
bottom: 0;
.popup-chat-message {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
background-color: hsl(100, 50%, 10%);
position: relative;
max-width: 70vw;
border-radius: 0.2em !important;
color: hsl(100, 50%, 50%);
border: 1px solid hsl(100, 50%, 25%);
padding: 4px;
margin: 6px 15vw;
opacity: 0;
transform: translateY(20px);
transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out, transform 0.3s ease-in-out;
animation: fadeIn 0.3s ease-in-out forwards;
@keyframes fadeIn {
from {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateY(20px);
to {
opacity: 1;
transform: translateY(0);
.popup-chat-message.fade-out {
animation: fadeOut 0.3s ease-in-out forwards;
@keyframes fadeOut {
from {
opacity: 1;
transform: translateY(0);
to {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateY(-20px);
.popup-chat-message > div {
padding: 2px;
display: flex;
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
.popup-chat-message .time,
.popup-chat-message .time-icon {
opacity: 0.7;
// Set the maximum number of popup messages to display globally
const maxPopupMessagesCount = 10;
// Define an object to store the hue for each username
const usernameHueMap = {};
// Increase step for noticeable color changes
const hueStep = 15;
// Define the function to show popup messages when the main chat is hidden by hotkeys Ctrl + Space (only)
function showPopupMessage() {
// Check if the key 'shouldShowPopupMessage' exists and has a value of true
const shouldShowPopupMessage = localStorage.getItem('shouldShowPopupMessage');
// Stop execution if shouldShowPopupMessage is false
if (shouldShowPopupMessage !== 'true') {
// Get the last message in the chat
const latestMessage = document.querySelector('.messages-content p:last-of-type');
if (latestMessage) {
// Extract elements for time and username from the latest message
const time = latestMessage.querySelector('.time');
const username = latestMessage.querySelector('.username');
// Get all nodes and concatenate their values
const nodes = Array.from(latestMessage.childNodes);
const elements = nodes.map(node => {
// Handle plain text nodes
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return { type: 'text', value: node.nodeValue.trim() };
// Handle element nodes
else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// Handle private <a> element (with lock emoji for <a>)
if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a' && node.classList.contains('private')) {
return { type: 'text', value: '📢\u00A0' }; // Non-breaking space after lock emoji
// Handle private <span> element (no lock emoji for <span>)
if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'span' && node.classList.contains('private')) {
return { type: 'text', value: node.textContent.trim() };
// Handle <img> element
if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img') {
const imgTitle = node.getAttribute('title');
return { type: 'img', title: imgTitle };
// Handle regular <a> element (without 'private' class)
if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a') {
const anchorHref = node.getAttribute('href');
return { type: 'anchor', href: anchorHref };
// Extract relevant data from the time and username elements
const cleanTime = time.textContent.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');
const cleanUsername = username.textContent.replace(/[<>]/g, '');
// Check if the hue for this username is already stored
let hueForUsername = usernameHueMap[cleanUsername];
// If the hue is not stored, generate a new random hue with the specified step
if (!hueForUsername) {
hueForUsername = Math.floor(Math.random() * (360 / hueStep)) * hueStep;
// Store the generated hue for this username
usernameHueMap[cleanUsername] = hueForUsername;
// Create or get the main container for all messages
let popupMessagesContainer = document.querySelector('.popup-messages-container');
if (!popupMessagesContainer) {
popupMessagesContainer = document.createElement('div');
// Check if the total number of messages in the container exceeds the maximum
if (popupMessagesContainer.childElementCount >= maxPopupMessagesCount) {
// Get the oldest message
const oldestMessage = popupMessagesContainer.firstChild;
// Apply a CSS class to initiate the fade-out animation
// After the animation duration, remove the message from the DOM
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300); // Adjust the time to match your CSS animation duration
// Create a container div for each message
const popupChatMessage = document.createElement('div');
// Apply the hue-rotate filter to the entire message container
popupChatMessage.style.filter = `hue-rotate(${hueForUsername}deg)`;
// Append time SVG icon before the time
const timeIcon = document.createElement('div');
timeIcon.innerHTML = clockSVG;
// Append spans for each part with respective classes
const timeElement = document.createElement('div');
timeElement.textContent = cleanTime;
// Append user SVG icon after the time
const userIcon = document.createElement('div');
userIcon.innerHTML = userSVG;
const usernameElement = document.createElement('div');
usernameElement.textContent = cleanUsername;
// Append action SVG icon after the username
const actionIcon = document.createElement('div');
actionIcon.innerHTML = actionSVG;
const messageElement = document.createElement('div');
// Append elements to the message container
// Fill the message container with text, images, and anchors
elements.forEach(element => {
const elementContainer = document.createElement('div');
if (element.type === 'text') {
elementContainer.textContent = element.value;
} else if (element.type === 'img') {
elementContainer.innerHTML = ` ${element.title} `;
} else if (element.type === 'anchor') {
elementContainer.innerHTML = ` ${element.href} `;
// Append the message container to the main container
// Function to convert Cyrillic characters to Latin
function convertCyrillicToLatin(input) {
const cyrillicToLatinMap = {
'А': 'A', 'Б': 'B', 'В': 'V', 'Г': 'G', 'Д': 'D',
'Е': 'E', 'Ё': 'Yo', 'Ж': 'Zh', 'З': 'Z', 'И': 'I',
'Й': 'Y', 'К': 'K', 'Л': 'L', 'М': 'M', 'Н': 'N',
'О': 'O', 'П': 'P', 'Р': 'R', 'С': 'S', 'Т': 'T',
'У': 'U', 'Ф': 'F', 'Х': 'Kh', 'Ц': 'Ts', 'Ч': 'Ch',
'Ш': 'Sh', 'Щ': 'Shch', 'Ъ': 'y', // 'ъ' maps to 'y'
'Ы': 'Y', 'Ь': 'i', // 'ь' maps to 'i'
'Э': 'E', 'Ю': 'Yu', 'Я': 'Ya',
'а': 'a', 'б': 'b', 'в': 'v', 'г': 'g', 'д': 'd',
'е': 'e', 'ё': 'yo', 'ж': 'zh', 'з': 'z', 'и': 'i',
'й': 'y', 'к': 'k', 'л': 'l', 'м': 'm', 'н': 'n',
'о': 'o', 'п': 'p', 'р': 'r', 'с': 's', 'т': 't',
'у': 'u', 'ф': 'f', 'х': 'kh', 'ц': 'ts', 'ч': 'ch',
'ш': 'sh', 'щ': 'shch', 'ъ': 'y', // 'ъ' maps to 'y'
'ы': 'y', 'ь': 'i', // 'ь' maps to 'i'
'э': 'e', 'ю': 'yu', 'я': 'ya'
// Convert the input string to Latin using the mapping
return input.split('').map(char => cyrillicToLatinMap[char] || char).join('');
// Function to convert Russian usernames
function convertRussianUsernameToLatin(username) {
// Use the conversion function on the username
return convertCyrillicToLatin(username);
// Skip reading the messages on page load to read them normally when the user is present and the page is stable
let isInitialized = false;
// Define the maximum number of messages per user
const maxMessagesPerUser = 5;
// Set a similarity threshold (you can adjust this value as needed)
const similarityThreshold = 0.8;
// Create a map to hold messages for each user
const messagesForSimilarityCheck = new Map();
// Function to remove all messages from users in the ignored
function removeIgnoredUserMessages() {
document.querySelectorAll('.messages-content p').forEach(message => {
const usernameElement = message.querySelector('.username'); // Adjust selector if needed
const username = usernameElement?.textContent?.replace(/[<>]/g, '') || null;
if (username && ignored.includes(username)) {
// console.log(`Hidden message from ignored user: ${username}`);
// Convert Cyrillic username to Latin
const latinUsername = convertRussianUsernameToLatin(username);
message.classList.add('ignored-user', latinUsername);
message.style.display = 'none'; // Hide the message
// Function to play sound as a notification for system message banned
function playSound() {
const marioGameOver = 'https://github.com/VimiummuimiV/Sounds/raw/refs/heads/main/Mario_Game_Over.mp3';
const audio = new Audio(marioGameOver);
// Function to detect a system ban message based on the message text content
function isBanMessageFromSystem(messageText) {
return ['Клавобот', 'Пользователь', 'заблокирован'].every(word => messageText.includes(word));
* Normalizes the color of usernames and resets their filter based on the specified mode.
* @param {NodeList|Element} usernameElements - A NodeList of username elements or a single username element.
* @param {string} mode - The mode of operation; either 'one' to process a single username or 'all' to process multiple.
function normalizeAndResetUsernames(usernameElements, mode) {
// Exit if usernameElements is null or undefined
if (!usernameElements) return console.error("usernameElements is null or undefined.");
if (mode === 'one') {
// Directly process the single username element
const userSpan = usernameElements.querySelector('span[data-user]'); // Get the span[data-user] inside the .username element
const computedColor = getComputedStyle(usernameElements).color; // Get the computed color of the usernameElement
const normalizedColor = normalizeUsernameColor(computedColor); // Normalize the color
usernameElements.style.setProperty('color', normalizedColor, 'important'); // Apply the normalized color to usernameElement
userSpan.style.setProperty('filter', 'invert(0)', 'important'); // Reset the filter for userSpan
} else if (mode === 'all') {
// Process all username elements within the context of the provided NodeList
const elementsToProcess = Array.from(usernameElements); // Convert NodeList to an array
elementsToProcess.forEach(usernameElement => {
const userSpan = usernameElement.querySelector('span[data-user]'); // Get the span[data-user] inside the .username element
if (!userSpan) return; // Exit if userSpan does not exist
const computedColor = getComputedStyle(usernameElement).color; // Get the computed color of the usernameElement
const normalizedColor = normalizeUsernameColor(computedColor); // Normalize the color
usernameElement.style.setProperty('color', normalizedColor, 'important'); // Apply the normalized color to usernameElement
userSpan.style.setProperty('filter', 'invert(0)', 'important'); // Reset the filter for userSpan
} else {
console.error("Invalid mode. Use 'one' or 'all'.");
// Create a mutation observer to watch for new messages being added
const newMessagesObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
// If isInitialized is false, return without doing anything
if (!isInitialized) {
isInitialized = true;
// Remove the 'sessionChatMessages' key from localStorage if it exists
localStorage.getItem('sessionChatMessages') && localStorage.removeItem('sessionChatMessages');
// Normalize chat usernames color for dark theme
const allUsernameElements = document.querySelectorAll('.username'); // Get all username elements
normalizeAndResetUsernames(allUsernameElements, 'all'); // Process all username elements
return; // Stop processing further
for (let mutation of mutations) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.tagName === 'P') {
const singleUsernameElement = node.querySelector('.username'); // Get a single username element
normalizeAndResetUsernames(singleUsernameElement, 'one'); // Process the single username element
// Get previous message from localStorage
let previousMessageText = localStorage.getItem('previousMessageText');
// Get the latest message data
let latestMessageData = getLatestMessageData();
// Get the modified and original actual messages of the user who sent it
let actualModifiedMessageText = latestMessageData?.modifiedMessageText || null;
let actualOriginalMessageText = latestMessageData?.originalMessageText || null;
// Get the actual username of the user who sent the latest message
let latestMessageUsername = latestMessageData?.usernameText || null;
// Initialize the user's message array if it doesn't exist
messagesForSimilarityCheck.set(latestMessageUsername, messagesForSimilarityCheck.get(latestMessageUsername) || []);
// Get the user's messages
const userMessages = messagesForSimilarityCheck.get(latestMessageUsername);
// Check if the new message is similar to any existing message in the user's message array
const isSimilarMessage = userMessages.some(msg => {
const messageSimilarity = similarity(actualOriginalMessageText, msg); // Store similarity value in a constant
return messageSimilarity > similarityThreshold;
// If the message is similar, set filter opacity and blur
if (isSimilarMessage) {
node.style.filter = 'opacity(0.3) blur(1px)';
} else {
// Add the new message to the user's message array and update the map
userMessages.push(actualOriginalMessageText); // Push the new message into the user's message array
messagesForSimilarityCheck.set(latestMessageUsername, userMessages); // Update the map with the latest messages for the user
// Prepare the sessionMessages object to store chat messages in the desired format
let sessionMessages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('sessionChatMessages')) || {}; // Retrieve existing session messages or initialize an empty object
// Ensure there's an entry for the current user in sessionMessages
sessionMessages[latestMessageUsername] = sessionMessages[latestMessageUsername] || []; // Create an array if the username doesn't exist
// Add the new message to the user's array in sessionMessages
sessionMessages[latestMessageUsername].push(actualOriginalMessageText); // Append the new message to the user's message array
// Check if the number of messages for the user exceeds the maximum allowed
if (userMessages.length > maxMessagesPerUser) {
messagesForSimilarityCheck.delete(latestMessageUsername); // Remove the user from the messagesForSimilarityCheck map
delete sessionMessages[latestMessageUsername]; // Delete the user's messages from sessionMessages
// Save the updated session messages back to localStorage to persist changes
localStorage.setItem('sessionChatMessages', JSON.stringify(sessionMessages)); // Update localStorage with the new sessionMessages
// Convert Cyrillic username to Latin
const latinUsername = convertRussianUsernameToLatin(latestMessageUsername);
// Detect and handle the ban message (play sound if detected)
if (isBanMessageFromSystem(actualModifiedMessageText)) {
console.log('Ban message detected:', actualModifiedMessageText);
playSound(); // Play the Mario Game Over sound
// Check if the username is in the ignored
if (latestMessageUsername && ignored.includes(latestMessageUsername)) {
node.classList.add('ignored-user', latinUsername);
node.style.display = 'none'; // Hide the message
continue; // Skip the rest of the processing for this message
// Get the sound switcher element and check which option is selected
const soundSwitcher = document.querySelector('#voice, #beep, #silence');
const isVoice = soundSwitcher && soundSwitcher.id === 'voice';
const isBeep = soundSwitcher && soundSwitcher.id === 'beep';
// Get the message mode element and check which option is selected
const messageMode = document.querySelector('#every-message, #mention-message');
const isEveryMessageMode = messageMode && messageMode.id === 'every-message';
const isMentionMessageMode = messageMode && messageMode.id === 'mention-message';
// Define the constant for the private message check
const privateMessageIndicator = '[шепчет вам]';
// Check if the message element contains a private message
const privateMessageContainer = node.querySelector('.room.private');
const isPrivateMessage = privateMessageContainer && privateMessageContainer.textContent.includes(privateMessageIndicator);
// If mode is voice, speak the new message and update the latest message content in local storage
if (isVoice && isInitialized && actualModifiedMessageText && actualModifiedMessageText !== previousMessageText) {
// Update localStorage key "previousMessageText"
localStorage.setItem('previousMessageText', actualModifiedMessageText);
// Do not read personal messages. Only unique other people's messages.
if (latestMessageUsername && !latestMessageUsername.includes(myNickname)) {
// Read all messages in every-message mode
if (isEveryMessageMode) {
console.log('Triggered Voice: Every message mode');
// Read mention messages only in mention-message mode
else if (isMentionMessageMode && isMention) {
console.log('Triggered Voice: Mention message mode');
// Read when private messages is addressed to you
else if (isPrivateMessage) {
console.log('Triggered Voice: Private message');
else {
console.log('No matching condition for Voice Mode');
// If mode is beep, play the beep sound for the new message
if (isBeep && isInitialized && actualModifiedMessageText && actualModifiedMessageText !== previousMessageText) {
// Update localStorage key "previousMessageText"
localStorage.setItem('previousMessageText', actualModifiedMessageText);
// Do not read personal messages. Only unique other people's messages.
if (latestMessageUsername && !latestMessageUsername.includes(myNickname)) {
// Beep all messages in every-message mode
if (isEveryMessageMode) {
console.log('Triggered Beep: Every message mode');
const frequenciesToPlay = isMention ? mentionMessageFrequencies : usualMessageFrequencies;
playBeep(frequenciesToPlay, beepVolume);
// Beep mention messages only in mention-message mode
else if (isMentionMessageMode && isMention) {
console.log('Triggered Beep: Mention message mode');
const frequenciesToPlay = mentionMessageFrequencies;
playBeep(frequenciesToPlay, beepVolume);
// Beep when private messages are addressed to you
else if (isPrivateMessage) {
console.log('Triggered Beep: Private message');
const frequenciesToPlay = mentionMessageFrequencies;
playBeep(frequenciesToPlay, beepVolume);
else {
console.log('No matching condition for Beep Mode');
// Reset mention flag if it was true
if (isMention) isMention = false;
if (isInitialized) {
// Attach contextmenu event listener for messages deletion
// Convert image links to visible image containers
// Convert YouTube links to visible iframe containers
convertYoutubeLinksToIframe('generalMessages'); // For general chat
// Call the function to apply the chat message grouping
// Call the function to scroll to the bottom of the chat
// Call the banSpammer function to track and handle potential spam messages
// Call the function to show the latest popup message
// Call the function to update the total and new message count display
// Observe changes to the messages container element
const messagesContainer = document.querySelector('.messages-content div');
newMessagesObserver.observe(messagesContainer, { childList: true, subtree: true });
const iconStrokeWidth = 1.8;
const iconSize = 28;
const iconSilenceStroke = 'hsl(355, 80%, 65%)'; // red
const iconBeepStroke = 'hsl(55, 80%, 65%)'; // yellow
const iconVoiceStroke = 'hsl(80, 80%, 40%)'; // green
const svgUrl = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
// Icons for sound switcher button
// Button SVG icons "silence", "beep", "voice" representation
const iconSoundSilence = `<svg xmlns="${svgUrl}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="${iconSilenceStroke}" stroke-width="${iconStrokeWidth}" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<polygon points="11 5 6 9 2 9 2 15 6 15 11 19 11 5"></polygon>
<line x1="23" y1="9" x2="17" y2="15"></line>
<line x1="17" y1="9" x2="23" y2="15"></line>
const iconSoundBeep = `<svg xmlns="${svgUrl}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="${iconBeepStroke}" stroke-width="${iconStrokeWidth}" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<polygon points="11 5 6 9 2 9 2 15 6 15 11 19 11 5"></polygon>
<path d="M19.07 4.93a10 10 0 0 1 0 14.14" opacity="0.3"></path>
<path d="M15.54 8.46a5 5 0 0 1 0 7.07"></path>
const iconSoundVoice = `<svg xmlns="${svgUrl}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="${iconVoiceStroke}" stroke-width="${iconStrokeWidth}" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<polygon points="11 5 6 9 2 9 2 15 6 15 11 19 11 5"></polygon>
<path d="M19.07 4.93a10 10 0 0 1 0 14.14"></path>
<path d="M15.54 8.46a5 5 0 0 1 0 7.07"></path>
// Icons for message mode button
// Button SVG icons "every", "mention" representation
const iconModeEvery = `<svg xmlns="${svgUrl}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="hsl(100, 50%, 50%)" stroke-width="${iconStrokeWidth}" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path d="M17 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H5a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2"></path>
<circle cx="9" cy="7" r="4"></circle>
<path d="M23 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-3-3.87"></path>
<path d="M16 3.13a4 4 0 0 1 0 7.75"></path>
const iconModeMention = `<svg xmlns="${svgUrl}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="hsl(180, 60%, 50%)" stroke-width="${iconStrokeWidth}" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path d="M20 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H8a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2"></path>
<circle cx="12" cy="7" r="4"></circle>
// Icon for the out of range value
const iconRangeisOut = `<svg xmlns="${svgUrl}" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2"
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-slash">
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
<line x1="4.93" y1="4.93" x2="19.07" y2="19.07"></line>
// Icon for userlistCache
const iconUserlistCache = `<svg xmlns="${svgUrl}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#b4d583" stroke-width="${iconStrokeWidth}"
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-database">
<ellipse cx="12" cy="5" rx="9" ry="3"></ellipse>
<path d="M21 12c0 1.66-4 3-9 3s-9-1.34-9-3"></path>
<path d="M3 5v14c0 1.66 4 3 9 3s9-1.34 9-3V5"></path>
// Icon for personal messages
const iconPersonalMessages = `<svg xmlns="${svgUrl}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#ffa07a" stroke-width="${iconStrokeWidth}"
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-mail">
<path d="M4 4h16c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2v12c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2H4c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V6c0-1.1.9-2 2-2z"></path>
<polyline points="22,6 12,13 2,6"></polyline>
// Icon for chat logs
const iconChatLogs = `<svg xmlns="${svgUrl}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
stroke="cornflowerblue" stroke-width="${iconStrokeWidth}" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"
class="feather feather-message-circle">
<path d="M21 11.5a8.38 8.38 0 0 1-.9 3.8 8.5 8.5 0 0 1-7.6 4.7 8.38 8.38 0 0 1-3.8-.9L3 21l1.9-5.7a8.38 8.38 0 0 1-.9-3.8 8.5 8.5 0 0 1 4.7-7.6 8.38 8.38 0 0 1 3.8-.9h.5a8.48 8.48 0 0 1 8 8v.5z"></path>
// Declare variables for the sound switcher button and its icon
let soundSwitcher, soundSwitcherIcon;
// Declare variables for the message mode button and its icon
let messageMode, messageModeIcon;
// Helper function to add pulse effect
function addPulseEffect(element) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
// Helper function to add jump effect like a ball with more keyframes
function addJumpEffect(element, initialTranslateX = 50, initialTranslateY = 50) {
const transforms = [
`translate(${initialTranslateX}%, ${initialTranslateY}%)`, // Initial start position
`translate(${initialTranslateX}%, ${initialTranslateY - 30}%)`, // Jump up
`translate(${initialTranslateX}%, ${initialTranslateY - 50}%)`, // Higher jump peak
`translate(${initialTranslateX}%, ${initialTranslateY}%)`, // Return to original position
`translate(${initialTranslateX}%, ${initialTranslateY + 10}%)`, // Slight bounce down
`translate(${initialTranslateX}%, ${initialTranslateY + 20}%)`, // Adjust slightly up
`translate(${initialTranslateX}%, ${initialTranslateY}%)` // Final position (original)
// Define an initial delay and a decrement factor for timing
let delay = 300; // Start with 300ms
const decrement = 40; // Decrease the delay by 40ms for each keyframe
transforms.forEach((transform, index) => {
setTimeout(() => {
element.style.transform = transform; // Apply the current transform
}, delay); // Schedule the transform
delay -= decrement; // Decrease delay for the next keyframe
// Helper function to add a shake effect for messages not found in the personal messages panel.
function addShakeEffect(element) {
const transforms = [
'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', // Initial start position
'translate3d(-2px, 0, 0)', // Shake left (larger)
'translate3d(4px, 0, 0)', // Shake right (larger)
'translate3d(-8px, 0, 0)', // Shake left more (larger)
'translate3d(8px, 0, 0)', // Shake right more (larger)
'translate3d(-2px, 0, 0)', // Shake left (larger)
'translate3d(0, 0, 0)' // Return to original position
// Define an initial delay and a decrement factor for timing
let delay = 100; // Start with 100ms
const increment = 50; // Increase the delay by 50ms for each keyframe
transforms.forEach((transform, index) => {
setTimeout(() => {
element.style.transform = transform; // Apply the current transform
element.style.transition = 'transform 0.1s ease'; // Ensure smooth transition
}, delay); // Schedule the transform
delay += increment; // Increase delay for the next keyframe
// Helper function to add a blink effect using color opacity.
function addBlinkEffect(element) {
// Set the initial color to bisque with full opacity.
element.style.backgroundColor = 'darkgreen'; // Initial color.
const opacities = [1, 0, 1, 0]; // Full -> Hidden -> Full -> End at Hidden.
const delay = 100; // Static delay of 200ms between frames.
// Repeat the blink effect three times.
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
opacities.forEach((opacity, index) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// Apply the opacity to the background color darkgreen represented in RGBA.
element.style.backgroundColor = `rgba(0, 100, 0, ${opacity})`; // Change the opacity.
element.style.transition = 'background-color 0.3s ease'; // Smooth transition.
}, delay * (i * opacities.length + index)); // Schedule the color change.
// Helper function to apply common styles to buttons
function applyBaseButtonStyles(element) {
Object.assign(element.style, {
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
width: '48px',
height: '48px',
cursor: 'pointer',
margin: `${empowermentButtonsMargin}px`,
backgroundColor: '#212226',
border: '1px solid #45474b',
function createSoundSwitcherButton() {
// Create a new element with class 'sound-switcher-button' and id 'silence'
soundSwitcher = document.createElement('div');
// Retrieve the value from localStorage key "messageNotificationState"
const messageNotificationState = KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageNotificationState || 'silence';
// Add the class 'sound-switcher-button' to the 'soundSwitcher' element
// Initial button id if the localStorage key isn't created with assigned value by user
soundSwitcher.id = messageNotificationState;
// Retrieve the value from localStorage key "messageNotificationTitle"
// Apply base button styles
// Retrieve the value from KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageNotificationTitle
const messageNotificationTitle = KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageNotificationTitle || 'Do not disturb';
// Assign title for the current notification state
soundSwitcher.title = messageNotificationTitle;
// Create sound switcher button icon container
soundSwitcherIcon = document.createElement('span');
// Add class to icon container
// Append icon container inside sound switcher button
// Append sound switcher button to chat buttons panel
} createSoundSwitcherButton();
// Add the isAltKeyPressed condition to the soundSwitcher event listener
soundSwitcher.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
// Only execute the code if both isCtrlKeyPressed and isAltKeyPressed are false
if (!isCtrlKeyPressed && !isAltKeyPressed) {
// Get progress bar elements if they exist in the DOM
let currentVoiceSpeed = document.querySelector('.current-voice-speed');
let currentVoicePitch = document.querySelector('.current-voice-pitch');
// Remove voice speed setting progress bar
if (currentVoiceSpeed) {
// Remove voice pitch setting progress bar
if (currentVoicePitch) {
// Add pulse effect for soundSwitcher
switch (this.id) {
case 'silence':
this.id = 'beep';
this.title = 'Notify with beep signal';
KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageNotificationState = 'beep';
KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageNotificationTitle = 'Notify with beep signal';
case 'beep':
this.id = 'voice';
this.title = 'Notify with voice API';
KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageNotificationState = 'voice';
KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageNotificationTitle = 'Notify with voice API';
case 'voice':
this.id = 'silence';
this.title = 'Do not disturb';
KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageNotificationState = 'silence';
KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageNotificationTitle = 'Do not disturb';
// Stringify KG_Chat_Empowerment before updating in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('KG_Chat_Empowerment', JSON.stringify(KG_Chat_Empowerment));
function updateSoundSwitcherIcon() {
switch (soundSwitcher.id) {
case 'silence':
soundSwitcherIcon.innerHTML = iconSoundSilence;
case 'beep':
soundSwitcherIcon.innerHTML = iconSoundBeep;
case 'voice':
soundSwitcherIcon.innerHTML = iconSoundVoice;
} updateSoundSwitcherIcon();
// This function combines the results of the above functions to return an object
// with both the speed and pitch percentages as strings with a "%" sign appended.
function getVoiceSettingsPercentage() {
const speedPercent = ((voiceSpeed - minVoiceSpeed) / (maxVoiceSpeed - minVoiceSpeed)) * 100;
const pitchPercent = ((voicePitch - minVoicePitch) / (maxVoicePitch - minVoicePitch)) * 100;
return {
speed: `${speedPercent}%`,
pitch: `${pitchPercent}%`,
// Function to assign common styles for voice speed and pitch elements
function assignVoiceSettingsStyles(voiceSettings) {
voiceSettings.style.position = 'absolute';
voiceSettings.style.top = '65px';
voiceSettings.style.right = '70px';
voiceSettings.style.opacity = 0;
voiceSettings.style.transition = 'opacity 0.3s ease';
voiceSettings.style.fontFamily = 'Orbitron, sans-serif';
* Shows the current voice speed or pitch as a span element with appropriate styles.
* If the Ctrl key is pressed, displays the current voice speed.
* If the Alt key is pressed, displays the current voice pitch.
function showVoiceSettings() {
let voiceSettings = document.querySelector('.voice-settings');
let currentVoiceSpeed = document.querySelector('.current-voice-speed');
let currentVoicePitch = document.querySelector('.current-voice-pitch');
if (isCtrlKeyPressed) {
// Create voiceSettings if it doesn't exist
if (!voiceSettings) {
voiceSettings = document.createElement('div');
void voiceSettings.offsetWidth;
voiceSettings.style.opacity = '1';
// Remove currentVoicePitch if it exists
if (currentVoicePitch) {
// Create currentVoiceSpeed if it doesn't exist
if (!currentVoiceSpeed) {
currentVoiceSpeed = document.createElement('span');
// Create progress text info
let voiceSpeedInfo = voiceSettings.querySelector('.current-voice-speed .voice-value-info');
if (!voiceSpeedInfo) {
voiceSpeedInfo = document.createElement('span');
voiceSpeedInfo.style.display = 'flex';
voiceSpeedInfo.style.width = '100%';
voiceSpeedInfo.style.justifyContent = 'center';
voiceSpeedInfo.style.marginBottom = '6px';
voiceSpeedInfo.style.color = 'hsl(100, 50%, 50%)';
if (voiceSpeedInfo) {
// Set the text content of voiceSpeed
if (voiceSpeed <= minVoiceSpeed || voiceSpeed >= maxVoiceSpeed) {
voiceSpeedInfo.innerHTML = iconRangeisOut;
} else {
voiceSpeedInfo.innerHTML = voiceSpeed.toFixed(1);
// Create a new progress element if it doesn't exist
let voiceSpeedProgress = voiceSettings.querySelector('.current-voice-speed .voice-progress');
if (!voiceSpeedProgress) {
voiceSpeedProgress = document.createElement('span');
// Create the progress fill element
let fill = document.createElement('span');
// Append the fill element to the progress element
// Append the progress element to the voice settings element
// Update progress fill width based on voice pitch percentage
voiceSpeedProgress.querySelector('.voice-progress-fill').style.width = getVoiceSettingsPercentage().speed;
// Apply styles to the progress and fill elements
const progressStyle = {
display: 'block',
width: '120px',
height: '12px',
backgroundColor: 'hsl(90, 60%, 30%)',
borderRadius: '6px'
const fillStyle = {
display: 'block',
height: '100%',
backgroundColor: 'hsl(90, 60%, 50%)',
borderRadius: '6px'
for (let property in progressStyle) {
voiceSpeedProgress.style[property] = progressStyle[property];
for (let property in fillStyle) {
voiceSpeedProgress.querySelector('.voice-progress-fill').style[property] = fillStyle[property];
// Clear any existing timeout on voiceSettings and set a new one
if (voiceSettings.timeoutId) {
voiceSettings.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
voiceSettings.style.opacity = '0';
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
}, 2000);
} else if (isAltKeyPressed) {
// Create voiceSettings if it doesn't exist
if (!voiceSettings) {
voiceSettings = document.createElement('div');
void voiceSettings.offsetWidth;
voiceSettings.style.opacity = '1';
// Remove currentVoiceSpeed if it exists
if (currentVoiceSpeed) {
// Create currentVoicePitch if it doesn't exist
if (!currentVoicePitch) {
currentVoicePitch = document.createElement('span');
// Create progress text info
let voicePitchInfo = voiceSettings.querySelector('.current-voice-pitch .voice-value-info');
if (!voicePitchInfo) {
voicePitchInfo = document.createElement('span');
voicePitchInfo.style.display = 'flex';
voicePitchInfo.style.width = '100%';
voicePitchInfo.style.justifyContent = 'center';
voicePitchInfo.style.marginBottom = '6px';
voicePitchInfo.style.color = 'hsl(180, 60%, 50%)';
if (voicePitchInfo) {
// Set the text content of voicePitch
if (voicePitch <= minVoicePitch || voicePitch >= maxVoicePitch) {
voicePitchInfo.innerHTML = iconRangeisOut;
} else {
voicePitchInfo.innerHTML = voicePitch.toFixed(1);
// Create a new progress element if it doesn't exist
let pitchProgress = voiceSettings.querySelector('.current-voice-pitch .voice-progress');
if (!pitchProgress) {
pitchProgress = document.createElement('span');
// Create the progress fill element
let fill = document.createElement('span');
// Append the fill element to the progress element
// Append the progress element to the voice settings element
// Update progress fill width based on voice pitch percentage
pitchProgress.querySelector('.voice-progress-fill').style.width = getVoiceSettingsPercentage().pitch;
// Apply styles to the progress and fill elements
const progressStyle = {
display: 'block',
width: '120px',
height: '12px',
backgroundColor: 'hsl(180, 60%, 30%)',
borderRadius: '6px'
const fillStyle = {
display: 'block',
height: '100%',
backgroundColor: 'hsl(180, 60%, 50%)',
borderRadius: '6px'
for (let property in progressStyle) {
pitchProgress.style[property] = progressStyle[property];
for (let property in fillStyle) {
pitchProgress.querySelector('.voice-progress-fill').style[property] = fillStyle[property];
// Clear any existing timeout on voiceSettings and set a new one
if (voiceSettings.timeoutId) {
voiceSettings.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
voiceSettings.style.opacity = '0';
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
}, 2000);
} else {
// If neither Ctrl nor Alt is pressed, remove voiceSettings if it exists
if (voiceSettings) {
// Add event listeners for both regular click and right-click (contextmenu)
soundSwitcher.addEventListener('click', handleVoiceChange);
soundSwitcher.addEventListener('contextmenu', handleVoiceChange);
// Event handler function for handling both click and right-click events
function handleVoiceChange(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default context menu on right-click
// Check if it's a left click or right click
const isLeftClick = event.button === 0;
const isRightClick = event.button === 2;
// Check for Ctrl + Left Click or Ctrl + Right Click
if ((isCtrlKeyPressed && isLeftClick) || (isCtrlKeyPressed && isRightClick)) {
// Determine whether to change voice speed or pitch
const prop = 'voiceSpeed';
// Calculate new value and limit it within specified bounds
const newValue = parseFloat(KG_Chat_Empowerment.voiceSettings[prop]) +
(isLeftClick ? -0.1 : 0.1);
const limitedValue = Math.min(maxVoiceSpeed, Math.max(minVoiceSpeed, newValue));
// Update the voice setting with the limited value
updateVoiceSetting(prop, limitedValue);
// Check for Alt + Left Click or Alt + Right Click
else if ((isAltKeyPressed && isLeftClick) || (isAltKeyPressed && isRightClick)) {
// Determine whether to change voice speed or pitch
const prop = 'voicePitch';
// Calculate new value and limit it within specified bounds
const newValue = parseFloat(KG_Chat_Empowerment.voiceSettings[prop]) +
(isLeftClick ? -0.1 : 0.1);
const limitedValue = Math.min(maxVoicePitch, Math.max(minVoicePitch, newValue));
// Update the voice setting with the limited value
updateVoiceSetting(prop, limitedValue);
// Function to update the voice setting, round the value, and update storage
function updateVoiceSetting(prop, value) {
// Round the value to one decimal place
const roundedValue = parseFloat(value.toFixed(1));
// Update the voice setting in the application state
KG_Chat_Empowerment.voiceSettings[prop] = roundedValue;
// Update voiceSpeed and voicePitch variables
if (prop === 'voiceSpeed') {
voiceSpeed = roundedValue;
} else if (prop === 'voicePitch') {
voicePitch = roundedValue;
// Store the updated state in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('KG_Chat_Empowerment', JSON.stringify(KG_Chat_Empowerment));
// Show the updated voice settings
function createMessageModeButton() {
// Create a new element with class 'message-mode-button' and id 'every-messages'
messageMode = document.createElement('div');
// Retrieve the value from KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageModeState
const messageModeState = KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageModeState || 'every-message';
// Add the class 'message-mode-button' to the 'messagesMode' element
// Initial button id if the localStorage key isn't created with assigned value by user
messageMode.id = messageModeState;
// Apply base button styles
// Retrieve the value from KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageModeTitle
const messageModeTitle = KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageModeTitle || 'Notify about every message';
// Assign title for the current notification state
messageMode.title = messageModeTitle;
// Create message mode button icon container
messageModeIcon = document.createElement('span');
// Add class to icon container
// Append icon container inside message mode button
// Append sound switcher button to chat buttons panel
} createMessageModeButton();
// Add the isAltKeyPressed condition to the messagesMode event listener
messageMode.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
// Only execute when isCtrlKeyPressed or isAltKeyPressed are false
if (!isCtrlKeyPressed || !isAltKeyPressed) {
// Add pulse effect for messageMode
switch (this.id) {
case 'every-message':
this.id = 'mention-message';
this.title = 'Notify about mention message';
KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageModeState = 'mention-message';
KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageModeTitle = 'Notify about mention message';
case 'mention-message':
this.id = 'every-message';
this.title = 'Notify about every message';
KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageModeState = 'every-message';
KG_Chat_Empowerment.messageSettings.messageModeTitle = 'Notify about every message';
// Stringify KG_Chat_Empowerment before updating in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('KG_Chat_Empowerment', JSON.stringify(KG_Chat_Empowerment));
function updateMessageModeIcon() {
switch (messageMode.id) {
case 'every-message':
messageModeIcon.innerHTML = iconModeEvery;
case 'mention-message':
messageModeIcon.innerHTML = iconModeMention;
} updateMessageModeIcon();
// Function to create the button for showCachePanel
function createShowUserListCacheButton() {
// Create a new element with class 'cache-panel-load-button'
const showUserListCacheButton = document.createElement('div');
// Add the class 'cache-panel-load-button' to the button
// Apply base button styles
// Add cache-specific styles directly
showUserListCacheButton.style.position = 'relative';
showUserListCacheButton.style.zIndex = '3';
// Add data base icon to the button
showUserListCacheButton.innerHTML = iconUserlistCache;
// Create the small indicator for user count
const userCount = document.createElement('div');
userCount.style.display = 'flex';
userCount.style.position = 'absolute';
userCount.style.justifyContent = 'center';
userCount.style.alignItems = 'center';
userCount.style.left = '0';
userCount.style.bottom = '0';
userCount.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, 50%)';
userCount.style.zIndex = '1';
userCount.style.height = '20px';
userCount.style.padding = '0 4px';
userCount.style.setProperty('border-radius', '2px', 'important');
userCount.style.backgroundColor = '#9db380';
userCount.style.color = 'rgb(2, 2, 2)';
userCount.style.fontSize = '12px';
userCount.style.fontFamily = 'Roboto';
userCount.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
// Initially set the count based on localStorage
const fetchedUsers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('fetchedUsers')) || {};
const userCountValue = Object.keys(fetchedUsers).length;
userCount.textContent = userCountValue;
// Assign a title to the button
showUserListCacheButton.title = 'Show Cache Panel';
// Add a click event listener to the button
showUserListCacheButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Add pulse effect for cacheButton
// Call showCachePanel function to show the cache panel
// Append the button to the existing panel
} createShowUserListCacheButton();
// Function to update the user count displayed near the cache button based on localStorage
function updateUserCountText() {
const userCountElement = document.querySelector('.cache-panel-load-button .user-count');
if (!userCountElement) return; // Ensure the element exists
const newUserCount = Object.keys(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('fetchedUsers')) || {}).length.toString();
// Update the text content and add pulse effect if the count has changed
if (newUserCount !== userCountElement.textContent) {
userCountElement.textContent = newUserCount;
// Function to create the button for opening personal messages
function createPersonalMessagesButton() {
// Create a new element with class 'personal-messages-button'
const showPersonalMessagesButton = document.createElement('div');
// Apply base button styles
// Add personal messages-specific styles
showPersonalMessagesButton.style.position = 'relative';
showPersonalMessagesButton.style.zIndex = '2';
showPersonalMessagesButton.innerHTML = iconPersonalMessages; // Add icon
// Create the small indicator for all message count
const allMessageIndicator = createMessageCountIndicator('total-message-count', '#fa8072');
const personalMessages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('personalMessages')) || {};
allMessageIndicator.textContent = Object.keys(personalMessages).length;
// Position the all message count to the left
allMessageIndicator.style.left = '0';
allMessageIndicator.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, 50%)';
// Create the small indicator for new message count
const newMessageIndicator = createMessageCountIndicator('new-message-count', '#ffd700');
// Get the new messages count from localStorage or set to 0 if not present
let newMessagesCount = Number(localStorage.getItem('newMessagesCount')) || (localStorage.setItem('newMessagesCount', '0'), 0);
newMessageIndicator.textContent = newMessagesCount;
// Check the newMessagesCount value and set visibility
newMessageIndicator.style.visibility = newMessagesCount > 0 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; // Set visibility based on count
// Position the new message count to the right
newMessageIndicator.style.right = '0';
newMessageIndicator.style.transform = 'translate(50%, 50%)';
// Assign a title to the button
showPersonalMessagesButton.title = 'Show Personal Messages';
// Add a click event listener to the button
showPersonalMessagesButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
addPulseEffect(showPersonalMessagesButton); // Add pulse effect
const personalMessagesCount = Object.keys(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('personalMessages')) || {}).length;
// Open the personal messages panel only when there are messages present.
if (personalMessagesCount > 0) {
showPersonalMessagesPanel(); // Show the personal messages panel
// Reset newMessagesCount in localStorage to 0 when opening the panel
localStorage.setItem('newMessagesCount', '0');
newMessagesCount = 0; // Reset the local variable
newMessageIndicator.textContent = newMessagesCount; // Update the displayed count
// Append the button to the existing panel
// Helper function to create a message count indicator
function createMessageCountIndicator(className, backgroundColor) {
const messageCount = document.createElement('div');
messageCount.style.display = 'flex';
messageCount.style.position = 'absolute';
messageCount.style.justifyContent = 'center';
messageCount.style.alignItems = 'center';
messageCount.style.height = '20px'; // Fixed height for all indicators
messageCount.style.padding = '0 4px';
messageCount.style.setProperty('border-radius', '2px', 'important');
messageCount.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
messageCount.style.color = 'rgb(2, 2, 2)';
messageCount.style.fontSize = '12px';
messageCount.style.fontFamily = 'Roboto';
messageCount.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
messageCount.style.bottom = '0'; // Common bottom positioning for both indicators
return messageCount;
// Call the function to create the button
// Find chat message by time in range and matching username
async function findGeneralChatMessage(targetTime, targetUsername, allowScroll) {
const parent = document.querySelector('.messages-content'); // Chat container
if (!parent) return null; // Return null if the container isn't found
// Convert time string "[HH:MM:SS]" to total seconds
const timeStringToSeconds = (str) =>
str.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '').split(':').reduce((acc, time, i) =>
acc + Number(time) * (60 ** (2 - i)), 0
const initialTimeValue = timeStringToSeconds(targetTime); // Target time in seconds
// Helper to find <p> elements by matching time and username
const findMatchingElement = (condition) =>
Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll('p')).find((p) => {
const timeElement = p.querySelector('.time'); // Get the child element with class 'time'
const usernameElement = p.querySelector('.username span[data-user]'); // Get the username element
if (timeElement && usernameElement) {
const currentTimeValue = timeStringToSeconds(timeElement.textContent.trim());
const usernameText = usernameElement.textContent.trim(); // Extract the text content of the username
// Check if the time and username match the conditions
return condition(currentTimeValue) && usernameText === targetUsername;
return false;
// 1. Try to find an exact match first
let foundElement = findMatchingElement(
(currentTimeValue) => currentTimeValue === initialTimeValue
// 2. If no exact match, search within ±10 seconds
if (!foundElement) {
foundElement = findMatchingElement(
(currentTimeValue) => Math.abs(currentTimeValue - initialTimeValue) <= 2
if (foundElement && allowScroll) {
await scrollMessagesToMiddle(parent, foundElement); // Call the extracted scrolling function
return foundElement || false; // Return found element or false if not found
// Find chat logs message by time in range and matching username
async function findChatLogsMessage(targetTime, targetUsername, allowScroll) {
const parent = document.querySelector('.chat-logs-container'); // Logs container
if (!parent) return null; // Return null if the container isn't found
// Convert time string "[HH:MM:SS]" to total seconds
const timeStringToSeconds = (str) =>
str.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '').split(':').reduce((acc, time, i) =>
acc + Number(time) * (60 ** (2 - i)), 0
const initialTimeValue = timeStringToSeconds(targetTime); // Target time in seconds
// Helper to find .message-item elements by matching time and username
const findMatchingElement = (condition) =>
Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll('.message-item')).find((messageItem) => {
const timeElement = messageItem.querySelector('.message-time'); // Get the child element with class 'message-time'
const usernameElement = messageItem.querySelector('.message-username'); // Get the username element
if (timeElement && usernameElement) {
const currentTimeValue = timeStringToSeconds(timeElement.textContent.trim());
const usernameText = usernameElement.textContent.trim(); // Extract the text content of the username
// Check if the time and username match the conditions
return condition(currentTimeValue) && usernameText === targetUsername;
return false;
// 1. Try to find an exact match first
let foundElement = findMatchingElement(
(currentTimeValue) => currentTimeValue === initialTimeValue
// 2. If no exact match, search within ±10 seconds
if (!foundElement) {
foundElement = findMatchingElement(
(currentTimeValue) => Math.abs(currentTimeValue - initialTimeValue) <= 2
if (foundElement && allowScroll) {
await scrollMessagesToMiddle(parent, foundElement); // Call the extracted scrolling function
return foundElement || false; // Return found element or false if not found
* Adjusts a given time to Moscow time.
* @param {string} inputTime - The time string in "HH:MM:SS" format to adjust.
* @returns {string} - The adjusted time in "HH:MM:SS" format.
function calibrateToMoscowTime(inputTime) {
// Get the system's current timezone offset in minutes (negative for UTC+)
const systemOffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
// Moscow's timezone offset is UTC+3, so it's -180 minutes
const moscowOffset = -180;
// Calculate the difference between the system timezone and Moscow's timezone
const difference = systemOffset - moscowOffset;
// Split the input time string (HH:MM:SS) and convert to numbers
const [hours, minutes, seconds] = inputTime.split(':').map(Number);
// Create a new Date object and set the hours, minutes, and seconds based on the input time
const inputDate = new Date();
inputDate.setHours(hours, minutes, seconds, 0);
// Adjust the input time by the calculated time difference in milliseconds
const adjustedTime = new Date(inputDate.getTime() + difference * 60000);
// Format the adjusted time in HH:MM:SS format and return as a string
return `${String(adjustedTime.getHours()).padStart(2, '0')}:` +
`${String(adjustedTime.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0')}:` +
`${String(adjustedTime.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0')}`;
* Removes messages from the DOM and updates localStorage based on the removal type.
* @param {HTMLElement} messageElement - The message element to remove.
* @param {string} removalType - The type of removal: 'single', 'all', or 'from'.
function removeMessage(messageElement, removalType = 'single') {
// Extract time and username from the message element
const time = messageElement.querySelector('.message-time').textContent;
const username = messageElement.querySelector('.message-username').textContent;
// Retrieve localStorage personalMessages data
const personalMessages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('personalMessages')) || {};
if (removalType === 'all') {
// Remove all messages from the same user
document.querySelectorAll('.message-item').forEach((element) => {
const elementUsername = element.querySelector('.message-username').textContent;
if (elementUsername === username) {
element.remove(); // Remove the DOM element
// Remove the corresponding entry from localStorage
const elementTime = element.querySelector('.message-time').textContent;
const messageKey = `[${elementTime}]_${elementUsername}`;
delete personalMessages[messageKey];
} else if (removalType === 'from') {
// Get all message elements
const messageElements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.message-item'));
// Find the index of the current message element
const currentIndex = messageElements.indexOf(messageElement);
// Iterate through messages starting from the current message till the end
for (let i = currentIndex; i < messageElements.length; i++) {
const element = messageElements[i];
const elementUsername = element.querySelector('.message-username').textContent;
if (elementUsername === username) {
// Remove the DOM element
// Remove the corresponding entry from localStorage
const elementTime = element.querySelector('.message-time').textContent;
const messageKey = `[${elementTime}]_${elementUsername}`;
delete personalMessages[messageKey];
} else {
// Default: Remove only the specific message (single)
const messageKey = `[${time}]_${username}`;
if (personalMessages[messageKey]) {
delete personalMessages[messageKey]; // Remove from localStorage
messageElement.remove(); // Remove the DOM element
// Update localStorage
localStorage.setItem('personalMessages', JSON.stringify(personalMessages));
// Update the total message count displayed in the personal messages button
const messagesCountElement = document.querySelector('.personal-messages-button .total-message-count');
if (messagesCountElement) {
messagesCountElement.textContent = Object.keys(personalMessages).length;
// Function to display the personal messages panel
function showPersonalMessagesPanel() {
// Remove any previous panel before creating a new one
// Check if the cached messages panel already exists
if (document.querySelector('.cached-messages-panel')) return;
// Reset the new messages indicator to 0
const newMessagesCountElement = document.querySelector('.personal-messages-button .new-message-count');
if (newMessagesCountElement) newMessagesCountElement.textContent = '0';
newMessagesCountElement.style.visibility = 'hidden';
// Remove the localStorage key for new personal messages after opening the messages panel (always)
// Get data from localStorage
const cachedMessagesData = localStorage.getItem('personalMessages');
// Initialize messages by parsing fetched data or setting as empty array
let messages = JSON.parse(cachedMessagesData) || [];
// Create a container div with class 'cached-messages-panel'
const cachedMessagesPanel = document.createElement('div');
cachedMessagesPanel.className = 'cached-messages-panel popup-panel';
// Set initial styles
cachedMessagesPanel.style.opacity = '0';
cachedMessagesPanel.style.backgroundColor = '#1b1b1b';
cachedMessagesPanel.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.6em', 'important');
cachedMessagesPanel.style.position = 'fixed';
cachedMessagesPanel.style.top = '100px';
cachedMessagesPanel.style.left = '50%';
cachedMessagesPanel.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)';
cachedMessagesPanel.style.width = '50vw';
cachedMessagesPanel.style.height = '80vh';
cachedMessagesPanel.style.zIndex = '999';
cachedMessagesPanel.style.minWidth = '1000px';
// Create a container div for the panel header
const panelHeaderContainer = document.createElement('div');
panelHeaderContainer.className = 'panel-header';
panelHeaderContainer.style.display = 'flex';
panelHeaderContainer.style.flexDirection = 'row';
panelHeaderContainer.style.justifyContent = 'flex-end'; // Aligns to the right
panelHeaderContainer.style.padding = '0.6em';
// Create the search input container and append it to the panel header
const messagesSearchContainer = document.createElement('div');
messagesSearchContainer.className = 'search-for-personal-messages';
messagesSearchContainer.style.width = '100%';
messagesSearchContainer.style.margin = '0 20px';
messagesSearchContainer.style.display = 'flex';
// Create the input field for searching personal messages
const messagesSearchInput = document.createElement('input');
messagesSearchInput.className = 'personal-messages-search-input';
messagesSearchInput.type = 'text';
messagesSearchInput.style.outline = 'none';
messagesSearchInput.style.width = '100%';
messagesSearchInput.style.padding = '10px';
messagesSearchInput.style.margin = '0 1em';
messagesSearchInput.style.fontSize = '1em';
messagesSearchInput.style.fontFamily = 'Montserrat';
messagesSearchInput.style.color = 'bisque';
messagesSearchInput.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
messagesSearchInput.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
messagesSearchInput.style.backgroundColor = '#111';
messagesSearchInput.style.border = '1px solid #222';
// Append the search input to the search container
// Create a container div with class 'panel-control-buttons'
const panelControlButtons = document.createElement('div');
panelControlButtons.className = 'panel-control-buttons';
panelControlButtons.style.display = 'flex';
// Helper function to apply common styles to a button
function applyHeaderButtonStyles(button, backgroundColor, margin = '0 0.5em') {
button.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
button.style.width = '48px';
button.style.height = '48px';
button.style.display = 'flex';
button.style.justifyContent = 'center';
button.style.alignItems = 'center';
button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
button.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
button.style.margin = margin; // Set margin using the provided value
button.style.filter = 'brightness(1)';
button.style.transition = 'filter 0.3s ease';
// Create a copy personal messages button element
const copyPersonalMessagesButton = document.createElement('div');
copyPersonalMessagesButton.className = 'copy-personal-messages-button';
// Set the inner HTML of the copy personal messages button element with the clipboard SVG
copyPersonalMessagesButton.innerHTML = clipboardSVG;
copyPersonalMessagesButton.title = 'Copy Personal Messages';
// Apply common styles to the button element
applyHeaderButtonStyles(copyPersonalMessagesButton, 'steelblue');
// Event listener to copy the text content of the messages container
copyPersonalMessagesButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
addJumpEffect(copyPersonalMessagesButton, 0, 0);
const textContent = Array.from(document.querySelector('.messages-container').children)
.filter(node => window.getComputedStyle(node).display !== 'none') // Ignore hidden messages
.map(node => node.classList.contains('date-item') ? node.textContent.trim() :
[node.querySelector('.message-time'), node.querySelector('.message-username'), node.querySelector('.message-text')]
.map(el => el?.textContent.trim()).filter(Boolean).join(' '))
.filter(Boolean).join(' \n');
// Copy to clipboard
// Create a clear cache button with the provided SVG icon
const clearCacheButton = document.createElement('div');
clearCacheButton.className = 'clear-cache-button';
clearCacheButton.title = 'Clear personal messages';
clearCacheButton.innerHTML = trashSVG;
applyHeaderButtonStyles(clearCacheButton, 'brown');
// Add a click event listener to the clear cache button
clearCacheButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Clear the messages container
messagesContainer.innerHTML = null;
// Set the 'personalMessages' key in localStorage to an empty object
localStorage.setItem('personalMessages', JSON.stringify({}));
// Fade out the cached messages panel when the clear cache button is clicked
triggerTargetElement(cachedMessagesPanel, 'hide');
// Update the message count displayed in the personal messages button
const messagesCountElement = document.querySelector('.personal-messages-button .total-message-count');
if (messagesCountElement) messagesCountElement.textContent = '0';
// Create a close button with the provided SVG icon
const closePanelButton = document.createElement('div');
closePanelButton.className = 'close-panel-button';
closePanelButton.title = 'Close panel';
closePanelButton.innerHTML = closeSVG;
applyHeaderButtonStyles(closePanelButton, 'darkolivegreen', '0 0 0 0.5em');
// Add a click event listener to the close panel button
closePanelButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Fade out the cached messages panel when the close button is clicked
triggerTargetElement(cachedMessagesPanel, 'hide');
// Create an array containing the buttons we want to apply the events to
const buttons = [clearCacheButton, closePanelButton];
// Iterate through each button in the array
buttons.forEach(button => {
// Add a mouseover event listener to change the button's brightness on hover
button.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
button.style.filter = 'brightness(0.8)'; // Dim the button
// Add a mouseout event listener to reset the button's brightness when not hovered
button.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
button.style.filter = 'brightness(1)'; // Reset to original brightness
// Append the search container to the panel header container
// Append the clear cache button to the panel header container
// Append the close button to the panel control buttons
// Append the panel control buttons element inside the panel header container
// Append the header to the cached messages panel
// Create a container for the messages
const messagesContainer = document.createElement('div');
messagesContainer.className = 'messages-container';
messagesContainer.style.overflowY = 'auto'; // Enable scrolling for messages
messagesContainer.style.height = 'calc(100% - 70px)'; // Adjust height considering header
messagesContainer.style.padding = '1em';
let lastUsername = null; // Store the last username processed
let pingCheckCounter = 0; // Initialize a counter
let maxPingChecks = 100; // Set the limit to 100
let pingMessages = false; // Initialize pingMessages as false
let lastDate = null; // Store the last processed date
const today = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-CA').format(new Date()); // 'en-CA' gives 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
// Create an array to store message elements for later appending
const messageElements = [];
// Define messageColors and timeColors inside the loop
const timeColors = {
private: 'coral',
mention: 'darkseagreen'
const messageColors = {
private: 'coral',
mention: 'lightsteelblue',
default: 'slategray' // Default color if type is not private or mention
// Loop through the messages and create elements
Object.entries(messages).forEach(([, { time, date, username, usernameColor, message, type, userId }]) => {
// If the current date is different from the last processed one, create a new date-item
if (lastDate !== date) {
const dateItem = document.createElement('div');
dateItem.className = 'date-item';
// show "Today" if date matches
dateItem.textContent = date === today ? 'Today ⏳' : `${date} 📅`;
dateItem.dataset.date = date; // Store the date in a data attribute
dateItem.style.position = 'relative';
dateItem.style.font = '1em Montserrat';
dateItem.style.color = 'burlywood';
dateItem.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(222, 184, 135, 0.1)';
dateItem.style.width = 'fit-content';
dateItem.style.margin = '2em 1em 1em';
dateItem.style.padding = '0.4em 0.8em';
dateItem.style.textAlign = 'center';
dateItem.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.4em', 'important');
dateItem.style.left = '50%';
dateItem.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)';
messagesContainer.appendChild(dateItem); // Append the date-item to the container
lastDate = date; // Update the last processed date
// Create a message-item for the current message
const messageElement = document.createElement('div');
messageElement.className = 'message-item';
messageElement.style.padding = '0.2em';
// Add margin-top if this is the first message of a new username group
if (username !== lastUsername) {
messageElement.style.marginTop = '0.6em';
lastUsername = username; // Update the lastUsername
// Remove square brackets from the time string
const formattedTime = time.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '').trim();
// Create time, username, and message elements
const timeElement = document.createElement('span');
timeElement.className = 'message-time';
timeElement.textContent = formattedTime;
timeElement.title = `Moscow Time: ${calibrateToMoscowTime(formattedTime)}`;
timeElement.style.margin = '0px 0.4em';
timeElement.style.height = 'fit-content';
timeElement.style.cursor = 'pointer';
timeElement.style.transition = 'color 0.2s ease';
timeElement.style.color = timeColors[type] || 'slategray';
// Add click event listener for "mention" and "private" types
if (type === 'mention' || type === 'private') {
const hoverColor = type === 'mention' ? 'lightgreen' : 'peachpuff';
timeElement.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { timeElement.style.color = hoverColor; });
timeElement.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { timeElement.style.color = timeColors[type]; });
timeElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (isCtrlKeyPressed) {
removeMessage(messageElement, 'from');
return; // Exit the function to prevent opening the chatlog
if (type === 'mention') {
const url = `https://klavogonki.ru/chatlogs/${date}.html#${calibrateToMoscowTime(formattedTime)}`;
window.open(url, '_blank', 'noopener,noreferrer');
const usernameElement = document.createElement('span');
usernameElement.className = 'message-username';
usernameElement.textContent = username;
usernameElement.style.color = usernameColor;
usernameElement.style.display = 'inline-flex';
usernameElement.style.cursor = 'pointer';
usernameElement.style.margin = '0px 0.4em';
usernameElement.style.height = 'fit-content';
// Add click event only if userId is defined
usernameElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Remove all messages on Ctrl + LMB click for the same username
if (isCtrlKeyPressed) {
removeMessage(messageElement, 'all');
if (userId) { // Check if userId is defined
const url = `https://klavogonki.ru/u/#/${userId}/`; // Construct the user profile URL
window.open(url, '_blank', 'noopener,noreferrer'); // Open in a new tab
} else {
addShakeEffect(usernameElement); // Call the shake effect if userId is not defined
const messageTextElement = document.createElement('span');
messageTextElement.className = 'message-text';
messageTextElement.style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Pointer cursor
messageTextElement.style.margin = '0px 0.4em';
messageTextElement.style.height = 'fit-content';
// Replace smiley codes with <img> tags, and then wrap links with <a> tags
messageTextElement.innerHTML = message
// Replace smiley codes like :word: with <img> tags
(_, word) => `<img src="/img/smilies/${word}.gif" alt=":${word}:" title=":${word}:" class="smile">`
// Wrap http and https links with <a> tags
(url) => `<a href="${url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">${url}</a>`
// Add click event listener for the messageTextElement
messageTextElement.addEventListener('click', async function () {
// Remove single message on Ctrl + LMB click for the same username
if (isCtrlKeyPressed) {
removeMessage(messageElement, 'single');
// Call the findGeneralChatMessage function to search for the general chat message by time in range and username
const foundGeneralChatMessage = await findGeneralChatMessage(time, username, true);
if (foundGeneralChatMessage) {
triggerTargetElement(cachedMessagesPanel, 'hide');
} else {
let previousElement = messageTextElement.parentElement.previousElementSibling;
while (previousElement && !previousElement.classList.contains('date-item')) {
previousElement = previousElement.previousElementSibling;
if (previousElement) {
await showChatLogsPanel(previousElement.dataset.date);
const calibratedMoscowTime = calibrateToMoscowTime(formattedTime);
// Call the findChatLogsMessage function to search for the chat logs message by time in range and username
requestAnimationFrame(async () => {
setTimeout(async () => {
// find chat messge if not found close the panel
const foundChatLogsMessage = await findChatLogsMessage(calibratedMoscowTime, username, true);
if (!foundChatLogsMessage) {
const chatLogsPanel = document.querySelector('.chat-logs-panel'); // Get the chat logs panel
triggerTargetElement(chatLogsPanel, 'hide'); // Hide the chat logs panel
showPersonalMessagesPanel(); // Show the personal messages panel again
}, 500); // Adjust the delay as needed
// Store elements for (pingable messages) colorization after all processing
const messageData = {
// Add messageData to the array for later processing
// Append time, username, and message to the message element
// Append the message element to the messages container
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
messagesContainer.scrollTop = messagesContainer.scrollHeight; // Scroll after next repaint
// Convert image links to clickable thumbnail previews and embed YouTube videos as iframes for personal messages
// Process the colorization logic in reverse order
messageElements.reverse().forEach(async ({ messageTextElement, time, username, type }) => {
if (pingCheckCounter < maxPingChecks) {
pingMessages = await findGeneralChatMessage(time, username, false);
pingCheckCounter++; // Increment the counter
if (pingCheckCounter >= maxPingChecks) {
pingMessages = false;
console.log("Reached maximum ping checks, resetting pingMessages.");
// Colorize the messageTextElement accordingly (Pingable messages)
messageTextElement.style.color =
pingMessages && type === 'mention' ? 'lightgreen' :
pingMessages && type === 'private' ? 'lemonchiffon' :
messageColors[type] || 'slategray';
// Append the messages container to the cached messages panel
// Append the cached messages panel to the body
// Fade in the cached messages panel
triggerTargetElement(cachedMessagesPanel, 'show');
// Show the dimming background
// Add click event listener to clear the search input by LMB click with Ctrl key pressed
messagesSearchInput.addEventListener('click', () => isCtrlKeyPressed && (messagesSearchInput.value = ''));
// Event listener to handle input search for matching personal messages
// It searches through messages grouped by date and displays the corresponding date
// Only if there are matching messages in that group.
messagesSearchInput.addEventListener('input', () => {
const query = messagesSearchInput.value.toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, ' ');
messagesContainer.querySelectorAll('.date-item').forEach(dateEl => {
let showDateForGroup = false;
let nextEl = dateEl.nextElementSibling;
// Iterate through messages in the current group (until the next date item)
while (nextEl && !nextEl.classList.contains('date-item')) {
const match = (nextEl.querySelector('.message-time')?.textContent.toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, ' ') + ' ' +
nextEl.querySelector('.message-username')?.textContent.toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, ' ') + ' ' +
nextEl.querySelector('.message-text')?.textContent.toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, ' ')).includes(query);
// Toggle visibility based on match using content visibility and font size
nextEl.style.contentVisibility = match ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
// Set font size to 0 for hidden messages to maintain layout or remove the font size property
nextEl.style.fontSize = match ? '' : '0';
showDateForGroup = showDateForGroup || match; // Show date if any match found in the group
nextEl = nextEl.nextElementSibling;
dateEl.style.display = showDateForGroup ? '' : 'none'; // Show or hide the date based on the match results in the group
// Focus on the search input using requestAnimationFrame
function focusOnSearchField() { requestAnimationFrame(function () { messagesSearchInput.focus(); }); } focusOnSearchField();
// Attach a keydown event listener to the document object
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
// Check if the key pressed was the "Escape" key
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
// Fade out the cached messages panel
triggerTargetElement(cachedMessagesPanel, 'hide');
// Initialize previousTotalCount with the current personal messages count from localStorage
let previousTotalCount =
(localStorage.personalMessages && Object.keys(JSON.parse(localStorage.personalMessages)).length) || 0;
* Updates total and new personal message counts near the personal messages button.
* - Increments new message count only when total message count increases.
* - Manages visibility and pulse effects for the new message indicator.
function updatePersonalMessageCounts() {
const totalCountElement = document.querySelector('.personal-messages-button .total-message-count');
const newCountElement = document.querySelector('.personal-messages-button .new-message-count');
if (!totalCountElement || !newCountElement) return; // Exit if elements are missing
const personalMessages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('personalMessages')) || {};
const totalCount = Object.keys(personalMessages).length;
let newCount = Number(localStorage.getItem('newMessagesCount')) || 0;
if (totalCount > previousTotalCount) {
localStorage.setItem('newMessagesCount', newCount);
addPulseEffect(newCountElement); // Apply pulse effect for new messages
addJumpEffect(newCountElement); // Apply jump effect for new messages
// Update counts in the UI
totalCountElement.textContent = totalCount;
newCountElement.textContent = newCount;
// Manage visibility of the new message indicator
newCountElement.style.visibility = newCount > 0 ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
// Apply pulse effect if total count changes
if (totalCount !== previousTotalCount) addPulseEffect(totalCountElement);
previousTotalCount = totalCount; // Update previous count
// Function to create the button for opening chat logs
function createChatLogsButton() {
const showChatLogsButton = document.createElement('div');
// Apply base button styles
showChatLogsButton.style.position = 'relative';
showChatLogsButton.style.zIndex = '1';
showChatLogsButton.innerHTML = iconChatLogs; // Add icon
showChatLogsButton.title = 'Show Chat Logs';
showChatLogsButton.addEventListener('click', async function () {
addPulseEffect(showChatLogsButton); // Add pulse effect
await showChatLogsPanel();
// Call the function to create the button
// Function to fetch chat logs from the specified URL for a given date
const fetchChatLogs = async (date, messagesContainer) => {
// Clear the messagesContainer if it exists
messagesContainer && (messagesContainer.innerHTML = '');
// Format date to 'YYYY-MM-DD'
const formattedDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-CA').format(new Date(date));
// Generate a random 20-digit number
const randomParam = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 ** 20);
// Construct the URL to fetch chat logs for the specified date with the random parameter
const url = `https://klavogonki.ru/chatlogs/${formattedDate}.html?rand=${randomParam}`;
// Function to parse the HTML and extract chat log entries
const parseChatLog = (html) => {
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
return [...doc.querySelectorAll('.ts')].map((timeElement) => {
const usernameElement = timeElement.nextElementSibling;
const messageNode = usernameElement?.nextSibling;
const extractMessageText = (node) => {
if (!node) return '';
return [...node.childNodes].reduce((acc, child) => {
if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
acc += child.textContent;
} else if (child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (child.tagName === 'A') {
acc += child.textContent;
} else if (child.tagName === 'BR') {
return acc;
return acc;
}, '').trim();
if (usernameElement?.classList.contains('mn') && messageNode) {
let messageText = '';
if (messageNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
messageText = extractMessageText(messageNode);
} else if (messageNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
const nextSibling = usernameElement.nextElementSibling;
if (nextSibling && nextSibling.tagName === 'A') {
messageText = `${messageNode.textContent.trim()} ${nextSibling.textContent.trim()}`;
} else {
messageText = messageNode.textContent.trim();
if (!messageText) {
const combinedText = extractMessageText(usernameElement.nextSibling);
messageText = combinedText;
return {
time: timeElement.textContent.trim().replace(/[\[\]]/g, ''),
username: usernameElement.textContent.trim().replace(/<|>/g, ''),
message: messageText || null,
// Handle case where username is not found, and instead, `mne` class is present (system message)
const systemMessageElement = timeElement.nextElementSibling;
if (systemMessageElement && systemMessageElement.classList.contains('mne')) {
// Extract the text directly from the <font> element
const messageText = systemMessageElement.textContent.trim();
return {
time: timeElement.textContent.trim().replace(/[\[\]]/g, ''),
username: 'SYSTEM', // Set username as 'SYSTEM' for system messages
message: messageText || null,
return null;
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
const html = await response.text();
return { chatlogs: parseChatLog(html), url }; // Return chat logs and the URL
} catch (error) {
console.error('Fetch error:', error);
return { chatlogs: [] }; // Return an empty array in case of an error
function getRandomDateInRange() {
const startDate = new Date('2012-02-12'); // Start date
const endDate = new Date(); // Current date
// Calculate the difference in milliseconds
const dateDifference = endDate - startDate;
// Generate a random number of milliseconds between 0 and dateDifference
const randomMilliseconds = Math.floor(Math.random() * dateDifference);
// Create a random date by adding the random milliseconds to the start date
const randomDate = new Date(startDate.getTime() + randomMilliseconds);
// Format the date to 'YYYY-MM-DD' using Intl.DateTimeFormat
const formattedDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-CA').format(randomDate);
return formattedDate;
// Function to get user ID by username (with caching in localStorage)
async function getUserId(username) {
const userIdsCache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userIdsCache') || '{}');
// If the user ID is cached, return it
if (userIdsCache[username]) return userIdsCache[username];
try {
// Fetch the user ID
const [userId] = await getUserIdByName(username);
if (userId) {
userIdsCache[username] = userId;
localStorage.setItem('userIdsCache', JSON.stringify(userIdsCache));
return userId;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching user ID for ${username}:`, error);
return null; // Return null if no user found
let visibleMentionMessages = false; // Initialize the visibility state of mention messages
// Toggles the visibility of .message-item elements that do not contain a .mention child element
async function toggleMentionVisibility() {
visibleMentionMessages = !visibleMentionMessages; // Toggle the global state
document.querySelectorAll('.message-item').forEach(item => {
if (item.querySelector('.mention')) return;
item.style.contentVisibility = visibleMentionMessages ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
item.style.fontSize = visibleMentionMessages ? '0' : ''; // Set font size to 0 for hidden messages
// Function to restore the visibility of all .message-item elements if any are hidden
function restoreMessagesVisibility(searchInput) {
// Reset input value to an empty string
searchInput.value = '';
document.querySelectorAll('.message-item').forEach(item => {
item.style.contentVisibility = 'visible';
// Remove fontSize style property to restore the original font size
// Function to display the chat logs panel
// Load initially with default date or date given by personal messages panel with parameter date
async function showChatLogsPanel(personalMessagesDate) {
// Remove any previous panel before creating a new one
// Check if the chat logs panel already exists; if it does, exit the function to avoid duplication
if (document.querySelector('.chat-logs-panel')) return;
// Create a container div with class 'chat-logs-panel'
const chatLogsPanel = document.createElement('div');
chatLogsPanel.className = 'chat-logs-panel popup-panel';
// Set initial styles for the chat logs panel
chatLogsPanel.style.opacity = '0';
chatLogsPanel.style.backgroundColor = '#1b1b1b';
chatLogsPanel.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.6em', 'important');
chatLogsPanel.style.position = 'fixed';
chatLogsPanel.style.top = '100px';
chatLogsPanel.style.left = '50%';
chatLogsPanel.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)';
chatLogsPanel.style.width = '80vw';
chatLogsPanel.style.height = '80vh';
chatLogsPanel.style.zIndex = '999';
chatLogsPanel.style.minWidth = '1000px';
chatLogsPanel.style.display = 'grid';
chatLogsPanel.style.flexDirection = 'column';
chatLogsPanel.style.gridTemplateColumns = '1fr';
chatLogsPanel.style.gridTemplateRows = 'min-content';
chatLogsPanel.style.gridTemplateAreas = `
"header header header"
"messages scroll-buttons users"
// Create a container div for the panel header
const panelHeaderContainer = document.createElement('div');
panelHeaderContainer.className = 'panel-header';
panelHeaderContainer.style.display = 'flex';
panelHeaderContainer.style.flexDirection = 'row';
panelHeaderContainer.style.gridArea = 'header';
panelHeaderContainer.style.justifyContent = 'flex-end';
panelHeaderContainer.style.padding = '0.6em';
// Create a container div with class 'panel-control-buttons'
const panelControlButtons = document.createElement('div');
panelControlButtons.className = 'panel-control-buttons';
panelControlButtons.style.display = 'flex';
// Create a container div for the search input
const chatlogsSearchContainer = document.createElement('div');
chatlogsSearchContainer.className = 'search-for-chatlogs-messages';
chatlogsSearchContainer.style.width = '100%';
chatlogsSearchContainer.style.margin = '0 20px';
chatlogsSearchContainer.style.display = 'flex';
// Create the input field for searching users
const chatlogsSearchInput = document.createElement('input');
chatlogsSearchInput.className = 'chatlogs-search-input';
chatlogsSearchInput.type = 'text';
chatlogsSearchInput.style.outline = 'none';
chatlogsSearchInput.style.height = '48px';
chatlogsSearchInput.style.width = '100%';
chatlogsSearchInput.style.padding = '10px';
chatlogsSearchInput.style.margin = '0 1em';
chatlogsSearchInput.style.fontSize = '1em';
chatlogsSearchInput.style.fontFamily = 'Montserrat';
chatlogsSearchInput.style.setProperty('color', 'bisque', 'important');
chatlogsSearchInput.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
chatlogsSearchInput.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
chatlogsSearchInput.style.backgroundColor = '#111';
chatlogsSearchInput.style.border = '1px solid #222';
// Append search input to the search container
// Append the search container to the panel header container
// Add input event listener to filter items as the user types
chatlogsSearchInput.addEventListener('input', () => filterItems(chatlogsSearchInput.value));
// Add click event listener to clear the search input by LMB click with Ctrl key pressed
chatlogsSearchInput.addEventListener('click', () => isCtrlKeyPressed && (chatlogsSearchInput.value = ''));
// Focus on the search input using requestAnimationFrame
function focusOnSearchField() { requestAnimationFrame(function () { chatlogsSearchInput.focus(); }); } focusOnSearchField();
// Helper function to apply common styles to a header button
function applyHeaderButtonStyles(button, backgroundColor, margin = '0 0.5em') {
button.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
button.style.width = '48px';
button.style.height = '48px';
button.style.display = 'flex';
button.style.justifyContent = 'center';
button.style.alignItems = 'center';
button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
button.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
button.style.margin = margin; // Set margin using the provided value
button.style.filter = 'brightness(1)';
button.style.transition = 'filter 0.3s ease';
// Helper function to apply common styles to a scroll button
function applyScrollButtonStyles(button) {
button.style.width = '48px';
button.style.height = '48px';
button.style.display = 'flex';
button.style.justifyContent = 'center';
button.style.alignItems = 'center';
button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
button.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
button.style.backgroundColor = '#282b2f';
button.style.margin = '0.5em 0';
button.style.filter = 'brightness(1)';
button.style.transition = 'filter 0.3s ease';
// Create a date input toggle with similar styles as the close button
const dateInputToggle = document.createElement('div');
dateInputToggle.className = 'date-panel-button';
dateInputToggle.innerHTML = calendarSVG;
// Apply common styles using the helper function with a different background color
applyHeaderButtonStyles(dateInputToggle, 'steelblue');
dateInputToggle.style.margin = '0px 0.5em 0 0';
// Function to toggle visibility of an element
function toggleDateInputVisibility(element) {
element.style.display = element.style.display === 'none' ? 'flex' : 'none';
// Function to show the date input if it is currently hidden
function showDateInput(element) {
if (element.style.display === 'none') element.style.display = 'flex';
// Toggle the visibility of the date input when the toggle is clicked
dateInputToggle.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Create the date input field
const dateInput = document.createElement('input');
dateInput.type = 'date';
dateInput.className = 'chatlogs-date-input';
// Apply consistent styles
dateInput.style.backgroundColor = '#111';
dateInput.style.color = 'bisque';
dateInput.style.border = '1px solid #222';
dateInput.style.width = 'fit-content';
dateInput.style.height = '48px';
dateInput.style.padding = '10px';
dateInput.style.fontSize = '1em';
dateInput.style.fontFamily = 'Montserrat';
dateInput.style.display = 'none'; // Hidden by default
dateInput.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
dateInput.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
dateInput.style.margin = '0 0.5em';
// Append the date button and input field to the control buttons container
// Create a toggle mention messages component
const toggleMentionMessages = document.createElement('div');
toggleMentionMessages.className = 'toggle-mention-messages';
// Set the inner HTML of the toggle component with a suitable SVG or text
toggleMentionMessages.innerHTML = iconPersonalMessages;
toggleMentionMessages.title = 'Toggle Mention Messages';
// Apply common styles to the component
applyHeaderButtonStyles(toggleMentionMessages, 'saddlebrown');
// Add a click event listener to toggle the visibility of messages without mentions
toggleMentionMessages.addEventListener('click', async () => {
await toggleMentionVisibility();
// Append the toggle mention messages component to the control panel
// Create a copy chatlogs button element
const copyChatLogsUrl = document.createElement('div');
copyChatLogsUrl.className = 'copy-current-chatlogs-url';
// Set the inner HTML of the copy chat logs element with the clipboard SVG
copyChatLogsUrl.innerHTML = clipboardSVG;
copyChatLogsUrl.title = 'Copy Chat Logs Url';
// Apply common styles to the button element
applyHeaderButtonStyles(copyChatLogsUrl, 'steelblue');
// Add a click event listener to copy chatLogsUrlForCopy to the clipboard
copyChatLogsUrl.addEventListener('click', () => {
addJumpEffect(copyChatLogsUrl, 0, 0);
.then(() => {
console.log('Chat logs URL copied to clipboard:', chatLogsUrlForCopy);
// Optionally, you can provide user feedback here (e.g., show a message)
.catch(err => {
console.error('Failed to copy: ', err);
// Retrieve `shouldShowActiveUsers` from localStorage or set it to 'shown' if it doesn't exist
const shouldShowActiveUsers = localStorage.getItem('shouldShowActiveUsers') || (localStorage.setItem('shouldShowActiveUsers', 'shown'), 'shown');
// Create a toggle active users button
const toggleActiveUsers = document.createElement('div');
toggleActiveUsers.className = 'toggle-active-users';
updateActiveUsersToggle(shouldShowActiveUsers); // Set initial SVG based on stored state
applyHeaderButtonStyles(toggleActiveUsers, '#144e9d'); // Apply common styles
// Set initial title based on stored state
toggleActiveUsers.title = shouldShowActiveUsers === 'shown' ? 'Hide User List' : 'Show User List';
// Function to update the toggle button's SVG and title based on current state
function updateActiveUsersToggle(state) {
toggleActiveUsers.innerHTML = state === 'shown' ? toggleLeftSVG : toggleRightSVG; // Toggle between SVGs
toggleActiveUsers.title = state === 'shown' ? 'Hide User List' : 'Show User List'; // Update title based on state
// Function to toggle active users and update localStorage, SVG, and title
function toggleActiveUsersState() {
const newState = localStorage.getItem('shouldShowActiveUsers') === 'shown' ? 'hidden' : 'shown'; // Determine new state
localStorage.setItem('shouldShowActiveUsers', newState); // Update localStorage
updateActiveUsersToggle(newState); // Update the displayed SVG and title
if (newState === 'shown') {
// Call renderActiveUsers to update the display of active users based on their message counts
renderActiveUsers(usernameMessageCountMap, chatLogsPanel);
} else {
// Remove the active users container if the state is hidden
const activeUsersContainer = chatLogsPanel.querySelector('.active-users');
if (activeUsersContainer) {
// Add click event to toggle active users
toggleActiveUsers.addEventListener('click', toggleActiveUsersState);
// Append the toggle active users to the panel control buttons
// Create and style the chevron left button
const oneDayBackward = document.createElement('div');
oneDayBackward.className = 'chevron-left-button';
oneDayBackward.title = 'Previous Day';
oneDayBackward.innerHTML = chevronLeftSVG; // Assuming you have chevronLeftSVG defined
applyHeaderButtonStyles(oneDayBackward, 'darkcyan');
// Create and style the chevron right button
const oneDayForward = document.createElement('div');
oneDayForward.className = 'chevron-right-button';
oneDayForward.title = 'Next Day';
oneDayForward.innerHTML = chevronRightSVG; // Assuming you have chevronRightSVG defined
applyHeaderButtonStyles(oneDayForward, 'darkcyan');
// Create and style the shuffle button
const randomDay = document.createElement('div');
randomDay.className = 'shuffle-button';
randomDay.title = 'Random Date';
randomDay.innerHTML = shuffleSVG; // Assuming you have shuffleSVG defined
applyHeaderButtonStyles(randomDay, 'darkslateblue');
// Function to get current date or fallback to today's date
function getEffectiveDate() {
return dateInput.value ? new Date(dateInput.value) : new Date(); // Use dateInput value or today's date
// Event listener for the chevron left button
oneDayBackward.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const currentDate = getEffectiveDate(); // Get the effective date
currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() - 1); // Go one day back
const formattedDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-CA').format(currentDate);
dateInput.value = formattedDate; // Update the date input
dateInputToggle.title = `Current date: ${formattedDate}`; // Update title
await loadChatLogs(currentDate); // Load chat logs for the updated date
// Event listener for the chevron right button
oneDayForward.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const currentDate = getEffectiveDate(); // Get the effective date
currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 1); // Go one day forward
const formattedDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-CA').format(currentDate);
dateInput.value = formattedDate; // Update the date input
dateInputToggle.title = `Current date: ${formattedDate}`; // Update title
await loadChatLogs(currentDate); // Load chat logs for the updated date
// Event listener for the shuffle button
randomDay.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const randomDate = getRandomDateInRange(); // Get a random date
const formattedDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-CA').format(new Date(randomDate));
dateInput.value = formattedDate; // Update the date input
dateInputToggle.title = `Current date: ${formattedDate}`; // Update title
await loadChatLogs(randomDate); // Load chat logs for the random date
// Append buttons to the control buttons container
// Create a close button with the provided SVG icon
const closePanelButton = document.createElement('div');
closePanelButton.className = 'close-panel-button';
closePanelButton.title = 'Close panel';
closePanelButton.innerHTML = closeSVG;
// Apply common styles using the helper function
applyHeaderButtonStyles(closePanelButton, 'darkolivegreen', '0 0 0 0.5em');
// Add a click event listener to the close panel button
closePanelButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Fade out the chat logs panel when the close button is clicked
triggerTargetElement(chatLogsPanel, 'hide');
// Append close button to control buttons, and control buttons to header
// Create a container for the chat logs
const chatLogsContainer = document.createElement('div');
chatLogsContainer.className = 'chat-logs-container';
chatLogsContainer.style.overflowY = 'auto';
chatLogsContainer.style.height = 'calc(100% - 1em)';
chatLogsContainer.style.padding = '1em';
chatLogsContainer.style.display = 'flex';
chatLogsContainer.style.gridArea = 'messages';
chatLogsContainer.style.flexDirection = 'column';
// Create a container for the chat logs scroll buttons
const scrollButtonsContainer = document.createElement('div');
scrollButtonsContainer.className = 'scroll-buttons-container';
scrollButtonsContainer.style.display = 'flex';
scrollButtonsContainer.style.justifyContent = 'center';
scrollButtonsContainer.style.gridArea = 'scroll-buttons';
scrollButtonsContainer.style.flexDirection = 'column';
scrollButtonsContainer.style.height = 'calc(100% - 1em)';
scrollButtonsContainer.style.padding = '1em';
// Function to scroll the chat logs
function scrollChatLogs(direction, isFullScroll) {
if (chatLogsContainer) {
const scrollAmount = isFullScroll ? chatLogsContainer.scrollHeight : chatLogsContainer.clientHeight;
if (direction === 'up') {
chatLogsContainer.scrollBy({ top: -scrollAmount, behavior: 'smooth' });
} else if (direction === 'down') {
chatLogsContainer.scrollBy({ top: scrollAmount, behavior: 'smooth' });
// Update button opacity after scrolling
// Compact function to update scroll button styles based on scroll position
function updateScrollButtonOpacity() {
if (chatLogsContainer) {
const tolerance = 3; // Account for minor discrepancies
const isAtTop = chatLogsContainer.scrollTop === 0;
const isAtBottom = chatLogsContainer.scrollTop + chatLogsContainer.clientHeight >= chatLogsContainer.scrollHeight - tolerance;
// Helper to set opacity and pointer-events
const setButtonState = (button, condition) => {
button.style.opacity = condition ? '0.3' : '1';
button.style.pointerEvents = condition ? 'none' : 'auto';
// Apply state to buttons
[fullScrollUpButton, partialScrollUpButton].forEach(btn => setButtonState(btn, isAtTop));
[fullScrollDownButton, partialScrollDownButton].forEach(btn => setButtonState(btn, isAtBottom));
// Create the "Full Scroll Up" button (chevrons)
const fullScrollUpButton = document.createElement('div');
fullScrollUpButton.innerHTML = chevronsUpSVG;
fullScrollUpButton.title = 'Scroll Up (Full)';
fullScrollUpButton.addEventListener('click', () => scrollChatLogs('up', true)); // Full scroll up
// Create the "Partial Scroll Up" button (single chevron)
const partialScrollUpButton = document.createElement('div');
partialScrollUpButton.innerHTML = chevronUpSVG;
partialScrollUpButton.title = 'Scroll Up (Partial)';
partialScrollUpButton.addEventListener('click', () => scrollChatLogs('up', false)); // Single scroll up
// Create the "Partial Scroll Down" button (single chevron)
const partialScrollDownButton = document.createElement('div');
partialScrollDownButton.innerHTML = chevronDownSVG;
partialScrollDownButton.title = 'Scroll Down (Partial)';
partialScrollDownButton.addEventListener('click', () => scrollChatLogs('down', false)); // Single scroll down
// Create the "Full Scroll Down" button (chevrons)
const fullScrollDownButton = document.createElement('div');
fullScrollDownButton.innerHTML = chevronsDownSVG;
fullScrollDownButton.title = 'Scroll Down (Full)';
fullScrollDownButton.addEventListener('click', () => scrollChatLogs('down', true)); // Full scroll down
// Initial check for button opacity
// Listen for scroll events to dynamically update button opacity
chatLogsContainer.addEventListener('scroll', updateScrollButtonOpacity);
// Append the header and chat logs container to the chat logs panel
// Create an array containing the buttons we want to apply the events to
const buttons = [
// Iterate through each button in the array
buttons.forEach(button => {
// Add a mouseover event listener to change the button's brightness on hover
button.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
button.style.filter = 'brightness(0.8)'; // Dim the button
// Add a mouseout event listener to reset the button's brightness when not hovered
button.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
button.style.filter = 'brightness(1)'; // Reset to original brightness
// Append the chat logs panel to the body
// Fade in the chat logs panel and dimming background
triggerTargetElement(chatLogsPanel, 'show');
// Define an object to store the hue for each username
const usernameHueMap = {};
const hueStep = 15;
let lastDisplayedUsername = null; // Variable to track the last displayed username
// Initialize a map to track message counts for unique usernames
const usernameMessageCountMap = new Map();
// Store the current chat logs URL for clipboard copy.
let chatLogsUrlForCopy = ''; // Store the current chat logs URL for copying
// Function to load and display chat logs into the container
const loadChatLogs = async (date) => {
// Fetch chat logs and pass the chatLogsContainer as the parent container
const { chatlogs, url } = await fetchChatLogs(date, chatLogsContainer);
// Assign the fetched URL to the chatLogsUrlForCopy variable
chatLogsUrlForCopy = url;
// Clear previous counts
chatlogs.forEach(async ({ time, username, message }) => {
// Update message count for each unique username
usernameMessageCountMap.set(username, (usernameMessageCountMap.get(username) || 0) + 1);
// Create a container for each message
const messageContainer = document.createElement('div');
messageContainer.style.padding = '0.2em'; // Set padding for the message container
messageContainer.style.display = 'inline-flex';
messageContainer.style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Set cursor to pointer on hover for click effect
messageContainer.style.alignItems = 'center'; // Align items to center
// Attach click event to scroll the chat logs container to the middle of the parent container on LMB click
messageContainer.addEventListener('click', async () => {
// Call toggleMentionVisibility to show all messages and scroll when a message is clicked on visibleMentionMessages is true
if (visibleMentionMessages) await toggleMentionVisibility();
// Call restoreMessagesVisibility to show all messages when a message is clicked on visibleMentionMessages is false
else restoreMessagesVisibility(chatlogsSearchInput);
// Use helper function to scroll the chat logs container to the middle of the parent container
await scrollMessagesToMiddle(chatLogsContainer, messageContainer);
// Create time element
const timeElement = document.createElement('span');
timeElement.className = 'message-time';
// Update the timeElement's text content with the adjusted time
timeElement.textContent = time;
timeElement.style.color = 'darkseagreen';
timeElement.style.margin = '0 0.4em';
timeElement.style.cursor = 'pointer';
timeElement.style.transition = 'color 0.2s ease'; // Smooth color transition
timeElement.style.height = 'fit-content';
// Add hover effect to change color to light green
timeElement.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
timeElement.style.color = 'lightgreen';
// Revert back to original color on mouse out
timeElement.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
timeElement.style.color = 'darkseagreen';
// Open the chat log URL on click
timeElement.addEventListener('click', function () {
const url = `https://klavogonki.ru/chatlogs/${date}.html#${time}`;
window.open(url, '_blank', 'noopener,noreferrer');
// Create username element
const usernameElement = document.createElement('span');
usernameElement.className = 'message-username';
usernameElement.textContent = username; // Use the original username for display
usernameElement.style.cursor = 'pointer';
usernameElement.style.margin = '0 0.4em';
usernameElement.style.height = 'fit-content';
// Add click event to navigate to the user's profile or shake the username if userId is not found
usernameElement.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const userId = await getUserId(username); // Fetch the user ID on click
if (userId) {
const url = `https://klavogonki.ru/u/#/${userId}/`;
window.open(url, '_blank', 'noopener,noreferrer');
} else {
// Add shake effect if userId doesn't exist
addShakeEffect(usernameElement); // Define this function for the shake effect
// Check if the hue for this username is already stored
let hueForUsername = usernameHueMap[username]; // Use the original username as the key
// If the hue is not stored, generate a new random hue with the specified step
if (!hueForUsername) {
hueForUsername = Math.floor(Math.random() * (210 / hueStep)) * hueStep; // Limit hue to a maximum of 210
// Store the generated hue for this username
usernameHueMap[username] = hueForUsername; // Store hue using the original username as the key
// Apply the hue color to the username element
usernameElement.style.color = `hsl(${hueForUsername}, 80%, 50%)`;
// Create message text element
const messageTextElement = document.createElement('span');
messageTextElement.className = 'message-text';
messageTextElement.style.color = 'lightsteelblue';
messageTextElement.style.margin = '0 0.4em';
messageTextElement.style.overflowWrap = 'anywhere';
messageTextElement.style.height = 'fit-content';
// Replace smiley codes with <img> tags, and then wrap links with <a> tags
messageTextElement.innerHTML = message
// Replace smiley codes like :word: with <img> tags
(_, word) => `<img src="/img/smilies/${word}.gif" alt=":${word}:" title=":${word}:" class="smile">`
// Wrap http and https links with <a> tags
(url) => `<a href="${url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">${url}</a>`
// Apply margin for the first message of a new user
messageContainer.style.marginTop = lastDisplayedUsername !== username ? '0.6em' : '';
// Update the last displayed username
lastDisplayedUsername = username;
// Append elements to the message container
// Append the message container to the chat logs container
// Call renderActiveUsers to update the display of active users based on their message counts
renderActiveUsers(usernameMessageCountMap, chatLogsPanel, chatlogsSearchInput);
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
chatLogsContainer.scrollTop = chatLogsContainer.scrollHeight; // Scroll to the very bottom
// Renders the active users based on their message counts from the provided map
function renderActiveUsers(usernameMessageCountMap, parentContainer, searchField) {
// Check if active users should be shown
if (localStorage.getItem('shouldShowActiveUsers') === 'shown') {
// Check if the activeUsers container already exists
let activeUsers = parentContainer.querySelector('.active-users');
// If it doesn't exist, create it
if (!activeUsers) {
activeUsers = document.createElement('div');
activeUsers.className = 'active-users';
activeUsers.style.padding = '1em';
activeUsers.style.height = 'calc(100% - 1em)';
activeUsers.style.width = 'fit-content';
activeUsers.style.overflowY = 'auto';
activeUsers.style.overflowX = 'hidden';
activeUsers.style.gridArea = 'users';
activeUsers.style.display = 'flex';
activeUsers.style.flexDirection = 'column';
// Append the newly created activeUsers container to the parent container
// Sort usernames by message count in descending order
const sortedUsernames = Array.from(usernameMessageCountMap.entries())
.sort(([, countA], [, countB]) => countB - countA); // Sort in descending order
// Clear previous user list in the activeUsers container
activeUsers.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous user list
// Append sorted users to the activeUsers container
sortedUsernames.forEach(([username, count]) => {
// Create a user element
const userElement = document.createElement('div');
userElement.className = 'active-user-item';
userElement.style.display = 'flex';
userElement.style.height = 'fit-content';
userElement.style.alignItems = 'center';
userElement.style.justifyContent = 'left';
userElement.style.margin = '0.2em 0';
userElement.style.cursor = 'pointer';
userElement.style.transition = 'filter 0.15s';
// Compact event listeners for mouse over and mouse out
userElement.addEventListener('mouseover', () => (userElement.style.filter = 'brightness(0.8)'));
userElement.addEventListener('mouseout', () => (userElement.style.filter = 'brightness(1)'));
// Add click event to populate the search input with the clicked username
userElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
const currentValue = chatlogsSearchInput.value.trim();
const usernameEntry = isCtrlKeyPressed ? `, ${username}` : username;
if (isCtrlKeyPressed) {
// Only add the username if it's not already present
if (!currentValue.includes(username)) {
chatlogsSearchInput.value += currentValue ? usernameEntry : username;
} else {
// If Ctrl key isn't pressed, replace the input value with the clicked username
chatlogsSearchInput.value = username;
// Call the filter function with the updated input value
// Create nickname element
const nicknameElement = document.createElement('span');
nicknameElement.className = 'active-user-name';
nicknameElement.textContent = username;
nicknameElement.style.padding = '0.4em';
// Fetch the color for the username from the hue map
const userHue = usernameHueMap[username] || 0; // Fallback to 0 if hue not found
nicknameElement.style.color = `hsl(${userHue}, 80%, 50%)`; // Apply the hue color
// Create message count element
const messageCountElement = document.createElement('span');
messageCountElement.className = 'active-user-messages-count';
messageCountElement.textContent = count;
messageCountElement.style.padding = '0.4em';
messageCountElement.style.color = `hsl(${userHue}, 80%, 50%)`; // Apply the hue color
messageCountElement.style.backgroundColor = `hsla(${userHue}, 80%, 50%, 0.2)`;
messageCountElement.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
// Append elements to user element
// Append user element to activeUsers container
// Load chat logs based on the provided date or default to today's date
// create today's date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
const today = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-CA').format(new Date());
// showDateInput(dateInput); // Show the date input field
const dateToLoad = personalMessagesDate || today; // Use personalMessagesDate if available
await loadChatLogs(dateToLoad); // Load chat logs for the determined date
// Check if personalMessagesDate is given as parameter or null to show the date input field
if (personalMessagesDate) showDateInput(dateInput); // Show the date input field
// Set the max attribute to today's date
dateInput.max = today; // Set the maximum value to today's date
dateInput.value = dateToLoad; // Set the value to the date to load
dateInputToggle.title = `Current date: ${dateToLoad}`; // Update the title with the selected date
// Add an event listener for the date input change
dateInput.addEventListener('change', async (event) => {
const selectedDate = event.target.value; // Get the selected date
await loadChatLogs(selectedDate); // Load chat logs for the selected date
dateInputToggle.title = `Current date: ${selectedDate}`; // Update the title with the selected date
// Retrieves details from message items including usernames and message text.
function getMessageDetails(messageItems) {
// Cache message details including text, username, and message content
return messageItems.map(item => {
const usernameElement = item.querySelector('.message-username');
const username = usernameElement ? usernameElement.textContent.toLowerCase().trim() : ''; // Get username text, if available
const messageTextElement = item.querySelector('.message-text');
const messageText = messageTextElement ? messageTextElement.textContent.toLowerCase().trim() : ''; // Get message text, if available
return { username, messageText };
// Filters message items based on the provided query and displays matching messages.
function filterItems(query) {
// Helper function to replace underscores and hyphens with spaces and convert to lowercase
function normalizeText(text) {
return text.replace(/[_-]/g, ' ').toLowerCase(); // Replaces _ and - with spaces
// Normalize query by removing underscores and hyphens, then trimming spaces
const queryWithoutSymbols = normalizeText(query).trim();
// Retrieve message items within the filterItems function
const messageItems = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.chat-logs-container > .message-item'));
const messageDetails = getMessageDetails(messageItems); // Get the message details
const isEmptyQuery = !queryWithoutSymbols;
// Split query by commas and trim parts
const queryParts = queryWithoutSymbols.split(',').map(part => part.trim()).filter(Boolean);
// Count matching usernames
const matchingUsernamesCount = queryParts.filter(part =>
messageDetails.some(detail => normalizeText(detail.username) === part)
// Determine if User Mode is active (2 or more matching usernames)
const isUserMode = matchingUsernamesCount >= 2;
// Filter message items based on the query
messageItems.forEach((item, index) => {
const messageContainer = item.closest('.message-item'); // Get the closest message item container
const messageDetailsItem = messageDetails[index];
let shouldDisplay = false;
// Normalize underscores and hyphens in the username and message text
const normalizedUsername = normalizeText(messageDetailsItem.username);
const normalizedMessageText = normalizeText(messageDetailsItem.messageText);
if (isEmptyQuery) {
// Display all messages if the query is empty
shouldDisplay = true;
} else if (isUserMode) {
// User Mode: Match only by username
shouldDisplay = queryParts.some(part => normalizedUsername === part);
} else {
// Simple Mode: Treat the entire query (including commas) as part of the text search
shouldDisplay = normalizedUsername.includes(queryWithoutSymbols) ||
// Toggle visibility based on shouldDisplay using content visibility and font size
messageContainer.style.contentVisibility = shouldDisplay ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
// Set font size to 0 for hidden messages to maintain layout or remove the font size property
messageContainer.style.fontSize = shouldDisplay ? '' : '0';
// Attach a keydown event listener to the document object
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
// Check if the key pressed was the "Escape" key
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
// Fade out the chat logs panel
triggerTargetElement(chatLogsPanel, 'hide');
// Global function to handle file input and process uploaded settings
async function handleUploadSettings(event) {
const file = event.target.files[0];
if (file) {
const reader = new FileReader();
// Return a Promise to handle the asynchronous reading
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reader.onload = function (e) {
const jsonData = e.target.result; // Get the raw JSON string
try {
const settingsData = JSON.parse(jsonData); // Attempt to parse the JSON data
// Call a function to process the uploaded settings data
resolve(); // Resolve the promise if successful
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error parsing JSON data:', error.message); // Log the error message
console.error('Invalid JSON:', jsonData); // Log the raw JSON string for debugging
// Optional: Notify the user about the error
alert('Failed to parse JSON data. Please check the format and try again.');
reject(error); // Reject the promise on error
reader.onerror = function (e) {
console.error('Error reading file:', e.target.error); // Handle file reading errors
reject(e.target.error); // Reject the promise on error
reader.readAsText(file); // Read the file as text
// Function to download settings as a JSON file
function handleDownloadSettings(settingsData) {
if (!settingsData || typeof settingsData !== 'object') {
console.error('Invalid settings data for download.');
alert('Cannot export settings. Please try again.');
try {
// Define constants for indentation sizes within the function
const tabSize2 = ' '; // 2 spaces
const tabSize4 = ' '; // 4 spaces
// Convert 'usersToTrack' to single-line entries with proper indentation
const usersToTrackFormatted = settingsData.usersToTrack
.map((user) => `${tabSize4}${JSON.stringify(user)}`) // Use defined const for indentation
.join(',\n'); // Join with a new line for better formatting
// Convert 'toggle' to formatted entries with proper indentation
const toggleFormatted = settingsData.toggle
.map(toggle => `${tabSize4}${JSON.stringify(toggle)}`) // Format each toggle item
.join(',\n'); // Join with a new line for better formatting
// Build the JSON structure with appropriate formatting using string concatenation
const jsonData = '{\n' +
`${tabSize2}"usersToTrack": [\n` +
`${usersToTrackFormatted}\n` +
`${tabSize2}],\n` +
`${tabSize2}"mentionKeywords": [\n` +
`${settingsData.mentionKeywords.map(keyword => `${tabSize4}"${keyword}"`).join(',\n')}\n` +
`${tabSize2}],\n` +
`${tabSize2}"moderator": [\n` + // Added moderator
`${settingsData.moderator.map(moderator => `${tabSize4}"${moderator}"`).join(',\n')}\n` +
`${tabSize2}],\n` +
`${tabSize2}"ignored": [\n` +
`${settingsData.ignored.map(user => `${tabSize4}"${user}"`).join(',\n')}\n` +
`${tabSize2}],\n` +
`${tabSize2}"toggle": [\n` + // Added toggle
`${toggleFormatted}\n` +
`${tabSize2}]\n` +
// Generate a filename with the current date (YYYY-MM-DD)
const currentDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-CA').format(new Date());
const filename = `KG_Chat_Empowerment_Settings_${currentDate}.json`;
// Create a Blob from the JSON string and prepare it for download
const blob = new Blob([jsonData], { type: 'application/json' });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Create a temporary link to trigger the download
const tempLink = document.createElement('a');
tempLink.href = url;
tempLink.download = filename;
document.body.appendChild(tempLink); // Append link to body
tempLink.click(); // Trigger download
document.body.removeChild(tempLink); // Clean up link
URL.revokeObjectURL(url); // Clean up the Blob URL
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error exporting settings:', error);
alert('Failed to export settings. Please try again.');
// Function to retrieve settings from localStorage and combine them into a single object
function getSettingsData() {
// Retrieve data from localStorage using the appropriate keys
const usersToTrack = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('usersToTrack')) || [];
const mentionKeywords = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mentionKeywords')) || [];
const moderator = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('moderator')) || [];
const ignored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ignored')) || [];
const toggle = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('toggle')) || [];
// Combine the retrieved data into a single object
const settingsData = {
usersToTrack: usersToTrack,
mentionKeywords: mentionKeywords,
moderator: moderator,
ignored: ignored,
toggle: toggle
return settingsData;
// Create a button to upload and apply new settings
function createSettingsButton() {
// Create a new element with class 'settings-button'
const showSettingsButton = document.createElement('div');
// Add the class 'settings-button' to the button
showSettingsButton.title = 'Show Settings Panel';
// Apply base button styles
// Add settings-specific styles directly
showSettingsButton.style.position = 'relative';
// Add settings icon to the button (use the SVG icon you provided)
showSettingsButton.innerHTML = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="bisque" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-sliders">
<line x1="4" y1="21" x2="4" y2="14"></line>
<line x1="4" y1="10" x2="4" y2="3"></line>
<line x1="12" y1="21" x2="12" y2="12"></line>
<line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12" y2="3"></line>
<line x1="20" y1="21" x2="20" y2="16"></line>
<line x1="20" y1="12" x2="20" y2="3"></line>
<line x1="1" y1="14" x2="7" y2="14"></line>
<line x1="9" y1="8" x2="15" y2="8"></line>
<line x1="17" y1="16" x2="23" y2="16"></line>
// Create a hidden file input for uploading settings
const importFileInput = document.createElement('input');
importFileInput.type = 'file';
importFileInput.accept = '.json'; // Specify the file type if needed (e.g., JSON)
importFileInput.style.display = 'none'; // Hide the file input
// Add an event listener to handle file selection
importFileInput.addEventListener('change', handleUploadSettings);
// Add a click event listener to the button
showSettingsButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Add pulse effect for the settings button
if (isAltKeyPressed) {
// Export settings
const settingsData = getSettingsData(); // Retrieve the settings data
handleDownloadSettings(settingsData); // Pass the retrieved settings data to the download function
else if (isCtrlKeyPressed) {
// Import settings
else {
// If Alt or Ctrl is not pressed open settings panel
// Append the file input to the button
// Append the button to the existing panel
// Call the function to create the settings button
// Save the current settings to localStorage
function saveSettingsToLocalStorage() {
localStorage.setItem('usersToTrack', JSON.stringify(usersToTrack));
localStorage.setItem('mentionKeywords', JSON.stringify(mentionKeywords));
localStorage.setItem('moderator', JSON.stringify(moderator));
localStorage.setItem('ignored', JSON.stringify(ignored));
localStorage.setItem('toggle', JSON.stringify(toggle));
// Process and apply uploaded settings
function processUploadedSettings({
usersToTrack: u = [],
mentionKeywords: mk = [],
moderator: md = [],
ignored: i = [],
toggle: t = []
}) {
// Ensure the uploaded values are valid arrays or default to the existing ones
usersToTrack = Array.isArray(u) ? u : usersToTrack;
mentionKeywords = Array.isArray(mk) ? mk : mentionKeywords;
moderator = Array.isArray(md) ? md : moderator;
ignored = Array.isArray(i) ? i : ignored;
toggle = Array.isArray(t) ? t : toggle;
// Save to localStorage after applying the settings
console.log('Uploaded settings applied:', { usersToTrack, mentionKeywords, moderator, ignored, toggle });
// Inline SVG source for the "x" icon (close button)
const closeSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-x">
<line x1="18" y1="6" x2="6" y2="18"></line>
<line x1="6" y1="6" x2="18" y2="18"></line>
// Inline SVG source for the "chevrons up" icon
const chevronsUpSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-chevrons-up">
<polyline points="17 11 12 6 7 11"></polyline>
<polyline points="17 18 12 13 7 18"></polyline>
// Inline SVG source for the "chevron up" icon
const chevronUpSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-chevron-up">
<polyline points="18 15 12 9 6 15"></polyline>
// Inline SVG source for the "chevron down" icon
const chevronDownSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-chevron-down">
<polyline points="6 9 12 15 18 9"></polyline>
// Inline SVG source for the "chevrons down" icon
const chevronsDownSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-chevrons-down">
<polyline points="7 13 12 18 17 13"></polyline>
<polyline points="7 6 12 11 17 6"></polyline>
// Inline SVG source for the "toggle-right" icon
const toggleRightSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 25 25"
class="feather feather-toggle-right">
<rect x="1" y="5" width="22" height="14" rx="7" ry="7"></rect>
<circle cx="16" cy="12" r="3"></circle>
// Inline SVG source for the "toggle-left" icon
const toggleLeftSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 25 25"
class="feather feather-toggle-left">
<rect x="1" y="5" width="22" height="14" rx="7" ry="7"></rect>
<circle cx="8" cy="12" r="3"></circle>
// Inline SVG source for the "calendar" icon
const calendarSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-calendar">
<rect x="3" y="4" width="18" height="18" rx="2" ry="2"></rect>
<line x1="16" y1="2" x2="16" y2="6"></line>
<line x1="8" y1="2" x2="8" y2="6"></line>
<line x1="3" y1="10" x2="21" y2="10"></line>
// Inline SVG source for the "clipboard" icon
const clipboardSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-clipboard">
<path d="M16 4h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2"></path>
<rect x="8" y="2" width="8" height="4" rx="1" ry="1"></rect>
// SVG for the "chevron left" icon, used to change chat logs one day backward
const chevronLeftSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-chevron-left">
<polyline points="15 18 9 12 15 6"></polyline>
// SVG for the "chevron right" icon, used to change chat logs one day forward
const chevronRightSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-chevron-right">
<polyline points="9 18 15 12 9 6"></polyline>
// SVG for the "shuffle" icon, used to select a random year, month, and day
const shuffleSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-shuffle">
<polyline points="16 3 21 3 21 8"></polyline>
<line x1="4" y1="20" x2="21" y2="3"></line>
<polyline points="21 16 21 21 16 21"></polyline>
<line x1="15" y1="15" x2="21" y2="21"></line>
<line x1="4" y1="4" x2="9" y2="9"></line>
// Inline SVG source for the trash icon
const trashSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
fill="none" stroke="darkorange" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"
stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-trash-2">
<polyline points="3 6 5 6 21 6"></polyline>
<path d="M19 6v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6m3 0V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2"></path>
<line x1="10" y1="11" x2="10" y2="17"></line>
<line x1="14" y1="11" x2="14" y2="17"></line>
// Inline SVG source for the users icon
const usersSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"
stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-users">
<path d="M17 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H5a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2"></path>
<circle cx="9" cy="7" r="4"></circle>
<path d="M23 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-3-3.87"></path>
<path d="M16 3.13a4 4 0 0 1 0 7.75"></path>
// Inline SVG source for the "download" icon (export button)
const exportSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-download">
<path d="M21 15v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4"></path>
<polyline points="7 10 12 15 17 10"></polyline>
<line x1="12" y1="15" x2="12" y2="3"></line>
// Inline SVG source for the "upload" icon (import button)
const importSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-upload">
<path d="M21 15v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4"></path>
<polyline points="17 8 12 3 7 8"></polyline>
<line x1="12" y1="3" x2="12" y2="15"></line>
// Inline SVG source for the "save" icon (save button)
const saveSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-save">
<path d="M19 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h11l5 5v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2z"></path>
<polyline points="17 21 17 13 7 13 7 21"></polyline>
<polyline points="7 3 7 8 15 8"></polyline>
// Inline SVG source for the "remove" icon (remove button)
const removeSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-trash">
<polyline points="3 6 5 6 21 6"></polyline>
<path d="M19 6v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6m3 0V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2"></path>
// Inline SVG source for the "snowflake" icon
const snowflakeSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-snowflake">
<g id="snowflake">
<line x1="12.06" y1="2.74" x2="12.06" y2="12.06" />
<line x1="20.12" y1="7.4" x2="12.06" y2="12.06" />
<line x1="20.12" y1="16.71" x2="12.06" y2="12.06" />
<line x1="12.06" y1="21.37" x2="12.06" y2="12.06" />
<line x1="3.99" y1="16.71" x2="12.06" y2="12.06" />
<line x1="3.99" y1="7.4" x2="12.06" y2="12.06" />
<polyline points="8.96,4.67 12.06,7.77 15.16,4.67"/>
<polyline points="16.9,5.68 15.76,9.92 20,11.05"/>
<polyline points="20,13.06 15.76,14.2 16.9,18.43"/>
<polyline points="15.16,19.44 12.06,16.34 8.96,19.44"/>
<polyline points="7.21,18.43 8.35,14.2 4.11,13.06"/>
<polyline points="4.11,11.05 8.35,9.92 7.21,5.68"/>
// Inline SVG source for the "add" icon (add button)
const addSVG = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="feather feather-plus">
<line x1="12" y1="5" x2="12" y2="19"></line>
<line x1="5" y1="12" x2="19" y2="12"></line>
// Function to display the settings panel
function showSettingsPanel() {
// Remove any previous panel before creating a new one
// Check if the settings panel already exists
if (document.querySelector('.settings-panel')) return;
// Create the settings panel container
const settingsPanel = document.createElement('div');
settingsPanel.className = 'settings-panel popup-panel';
// Set initial styles
settingsPanel.style.opacity = '0';
settingsPanel.style.backgroundColor = '#1b1b1b';
settingsPanel.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.6em', 'important');
settingsPanel.style.position = 'fixed';
settingsPanel.style.top = '100px';
settingsPanel.style.left = '50%';
settingsPanel.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)';
settingsPanel.style.width = '50vw';
settingsPanel.style.height = '80vh';
settingsPanel.style.zIndex = '999';
settingsPanel.style.minWidth = '1000px';
// Add a keydown event listener for the Esc key
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
// Fade out the settings panel and dimming element when the Esc key is pressed
triggerTargetElement(settingsPanel, 'hide');
// Create a container div for the panel header
const panelHeaderContainer = document.createElement('div');
panelHeaderContainer.className = 'panel-header';
panelHeaderContainer.style.display = 'flex';
panelHeaderContainer.style.flexDirection = 'row';
panelHeaderContainer.style.justifyContent = 'flex-end'; // Aligns to the right
panelHeaderContainer.style.padding = '0.6em';
// Helper function to apply common styles to a button
function applyHeaderButtonStyles(button, backgroundColor, margin = '0 0.5em') {
button.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
button.style.width = '48px';
button.style.height = '48px';
button.style.display = 'flex';
button.style.justifyContent = 'center';
button.style.alignItems = 'center';
button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
button.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
button.style.margin = margin; // Set margin using the provided value
button.style.filter = 'brightness(1)';
button.style.transition = 'filter 0.3s ease';
// Create a close button with the provided SVG icon
const closePanelButton = document.createElement('div');
closePanelButton.className = 'close-panel-button';
closePanelButton.innerHTML = closeSVG;
closePanelButton.title = 'Close panel';
// Apply common styles using the helper function
applyHeaderButtonStyles(closePanelButton, 'darkolivegreen', '0 0 0 0.5em');
// Add a click event listener to the close panel button
closePanelButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Fade out the settings panel when the close button is clicked
triggerTargetElement(settingsPanel, 'hide');
// Create a clear cache button with the provided SVG icon
const clearCacheButton = document.createElement('div');
clearCacheButton.className = 'clear-cache-button';
clearCacheButton.innerHTML = trashSVG;
clearCacheButton.title = 'Clear settings';
// Apply common styles using the helper function
applyHeaderButtonStyles(clearCacheButton, 'brown');
// Add a click event listener to the clear cache button
clearCacheButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Create an import button with the provided SVG icon
const importSettingsButton = document.createElement('div');
importSettingsButton.className = 'import-settings-button';
importSettingsButton.innerHTML = importSVG;
importSettingsButton.title = 'Import settings';
// Apply common styles using the helper function
applyHeaderButtonStyles(importSettingsButton, '#502f6b');
// Create a save button with the provided SVG icon
const saveSettingsButton = document.createElement('div');
saveSettingsButton.className = 'save-settings-button';
saveSettingsButton.innerHTML = saveSVG;
saveSettingsButton.title = 'Save settings';
saveSettingsButton.style.opacity = '0';
function initializeSaveButtonLogic(saveButton) {
const container = document.querySelector('.settings-content-container');
if (!container) return console.error("Container not found.");
const showButton = () => (saveButton.style.opacity = '1');
const hideButton = () => (saveButton.style.opacity = '0');
// Get previous values from localStorage
const previousValues = getSettingsData();
const handleInputChange = () => {
const currentValues = {
usersToTrack: [],
mentionKeywords: [],
moderator: [],
ignored: [],
toggle: []
// Process tracked items
container.querySelectorAll('.settings-tracked-container .tracked-item').forEach(item => {
const usernameField = item.querySelector('.tracked-username-field');
const genderField = item.querySelector('.tracked-gender-select');
const pronunciationField = item.querySelector('.tracked-pronunciation-field');
const snowflakeButton = item.querySelector('.assigned-thawed-config, .assigned-frozen-config');
const usernameValue = usernameField ? usernameField.value.trim() : '';
const genderValue = genderField ? genderField.value.trim() : '';
const pronunciationValue = pronunciationField ? pronunciationField.value.trim() : '';
// Determine the state based on the button's class
const state = snowflakeButton.classList.contains('assigned-frozen-config') ? 'frozen' : 'thawed';
// Push current values to usersToTrack
name: usernameValue,
gender: genderValue,
pronunciation: pronunciationValue,
// Process mention items
container.querySelectorAll('.settings-mention-container .mention-item').forEach(item => {
const mentionField = item.querySelector('.mention-field');
const mentionValue = mentionField ? mentionField.value.trim() : '';
// Process moderator
container.querySelectorAll('.settings-moderator-container .moderator-item').forEach(item => {
const moderatorField = item.querySelector('.moderator-field');
const moderatorValue = moderatorField ? moderatorField.value.trim() : '';
// Process ignored items
container.querySelectorAll('.settings-ignored-container .ignored-item').forEach(item => {
const ignoredField = item.querySelector('.ignored-field');
const ignoredValue = ignoredField ? ignoredField.value.trim() : '';
// Process toggle (yes/no) settings based on select elements within each toggle-setting item
container.querySelectorAll('.settings-toggle-container .toggle-item').forEach(item => {
const descriptionElement = item.querySelector('.toggle-description'); // Get the description element
const selectElement = item.querySelector('.toggle-select'); // Select the toggle (select) element within the current toggle-item
const selectedValue = selectElement ? selectElement.value.trim() : 'no'; // Default to 'no' if not selected
// Get the data-toggle-name attribute value from the descriptionElement
const toggleName = descriptionElement.getAttribute('data-toggle-name');
// Push the current toggle setting as an object into the toggle array
if (toggleName) {
name: toggleName, // Store the toggle name
option: selectedValue // Store the selected value directly
// Check if any values have changed compared to previous state
const valuesChanged = JSON.stringify(previousValues) !== JSON.stringify(currentValues);
// Show or hide the save button based on whether values have changed
valuesChanged ? showButton() : hideButton();
return currentValues; // Return current values for saving later
// Attach click event to save settings when there are changes
saveButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
const currentValues = handleInputChange(); // Get current values before saving
processUploadedSettings(currentValues); // Process and save the current settings
// Update previousValues to the current state after saving
Object.assign(previousValues, currentValues);
hideButton(); // Optionally hide the button after saving
// Add input listeners to existing fields
container.querySelectorAll('input, select').forEach(field => {
field.addEventListener('input', handleInputChange);
// Function to attach event listeners to dynamically added input and select elements
const attachEventListeners = (element) => {
if (element.tagName === 'INPUT' || element.tagName === 'SELECT') {
element.addEventListener('input', handleInputChange);
// console.log('Listener attached to:', element);
} else {
// Check its children for input or select elements
element.querySelectorAll('input, select').forEach((child) => {
child.addEventListener('input', handleInputChange);
// console.log('Listener attached to child:', child);
// Create a mutation observer to monitor changes in the target container
const observer = new MutationObserver(debounce((mutationsList) => {
mutationsList.forEach((mutation) => {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// console.log('Added:', node);
attachEventListeners(node); // Attach event listeners to new elements
mutation.removedNodes.forEach((node) => {
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// console.log('Removed:', node);
handleInputChange(); // Call handleInputChange to check the state after any changes
}, 300));
// Start observing the target container for child list changes
observer.observe(container, {
childList: true,
subtree: true, // Observe all descendants as well
// Apply common styles using the helper function
applyHeaderButtonStyles(saveSettingsButton, '#2f6b63');
// Create a hidden file input for importing settings
const importFileInput = document.createElement('input');
importFileInput.type = 'file';
importFileInput.accept = '.json'; // Specify the file type
importFileInput.style.display = 'none'; // Hide the file input
// Add an event listener for the import file input
importFileInput.addEventListener('change', async (event) => {
await handleUploadSettings(event); // Wait for processing uploaded settings
// Clear the containers before populating new data
// Populate the UI with updated settings
// Function to clear the content of settings containers
function clearSettingsContainers() {
const containers = [
containers.forEach(selector => {
const container = document.querySelector(selector);
// Find the .add-setting-button if it exists
const addButton = container.querySelector('.add-setting-button');
if (container) {
container.innerHTML = ''; // Clear the container
// Re-add the .add-setting-button if it was found
addButton && container.appendChild(addButton);
// Add a click event listener to the import button
importSettingsButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
importFileInput.click(); // Trigger file input click
// Append the file input to the import button
// Create an export button with the provided SVG icon
const exportSettingsButton = document.createElement('div');
exportSettingsButton.className = 'export-settings-button';
exportSettingsButton.innerHTML = exportSVG;
exportSettingsButton.title = 'Export settings';
// Apply common styles using the helper function
applyHeaderButtonStyles(exportSettingsButton, '#2f4c6b');
// Example of how to use the getSettingsData function in the export event
exportSettingsButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
const settingsData = getSettingsData(); // Retrieve the settings data
handleDownloadSettings(settingsData); // Pass the retrieved settings data to the download function
// Create an array containing the buttons we want to apply the events to
const buttons = [
// Iterate through each button in the array
buttons.forEach(button => {
// Add a mouseover event listener to change the button's brightness on hover
button.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
button.style.filter = 'brightness(0.8)'; // Dim the button
// Add a mouseout event listener to reset the button's brightness when not hovered
button.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
button.style.filter = 'brightness(1)'; // Reset to original brightness
// Append the buttons to the panel header container
// Append the header to the settings panel
// Append the header to the settings panel
// Create a container for the settings content
const settingsContainer = document.createElement('div');
settingsContainer.className = 'settings-content-container';
settingsContainer.style.overflowY = 'auto'; // Enable scrolling for settings content
settingsContainer.style.height = 'calc(100% - 70px)'; // Adjust height considering header
settingsContainer.style.padding = '1em';
// Helper function to assign styles to description elements
function assignDescriptionStyles(element) {
element.style.position = 'relative';
element.style.font = '1em Montserrat';
element.style.color = 'burlywood';
element.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(222, 184, 135, 0.1)';
element.style.width = 'fit-content';
element.style.margin = '2em 1em 1em';
element.style.padding = '0.4em 0.8em';
element.style.textAlign = 'center';
element.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.4em', 'important');
element.style.left = '50%';
element.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)';
// Array of settings types with corresponding emoji
const settingsTypes = [
{ type: 'tracked', emoji: '👀' },
{ type: 'mention', emoji: '📢' },
{ type: 'moderator', emoji: '⚔️' },
{ type: 'ignored', emoji: '🛑' },
{ type: 'toggle', emoji: '🔘' }
// Loop through each type and create description and container elements
settingsTypes.forEach(({ type, emoji }) => {
const description = document.createElement('div');
description.className = `settings-${type}-description`; // Add specific class for description
// Create the description container directly
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = `settings-${type}-container`; // Add specific class for container
// Set the text content with first letter capitalized and append emoji
description.textContent = `${type.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${type.slice(1).toLowerCase()} ${emoji}`;
// Append the settings content container to the settings panel
// Applies common styles to an settings input field element
function styleInput(input) {
input.style.height = '30px';
input.style.maxWidth = '200px';
input.style.minWidth = '150px';
input.style.padding = '0.4em';
input.style.font = '1em Montserrat';
input.style.fontFamily = 'Montserrat';
input.style.color = 'bisque';
input.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
input.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
input.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(17,17,17)';
input.style.border = '1px solid rgb(34,34,34)';
/* Applies common styles to a button element for saving or removing actions.
* @param {HTMLElement} button - The button element to style.
* @param {string} strokeColor - The stroke color for the button.
* @param {string} backgroundColor - The background color for the button.
* @param {boolean} disabled - Whether the button should be styled as disabled.
function styleButton(button, strokeColor, backgroundColor, disabled) {
button.style.stroke = strokeColor;
button.style.width = '30px';
button.style.height = '30px';
button.style.display = 'flex';
button.style.justifyContent = 'center';
button.style.alignItems = 'center';
button.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
button.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
button.style.transition = 'filter 0.3s';
// Compact event listeners for mouse over and mouse out
button.addEventListener('mouseover', () => (button.style.filter = 'brightness(0.8)'));
button.addEventListener('mouseout', () => (button.style.filter = 'brightness(1)'));
if (disabled) {
button.style.filter = 'grayscale(1)';
button.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
button.style.opacity = '0.5';
} else {
button.style.filter = 'grayscale(0)';
// Applies common styles to a select element and its options
function styleSelect(select) {
select.style.height = '30px';
select.style.maxWidth = '120px';
select.style.minWidth = '105px';
select.style.padding = '0.4em';
select.style.font = '1em Montserrat';
select.style.fontFamily = 'Montserrat';
select.style.setProperty('color', 'bisque', 'important');
select.style.setProperty('border-radius', '0.2em', 'important');
select.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
select.style.setProperty('background-color', 'rgb(17,17,17)', 'important');
select.style.setProperty('border', '1px solid rgb(34,34,34)', 'important');
// Style each option element
Array.from(select.options).forEach(option => {
option.style.height = '30px';
option.style.setProperty('background-color', 'rgb(17,17,17)', 'important');
option.style.setProperty('color', 'bisque', 'important');
option.style.fontFamily = 'Montserrat';
// Common function to attach click event for removing an item
function attachRemoveListener(removeButton, item) {
removeButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
item.remove(); // Remove the parent element
// Function to attach click event for toggling between "assigned-thawed-config" and "assigned-frozen-config"
function attachSnowflakeListener(snowflakeButton, username) {
snowflakeButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
const isFrozen = snowflakeButton.classList.toggle('assigned-frozen-config');
// Set opacity based on the assigned class
snowflakeButton.style.opacity = isFrozen ? '1' : '0.3';
// Update localStorage using the helper function
updateUserState(username, isFrozen ? 'frozen' : 'thawed');
// Helper function to create a container element
function createContainer(type, layout = 'inline-flex') {
const item = document.createElement('div');
item.className = `${type}-item`;
item.style.display = layout;
item.style.gap = '0.5em';
item.style.padding = '0.25em';
return item;
// Helper function to create an input element
function createInput(type, value = '', placeholder = '') {
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.className = `${type}-field`;
input.value = value;
input.placeholder = placeholder;
return input;
// Helper function to create a remove button with styles and event listener
function createRemoveButton(type, item) {
const removeButton = document.createElement('div');
removeButton.className = `remove-${type}-word`;
removeButton.innerHTML = removeSVG;
attachRemoveListener(removeButton, item);
styleButton(removeButton, '#ee9090', '#6b2f2f', false);
return removeButton;
// Helper function to create a snowflake button with styles and event listener
function createSnowflakeButton(state = 'thawed', username) {
const snowflakeButton = document.createElement('div');
snowflakeButton.className = `assigned-${state}-config`;
// Set initial opacity based on the state
snowflakeButton.style.opacity = state === 'thawed' ? '0.3' : '1';
snowflakeButton.innerHTML = snowflakeSVG;
attachSnowflakeListener(snowflakeButton, username); // Pass username here
styleButton(snowflakeButton, 'lightsteelblue', 'steelblue', false);
return snowflakeButton;
// Function to update a specific user in localStorage to add the state property
function updateUserState(username, state) {
const usersData = localStorage.getItem("usersToTrack");
if (usersData) {
const updatedUsers = JSON.parse(usersData).map(user =>
user.name === username ? { ...user, state } : user
localStorage.setItem("usersToTrack", JSON.stringify(updatedUsers));
// Function to create a tracked item (with gender select)
function createTrackedItem(user) {
const item = createContainer('tracked', 'flex');
const usernameInput = createInput('tracked-username', user.name, 'Username');
const pronunciationInput = createInput('tracked-pronunciation', user.pronunciation, 'Pronunciation');
const removeButton = createRemoveButton('tracked', item);
// Set the initial state based on the user's state property, defaulting to 'thawed' if it doesn't exist
const initialState = (user.state === 'frozen') ? 'frozen' : 'thawed';
const snowflakeButton = createSnowflakeButton(initialState, user.name); // Pass username
const genderSelect = document.createElement('select');
genderSelect.className = 'tracked-gender-select';
const genders = [
{ value: 'Male', emoji: '👨' },
{ value: 'Female', emoji: '👩' },
genders.forEach(({ value, emoji }) => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = value;
option.textContent = `${emoji} ${value}`;
if (user.gender === value) option.selected = true;
return item;
// Function to create a mention item
function createMentionItem(keyword) {
const item = createContainer('mention');
const mentionInput = createInput('mention', keyword, 'Mention Keyword');
const removeButton = createRemoveButton('mention', item);
return item;
// Function to create a moderator item
function createModeratorItem(moderator) {
const item = createContainer('moderator');
const moderatorInput = createInput('moderator', moderator, 'Moderator Name');
const removeButton = createRemoveButton('moderator', item);
return item;
// Function to create an ignored item
function createIgnoredItem(user) {
const item = createContainer('ignored');
const ignoredInput = createInput('ignored', user, 'Ignored User');
const removeButton = createRemoveButton('ignored', item);
return item;
// Function to create a toggle item with a description and select for yes/no options
function createToggleItem(toggle, name, optionValue) {
const item = createContainer('toggle', 'flex');
item.style.alignItems = 'center';
// Create the select element for yes/no
const select = document.createElement('select');
select.className = 'toggle-select';
// Create the description element
const description = document.createElement('span');
description.className = 'toggle-description';
description.innerText = toggle.description;
// Set the custom data attribute for the setting using the name parameter
description.setAttribute('data-toggle-name', name); // Set data-toggle-name to the name parameter
// Add click event to open the image in a new tab
description.style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Add pointer cursor to indicate it's clickable
description.style.color = 'burlywood';
description.style.transition = 'color 0.15s ease-in-out';
description.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (toggle.image) {
window.open(toggle.image, '_blank'); // Open the image in a new tab
// Compact mouseover and mouseout events
description.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { description.style.color = 'lightgoldenrodyellow'; })
description.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { description.style.color = 'burlywood'; });
// Define options with emojis for yes and no
const options = [
{ value: 'yes', emoji: '✔️' },
{ value: 'no', emoji: '❌' }
// Create options for the select element
options.forEach(({ value, emoji }) => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = value;
option.textContent = `${emoji} ${value}`; // Format text as "✔️ yes" or "❌ no"
// Set the initial value of the select based on the optionValue parameter
select.value = optionValue; // Assign the optionValue to the select element
// Style the select element
styleSelect(select); // Call the styling function
// Append the description and select to the toggle item
return item; // Return the created toggle item
// Populate settings dynamically
function populateSettings() {
const containers = {
usersToTrack: '.settings-tracked-container',
mentionKeywords: '.settings-mention-container',
moderator: '.settings-moderator-container',
ignored: '.settings-ignored-container'
const creators = {
usersToTrack: createTrackedItem,
mentionKeywords: createMentionItem,
moderator: createModeratorItem,
ignored: createIgnoredItem
const data = getSettingsData();
Object.entries(data).forEach(([key, items]) => {
const container = document.querySelector(containers[key]);
if (!container) return; // Skip if the container is null
container.style.width = '100%';
// Apply specific styles for mention and ignored containers
if (key === 'mentionKeywords' || key === 'moderator' || key === 'ignored') {
container.style.display = 'inline-flex';
container.style.flexWrap = 'wrap';
container.style.alignItems = 'center';
// Create and append existing items
items.forEach(item => container.appendChild(creators[key](item)));
// Create and append the add button with the appropriate creator
const addButton = createAddButton(containers[key], creators[key]);
// Retrieve the toggle settings from localStorage
const storedToggleSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('toggle')) || [];
// Create and append toggle items directly for the toggle settings
const toggleContainer = document.querySelector('.settings-toggle-container');
const toggleSettings = [
name: 'showChatStaticNotifications',
description: 'Show chat static notifications',
image: 'https://i.imgur.com/oUPSi9I.jpeg'
name: 'showGlobalDynamicNotifications',
description: 'Show global dynamic notifications',
image: 'https://i.imgur.com/8ffCdUG.jpeg'
// Create and append toggle items directly
toggleSettings.forEach(toggle => {
// Find the stored setting for the current toggle or default to 'yes'
const storedSetting = storedToggleSettings.find(item => item.name === toggle.name);
const optionValue = storedSetting ? storedSetting.option : 'yes'; // Default to 'yes' if not set
const toggleItem = createToggleItem(toggle, toggle.name, optionValue); // Pass the toggle and name
toggleContainer.appendChild(toggleItem); // Append the toggle item to the container
// Function to create an "Add" button for dynamic item creation
function createAddButton(containerSelector, itemCreator) {
const addButton = document.createElement('div');
const middleWord = containerSelector.split('-')[1]; // Extract key type (e.g., tracked, mention)
const existingButton = document.querySelector(`.add-${middleWord}-item`); // Check if the button already exists
if (existingButton) return existingButton; // Return the existing button if it exists
// Set class, content, and style for the button
addButton.className = `add-setting-button add-${middleWord}-item`;
addButton.innerHTML = addSVG; // Add SVG icon to the button
styleButton(addButton, '#d190ee', '#502f6b', false); // Style the button
addButton.style.margin = '0.4em';
// On click, validate the last item and create a new one if valid
addButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
const container = document.querySelector(containerSelector); // Get the container element
// Get all settings {type} items and select the last one
const allItems = container.querySelectorAll(`.${middleWord}-item`);
const lastItem = allItems.length > 0 ? allItems[allItems.length - 1] : null;
// Check if the last item has any input fields
const inputFields = lastItem ? lastItem.querySelectorAll('input') : []; // Get all input fields in the last item
const hasEmptyFields = Array.from(inputFields).some(field => field.value.trim().length === 0); // Check for empty fields
// Allow creation only if the last item has no empty fields (or if there are no items yet)
const canCreateNewItem = !lastItem || !hasEmptyFields;
if (canCreateNewItem) {
// Create a new empty item based on the item creator function
const emptyItem = itemCreator === createTrackedItem
? itemCreator({ name: '', pronunciation: '' }) // Remove gender from tracked item creation
: itemCreator('');
// Check if the new item is a valid HTMLElement before inserting
if (emptyItem instanceof HTMLElement) {
container.insertBefore(emptyItem, addButton); // Insert the new item before the Add button
} else {
console.error('Invalid item created.'); // Log an error if the item is not valid
} else {
// Alert the user if the last item is filled
alert('Please fill in the previous item before adding a new one.');
return addButton; // Return the created button
// Append the settings panel to the body
// Call the function to populate settings on page load
// Make save button work as expected
// Fade in the settings panel and dimming background element
triggerTargetElement(settingsPanel, 'show');
// Function to retrieve the chat input field and length popup container based on the current URL
function retrieveChatElementsByRoomType() {
const currentURL = window.location.href; // Get the current URL
let inputField, lengthPopupContainer;
if (currentURL.includes('gamelist')) {
inputField = document.querySelector('#chat-general .text'); // Selector for the general chat input
lengthPopupContainer = document.querySelector('#chat-general .messages'); // Selector for the general chat messages
} else if (currentURL.includes('gmid')) {
inputField = document.querySelector('[id^="chat-game"] .text'); // Selector for the game chat input
lengthPopupContainer = document.querySelector('[id^="chat-game"] .messages'); // Selector for the game chat messages
} else {
console.error('No matching room type found in the URL.');
return null; // Return null if no matching type is found
return { inputField, lengthPopupContainer }; // Return both the input field and the length popup container
// Select the input element and length popup container using the helper function
const { inputField: chatField, lengthPopupContainer } = retrieveChatElementsByRoomType();
// Create a style element for animations
const lengthPopupAnimations = document.createElement('style');
lengthPopupAnimations.textContent = `
@keyframes bounceIn {
0% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 0; }
50% { transform: translateY(-10px); opacity: 1; }
100% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; }
@keyframes bounceOut {
0% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; }
50% { transform: translateY(-10px); opacity: 1; }
100% { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 0; }
.length-field-popup {
position: absolute; font: bold 12px Montserrat; bottom: 40px; height: 20px;
display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; padding: 2px 4px; margin: 2px;
line-height: 20px; opacity: 0;
const lengthPopup = document.createElement('div');
lengthPopup.className = 'length-field-popup';
// Rename the timeout variable to be more descriptive
let hidePopupTimeout;
// Track the previous input length
let previousLength = 0;
// Function to update the color of the length popup
function updateLengthPopupColor(length) {
if (!lengthPopup) {
console.error('lengthPopup is not defined');
let textColor;
// Determine color based on the length
if (length === 0) {
textColor = 'hsl(200, 20%, 50%)'; // Light Blue
} else if (length >= 1 && length <= 90) {
textColor = 'hsl(120, 100%, 40%)'; // Bright Green
} else if (length > 90 && length <= 100) {
const factor = (length - 90) / 10;
const h = Math.round(120 + factor * (60 - 120)); // Interpolating hue
textColor = `hsl(${h}, 100%, 40%)`;
} else if (length > 100 && length <= 190) {
textColor = 'hsl(60, 100%, 50%)'; // Bright Yellow
} else if (length > 190 && length <= 200) {
const factor = (length - 190) / 10;
const h = Math.round(60 + factor * (30 - 60)); // Interpolating hue
textColor = `hsl(${h}, 100%, 50%)`;
} else if (length > 200 && length <= 250) {
textColor = 'hsl(40, 100%, 50%)'; // Orange (Updated)
} else if (length > 250 && length <= 300) {
const factor = (length - 250) / 50;
const h = Math.round(40 + factor * (0 - 40)); // Interpolating hue
textColor = `hsl(${h}, 100%, 70%)`;
} else {
textColor = 'hsl(0, 100%, 70%)'; // Red (Updated)
// Apply the text color to the length popup
lengthPopup.style.color = textColor;
// Function to show the length popup with updated color and arrow direction
function showLengthPopup(length) {
let displayText;
// Check if a symbol is added (→) or removed (←)
if (length > previousLength) {
displayText = `${length} 🡆`; // Typing: Right arrow after the length
} else if (length < previousLength) {
displayText = `🡄 ${length}`; // Deleting: Left arrow before the length
} else {
displayText = `${length}`; // No change: No arrows
lengthPopup.textContent = displayText; // Display the length and arrow
lengthPopup.style.opacity = '1'; // Ensure it's visible
updateLengthPopupColor(length); // Update the text color based on length
lengthPopup.style.animation = 'bounceIn 0.5s forwards'; // Apply bounce-in animation
// Update the previous length
previousLength = length;
function hideLengthPopup() {
lengthPopup.style.animation = 'bounceOut 0.5s forwards';
setTimeout(() => {
lengthPopup.style.opacity = '0';
}, 500);
// Event listener for input
chatField.addEventListener('input', function () {
const length = chatField.value.length;
showLengthPopup(length); // Show the length popup with updated length and arrow
// Calculate position of the popup
const fieldTextWidthCalculator = document.createElement('span');
fieldTextWidthCalculator.style.visibility = 'hidden';
fieldTextWidthCalculator.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
fieldTextWidthCalculator.style.font = getComputedStyle(chatField).font;
fieldTextWidthCalculator.textContent = chatField.value;
const inputWidth = fieldTextWidthCalculator.offsetWidth;
const newLeft = chatField.offsetLeft + inputWidth + 5;
const maxLeft = chatField.offsetLeft + chatField.offsetWidth - lengthPopup.offsetWidth;
lengthPopup.style.left = `${Math.min(newLeft, maxLeft)}px`;
// Reset the timeout for hiding the popup
hidePopupTimeout = setTimeout(hideLengthPopup, 1000);
// Event listener for keydown (Enter key)
chatField.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
lengthPopup.style.left = '0px';
lengthPopup.style.color = 'hsl(200, 20%, 50%)'; // Light Blue
// Reset the timeout for hiding the popup
hidePopupTimeout = setTimeout(hideLengthPopup, 1000);
** This algorithm enables the removal of unpleasant messages in the chat that are unwanted.
** The messages are saved in localStorage and remain there until they are visible in the chat.
** Once a message is no longer visible in the chat, its corresponding value in localStorage is also removed.
** This method is helpful in storing only necessary unwanted messages, preventing an overgrowth of values over time.
function executeMessageRemover() {
} // executeMessageRemover function END
// Functions to assign different toggle button styles
// Red color tones
function assignHiddenButtonStyle(toggleButton) {
toggleButton.style.backgroundColor = 'hsl(0, 20%, 10%)';
toggleButton.style.color = 'hsl(0, 50%, 50%)';
toggleButton.style.border = '1px solid hsl(0, 50%, 50%)';
// Green color tones
function assignShowButtonStyle(toggleButton) {
toggleButton.style.backgroundColor = 'hsl(90, 20%, 10%)';
toggleButton.style.color = 'hsl(90, 50%, 50%)';
toggleButton.style.border = '1px solid hsl(90, 50%, 50%)';
// Yellow color tones
function assignHideButtonStyle(toggleButton) {
toggleButton.style.backgroundColor = 'hsl(50, 20%, 10%)';
toggleButton.style.color = 'hsl(50, 50%, 50%)';
toggleButton.style.border = '1px solid hsl(50, 50%, 50%)';
// Function to assign styles to the delete button
function assignDeleteButtonStyles(deleteButton, event) {
// Set the delete button styles
deleteButton.style.position = 'fixed';
deleteButton.style.top = `${event.clientY}px`;
deleteButton.style.left = `${event.clientX}px`;
deleteButton.style.zIndex = 999;
deleteButton.style.padding = '8px 16px';
deleteButton.style.backgroundColor = 'hsl(0, 50%, 20%)';
deleteButton.style.color = 'hsl(0, 60%, 70%)';
deleteButton.style.border = '1px solid hsl(0, 50%, 35%)';
deleteButton.style.transition = 'all 0.3s';
deleteButton.style.filter = 'brightness(1)';
// Set the hover styles
deleteButton.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
deleteButton.style.filter = 'brightness(1.5)';
// Set the mouse leave styles
deleteButton.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
deleteButton.style.filter = 'brightness(1)';
// Functions to assign selection to the messages
function assignMessageSelection(message) {
message.style.setProperty('background-color', 'hsla(0, 50%, 30%, .5)', 'important');
message.style.setProperty('box-shadow', 'inset 0px 0px 0px 1px rgb(191, 64, 64)', 'important');
message.style.setProperty('background-clip', 'padding-box', 'important');
// Clear the selection
function clearMessageSelection() {
const messages = document.querySelectorAll('.messages-content div p');
messages.forEach(message => {
// Declare a new Set to hold selected messages
const selectedMessages = new Set();
// To store the data of the right mouse button drag
let isDragging = false;
let isRightMouseButton = false;
// Function to attach events on every message what doesn't have any event assigned
function attachEventsToMessages() {
const messages = document.querySelectorAll('.messages-content div p');
// Store timeoutID to regulate it by multiple events
let timeoutId = null;
messages.forEach(message => {
// Check if the element has the 'contextmenu' id before adding a new event listener
if (!message.hasAttribute('id') || message.getAttribute('id') !== 'contextmenu') {
message.addEventListener('mousedown', event => {
isRightMouseButton = event.button === 2;
if (isRightMouseButton) {
isDragging = true;
// Extract content from various types of child nodes
const messageContent = getMessageContent(message);
if (!selectedMessages.has(messageContent)) {
console.log('Added new message inside the selectedMessages Set:', messageContent);
message.addEventListener('mouseup', event => {
isRightMouseButton = event.button === 2;
if (isRightMouseButton) {
isDragging = false;
message.addEventListener('mouseover', event => {
if (isDragging && isRightMouseButton) {
// Extract content from various types of child nodes
const messageContent = getMessageContent(message);
if (!selectedMessages.has(messageContent)) {
console.log('Added new message inside the selectedMessages Set:', messageContent);
// Add id contextmenu to check in the future if the element has the event
message.setAttribute('id', 'contextmenu');
// Add an event listener for right-clicks on messages
message.addEventListener('contextmenu', event => {
// Prevent the default context menu from appearing
// Wrap the message into visible selection to visually know what message will be deleted
// Check if a delete-message button already exists in the document
const deleteButton = document.querySelector('.delete-message');
if (deleteButton) {
// If it exists, remove it
// Create a new delete-message button
const newDeleteButton = document.createElement('button');
newDeleteButton.innerText = 'Delete';
// Attach event click to new delete-message button
newDeleteButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Style the delete button
assignDeleteButtonStyles(newDeleteButton, event);
// Set the hover styles
newDeleteButton.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
newDeleteButton.style.filter = 'brightness(1.5)';
// Set the mouse leave styles
newDeleteButton.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
newDeleteButton.style.filter = 'brightness(1)';
// Append the new delete-message button to the document body
function hideDeleteButton() {
// Set a new timeout to remove the delete button
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
if (!newDeleteButton.matches(':hover')) {
}, 1000);
// Add event listener for the mouseleave event on the delete button
newDeleteButton.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
// Add event listener for the mouseenter event on the delete button to clear the previous timeout
newDeleteButton.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
// Function to extract content from various types of child nodes within a message element
function getMessageContent(messageElement) {
// Query the .time and .username elements
const timeElement = messageElement.querySelector('.time');
const usernameElement = messageElement.querySelector('.username');
// Extract content from .time and .username elements
const timeContent = timeElement ? timeElement.textContent.trim() : '';
const usernameContent = usernameElement ? ` ${usernameElement.textContent.trim()} ` : '';
// Extract content from other types of child nodes
const otherContentArray = Array.from(messageElement.childNodes)
.filter(node => node !== timeElement && node !== usernameElement)
.map(node => {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return node.textContent; // Handle #text node without trimming
} else if (node.tagName === 'A') {
return node.getAttribute('href').trim(); // Handle #anchor (link) node
} else if (node.tagName === 'IMG') {
return node.title.trim(); // Handle #img node
} else if (node.tagName === 'IFRAME') {
return node.getAttribute('src').trim(); // Handle #iframe node
return ''; // Return empty string for other node types
// Concatenate content while respecting the order of child nodes
const allContentArray = [timeContent, usernameContent, ...otherContentArray];
return allContentArray.join('');
function deleteSelectedMessages() {
// Retrieve and backup all current selectedMessages and convert into Array
const messagesToDelete = [...selectedMessages];
// Get all message elements
const messages = document.querySelectorAll('.messages-content div p');
// Loop over each selected message content
messagesToDelete.forEach((messageContent) => {
// Find the corresponding DOM element
const messageElement = Array.from(messages).find(message => getMessageContent(message) === messageContent);
// Check if the element is found before using it
if (messageElement) {
// Retrieve the stored deleted messages array, or create an empty array if none exist
const deletedMessages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('deletedChatMessagesContent') || '[]');
// Add the deleted message content to the array if it doesn't already exist
if (!deletedMessages.includes(messageContent)) {
// Store the updated deleted messages array in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('deletedChatMessagesContent', JSON.stringify(deletedMessages));
// Remove the message from the selectedMessages Set
// Hide all the messages that match the localStorage value
// Function to remove from localStorage deleted messages values what are not anymore matching the chat message
// And also make messages in the chat to be invisible only for whose what are matching the localStorage message
function wipeDeletedMessages() {
const messages = document.querySelectorAll('.messages-content div p');
// Retrieve the stored deleted messages array
const deletedMessages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('deletedChatMessagesContent') || '[]');
// Remove any deleted messages from the array that no longer exist in the chat messages container
const newDeletedMessages = deletedMessages.filter(content => {
return Array.from(messages).some(message => getMessageContent(message) === content);
// Remove messages from the chat that match the deleted messages in localStorage
deletedMessages.forEach(deletedMessage => {
messages.forEach(message => {
if (getMessageContent(message) === deletedMessage) {
message.style.display = 'none';
// Store the updated deleted messages array in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('deletedChatMessagesContent', JSON.stringify(newDeletedMessages));
} // wipeDeletedMessages END
// Declare toggleButton variable outside of the function so it is a global variable
let toggleButton;
// Function to create the button only if localStorage "deletedChatMessagesContent" has at least one deleted message value
function createToggleButton() {
// Retrieve the stored deleted messages array
const deletedMessages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('deletedChatMessagesContent') || '[]');
// Only create the toggle button if there are deleted messages to show/hide
if (deletedMessages.length > 0) {
// Check if the button already exists in the DOM
toggleButton = document.getElementById('toggleButton');
if (toggleButton === null) {
// Create the toggle button
toggleButton = document.createElement('button');
toggleButton.id = 'toggleButton';
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', toggleHiddenMessages);
toggleButton.style.position = 'absolute';
toggleButton.style.top = '0';
toggleButton.style.right = '0';
toggleButton.style.padding = '8px 16px';
// Initial textContent if at least one message is hidden
toggleButton.innerText = 'Hidden';
// Initial styles for the Hidden button
toggleButton.style.transition = 'all 0.3s';
toggleButton.style.filter = 'brightness(1)';
let backupTextContent = toggleButton.textContent;
// Set the hover styles
toggleButton.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
if (isCtrlKeyPressed) {
backupTextContent = toggleButton.textContent;
toggleButton.textContent = 'Restore';
toggleButton.style.filter = 'grayscale(1) brightness(2)';
} else {
toggleButton.style.filter = 'grayscale(0) brightness(2)';
// Set the mouse leave styles
toggleButton.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
const isRestore = toggleButton.textContent === 'Restore';
if (isCtrlKeyPressed || !isCtrlKeyPressed && isRestore) {
toggleButton.textContent = backupTextContent;
toggleButton.style.filter = 'hue-rotate(0) brightness(1)';
// Function to toggle messages display state from "NONE" to "BLOCK" and reverse
function toggleHiddenMessages() {
const messages = document.querySelectorAll('.messages-content div p');
// Retrieve the stored deleted messages array
const deletedMessages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('deletedChatMessagesContent') || '[]');
if (isCtrlKeyPressed) {
// Set deletedChatMessagesContent in local storage as an empty array
localStorage.setItem('deletedChatMessagesContent', JSON.stringify([]));
// Display all messages
messages.forEach(message => {
message.style.display = 'block';
if (!isCtrlKeyPressed) {
// Check if there are any deleted messages in the local storage
if (deletedMessages.length === 0) {
// Hide the toggle button if there are no deleted messages
toggleButton.style.display = 'none';
} else {
// Show the toggle button if there are deleted messages
toggleButton.style.display = 'block';
// Toggle the display of each message that matches the key "deletedChatMessagesContent" data
messages.forEach(message => {
const messageContent = getMessageContent(message);
if (deletedMessages.includes(messageContent)) {
// Show hidden messages if innerText is "Hidden" and display equal "NONE"
if (toggleButton.innerText === 'Hidden') {
if (message.style.display === 'none') {
// Change display to "BLOCK"
message.style.display = 'block';
// Wrap the message into visible selection to visually know what message will be deleted
message.style.setProperty('background-color', 'hsla(0, 50%, 30%, .5)', 'important');
message.style.setProperty('box-shadow', 'inset 0px 0px 0px 1px rgb(191, 64, 64)', 'important');
message.style.setProperty('background-clip', 'padding-box', 'important');
// Show hidden messages if innerText is "Show" and display equal "NONE"
} else if (toggleButton.innerText === 'Show') {
if (message.style.display === 'none') {
message.style.display = 'block';
// Wrap the message into visible selection to visually know what message will be deleted
message.style.setProperty('background-color', 'hsla(0, 50%, 30%, .5)', 'important');
message.style.setProperty('box-shadow', 'inset 0px 0px 0px 1px rgb(191, 64, 64)', 'important');
message.style.setProperty('background-clip', 'padding-box', 'important');
} else if (toggleButton.innerText === 'Hide') {
if (message.style.display === 'block') {
message.style.display = 'none';
// Toggle the button text and style
if (toggleButton.innerText === 'Hide') {
toggleButton.innerText = 'Show';
} else {
toggleButton.innerText = 'Hide';
} // toggleHiddenMessages function END
// Icon for the disabled chat button
const iconDenied = `<svg xmlns="${svgUrl}" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="rgb(255, 100, 100)" stroke-width="2"
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-slash">
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
<line x1="4.93" y1="4.93" x2="19.07" y2="19.07"></line>
function checkForChatState() {
// Get references to the chat field and send button elements
let chatField = document.querySelector('.chat .text');
let chatSend = document.querySelector('.chat .send');
// Define the text patterns to check for in the chatField value
const blockedChatMessage = 'Вы не можете отправлять сообщения'; // Message indicating sending is blocked
const lostConnectionMessage = 'Связь с сервером потеряна'; // Message indicating connection loss
const initialTimeoutDuration = 5000; // Default timeout duration in milliseconds
// Get the previous timeout duration from localStorage, or use 5000 (5 seconds) if not set
let timeoutDuration = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('chatTimeoutDuration')) || initialTimeoutDuration;
// Function to handle changes when the chatField gets disabled
const handleChatStateChange = async () => {
// Reset timeout to 3 seconds only once at the beginning, if it's not the default
if (!chatField.disabled && timeoutDuration !== initialTimeoutDuration) {
timeoutDuration = initialTimeoutDuration;
localStorage.setItem('chatTimeoutDuration', timeoutDuration.toString());
// Get the current value of chatField
const chatFieldValue = chatField.value;
// If the chatField is disabled, check for the blocked or lost connection messages
if (chatField.disabled) {
// If the chatField contains the blocked message
if (chatFieldValue.includes(blockedChatMessage)) {
// Enable the chatField and send button, applying styles to indicate the state
chatField.disabled = chatSend.disabled = false; // Enable chatField and send button
// Apply styles to the chatSend button with !important
chatSend.style.setProperty('background-color', 'rgb(160, 35, 35)', 'important');
chatSend.style.setProperty('background-image', `url("data:image/svg+xml,${encodeURIComponent(iconDenied)}")`, 'important');
chatSend.style.setProperty('background-repeat', 'no-repeat', 'important');
chatSend.style.setProperty('background-position', 'center', 'important');
chatSend.style.setProperty('color', 'transparent', 'important');
chatField.value = null; // Clear the chatField content
// If the chatField contains the lost connection message
else if (chatFieldValue.includes(lostConnectionMessage)) {
// Increment the timeout duration by 1 second (1000 ms) and store it in localStorage
timeoutDuration += 1000;
localStorage.setItem('chatTimeoutDuration', timeoutDuration.toString());
// Reload the page after the timeout duration
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeoutDuration));
// Run the function once on page load
// Observe the chatField for 'disabled' attribute changes
if (chatField) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
mutations.forEach(mutation => {
// Run the function when the 'disabled' attribute changes
if (mutation.attributeName === 'disabled') handleChatStateChange();
console.log('Mutation observer triggered:', mutation);
observer.observe(chatField, { attributes: true });
// Get all elements with the 'general' class
let generalChatTabs = document.querySelectorAll('.general');
// Get all elements with the 'game' class
let gameChatTabs = document.querySelectorAll('.game');
// Function to set focus on the chat input field based on the current URL on page load
function setChatFieldFocus() {
// Check if the chat is closed or opened
const chatHidden = document.querySelector('#chat-wrapper.chat-hidden');
// Determine the current URL and chat type based on URL keywords
const currentURL = window.location.href;
let chatInput; // Variable to store the chat input element
if (currentURL.includes('gamelist')) {
// If the URL contains "gamelist," it's a general chat
chatInput = document.querySelector('#chat-general .text');
} else if (currentURL.includes('gmid')) {
// If the URL contains "gmid," it's a game chat
chatInput = document.querySelector('[id^="chat-game"] .text');
// Run if the chat is not closed and a chat input element is found
if (!chatHidden && chatInput) {
chatInput.focus(); // Set focus on the selected chat input field
// Function to set focus on the chat input field based on active chat tab on tab key press
function toggleFocusAndSwitchTab() {
// Check if the chat is closed or opened
const chatHidden = document.querySelector('#chat-wrapper.chat-hidden');
// Get general chat tabs and game chat tabs
let generalChatTabs = document.querySelectorAll('.general');
let gameChatTabs = document.querySelectorAll('.game');
// Find the first visible general chat tab that is not active
let visibleGeneralChatTab = Array.from(generalChatTabs).find(function (tab) {
let computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(tab);
return computedStyle.display !== 'none' && !tab.classList.contains('active');
// Find the first visible game chat tab that is not active
let visibleGameChatTab = Array.from(gameChatTabs).find(function (tab) {
let computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(tab);
return computedStyle.display !== 'none' && !tab.classList.contains('active');
// Run if a chat tab is found
if (!chatHidden && (visibleGeneralChatTab || visibleGameChatTab)) {
// Click on the visible chat tab
if (visibleGeneralChatTab) {
} else if (visibleGameChatTab) {
// Determine the chat input element based on visible tabs
let chatInput; // Variable to store the chat input element
if (visibleGeneralChatTab) {
// If the visible chat tab is a general chat tab, focus on general chat input
chatInput = document.querySelector('#chat-general .text');
} else if (visibleGameChatTab) {
// If the visible chat tab is a game chat tab, focus on game chat input
chatInput = document.querySelector('[id^="chat-game"] .text');
// Run if a chat input element is found
if (chatInput) {
chatInput.focus(); // Set focus on the selected chat input field
// Function to handle click event and log the clicked element
function switchChatTab(event) {
console.log('Clicked element:', event.target);
let activeTab = event.target.classList.contains('general') ? 'general' : 'game';
localStorage.setItem('activeChatTab', activeTab);
// Add click event listeners to the general chat tabs
generalChatTabs.forEach(function (tab) {
tab.addEventListener('click', switchChatTab);
// Add click event listeners to the game chat tabs
gameChatTabs.forEach(function (tab) {
tab.addEventListener('click', switchChatTab);
// Add keydown event listener to the document
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
// Check if the Tab key is pressed
if (event.key === 'Tab') {
// Call toggleFocusAndSwitchTab function when Tab key is pressed
// Prevent the default tab behavior (moving focus to the next element in the DOM)
// Function to restore chat tab from localStorage and set the focus for game page
function restoreChatTabAndFocus() {
let activeTab = localStorage.getItem('activeChatTab');
let chatInput; // Variable to store the chat input element to be focused
if (activeTab === 'general') {
let visibleGeneralChatTab = Array.from(generalChatTabs).find(function (tab) {
let computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(tab);
return computedStyle.display !== 'none' && !tab.classList.contains('active');
if (visibleGeneralChatTab) {
chatInput = document.querySelector('#chat-general .text');
} else if (activeTab === 'game') {
let visibleGameChatTab = Array.from(gameChatTabs).find(function (tab) {
let computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(tab);
return computedStyle.display !== 'none' && !tab.classList.contains('active');
if (visibleGameChatTab) {
chatInput = document.querySelector('[id^="chat-game"] .text');
// Set focus on the chat input field if chatInput is defined
if (chatInput) {
// Function to break text into pieces of a maximum length
function breakSentence(text) {
const maxLength = 300; // Maximum length of each piece
const words = text.split(' '); // Split the text into words
const pieces = []; // Array to hold the final pieces
let currentPiece = ''; // Variable to build the current piece
words.forEach((word) => {
// Check if adding the next word would exceed maxLength
if ((currentPiece + word).length > maxLength) {
// Push the current piece to pieces and reset currentPiece
currentPiece = word + ' '; // Start a new piece with the current word
} else {
currentPiece += word + ' '; // Add the word to the current piece
// Push the last piece if it exists
if (currentPiece) {
return pieces;
// Function to send the message in parts
async function sendMessageInParts(message) {
const pieces = breakSentence(message); // Break the message into pieces
const inputField = document.querySelector('.text'); // Get the input field element
const sendButton = document.querySelector('.send'); // Get the send button element
// Disable the input field only if the message is longer than 300 characters
const isLongMessage = message.length > 300;
if (isLongMessage) {
inputField.disabled = true; // Disable input field for long messages
for (let index = 0; index < pieces.length; index++) {
// Set the input field to the current piece
const fullMessage = pieces[index]; // Use the current piece
inputField.value = fullMessage;
// Log each piece and its length
console.log(`Sending piece ${index + 1}: "${fullMessage}" (Length: ${fullMessage.length})`);
// Simulate sending the message
sendButton.click(); // Click the send button
// If not the last piece, generate a random delay before sending the next one
if (index < pieces.length - 1) {
const randomDelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 500) + 500; // 500 ms to 1000 ms
console.log(`Waiting for ${randomDelay} ms before sending the next piece.`);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, randomDelay)); // Use await for async delay
// Re-enable the input field after all pieces have been sent, if it was disabled
if (isLongMessage) {
inputField.disabled = false;
// Function to set up the input field listener
function setupInputFieldListener() {
const inputField = document.querySelector('.text'); // Get the input field element
inputField.setAttribute('maxlength', '1000'); // Set the initial maxlength attribute to 1000
inputField.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
const message = inputField.value; // Get the current message
// Check if the pressed key is Enter
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
// If the message is longer than 300, prevent the default behavior and send it in parts
if (message.length > 300) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default behavior (like a newline)
// Call the function to send the message in parts
console.log(`Long message processed: "${message}"`);
// Clear the input field after sending
inputField.value = '';
} else {
// If the message is no longer than 300, just allow the default behavior (like a newline)
console.log(`Short message processed: "${message}"`);
// Function to set up input field backup and restore
function setupInputBackup(inputSelector) {
const inputField = document.querySelector(inputSelector); // Select the input element
if (inputField) {
// Restore the input value
inputField.value = localStorage.getItem('inputBackup') || '';
// Backup on input with debounce
inputField.addEventListener('input', debounce(() => localStorage.setItem('inputBackup', inputField.value), 250));
// Clear local storage on Enter
inputField.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => { if (event.key === 'Enter') localStorage.removeItem('inputBackup'); });
// create a new MutationObserver to wait for the chat to fully load with all messages
let waitForChatObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
// Get the container for all chat messages
const messagesContainer = document.querySelector('.messages-content div');
// Get all the message elements from messages container
const messages = document.querySelectorAll('.messages-content div p');
// check if the chat element has been added to the DOM
if (document.contains(messagesContainer)) {
// check if there are at least 20 messages in the container
if (messages.length >= 20) {
// stop observing the DOM
// Call the function to check for chat state and handle changes when the chatField gets disabled
// Remove ignored users' messages if the page is not initialized
// Convert image links to visible image containers
// Convert YouTube links to visible iframe containers
convertYoutubeLinksToIframe('generalMessages'); // For general chat
// Restore chat tab from localStorage
// Call the function with the selector for the input field
setupInputBackup('#chat-general .text');
// Call the function to re-highlight all the mention words of the messages
// Call the function to apply the chat message grouping
// Call the function to scroll to the bottom of the chat
// Call the function to refresh the user list and clear the cache if needed
refreshFetchedUsers(false, cacheRefreshThresholdHours);
// Refresh experimental custom chat user list on old list changes
// Call the setChatFieldFocus function when the page loads
// Execute the function to trigger the process of chat cleaning after the youtube and images convertation to avoid issues
// Initialize the input field listener to handle message sending when Enter is pressed
// start observing the DOM for changes
waitForChatObserver.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });