ChatGPT Modo de pantalla panorámica 🖥️

Agrega modos de pantalla panorámica + pantalla completa a ChatGPT para una visualización mejorada + desplazamiento reducido

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v2024.6.3.1 3/6/2024

    Reversed order of state.symbol + state.word entries + ref logic for more intuitive usage ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/chatgpt-widescreen/greasemonkey]

  • v2024.6.3 3/6/2024

    Replaced '>>' w/ '»' in console logs ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/chatgpt-widescreen/chrome]

  • v2024.6.2 3/6/2024

    Increased opacity of tooltips

  • v2024.6.1 2/6/2024

    Increased transparency of tooltips

  • v2024.5.31.5 31/5/2024

    Removed gap between 'v' & latestVer in update alert ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/chatgpt-widescreen/greasemonkey]

  • v2024.5.31.4 31/5/2024

    Moved 'View changes' link in update alert closer to msg ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/chatgpt-widescreen/greasemonkey]

  • v2024.5.31.3 31/5/2024

    Enlarged chatbar btns in post-GPT-4o UI

  • v2024.5.31.2 31/5/2024

    Added drop shadows to button tooltips

  • v2024.5.31.1 31/5/2024

    Enlarged tooltip font size

  • v2024.5.31 31/5/2024

    Added slight dim on chatbar button hovers

  • v2024.5.28.3 28/5/2024

    Centered Poe button tooltips

  • v2024.5.28.2 28/5/2024

    Updated Poe chatbar btns pos

  • v2024.5.28.1 28/5/2024

    Updated chatbar text area padding

  • v2024.5.28 28/5/2024

    Disabled chatbar btn hover dim on

  • v2024.5.27.1 28/5/2024

    Reverted localizing msgs only for non-English sys lang to support dynamic refs in funcs

  • v2024.5.27 28/5/2024

    Shrank buttons + removed no longer needed overlay repos

  • v2024.5.24 24/5/2024

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.9.3 ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/chatgpt-widescreen/greasemonkey]

  • v2024.5.23.6 24/5/2024

    Limited localized msg load to non-English sys langs ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/chatgpt-widescreen/greasemonkey]

  • v2024.5.23.5 24/5/2024

    Partially uppercased top-level comments for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/chatgpt-widescreen/chrome]

  • v2024.5.23.4 24/5/2024

    Condensed extension check routine ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/chatgpt-widescreen/greasemonkey]

  • v2024.5.23.3 23/5/2024

    Corrected symbol in config.userLanguage init ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/chatgpt-widescreen/greasemonkey]

  • v2024.5.23.1 23/5/2024

    Replaced unreliable chatgpt.sidebar.isLoaded() method for checking extension flag w/ Promise.race()

  • v2024.5.23 23/5/2024

    Added timeouts to awaits of isLoaded promises for unhindered program flow ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/chatgpt-widescreen/greasemonkey]

  • v2024.5.20.3 20/5/2024

    Removed unneeded double negation from isGPT4oUI assignment ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/greasemonkey]

  • v2024.5.20.2 20/5/2024

    Moved isGPT4oUI init after chatgpt.sidebar.isLoaded() to support Violentmonkey ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.5.20.1 20/5/2024

    Removed unnecessary await chatgpt.isLoaded() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.5.20 20/5/2024

    Replaced sidebarIsLoaded() w/ chatgpt.sidebar.isLoaded() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.5.17.6 18/5/2024

    Fixed live update of button colors on scheme/temp chat toggles

  • v2024.5.17.5 18/5/2024

    Removed unused mutations arg from main observer

  • v2024.5.17.4 18/5/2024

    Updated main observer to monitor <main>

  • v2024.5.17.3 18/5/2024

    Updated chatbar child selector for post-GPT4o UI

  • v2024.5.17.2 18/5/2024

    Appended commit hashes to icon meta URLs to preserve assets

  • v2024.5.17.1 18/5/2024

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.9.2

  • v2024.5.17 17/5/2024

    Added sidebarIsLoaded() to let Chromium extension flag inject first

  • v2024.5.16.4 16/5/2024

    Updated latest asset commit hash in config.asssetHostURL

  • v2024.5.16.3 16/5/2024

    Updated homepage/support URLs

  • v2024.5.16.2 16/5/2024

    Shrank full-window button

  • v2024.5.16.1 16/5/2024

    Restricted Wider Chatbox mode to Poe

  • v2024.5.16 16/5/2024

    Added GPT-4o UI support (adamlui/chatgpt-widescreen#55)

  • v2024.5.14 16/5/2024

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.8.0

  • v2024.5.14 14/5/2024

    Removed auto-reload ChatGPT/Poe on update to preserve prev sessions

  • v2024.5.11 11/5/2024

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.7.1

  • v2024.5.10.5 11/5/2024

    Inserted latest locale commit hash to config.assetHostURL to preserve potentially deleted message keys

  • v2024.5.10.4 10/5/2024

    Removed outdated paginator shift in updateTweaksStyle() to fix model selector icon shifts

  • v2024.5.10.3 10/5/2024

    Shortened updateBtnSVG cmd in schemeObserver

  • v2024.5.10.2 10/5/2024

    Loosened comparison operators for smaller filesize

  • v2024.5.10.1 10/5/2024

    Shortened buttonColor to btnColor

  • v2024.5.10 10/5/2024

    Added chatbar scheme observer to update btn colors on temp chat toggle

  • v2024.5.9 9/5/2024

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.7.0

  • v2024.5.8 8/5/2024

    Added doc URL as header comment

Ver todas las versiones del script.