Saltarse Automáticamente todos los enlaces acortados, AdFly y omitir anuncios, ir directamente al destino, ahora se agregó descarga automática de archivos
I think that you should change the width: 0%; height: 0%; to width: 0; height: 0; when using the iframe, because I found that there was an additional height in some websites. For example, if you use vue3 to write a website, and you will find the height at your page bottom. I check out every code but found it is the script that result the height.😥
I think that you should change the width: 0%; height: 0%; to width: 0; height: 0; when using the
, because I found that there was an additional height in some websites. For example, if you use vue3 to write a website, and you will find the height at your page bottom. I check out every code but found it is the script that result the height.😥