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Old Google 2014

Adds back the 2014 google design. Changes google search, maps, translate, login, news, drive, shopping, photos, classroom and lens. ## DO NOT EXPECT MANY MORE UPDATES, GOOGLE HAS GONE TOO FAR SOUTH!! Also install "google 2014 row" for better search filter experience

< Opiniones de Old Google 2014

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 29/6/2023
Editado: 29/6/2023

now, the filters buttons tab at google "Images" is look messed up with these ugly looking lines. please fix this one too. @Lego Savant

Publicado: 30/6/2023
Editado: 30/6/2023

now, the "saved" and "safe search" buttons at the google images are look bugged and messed up by now, fix this one too. @Lego Savant

Publicado: 5/7/2023

in the latest version (v1.32). the "saved" and "safe search" buttons isn't fix yet... could you fix that one too?

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