YouTube Volume Curve Designer

Customize the volume increasing curve for subtle sound tweaks and maximum volume boosts.

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v2.0.5 7/1/2021 Minor fix.
  • v2.0.4 6/1/2021 More precise volume values on 0 < volume < 10 on the config panel.
  • v2.0.3 19/12/2020 Bug fix for initial volume.
  • v2.0.2 9/12/2020 Minor fix.
  • v2.0.1 9/12/2020 Minor fix.
  • v2.0.0 6/12/2020 Now available on YouTube Music!!
  • v1.3.0 5/12/2020 Now it doesn't consume CPU on video paused. (even it use quite tiny amount of CPU on video playing)
  • v1.2.2 5/12/2020 Minor fix.
  • v1.2.1 2/12/2020 Fix the bug.
  • v1.2.0 19/11/2020 Now available on embedded videos even if the site owner doesn't allow to show the video control.
  • v1.2.0 19/11/2020 Now available on embedded videos even if the site owner doesn't allow to show the video control.
  • v1.1.2 27/10/2020 Max volume up to 8x. (be aware of sound cracking)
  • v1.1.1 15/6/2020 Fix for LIVE awaiting pages.
  • v1.1.0 14/6/2020 Available on embedded videos on any sites other than YouTube.
  • v1.0.5 11/6/2020 Fix for an indication and internals.
  • v1.0.4 11/6/2020 Added an indication on the mute button tooltip, fix for channel/live URL.
  • v1.0.3 7/6/2020 Fix for fullscreen mode and some.
  • v1.0.2 6/6/2020 Minor fixes.
  • v1.0.1 6/6/2020 English revision. (power => exponent)
  • v1 5/6/2020
  • v1 5/6/2020