Spaz's Reddit Delete

Replaces all VISIBLE comments with garbage text, then deletes the comment. Works with RES!

< Opiniones de Spaz's Reddit Delete

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 27/5/2018
Editado: 27/5/2018

Limit time for posts to keep

Hi, this is a great script!

I wanted to just delete my old comments and keep newer ones, it would be nice if this script had such an option.

As a quick hack I added this code to the __getVisibleComments() function:

var dt = new Date(entry.querySelector('time').getAttribute('datetime'))
if (new Date().getTime() - dt.getTime() < 2592000000*2) continue; // 2 months

Small question for improvement: color:white; for the modalMsg / big text during deletion operation


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