MyAnimeList Hide Manga Store

Hides the Manga Store Ads on MyAnimeList.

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v0.8 20/8/2020 make matching for forum more conservative
  • v0.7 11/7/2020 bug: update forum page div hiding mechanism
  • v0.6 11/6/2020 fix forum to actually match forum, make sure were on anime/manga before blindly hiding the parent class, breaks suppot pages
  • v0.5 2/9/2019
  • v0.5 2/9/2019 update to block banner ads
  • v0.4 21/4/2019
  • v0.4 21/4/2019 remove @grant none, add cases on forum pages
  • v0.3 27/4/2018 changed @includes to @match, to support more primitive userscript extensions
  • v0.2 10/3/2018 added button I didn't notice because of uBlock
  • v0.1 9/3/2018
  • v0.1 9/3/2018
  • v0.1 9/3/2018