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BREED bootloader English translation

BREED bootloader for Xiaomi Mi Router 3G translation

< Opiniones de BREED bootloader English translation

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 1/7/2019

Script update, added overclock section & translate some messages

See attached file

Publicado: 1/7/2019

Failed to attach the file, see the code below:

// ==UserScript== // @name BREED bootloader English translation // @description BREED bootloader for Xiaomi Mi Router 3G translation // @namespace breed_mi_r3g_en // @version 20190310.1 // @author LESHIY_ODESSA, dartraiden // @include* // ==/UserScript==

(function () {

function findAndReplace(searchText, replacement, searchNode) {
    if (!searchText || typeof replacement === 'undefined') {
        // Throw error here if you want...
    var regex = typeof searchText === 'string' ? new RegExp(searchText, 'g') : searchText,
        childNodes = (searchNode || document.body).childNodes,
        cnLength = childNodes.length;
    excludes = 'html,head,style,title,link,meta,script,object,iframe';
    while (cnLength--) {
        var currentNode = childNodes[cnLength];
        if (currentNode.nodeType === 1 && (',' + excludes + ',').indexOf(',' + currentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() + ',') === -1) {
            arguments.callee(searchText, replacement, currentNode);
        if (currentNode.nodeType !== 3 || !regex.test( ) {
        var parent = currentNode.parentNode,
            frag = (function(){
                var html =, replacement),
                    wrap = document.createElement('div'),
                    frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
                wrap.innerHTML = html;
                while (wrap.firstChild) {
                return frag;
        parent.insertBefore(frag, currentNode);

function translate() {
    var ts = {
    // The order matters - the shorter the string is, the lower it is, otherwise short strings will take precedence if they occur as part of long strings
    "本产品仅供个人免费使用,禁止用于商业目的":"This product is for personal use only and is forbidden for commercial use.",
    "请选择正确的固件类型,错误选择可能损坏固件。":"Please select the correct firmware type, wrong selection may damage the firmware.",
    "本页面不会自动刷新,请自行检查是否重启成功。":"This page will not be automatically refreshed. Please check if the restart was successful",
    "同一时间只允许有一个备份任务":"Only one backup task is allowed at a time.",
    // For unknown reason, the string is not translated if it contains a value that must be a multiple of the size of the EEPROM, so string is split into two parts
    "EEPROM 大小是":"EEPROM size must be a multiple of",
    " 的整倍数":"",
    "以恢复出厂设置。":"to restore factory settings.",
    "更新完成,设备正在重启。本页面不会刷新,请手动检查设备状态。":"Restarting. This page will not be refreshed. Check the device status manually.",
    "正在更新固件,请耐心等待至进度条完成":"Updating firmware, please be patient until the progress bar is completed.",
    "警告:在操作进行过程中请不要断开电源":"WARNING: Do not turn off power during the operation.",
    "更新完成,2 秒后跳转到系统信息页面。":"Successfully completed, will jump to the «System information» page after 2 seconds",
    "操作完成,2 秒后跳转到系统信息页面。":"The operation is completed, will jump to the «System information» page after 2 seconds",
    "作完成,2 秒后跳转到系统信息页面。":"The operation is completed, will jump to the «System information» page after 2 seconds",
    "单击按钮备份相应的数据":"Click the button to back up the corresponding data.",
    "按钮以重启路由":"button to restart router.",
    "正在擦除 编程器固件":"Erasing",
    "正在擦除 固件设置":"Erasing",      
    "正在擦除 固件":"Erasing",
    "正在擦除 Bootloader":"Erasing",
    "正在擦除 EEPROM":"Erasing",
    "正在校验 编程器固件 擦除块":"Verifying erased blocks",
    "正在校验 固件 擦除块":"Verifying erased blocks",
    "正在校验 Bootloader 擦除块":"Verifying erased blocks",
    "正在校验 EEPROM 擦除块":"Verifying erased blocks",
    "正在写入 编程器固件":"Writing",
    "正在写入 固件":"Writing",
    "正在写入 Bootloader":"Writing",
    "正在写入 EEPROM":"Writing",
    "正在校验 编程器固件 数据":"Verifying data",
    "正在校验 固件 数据":"Verifying data",
    "正在校验 Bootloader 数据":"Verifying data",
    "正在校验 EEPROM 数据":"Verifying data",
    "MAC 地址已经被成功修改":"The MAC address has been successfully modified",
    "上传的 Bootloader 无效":"Bootloader is damaged or invalid.",
    "此固件不是小米 R3G 固件":"This firmware is not Xiaomi R3G firmware.",
    "编程器固件大小不合法,不能判定为有效的编程器固件。":"The dump size is incorrect and cannot be judged as valid dump.",
    "无法判断固件类型":"Unable to detect firmware type.",
    "文件已上传,请确认下方列出的信息":"The file has been uploaded, please confirm the information listed below.",
    "小米路由器 3G 原厂固件":"Original firmware",
    "MAC 地址修改":"MAC addresses",
    "恢复出厂设置":"Factory Reset",
    "文件未找到":"Not found",
    "请求的页面不存在。":"The requested page does not exist.",
    "浏览器不支持 Ajax!":"The browser does not support AJAX!",
    "Breed 内部错误!":"Breed internal error!",
    "校验失败,请重试!":"The verification failed, please try again!",
    "擦除操作正在进行,请耐心等待至进度条完成":"The reset operation is in progress, please wait until the progress bar is completed.",
    "您选择的操作正在进行":"The operation you selected is in progress.",
    "保留现有 Bootloader":"Keep existing bootloader",
    "保留现有 EEPROM":"Keep existing EEPROM",
    "环境变量编辑":"Environment variables",
    "Breed Web 恢复控制台":"Breed Web Recovery Console",
    "通信错误":"Connection error",
    "小米路由器 3G 固件 1":"Partition 1",
    "小米路由器 3G 固件 2":"Partition 2",
    "小米 R3G 设置":"Settings",
    "配置已被成功更新。":"Settings has been successfully updated",
    "环境变量已被成功更新。":"Environment variables have been successfully updated",
    "Bdata 已被成功更新。":"Bdata has been successfully updated",
    "系统信息":"System information",
    "固件更新":"Firmware update",
    "更新确认":"Confirm update",
    "路由正在重启,请耐心等待。":"The router is restarting, please wait.",
    "路由正在重启":"Router is restarting",
    "常规固件":"Regular firmware",
    "编程器固件":"Full dump",
    "小米 R3G Bdata":"Bdata",
    "自动重启":"Automatic restart",
    "闪存布局":"Flash layout",
    "RT6855/RT6856/MT7621 独立参数":"Independent parameters of RT6855/RT6856/MT7621",
    "固件类型":"Firmware type",
    "固件备份":"Firmware backup",
    "操作正在进行":"Operation is in progress",
    "编译日期":"Build date",
    "MD5 校验":"MD5 sum",
"设置当前刷入固件的类型,以便于在启动固件时设置特定的参数":"Set the type of current firmware to be set so that specific parameters are set when the firmware is started",
    "固件启动设置":"Firmware Update",
    "联系作者":"Contact author",
    "更新:":"Latest version: ",
  "如果超频后无法开机,请按住复位键再通电,系统将以默认频率启动":"If you cannot turn on the power after overclocking, press and hold the reset button and power on, the system will start at the default frequency"
    for(var t in ts) {
    setTimeout(translate, 500);

setTimeout(translate, 500);


Publicado: 2/7/2019

Are we really need setTimeout(translate, 500); at the end? (line 152)

Breed for MI-R3G supports overclocking?

Publicado: 18/10/2019

Merged, thank you

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