Youtube to Invidious

Scan page for Youtube embeds and urls and replace with Invidious.

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Deleted user 128
Publicado: 22/8/2019

New Invidious instance

New Invidious instance available :

I've added it to the the script's exception rules module available with ViolentMonkey: /^http(s|)://(www\.|)invidious\.nixnet\.xyz/.*$/

Publicado: 22/8/2019

I was thinking about a more robust way to exclude invidious instances without having to add new ones every time.

Deleted user 128
Publicado: 22/8/2019

@OdinBrood said: I was thinking about a more robust way to exclude invidious instances without having to add new ones every time.

For the fun and value of coding certainly but otherwise I don't think many new instances are bound to appear, in what I may be mistaking of course.

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