Youtube No Flexy Mode

Disable Flexy Mode

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v0.50 27/5/2018 Got rid of setting the background. Using YT-API only for setting experimental flags.
  • v0.40 23/5/2018
  • v0.40 23/5/2018 No more timers (intervals). Using YT-API instead.
  • v0.30 22/5/2018 No Need to add an script tag to the DOM. Now it can run at document-start. And it seems to work better now.
  • v0.21 22/5/2018 Got something right, the script should run at document-body not start. My mistake.
  • v0.2 22/5/2018 Changed how the FLAG will be set. The script now runs at document-start and adds two timers. The first one will check if the variable yt is accessible, and will set the Flag to false. The second one will just add a black background color to the element "move_player". Both timers will get terminated at the end.
  • v0.1 21/5/2018