Google Images direct link

NOTE: Since July 2016 this script is unmaintained. It is here just for historical purposes and to let other people fork it. Adds direct links to images and pages in google image search

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Respuesta de mad_muffinz, 6/4/2016
Último comentario: Lorentz83Autor, 11/5/2016
Pasable Bug Thumbnails redirect to
Respuesta de seamoon, 19/3/2016
Último comentario: Lorentz83Autor, 27/3/2016
Bueno Open in new tab How can I open original site in new tab?
Respuesta de seamoon, 19/3/2016
Último comentario: Lorentz83Autor, 20/3/2016
Bueno Need a fix Clicking image address doesn't show original site.
Respuesta de AlexO, 12/8/2014
Último comentario: Lorentz83Autor, 15/1/2015
namespace still points to userscripts namespace still points to userscripts

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