Enhanced Google Bar

Google Bar Returns

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • vBeta 1.05.2 13/5/2019
  • vBeta 1.05.1 12/5/2019 Removed Google Plus, as google removed this service.
  • vBeta 1.05 12/5/2019 Remove unnecessary code
  • vBeta 1.04 10/5/2019 Reverted back to static "+You" vs trying to obtain the name automatically.
  • vBeta 1.03 14/10/2018 Fixed css layout problems for Greasyfork's page.
  • vBeta 1.02 13/10/2018
  • vBeta 1.01 13/10/2018
  • vBeta 1 13/10/2018 First beta release
  • vAlpha 0.2.52 3/10/2018 Fixed layout issues on several sites. Removed Google Plus, and Google Sheets from running until I figure out how to correctly modify those layouts.
  • vAlpha 0.2.51 1/8/2017 submit bug link corrected
  • vAlpha 0.2.5 1/8/2017 fixed a couple layout issues on youtube
  • vAlpha 0.2.4 1/8/2017
  • vAlpha 0.2.3 1/8/2017 fixed an issue for the @include rules.
  • vAlpha 0.2.2 1/8/2017 fixed an issue for firefox where settings were not being saved
  • vAlpha 0.2.1 1/8/2017 added support for different country domains for google sites.
  • vAlpha 0.2 31/7/2017 fixed an issue for firefox
  • vAlpha 0.1 11/5/2017