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RU AdList JS Fixes

try to take over the world!

< Opiniones de RU AdList JS Fixes

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 5/9/2017

Cannot redefine property: fuckAdBlock

Since version 20170901.1 I am seeing the following error in Chrome devtools console:

(unknown) ERROR: Execution of script 'RU AdList JS Fixes' failed! Cannot redefine property: fuckAdBlock

Publicado: 5/9/2017
Editado: 5/9/2017

Thank you for the report. Looks like some other script defined this global variable before my script. Added check for this case to avoid it.

Publicado: 6/9/2017

Excellent, many thanks! :smile:

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