Flickr Original Link

Show direct links to download biggest Flickr image available and some other sizes.

< Opiniones de Flickr Original Link

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 13/8/2014

Super userscript

Thanks for this very nice userscript. Works perfectly for me.
One suggestion: Would it be possible to run it on other flickr pages like favourites, groups etc.?

Publicado: 14/8/2014

Currently my methods can not be applied to Favorite and Group view, and I still can't find one. So it can't run on these pages.

Publicado: 19/8/2014

Thanks for your reply. Just a suggestion. Still very usefull and very good.

Publicado: 27/8/2014

Hi John

I have implemented Favorite and Group view in the BETA version of this script. You can try it here:

If you don't mind, please report if you get any problems or you feel this BETA version is too heavy, causing lag on your browser.

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