Kitten Extrapolation

A script for outputting information about kitten survival (Other features may come later)

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v0.7.7 17/3/2020 Added Leviathans trading data
  • v0.7.6 20/9/2019 Fixed the calculation error found by Azzutee
  • v0.7.5 13/5/2019
  • v0.7.4 13/5/2019 Updated the match format to work with grease-monkey (Firefox)
  • v0.7.3 13/5/2019 Updated to generalize my quick fix. Should work on any kittens game URL besides the wiki URLs
  • v0.7.2 13/5/2019 Added sevral potential match targets for the script in case people are going to /# or to https
  • v0.7.1 12/5/2019 Fixed a temporary rename of the script made during internal testing.
  • v0.7.0 12/5/2019 Fixed to work with new version of kittens game (up to date to version Had to recode it from scratch
  • v0.6.1 23/6/2015 Fixed display for when no catnip is consumed.
  • v0.6 21/6/2015 Reactors calculation bugfix
  • v0.5.1 16/6/2015 Bugfix for biofual
  • v0.5 14/6/2015 Updated consumption to account for biofual
  • v0.4 9/6/2015
  • v0.3.4 7/6/2015
  • v0.3.3 7/6/2015
  • v0.3.2 7/6/2015
  • v0.3.1 6/6/2015
  • v0.3.0 6/6/2015
  • v0.2.4 6/6/2015
  • v0.2.3 4/6/2015
  • v0.2.2 4/6/2015
  • v0.2.1 4/6/2015
  • v0.2.0 3/6/2015
  • v0.1.2 3/6/2015
  • v0.1.2 3/6/2015
  • v0.1.1 3/6/2015
  • v0.1 3/6/2015