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understand AdsBypasser script execution
leads to
A "Free CCcam Server" offering "to watch your favorite scrambled channels".
I know where the link leads to, but i would like to understand how greasemonkey works.
Shortened links are suspicious and especially when shared with the very first posting.
I supplied the long version for the members for not to be forced having to reexamine the short one first to ensure it's no trap.
Hello again, today I examined GM_xmlhttpRequest and response.finalUrl gave me the idea to check if it would retrieve the final target-url of that short-url in question.
But no,no,no - it's all different as I could figure out from the response.responseText.
That short link leads to a page on which the first, but hidden, information reads:
I started to earn money on short links.
It's easy - make the links and earn the biggest money -
And that's about exactely where you strand with that short url.
Now, that page is polluted with divs ala class ="advert" with "earn money and join nows". Among them all there is one "fluid advert class" with an iframe including a long source-link that contains various keys, referer and finally that target-domain of the long URL.
I'm pretty convinced that this thread's request is a trap to evoke much traffic on that given short url to raise money for the url-initiator.
Please correct me, if I'm wrong.
No you are wrong.
As I have already written twice I want to understand how greasemonkey works and why greasemonkey selects a script in the user script.
The URL is only an example. I have nothing to do with the page and do not earn any money.
The reason for my interest is if I could understand how Greasemonkey works, I possibly could retrieve the site requests in a bash script via curl for further processing.
The URL is only an example. I have nothing to do with the page and do not earn any money.
You have everything to do with that URL because you have posted it. It is your responsibility if you offer and share harm or not.
Now that you have the option to reason why it is a bad idea to post an obfucated [aka shortened] link you might want to:
A - apologize for unknowingly endanger anybody
B - show insight and forthcoming by exchanging your "example" link with an obviously harmless one.
This will likely raise the chance that someone replies to your requests.
Do you even know what the user script AdsBypasser is?
AdsBypasser is a userscript for greasemonkey that suppresses this popup and money-making sites.
So why are you constantly riding around on this example link? Have you ever read my initially question?
My question was: Is there someone here how can explain me the userscript AdsBypasser step by step line by line on an example?
So what shoud the idiocy with a harmless link? How should it work with a harmless link, if I exactly want to learn how this technology works on such link in the exampel?
None of your answers addressed my question. So if you have no answer to my question, then you'd better write nothing.
Adsbypasser is combined by many scripts. So you can look individual files to understand it.
When GreaseMonkey decides to execute Adsbypasser, it first goes main.js.
(in line 113) is the very first function we run here.
will find which function should we execute on the site we are currently visiting.
You can look dispatcher.js to understand the matching process.
It will finally find the function registered in
After we found the function, we can just execute them.
I know this is a brief description, but it would be better to understand what you need to explain more, to save our time and words.
If you have questions like what does $.openLink do?
please see the wiki.
Thank you.
Thank you very much legnaleurc.
Finally a beginning.
understand AdsBypasser script execution
is there someone here how can explain me the userscript AdsBypasser step by step line by line on an example?
I would like to understand why greasemonkey selects a script in the userscript or use and how it works.