// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Boost Chat
// @namespace UserScripts
// @version 0.1.56
// @license MIT
// @match https://*.youtube.com/live_chat*
// @grant none
// @author CY Fung
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// @unwrap
// @allFrames true
// @inject-into page
// @description 5/13/2024, 9:58:33 PM
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/cyfung1031/userscript-supports@b020bbb73dfa65d72b4656596f8e9ff1549becd6/library/solid-js-prod.js
// ==/UserScript==
MIT License
Copyright 2024 CY Fung
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
(() => {
const USE_SHADOWROOT = false;
const _flag0281_ = window._flag0281_ = 0x2 | 0x4 | 0x8 | 0x40 | 0x80 | 0x100;
const DEBUG_visibleItems_trace = false;
const DEBUG_windowVars = false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const WeakMap = window.WeakMapOriginal || window.WeakMap;
let isThisBrowserSupported = true;
if (isThisBrowserSupported && (typeof Element.prototype.attachShadow !== 'function' || typeof IntersectionObserver === 'undefined' || typeof CSS === 'undefined' || typeof CSS.supports === 'undefined')) {
isThisBrowserSupported = false;
} else {
const isOverflowAnchorSupported = CSS.supports("overflow-anchor", "auto") && CSS.supports("overflow-anchor", "none");
if (isThisBrowserSupported && !isOverflowAnchorSupported) {
isThisBrowserSupported = false;
if (!isThisBrowserSupported) {
console.warn('Your browser does not support YouTube Boost Chat');
!window.TTP && (()=>{
// credit to Benjamin Philipp
// original source: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/433051-trusted-types-helper
// --------------------------------------------------- Trusted Types Helper ---------------------------------------------------
const overwrite_default = false; // If a default policy already exists, it might be best not to overwrite it, but to try and set a custom policy and use it to manually generate trusted types. Try at your own risk
const prefix = `TTP`;
var passThroughFunc = function(string, sink){
return string; // Anything passing through this function will be returned without change
var TTPName = "passthrough";
var TTP_default, TTP = {createHTML: passThroughFunc, createScript: passThroughFunc, createScriptURL: passThroughFunc}; // We can use TTP.createHTML for all our assignments even if we don't need or even have Trusted Types; this should make fallbacks and polyfills easy
var needsTrustedHTML = false;
function doit(){
if(typeof window.isSecureContext !== 'undefined' && window.isSecureContext){
if (window.trustedTypes && window.trustedTypes.createPolicy){
needsTrustedHTML = true;
log("TT Default Policy exists");
TTP = window.trustedTypes.createPolicy("default", TTP);
TTP = window.trustedTypes.createPolicy(TTPName, TTP); // Is the default policy permissive enough? If it already exists, best not to overwrite it
TTP_default = trustedTypes.defaultPolicy;
log("Created custom passthrough policy, in case the default policy is too restrictive: Use Policy '" + TTPName + "' in var 'TTP':", TTP);
TTP_default = TTP = window.trustedTypes.createPolicy("default", TTP);
log("Trusted-Type Policies: TTP:", TTP, "TTP_default:", TTP_default);
function log(...args){
if("undefined" != typeof(prefix) && !!prefix)
args = [prefix + ":", ...args];
if("undefined" != typeof(debugging) && !!debugging)
args = [...args, new Error().stack.replace(/^\s*(Error|Stack trace):?\n/gi, "").replace(/^([^\n]*\n)/, "\n")];
// --------------------------------------------------- Trusted Types Helper ---------------------------------------------------
window.TTP = TTP;
const { appendChild: fragmentAppendChild } = ((h0) => h0)(new DocumentFragment());
/* globals WeakRef:false */
/** @type {(o: Object | null) => WeakRef | null} */
const mWeakRef = typeof WeakRef === 'function' ? (o => o ? new WeakRef(o) : null) : (o => o || null); // typeof InvalidVar == 'undefined'
/** @type {(wr: Object | null) => Object | null} */
const kRef = (wr => (wr && wr.deref) ? wr.deref() : wr);
/** @type {globalThis.PromiseConstructor} */
const Promise = (async () => { })().constructor; // YouTube hacks Promise in WaterFox Classic and "Promise.resolve(0)" nevers resolve.
const PromiseExternal = ((resolve_, reject_) => {
const h = (resolve, reject) => { resolve_ = resolve; reject_ = reject };
return class PromiseExternal extends Promise {
constructor(cb = h) {
if (cb === h) {
/** @type {(value: any) => void} */
this.resolve = resolve_;
/** @type {(reason?: any) => void} */
this.reject = reject_;
const insp = o => o ? (o.polymerController || o.inst || o || 0) : (o || 0);
const indr = o => insp(o).$ || o.$ || 0;
class VisibleItemList extends Array {
constructor(targetListGet = null, targetListSet = null) {
if (targetListGet && targetListSet && typeof targetListGet === 'function' && typeof targetListSet === 'function') {
this.setTargetList(targetListGet, targetListSet);
else {
get length() {
return super.length;
set length(n) {
if (this.bypass) {
super.length = n;
} else {
const targetListSet = kRef(this.targetListSet);
if (!targetListSet) {
console.error('targetList failure 0xFF01');
targetListSet(list => {
list.length = 0;
return list;
super.length = n;
return true;
setTargetList(targetListGet, targetListSet) {
this.targetListGet = targetListGet ? mWeakRef(targetListGet) : null;
this.targetListSet = targetListSet ? mWeakRef(targetListSet) : null;
setConvertorMap(convertorMap) {
this.convertorMap = convertorMap ? mWeakRef(convertorMap) : null;
setBypass(b) {
this.bypass = !!b;
reverse() {
console.error('reverse failure 0xFFC1');
flat() {
console.error('flat failure 0xFFC1');
flatMap() {
console.error('flatMap failure 0xFFC1');
fill() {
console.error('fill failure 0xFFC1');
sort() {
console.error('sort failure 0xFFC1');
toReversed() {
console.error('toReversed failure 0xFFC1');
toSorted() {
console.error('toSorted failure 0xFFC1');
toSpliced() {
console.error('toSpliced failure 0xFFC1');
with() {
console.error('with failure 0xFFC1');
push(...itemsX) {
if (this.bypass) return super.push(...itemsX);
const targetListSet = kRef(this.targetListSet);
if (!targetListSet) {
console.error('targetListSet failure 0xFF01');
if (itemsX.length >= 1) {
const convertorMap = kRef(this.convertorMap);
if (!convertorMap) {
console.error('convertorMap failure 0xFF01');
const itemsY = itemsX.map(x => convertorMap.get(x)).filter(y => !!y);
if (itemsY.length !== itemsX.length) {
console.error('convertorMap failure 0xFF02');
targetListSet(list => {
return list;
return super.push(...itemsX);
} else {
targetListSet(list => {
return list;
return super.push();
pop() {
if (this.bypass) return super.pop();
const targetListSet = kRef(this.targetListSet);
if (!targetListSet) {
console.error('targetListSet failure 0xFF01');
targetListSet(list => {
return list;
return super.pop();
unshift(...itemsX) {
if (this.bypass) return super.unshift(...itemsX);
const targetListSet = kRef(this.targetListSet);
if (!targetListSet) {
console.error('targetListSet failure 0xFF01');
if (itemsX.length >= 1) {
const convertorMap = kRef(this.convertorMap);
if (!convertorMap) {
console.error('convertorMap failure 0xFF01');
const itemsY = itemsX.map(x => convertorMap.get(x)).filter(y => !!y);
if (itemsY.length !== itemsX.length) {
console.error('convertorMap failure 0xFF02');
targetListSet(list => {
return list;
return super.unshift(...itemsX);
} else {
targetListSet(list => {
return list;
return super.unshift();
shift() {
if (this.bypass) return super.shift();
const targetListSet = kRef(this.targetListSet);
if (!targetListSet) {
console.error('targetListSet failure 0xFF01');
targetListSet(list => {
return list;
return super.shift();
splice(start, deleteCount = undefined, ...itemsX) {
if (this.bypass) return super.splice(start, deleteCount, ...itemsX);
const targetListSet = kRef(this.targetListSet);
if (!targetListSet) {
console.error('targetListSet failure 0xFF01');
if (itemsX.length >= 1) {
const convertorMap = kRef(this.convertorMap);
if (!convertorMap) {
console.error('convertorMap failure 0xFF01');
const itemsY = itemsX.map(x => convertorMap.get(x)).filter(y => !!y);
if (itemsY.length !== itemsX.length) {
console.error('convertorMap failure 0xFF02');
targetListSet(list => {
list.splice(start, deleteCount, ...itemsY);
return list;
return super.splice(start, deleteCount, ...itemsX);
} else {
targetListSet(list => {
list.splice(start, deleteCount);
return list;
return super.splice(start, deleteCount);
let mme = null;
function getCodeLocation() {
let p = new Error().stack;
if (p.includes('solid')) return 'solid';
if (p.includes('VisibleItemList.')) return 'solid';
let q = p.match(/Array\.\w+[^\n\r]+[\r\n]+([^\n\r]+)/)
q = q ? q[1] : p
return q;
// const callstack = new Error().stack.split("\n");
// callstack.shift();
// while (callstack.length && callstack[0].includes("-extension://")) {
// callstack.shift();
// }
// if (!callstack.length) {
// return "";
// }
// return '\n' + callstack[0].trim();
if (DEBUG_visibleItems_trace) {
Array.prototype.push32 = Array.prototype.push;
Array.prototype.push = function () {
if (this === mme?.visibleItems && getCodeLocation() !== 'solid') {
console.log('[bst] 399 push', new Error().stack)
return this.push32(...arguments)
Array.prototype.splice32 = Array.prototype.splice;
Array.prototype.splice = function () {
if (this === mme?.visibleItems && getCodeLocation() !== 'solid') {
// 399 splice at a.splice (https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/a7b1ec23/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js:2405:190)
console.log('[bst] 399 splice', new Error().stack)
return this.splice32(...arguments)
Array.prototype.unshift32 = Array.prototype.unshift;
Array.prototype.unshift = function () {
if (this === mme?.visibleItems && getCodeLocation() !== 'solid') {
console.log('[bst] 399 unshift', new Error().stack)
return this.unshift32(...arguments)
Array.prototype.shift32 = Array.prototype.shift;
Array.prototype.shift = function () {
if (this === mme?.visibleItems && getCodeLocation() !== 'solid') {
console.log('[bst] 399 shift', new Error().stack)
return this.shift32(...arguments)
Array.prototype.pop32 = Array.prototype.pop;
Array.prototype.pop = function () {
if (this === mme?.visibleItems && getCodeLocation() !== 'solid') {
console.log('[bst] 399 pop', new Error().stack)
return this.pop32(...arguments)
const { _setAttribute, _insertBefore, _removeAttribute, replaceWith, appendChild } = (() => {
let _setAttribute = Element.prototype.setAttribute;
try {
_setAttribute = ShadyDOM.nativeMethods.setAttribute || _setAttribute;
} catch (e) { }
let _insertBefore = Node.prototype.insertBefore;
try {
_insertBefore = ShadyDOM.nativeMethods.insertBefore || _insertBefore;
} catch (e) { }
let _removeAttribute = Element.prototype.removeAttribute;
try {
_removeAttribute = ShadyDOM.nativeMethods.removeAttribute || _removeAttribute;
} catch (e) { }
let replaceWith = Element.prototype.replaceWith;
try {
replaceWith = ShadyDOM.nativeMethods.replaceWith || replaceWith;
} catch (e) { }
let appendChild = Node.prototype.appendChild;
try {
appendChild = ShadyDOM.nativeMethods.appendChild || appendChild;
} catch (e) { }
return { _setAttribute, _insertBefore, _removeAttribute, replaceWith, appendChild };
const isCustomElementsProvided = typeof customElements !== "undefined" && typeof (customElements || 0).whenDefined === "function";
const promiseForCustomYtElementsReady = isCustomElementsProvided ? Promise.resolve(0) : new Promise((callback) => {
const EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY = "ytI-ce-registry-created";
if (typeof customElements === 'undefined') {
if (!('__CE_registry' in document)) {
// https://github.com/webcomponents/polyfills/
Object.defineProperty(document, '__CE_registry', {
get() {
// return undefined
set(nv) {
if (typeof nv == 'object') {
delete this.__CE_registry;
this.__CE_registry = nv;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY));
return true;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
let eventHandler = (evt) => {
document.removeEventListener(EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY, eventHandler, false);
const f = callback;
callback = null;
eventHandler = null;
document.addEventListener(EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY, eventHandler, false);
} else {
const whenCEDefined = isCustomElementsProvided
? (nodeName) => customElements.whenDefined(nodeName)
: (nodeName) => promiseForCustomYtElementsReady.then(() => customElements.whenDefined(nodeName));
const inPlaceArrayPush = (() => {
// for details, see userscript-supports/library/misc.js
const LIMIT_N = typeof AbortSignal !== 'undefined' && typeof (AbortSignal || 0).timeout === 'function' ? 50000 : 10000;
return function (dest, source) {
let index = 0;
const len = source.length;
while (index < len) {
let chunkSize = len - index; // chunkSize > 0
if (chunkSize > LIMIT_N) {
chunkSize = LIMIT_N;
dest.push(...source.slice(index, index + chunkSize));
} else if (index > 0) { // to the end
} else { // normal push.apply
index += chunkSize;
const createPipeline = () => {
let pipelineMutex = Promise.resolve();
const pipelineExecution = fn => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pipelineMutex = pipelineMutex.then(async () => {
let res;
try {
res = await fn();
} catch (e) {
console.log('[bst] error_F1', e);
return pipelineExecution;
let mloUz = -1;
let mloPr = null;
let mloPrReleaseAt = 0;
let ezPr = null;
setInterval(() => {
if (mloPr !== null && mloPrReleaseAt > 0 && Date.now() > mloPrReleaseAt) mloPr.resolve();
}, 100);
const { mloPrSetup, mloCond } = (() => {
let mloUz0 = -2;
const messageListMOMap = new WeakMap();
const mloCond = () => mloUz === mloUz0 && mloPr !== null;
const mloF = () => {
if (mloUz === mloUz0 && mloPr !== null) mloPr.resolve();
const mloSetup = (messageList, mloUz0_) => {
if (mloPr !== null) mloPr.resolve();
let mo = messageListMOMap.get(messageList);
if (!mo) {
messageListMOMap.set(messageList, mo = new MutationObserver(mloF));
mloUz = -1;
mloUz0 = mloUz0_;
mloPr = new PromiseExternal();
mo.observe(messageList, {
subtree: false, childList: true
return mo;
const mloPrSetup = (messageList, mloUz0_) => {
const mo = mloSetup(messageList, mloUz0_);
return async () => {
await mloPr.then();
mloPr = null;
return { mloPrSetup, mloCond }
// const firstKey = (obj) => {
// for (const key in obj) {
// if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) return key;
// }
// return null;
// }
const firstObjectKey = (obj) => {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof obj[key] === 'object') return key;
return null;
const flushPE = createPipeline();
class LimitedSizeSet extends Set {
constructor(n) {
this.limit = n;
add(key) {
if (!super.has(key)) {
let n = super.size - this.limit;
if (n > 0) {
const iterator = super.values();
do {
const firstKey = iterator.next().value; // Get the first (oldest) key
super.delete(firstKey); // Delete the oldest key
} while (--n > 0)
removeAdd(key) {
const flushKeys = new LimitedSizeSet(64);
const mutableWM = new WeakMap();
const canScrollIntoViewWithOptions = (() => {
const element = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'defs');
let i = 0;
try {
get behavior() { i++ },
get block() { i++ }
} catch (e) {
return i === 2;
if (!canScrollIntoViewWithOptions) {
throw '[BST] Your browser is not supported.'
const cssTexts = {
"outer": `
.bst-yt-main ~ #items[id][class] {
display: none !important;
.bst-yt-main ~ #item-scroller[id][class] {
display: none !important;
position: absolute;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 0;
contain: strict;
overflow: auto;
"inner": `
.bst-message-list {
--bst-hyperlink-color: #3ea6ff;
--color-transparent: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
--color-opac-b-1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
--color-opac-b-2: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
--color-opac-b-3: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13);
--color-opac-b-4: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16);
--color-opac-b-5: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.22);
--color-opac-b-6: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.28);
--color-opac-b-7: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
--color-opac-b-8: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
--color-opac-b-9: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
--color-opac-b-10: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
--color-opac-b-11: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
--color-opac-b-12: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
--color-opac-b-13: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85);
--color-opac-b-14: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
--color-opac-b-15: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.95);
--color-opac-gd-1: rgba(83, 83, 95, 0.38);
--color-opac-gd-2: rgba(83, 83, 95, 0.48);
--color-opac-gd-3: rgba(83, 83, 95, 0.55);
--color-opac-gd-4: rgba(50, 50, 57, 0.62);
--color-opac-gd-5: rgba(50, 50, 57, 0.95);
--shadow-elevation-umbra: 0.34;
--shadow-elevation-penumbra: 0.26;
--shadow-elevation-ambient: 0.28;
--shadow-elevation-1: 0 1px 2px var(--color-opac-b-14), 0 0px 2px var(--color-opac-b-14);
--shadow-elevation-2: 0 4px 8px var(--color-opac-b-7), 0 0px 4px var(--color-opac-b-7);
--shadow-elevation-3: 0 6px 16px var(--color-opac-b-8), 0 0px 4px var(--color-opac-b-7);
--shadow-elevation-4: 0 12px 32px var(--color-opac-b-8), 0 0px 8px var(--color-opac-b-7);
--shadow-elevation-5: 0 32px 64px var(--color-opac-b-9), 0 0px 16px var(--color-opac-b-7);
--shadow-button-focus: 0 0 6px 0 var(--color-twitch-purple-8);
--shadow-button-active: 0 0 6px 0 var(--color-twitch-purple-8);
--shadow-button-disabled: none;
--shadow-button-overlay-focus: 0 0 6px 0 var(--color-opac-w-6);
--shadow-button-overlay-active: 0 0 6px 0 var(--color-opac-w-6);
--shadow-tab-focus: 0 4px 6px -4px var(--color-twitch-purple-11);
--shadow-balloon: 0 1px 1px var(--color-opac-b-5);
--shadow-scrollbar: 0 0 1px 1px var(--color-opac-w-5);
--color-opac-w-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
--color-opac-w-2: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08);
--color-opac-w-3: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.13);
--color-opac-w-4: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16);
--color-opac-w-5: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.22);
--color-opac-w-6: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.28);
--color-opac-w-7: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);
--color-opac-w-8: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
--color-opac-w-9: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
--color-opac-w-10: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
--color-opac-w-11: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
--color-opac-w-12: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
--color-opac-w-13: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);
--color-opac-w-14: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);
--color-opac-w-15: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95);
--color-background-interactable-overlay-hover: var(--color-opac-w-3);
--color-white: #ffffff;
--color-black: #000000;
--color-text-button-overlay-hover: var(--color-white);
--color-background-button-icon-overlay-default: var(--color-transparent);
--color-background-button-icon-overlay-hover: var(--color-background-interactable-overlay-hover);
--color-background-button-icon-overlay-active: var(--color-background-interactable-overlay-active);
--color-background-image-selector-overlay: var(--color-transparent);
--opacity-pulse-animation: 0.7;
--button-size-small: 2.4rem;
--button-size-default: 3rem;
--button-size-large: 3.6rem;
--loading-spinner-size-small: 1.6rem;
--loading-spinner-size-default: 2.2rem;
--loading-spinner-size-large: 2.8rem;
--progress-bar-size-extra-small: 0.3rem;
--progress-bar-size-small: 0.5rem;
--progress-bar-size-default: 1rem;
--range-size: 0.2rem;
--range-thumb-size: 1.6rem;
--toggle-height: 2rem;
--toggle-width: 3.5rem;
--toggle-handle-size: 1.2rem;
--toggle-handle-shadow: none;
--toggle-handle-offset: 0.2rem;
--border-width-default: 1px;
--border-width-button: 2px;
--border-width-checkbox: 2px;
--border-width-drop-zone: 2px;
--border-width-marked: 3px;
--border-width-selectable: 2px;
--border-width-spinner: 2px;
--border-width-tag: 2px;
--border-radius-none: 0;
--border-radius-small: 0.2rem;
--border-radius-medium: 0.4rem;
--border-radius-large: 0.6rem;
--border-radius-extra-large: 1rem;
--border-radius-extra-extra-large: 1.6rem;
--border-radius-rounded: 9000px;
.bst-message-list {
--yt-spec-base-background: #fff;
--yt-spec-raised-background: #fff;
--yt-spec-menu-background: #fff;
--yt-spec-inverted-background: #0f0f0f;
--yt-spec-additive-background: rgba(0,0,0,0.05);
--yt-deprecated-blue-light: hsl(205.9,80%,43.1%);
--yt-deprecated-opalescence-grey-opacity-lighten-3: hsla(0,0%,53.3%,0.4);
--yt-deprecated-opalescence-soft-grey-opacity-lighten-3: hsla(0,0%,93.3%,0.4);
--yt-deprecated-luna-black-opacity-lighten-2: hsla(0,0%,6.7%,0.6);
--yt-deprecated-luna-black-opacity-lighten-3: hsla(0,0%,6.7%,0.4);
--yt-deprecated-luna-black-opacity-lighten-4: hsla(0,0%,6.7%,0.2);
--yt-opalescence-dark-grey: hsl(0,0%,20%);
--yt-deprecated-luna-black: hsl(0,0%,6.7%);
--yt-deprecated-white-opacity-lighten-4: hsla(0,0%,100%,0.2);
--yt-deprecated-opalescence-soft-grey-opacity-lighten-1: hsla(0,0%,93.3%,0.8);
--yt-deprecated-opalescence-soft-grey: hsl(0,0%,93.3%);
--yt-live-chat-background-color: var(--yt-spec-base-background);
--yt-live-chat-secondary-background-color: var( --yt-deprecated-opalescence-soft-grey );
--yt-live-chat-action-panel-background-color: var(--yt-spec-base-background);
--yt-live-chat-action-panel-background-color-transparent: hsla(0,0%,97%,0.8);
--yt-live-chat-additive-background-inverse: var(--yt-spec-white-1-alpha-10);
--yt-live-chat-mode-change-background-color: var( --yt-deprecated-opalescence-soft-grey-opacity-lighten-3 );
--yt-live-chat-primary-text-color: var(--yt-spec-text-primary);
--yt-live-chat-secondary-text-color: var( --yt-deprecated-luna-black-opacity-lighten-2 );
--yt-live-chat-secondary-text-color-inverse: var(--yt-spec-grey-2);
--yt-live-chat-tertiary-text-color: var( --yt-deprecated-luna-black-opacity-lighten-3 );
--yt-live-chat-tertiary-text-color-inverse: var(--yt-spec-white-1-alpha-30);
--yt-live-chat-text-input-field-inactive-underline-color: #b8b8b8;
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color: var(--bst-username-color);
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--bst-username-color: var(--yt-live-chat-moderator-color);
color: var(--bst-username-color);
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color: inherit
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color: var(--yt-live-chat-secondary-text-color);
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min-height: 6.6rem;
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background: url(https://www.gstatic.com/youtube/img/sponsorships/sponsorships_gift_purchase_announcement_artwork.png); /* to be reviewed? */
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background-position: 100% 50%;
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background: var(--bst-paid-sticker-bg, initial);
/* background: url(https://www.gstatic.com/youtube/img/sponsorships/sponsorships_gift_purchase_announcement_artwork.png);*/
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
background-position: 100% 50%;
background-color: var(--bst-highlight-color);
background-size: 6rem;
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color: var(--yt-live-chat-paid-sticker-chip-text-color, var(--bst-default-text-color));
.bst-message-entry.bst-message-entry-ll {
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--bst-message-entry-pl: calc( var(--yt-live-chat-profile-icon-size) + 6px );
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background-color: var(--bst-highlight-color);
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--bst-highlight-color: var(--yt-live-chat-sponsor-color);
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.bst-membership-message .bst-message-entry-body .bst-message-body::before {
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pointer-events: none !important;
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margin-left: 0px;
display: inline-block;
.bst-membership-message .bst-message-entry-body .bst-message-body {
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padding: 2px 6px;
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margin-bottom: .1rem;
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display: none !important;
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contain: layout style;
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/** @type {import('./library/html').SolidJS}.SolidJS */
const { createSignal, onMount, createStore, html, render, Switch, Match, For, createEffect, createMemo, Show, onCleanup, createComputed, createRenderEffect, unwrap } = SolidJS;
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for (const thumbnail of thumbnails) {
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if (max >= 0 && thumbnail.width > max) {
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const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(o);
dataMutable && dataMutable.removeEntry();
function colorFromDecimal(a) {
if (a === void 0 || a === null) return null;
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if (t.length > 9) t = k.toFixed(5);
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return "rgb(" + [a >> 16 & 255, a >> 8 & 255, a & 255].join() + ")"
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return "rgba(" + [a >> 16 & 255, a >> 8 & 255, a & 255, t].join() + ")"
const formatters = {
authorBadges(badge, data) {
try {
const fk = firstObjectKey(badge) || '';
const ek = badge[fk];
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"MODERATOR" === a.icon.iconType && this.enableNewModeratorBadge ? (c.polymerController.icon = "yt-sys-icons:shield-filled",
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(d = (d = eD(a.customThumbnail.thumbnails, 16)) ? Vb(ic(d)) : null) ? (c.src = d,
c.setAttribute("alt", this.hostElement.ariaLabel || "")) : qr(new sn("Could not compute URL for thumbnail",a.customThumbnail))
if (ek.icon) {
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} else {
const tooltipText = () => ek.tooltip || ek.accessibility?.accessibilityData?.label || '';
const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(data);
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const badgeElementId = `badge-${dataMutable.tooltips.size + 1}`;
dataMutable.tooltips.set(badgeElementId, createStore({
displayedTooltipText: ''
const displayedTooltipText = () => {
const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(data);
const [emojiDataStore, emojiDataStoreSet] = dataMutable.tooltips.get(badgeElementId);
return emojiDataStore.displayedTooltipText
const onYtIconCreated = (el) => {
const cnt = insp(el);
cnt.icon = "live-chat-badges:" + type;
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return '';
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const className = `bst-author-badge`;
const src = () => getThumbnail(ek.customThumbnail.thumbnails, 32, 64); // 16, 32
const alt = () => ek.accessibility?.accessibilityData?.label || '';
const tooltipText = () => ek.tooltip || ek.accessibility?.accessibilityData?.label || '';
const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(data);
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const badgeElementId = `badge-${dataMutable.tooltips.size + 1}`;
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displayedTooltipText: ''
const displayedTooltipText = () => {
const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(data);
const [emojiDataStore, emojiDataStoreSet] = dataMutable.tooltips.get(badgeElementId);
return emojiDataStore.displayedTooltipText
return html`<img id="${badgeElementId}" class="${className}" src="${src}" alt="${alt}" shared-tooltip-text="${tooltipText}" /><bst-tooltip>${displayedTooltipText}</bst-tooltip>`
} else {
return '';
} catch (e) {
messageBody(message, data) {
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if (typeof message.text === 'string') {
if (message.navigationEndpoint?.urlEndpoint?.url) {
const urlEndpoint = message.navigationEndpoint.urlEndpoint;
return html`<a href="${() => urlEndpoint.url}" rel="${() => urlEndpoint.nofollow === true ? 'nofollow' : null}" target="${() => urlEndpoint.target === "TARGET_NEW_WINDOW" ? '_blank' : null}">${() => message.text}</span>`
return html`<span>${() => message.text}</span>`
if (typeof message.emoji !== 'undefined') {
try {
const emoji = message.emoji;
const className = `small-emoji emoji yt-formatted-string style-scope yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer`
const src = () => `${emoji.image.thumbnails[0].url}`
const alt = () => emoji.image?.accessibility?.accessibilityData?.label || '';
const tooltipText = () => emoji.shortcuts?.[0] || '';
const emojiId = () => emoji.emojiId || '';
const isCustomEmoji = () => emoji.isCustomEmoji || false;
const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(data);
if (dataMutable) {
const emojiElementId = `emoji-${dataMutable.tooltips.size + 1}`;
dataMutable.tooltips.set(emojiElementId, createStore({
displayedTooltipText: ''
const displayedTooltipText = () => {
const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(data);
const [emojiDataStore, emojiDataStoreSet] = dataMutable.tooltips.get(emojiElementId);
return emojiDataStore.displayedTooltipText
return html`<img id="${emojiElementId}" class="${className}" src="${src}" alt="${alt}" shared-tooltip-text="${tooltipText}" data-emoji-id="${emojiId}" is-custom-emoji="${isCustomEmoji}" /><bst-tooltip>${displayedTooltipText}</bst-tooltip>`
} else {
return '';
} catch (e) {
let sharedButtonViewModel = null;
let sharedNoscript = null;
const extras = new WeakMap();
const getExtra = (elm) => {
if (!elm) return;
const s = extras.get(elm);
if (!s) return;
return s;
const setExtra = (elm, extra) => {
extras.set(elm, extra);
const SolidBeforeContentButton0 = (data) => {
const onButtonContainerCreated = (div) => {
if (!sharedNoscript) return;
const beforeContentButtons = data.beforeContentButtons;
if (!beforeContentButtons || beforeContentButtons.length !== 1) return;
const buttonViewModel = beforeContentButtons[0].buttonViewModel;
if (!buttonViewModel) return;
const bvData = Object.assign({}, buttonViewModel, { title: "", trackingParams: "", title_: buttonViewModel.title });
if (!sharedButtonViewModel) {
sharedButtonViewModel = document.createElement('yt-button-view-model');
let cloneNode = sharedButtonViewModel.cloneNode(false, false);
sharedButtonViewModel = cloneNode;
const modelNode = sharedButtonViewModel.cloneNode(false, false);
insp(modelNode).data = bvData;
return html`
<div ref=${onButtonContainerCreated} class="bst-message-before-content-button-container">
const SolidMessageList = (sb, profileCard) => {
return html`
when=(${() => typeof profileCard.username === 'string'})
${() => {
return html`
<div classList=(${{ "bst-profile-card": true, "bst-profile-card-on-top": profileCard.showOnTop }}) style=(${() => ({ "--fTop": profileCard.fTop + "px", "--fBottom": profileCard.fBottom + "px" })})>
<div class="bst-profile-card-overlay"></div>
<div class="bst-profile-card-icon">
<img class="bst-profile-card-icon-img" src="${() => profileCard.iconUrl}">
<div class="bst-profile-card-main">
<a target="_blank" href="${() => profileCard.profileUrl}">${() => profileCard.username}</a>
<div class="bst-profile-card-cross" onClick="${profileCard.onCrossClick}">
<${For} each=(${sb})>${(item) => {
onCleanup(() => {
switch (item.aKey) {
case 'liveChatViewerEngagementMessageRenderer':
return SolidSystemMessage(item);
case 'liveChatPaidMessageRenderer':
return SolidPaidMessage(item);
case 'liveChatMembershipItemRenderer':
return SolidMembershipMessage(item);
case 'liveChatSponsorshipsGiftRedemptionAnnouncementRenderer':
return SolidGiftText(item);
case 'liveChatSponsorshipsGiftPurchaseAnnouncementRenderer':
return SolidSponsorshipPurchase(item);
case 'liveChatPaidStickerRenderer':
/** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97_KLlaUICQ&t=3600s */
/* https://www.youtube.com/live/BDjEOkw_iOA?t=6636s */
return SolidPaidSticker(item);
case 'liveChatPlaceholderItemRenderer':
return SolidMessagePlaceHolder(item);
return SolidMessageText(item); // liveChatTextMessageRenderer
const SolidSystemMessage = (data) => {
const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(data);
if (!dataMutable) return '';
let p = null
if (data.icon) {
const icon = data.icon;
const type = icon.iconType.toLowerCase();
const onYtIconCreated = (el) => {
const cnt = insp(el);
cnt.icon = type;
_setAttribute.call(el, 'icon-type', type);
p = () => html`<div class="bst-system-message-icon-column"><yt-icon class="bst-system-message-yt-icon" ref="${onYtIconCreated}"></yt-icon></div>`
return html`
<div class="bst-message-entry bst-viewer-engagement-message" message-uid="${() => data.uid}" message-id="${() => data.id}" ref="${mutableWM.get(data).setupFn}" author-type="${() => data.bst('authorType')}">
<div class="bst-message-container">
<div class="bst-message-entry-highlight"></div>
<div class="bst-message-entry-line">
<${Show} when=(${() => !!data.icon})>${() => {
return p();
<${Show} when=(${() => data.beforeContentButtons && data.beforeContentButtons.length === 1})>${() => SolidBeforeContentButton0(data)}<//>
<div class="bst-message-body">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('messages')})>${(message) => {
return formatters.messageBody(message, data)
<div class="bst-message-menu-container">
const SolidPaidMessage = (data) => {
// const {authorNameTextColor, bodyBackgroundColor, bodyTextColor, headerBackgroundColor, headerTextColor, textInputBackgroundColor,timestampColor} = data;
return html`
<div class="${() => `bst-message-entry bst-paid-message`}" message-uid="${() => data.uid}" message-id="${() => data.id}" ref="${mutableWM.get(data).setupFn}" author-type="${() => data.bst('authorType')}">
<div class="bst-message-container">
<span class="bst-message-profile-holder"><a class="bst-message-profile-anchor"><img class="bst-profile-img" src="${() => data.getProfilePic(64, -1)}" /></a></span>
<div class="bst-message-entry-highlight"></div>
<div class="bst-message-entry-line">
<div class="bst-message-head">
<div class="bst-message-time">${() => data.bst('timestampText')}</div>
<div class="bst-name-field bst-message-name-color">
<div class="bst-message-username">${() => data.bst('getUsername')}</div>
<div class="bst-message-badges">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('authorBadges')})>${(badge) => {
return formatters.authorBadges(badge, data);
<div class="bst-paid-amount">${() => convertYTtext(data.purchaseAmountText)}</div>
<${Show} when=(${() => data.beforeContentButtons && data.beforeContentButtons.length === 1})>${() => SolidBeforeContentButton0(data)}<//>
<div class="bst-message-body">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('messages')})>${(message) => {
return formatters.messageBody(message, data);
<div class="bst-message-menu-container">
const SolidMembershipMessage = (data) => {
return html`
<div class="${() => `bst-message-entry bst-message-entry-ll bst-membership-message`}" message-uid="${() => data.uid}" message-id="${() => data.id}" ref="${mutableWM.get(data).setupFn}" author-type="${() => data.bst('authorType')}">
<div class="bst-message-container">
<div classList=${{ "bst-message-entry-header": true, "bst-message-entry-followed-by-body": data.bst('hasMessageBody') }}>
<span class="bst-message-profile-holder"><a class="bst-message-profile-anchor"><img class="bst-profile-img" src="${() => data.getProfilePic(64, -1)}" /></a></span>
<div class="bst-message-entry-highlight"></div>
<div class="bst-message-entry-line">
<div class="bst-message-head">
<div class="bst-message-time">${() => data.bst('timestampText')}</div>
<div class="bst-name-field bst-message-name-color">
<div class="bst-message-username">${() => data.bst('getUsername')}</div>
<div class="bst-message-badges">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('authorBadges')})>${(badge) => {
return formatters.authorBadges(badge, data);
<div class="bst-message-body">${() => {
return convertYTtext(data.headerPrimaryText || data.headerSubtext);
// new member - only data.headerSubtext
// return convertYTtext(data.headerSubtext)
<div class="bst-message-menu-container">
<${Show} when=(${() => data.bst('hasMessageBody')})>${() => {
return html`
<div class="bst-message-entry-body">
<div class="bst-message-entry-highlight"></div>
<div class="bst-message-entry-line">
<div class="bst-message-body">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('messages')})>${(message) => {
return formatters.messageBody(message, data);
const SolidGiftText = (data) => {
return html`
<div class="${() => `bst-message-entry bst-gift-message`}" message-uid="${() => data.uid}" message-id="${() => data.id}" ref="${mutableWM.get(data).setupFn}" author-type="${() => data.bst('authorType')}">
<div class="bst-message-container">
<span class="bst-message-profile-holder"><a class="bst-message-profile-anchor"><img class="bst-profile-img" src="${() => data.getProfilePic(64, -1)}" /></a></span>
<div class="bst-message-entry-highlight"></div>
<div class="bst-message-entry-line">
<div class="bst-message-head">
<div class="bst-message-time">${() => data.bst('timestampText')}</div>
<div class="bst-name-field bst-message-name-color">
<div class="bst-message-username">${() => data.bst('getUsername')}</div>
<div class="bst-message-badges">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('authorBadges')})>${(badge) => {
return formatters.authorBadges(badge, data);
<${Show} when=(${() => data.beforeContentButtons && data.beforeContentButtons.length === 1})>${() => SolidBeforeContentButton0(data)}<//>
<div class="bst-message-body">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('messages')})>${(message) => {
return formatters.messageBody(message, data);
<div class="bst-message-menu-container">
const SolidSponsorshipPurchase = (data) => {
// const {authorNameTextColor, bodyBackgroundColor, bodyTextColor, headerBackgroundColor, headerTextColor, textInputBackgroundColor,timestampColor} = data;
return html`
<div class="${() => `bst-message-entry bst-sponsorship-purchase`}" message-uid="${() => data.uid}" message-id="${() => data.id}" ref="${mutableWM.get(data).setupFn}" author-type="${() => data.bst('authorType')}">
<div class="bst-message-container">
<span class="bst-message-profile-holder"><a class="bst-message-profile-anchor"><img class="bst-profile-img" src="${() => data.getProfilePic(64, -1)}" /></a></span>
<div class="bst-message-entry-highlight"></div>
<div class="bst-message-entry-line">
<div class="bst-message-head">
<div class="bst-message-time">${() => data.bst('timestampText')}</div>
<div class="bst-name-field bst-message-name-color">
<div class="bst-message-username">${() => data.bst('getUsername')}</div>
<div class="bst-message-badges">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('authorBadges')})>${(badge) => {
return formatters.authorBadges(badge, data);
<${Show} when=(${() => data.beforeContentButtons && data.beforeContentButtons.length === 1})>${() => SolidBeforeContentButton0(data)}<//>
<div class="bst-message-body">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('messages')})>${(message) => {
return formatters.messageBody(message, data);
<div class="bst-message-menu-container">
const SolidPaidSticker = (data) => {
/* https://www.youtube.com/live/BDjEOkw_iOA?si=CGG7boBJvfT2KLFT&t=6636 */
return html`
<div class="${() => `bst-message-entry bst-paid-sticker`}" message-uid="${() => data.uid}" message-id="${() => data.id}" ref="${mutableWM.get(data).setupFn}" author-type="${() => data.bst('authorType')}">
<div class="bst-message-container">
<span class="bst-message-profile-holder"><a class="bst-message-profile-anchor"><img class="bst-profile-img" src="${() => data.getProfilePic(64, -1)}" /></a></span>
<div class="bst-message-entry-highlight" style="${() => ({ '--bst-paid-sticker-bg': `url(${data.getStickerURL(80, 256)})` })}"></div>
<div class="bst-message-entry-line">
<div class="bst-message-head">
<div class="bst-message-time">${() => data.bst('timestampText')}</div>
<div class="bst-name-field bst-message-name-color">
<div class="bst-message-username">${() => data.bst('getUsername')}</div>
<div class="bst-message-badges">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('authorBadges')})>${(badge) => {
return formatters.authorBadges(badge, data);
<div class="bst-paid-amount">${() => convertYTtext(data.purchaseAmountText)}</div>
<${Show} when=(${() => data.beforeContentButtons && data.beforeContentButtons.length === 1})>${() => SolidBeforeContentButton0(data)}<//>
<div class="bst-message-body">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('messages')})>${(message) => {
return formatters.messageBody(message, data);
<div class="bst-message-menu-container">
const SolidMessageText = (data) => {
return html`
<div class="${() => `bst-message-entry bst-${data.aKey}`}" message-uid="${() => data.uid}" message-id="${() => data.id}" ref="${mutableWM.get(data).setupFn}" author-type="${() => data.bst('authorType')}">
<div class="bst-message-container">
<span class="bst-message-profile-holder"><a class="bst-message-profile-anchor"><img class="bst-profile-img" src="${() => data.getProfilePic(64, -1)}" /></a></span>
<div class="bst-message-entry-highlight"></div>
<div class="bst-message-entry-line">
<div class="bst-message-head">
<div class="bst-message-time">${() => data.bst('timestampText')}</div>
<div class="bst-name-field bst-message-name-color">
<div class="bst-name-field-box">
<div class="bst-message-username">${() => data.bst('getUsername')}</div>
<div class="bst-message-badges">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('authorBadges')})>${(badge) => {
return formatters.authorBadges(badge, data);
<span class="bst-message-head-colon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<${Show} when=(${() => data.beforeContentButtons && data.beforeContentButtons.length === 1})>${() => SolidBeforeContentButton0(data)}<//>
<div class="bst-message-body">
<${For} each=(${() => data.bst('messages')})>${(message) => {
return formatters.messageBody(message, data);
<div class="bst-message-menu-container">
const SolidMessagePlaceHolder = (data) => {
return html`<bst-live-chat-placeholder ref="${mutableWM.get(data).setupFn}"></bst-live-chat-placeholder>`;
* test links
* moderator
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-D4z79ZUV4
* owner (long text)
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A930eAQYQog&t=1h32m50s
function convertYTtext(val) {
if (typeof (val || 0) !== 'object') return null;
if (val.simpleText) return val.simpleText
const runs = val.runs;
if (runs && runs.length === 1) {
let r = runs[0];
return typeof r === 'string' ? r : typeof (r || 0).text === 'string' ? r.text : null;
} else if (runs && runs.length >= 0) {
return runs.map(r => (typeof r === 'string' ? r : typeof (r || 0).text === 'string' ? r.text : null)).join('');
return null;
const fixMessagesForEmoji = (() => {
let Vkb = 0
, Wkb = /tone[1-5]/
, Xkb = " \uD83C\uDFFB \uD83C\uDFFC \uD83C\uDFFD \uD83C\uDFFE \uD83C\uDFFF".split(" ")
, Ykb = "UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/COLRg9qOwdQCFce-qgodrbsLaA UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CMKC7uKOwdQCFce-qgodqbsLaA UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CJiQ8uiOwdQCFcx9qgodysAOHg UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CI3h3uDJitgCFdARTgodejsFWg UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CI69oYTKitgCFdaPTgodsHsP5g UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CKzQr47KitgCFdCITgodq6EJZg UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CPGD8Iu8kN4CFREChAod9OkLmg".split(" ")
, $kb = RegExp("\uFE0F", "g")
let dQ = function (a, b, c) {
return (a = a.emojiMap[b]) && (!a.isLocked || void 0 !== c && c) ? a : void 0
let gQ = function (a, b) {
a = a.emojiShortcutMap[b.toLocaleLowerCase()];
return !a || a.isLocked ? null : a
function resultAddText(r, text) {
if (typeof text === 'string' && text.length >= 1) {
r.push({ text: text });
function resultAddEmoji(r, emoji) {
if (emoji && typeof emoji === 'object') {
r.push({ emoji: emoji });
cQ.prototype.createDocumentFragment = function(a, b, c, d) {
b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
c = void 0 === c ? !0 : c;
d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
a = a.replace($kb, "");
for (var e = document.createDocumentFragment(), g = 0, k, m = 0; null != (k = this.emojiRegex.exec(a)); ) {
var p = dQ(this, k[0]) || gQ(this, k[0]);
!p || p.isCustomEmoji && !b || (p = this.createEmoji(p, c),
g !== k.index && e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a.substring(g, k.index))),
g = k.index + k[0].length,
if (!d || m)
return e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a.substr(g))),
cQ.prototype.createEmoji = function(a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? !0 : b;
var c = document.createElement("img");
a.isCustomEmoji && !x("render_custom_emojis_as_small_images") || c.classList.add("small-emoji");
c.src = a.image ? $C(a.image.thumbnails, this.emojiSize) || "" : "";
var d = void 0;
a.image && a.image.accessibility && a.image.accessibility.accessibilityData && (d = a.image.accessibility.accessibilityData.label);
c.alt = d ? d : (a.isCustomEmoji && a.shortcuts ? a.shortcuts[0] : a.emojiId) || "";
a.isCustomEmoji && (c.dataset.emojiId = a.emojiId);
ce && (c.setAttribute("contenteditable", "false"),
c.setAttribute("unselectable", "on"));
b && (a.shortcuts && a.shortcuts.length && c.setAttribute("shared-tooltip-text", a.shortcuts[0]),
c.id = "emoji-" + Vkb++);
return c
function createEmojiMX(a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? !0 : b;
var c = document.createElement("img");
a.isCustomEmoji && !x("render_custom_emojis_as_small_images") || c.classList.add("small-emoji");
c.src = a.image ? $C(a.image.thumbnails, this.emojiSize) || "" : "";
var d = void 0;
a.image && a.image.accessibility && a.image.accessibility.accessibilityData && (d = a.image.accessibility.accessibilityData.label);
c.alt = d ? d : (a.isCustomEmoji && a.shortcuts ? a.shortcuts[0] : a.emojiId) || "";
a.isCustomEmoji && (c.dataset.emojiId = a.emojiId);
ce && (c.setAttribute("contenteditable", "false"),
c.setAttribute("unselectable", "on"));
b && (a.shortcuts && a.shortcuts.length && c.setAttribute("shared-tooltip-text", a.shortcuts[0]),
c.id = "emoji-" + Vkb++);
return c
try {
const emoji = message.emoji;
const className = `small-emoji emoji yt-formatted-string style-scope yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer`
const src = () => `${emoji.image.thumbnails[0].url}`
const alt = () => emoji.image?.accessibility?.accessibilityData?.label || '';
const tooltipText = () => emoji.shortcuts?.[0] || '';
const emojiId = () => emoji.emojiId || '';
const isCustomEmoji = () => emoji.isCustomEmoji || false;
const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(data);
if (dataMutable) {
const emojiElementId = `emoji-${dataMutable.tooltips.size + 1}`;
dataMutable.tooltips.set(emojiElementId, createStore({
displayedTooltipText: ''
const displayedTooltipText = () => {
const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(data);
const [emojiDataStore, emojiDataStoreSet] = dataMutable.tooltips.get(emojiElementId);
return emojiDataStore.displayedTooltipText
return html`<img id="${emojiElementId}" class="${className}" src="${src}" alt="${alt}" shared-tooltip-text="${tooltipText}" data-emoji-id="${emojiId}" is-custom-emoji="${isCustomEmoji}" /><bst-tooltip>${displayedTooltipText}</bst-tooltip>`
} else {
return '';
} catch (e) {
return a;
function fixMessagesForEmoji(a, b, c, d) {
b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b; // false
c = void 0 === c ? !0 : c; // true
d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d; // false
a = a.replace($kb, "");
// let e = document.createDocumentFragment();
const r = [];
let g = 0;
let k;
let m = 0;
for (; null != (k = this.emojiRegex.exec(a));) {
var p = dQ(this, k[0]) || gQ(this, k[0]);
!p || p.isCustomEmoji && !b || (p = createEmojiMX.call(this, p, c),
g !== k.index && resultAddText(r, a.substring(g, k.index)),
resultAddEmoji(r, p),
g = k.index + k[0].length,
// if (!d || m) return e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a.substr(g))), e;
return resultAddText(r, a.substr(g)), r;
return fixMessagesForEmoji;
whenCEDefined('yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer').then(() => {
let dummy;
let cProto;
dummy = document.createElement('yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer');
if (!(dummy instanceof Element)) return;
cProto = insp(dummy).constructor.prototype;
cProto.connectedCallback882 = cProto.connectedCallback;
// share same objects
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
let wliveChatTextMessageRenderer = null;
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
let wliveChatTextInputRenderer = null;
// ....
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
let messageList;
/** @type {IntersectionObserver} */
let ioMessageList = null;
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
let _messageOverflowAnchor = null;
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
let _bstMain = null;
const wAttachRoot = new WeakMap();
let _flushed = 0;
// let bstMainScrollCount = 0;
const ioMessageListCallback = (entries) => {
for (const entry of entries) {
const target = entry?.target;
const extra = getExtra(target);
if (extra && typeof extra.interceptionRatioChange === 'function') {
if (entry.rootBounds && (entry.rootBounds.height > 1 && entry.rootBounds.width > 1)) {
const ioMessageListCleanup = () => {
if (ioMessageList) {
ioMessageList = null;
const addMessageOverflowAnchorToShadow = function (attachRoot) {
const messageOverflowAnchor = document.createElement('div');
messageOverflowAnchor.className = 'bst-overflow-anchor';
let anchorVisible = false;
const iooa = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
if (_flushed) { // avoid initial check (not yet flushed)
anchorVisible = entries[entries.length - 1].isIntersecting === true;
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (!anchorVisible) {
} else {
}, { root: null, threshold: [0.05, 0.95], rootMargin: '0px' });
_messageOverflowAnchor = messageOverflowAnchor;
cProto.computeIsEmpty_ = function () {
mme = this;
return !(this.visibleItems?.length || 0);
cProto._flag0281_ = _flag0281_;
cProto.setupBoostChat = function () {
let targetElement = (this.$.items || this.$['item-offset']);
if (!targetElement) return;
// if(!this.visibleItems__) this.visibleItems__ = [];
// this.visibleItemsCount = 0;
targetElement = targetElement.closest('#item-offset.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer') || targetElement;
const bstMain = document.createElement('div');
const hostElement = this.hostElement;
const fragment = new DocumentFragment();
const noscript = document.createElement('noscript');
appendChild.call(noscript, (wliveChatTextMessageRenderer || (wliveChatTextMessageRenderer = document.createElement('yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer'))));
appendChild.call(noscript, (wliveChatTextInputRenderer || (wliveChatTextInputRenderer = document.createElement('yt-live-chat-text-input-field-renderer'))));
fragmentAppendChild.call(fragment, noscript);
fragmentAppendChild.call(fragment, bstMain);
const dummyItems = document.createElement('div');
dummyItems.id = 'items';
dummyItems.style.display = 'none';
const dummyItemOffset = document.createElement('div');
dummyItemOffset.id = 'item-offset';
dummyItemOffset.style.display = 'none';
appendChild.call(dummyItemOffset, dummyItems);
fragmentAppendChild.call(fragment, dummyItemOffset);
replaceWith.call(targetElement, fragment);
sharedNoscript = noscript;
const shadowRoot = USE_SHADOWROOT ? bstMain.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }) : null;
const attachRoot = (USE_SHADOWROOT ? shadowRoot : bstMain);
const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(ioMessageListCallback, { root: bstMain, threshold: [0.05, 0.95] });
wAttachRoot.set(hostElement, {
bstMain.addEventListener('scroll', (a) => {
// bstMainScrollCount++;
}, false);
_bstMain = bstMain;
document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = `${cssTexts.outer}`;
attachRoot.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = `${cssTexts.inner}`;
messageList = document.createElement('div')
messageList.className = 'bst-message-list';
messageList.getListRendererCnt = () => {
let cnt = wliveChatTextMessageRenderer ? insp(wliveChatTextMessageRenderer) : null;
while (cnt && cnt.is) {
if (cnt.emojiManager) break;
cnt = cnt.parentComponent;
if (!cnt) break;
cnt = insp(cnt);
return cnt;
messageList.getInputRendererCnt = () => {
let cnt = wliveChatTextInputRenderer ? insp(wliveChatTextInputRenderer) : null;
return cnt;
const [visibleCount, visibleCountChange] = createSignal();
messageList.visibleCount = visibleCount;
// const mm = shadow.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
// const [solidBuild, solidBuildSet] = createStore({
// list: []
// }, { equals: false });
const [solidBuild, solidBuildSet] = createSignal([], { equals: false });
this.setupVisibleItemsList(solidBuild, solidBuildSet);
messageList.solidBuild = solidBuild;
messageList.solidBuildSet = solidBuildSet;
createEffect(() => {
solidBuild() && (ezPr !== null) && Promise.resolve([ezPr]).then(h => h[0].resolve());
const isListEmpty = createMemo(() => solidBuild().length < 1);
createEffect(() => {
const cEmpty = isListEmpty();
const change = (cEmpty) ^ (!!this.isEmpty);
if (change) {
this._setPendingProperty('isEmpty', cEmpty, !0) && this._invalidateProperties()
const [profileCard, profileCardSet] = createStore({
wElement: null,
top: -1,
showOnTop: null,
iconUrl: null,
username: null,
profileUrl: null,
onCrossClick: () => {
wElement: null,
top: -1,
showOnTop: null,
iconUrl: null,
username: null,
profileUrl: null,
if (this.atBottom === true && this.allowScroll === false && this.contextMenuOpen === true) this.contextMenuOpen = false;
messageList.profileCard = profileCard;
messageList.profileCardSet = profileCardSet;
render(SolidMessageList.bind(null, solidBuild, profileCard), messageList);
addMessageOverflowAnchorToShadow.call(this, attachRoot);
let mouseEntered = null;
const getTooltip = (emojiElement) => {
const entry = emojiElement ? emojiElement.closest('.bst-message-entry') : null;
const dataMutable = entry ? mutableWM.get(entry) : null;
return dataMutable ? dataMutable.tooltips.get(emojiElement.id) : null;
const leaveEmoji = (emojiElement) => {
const tooltip = getTooltip(emojiElement);
if (tooltip) {
const [emojiDataStore, emojiDataStoreSet] = tooltip;
emojiDataStoreSet({ displayedTooltipText: '' });
messageList.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (evt) {
if (mouseEntered) {
mouseEntered = null;
const target = evt.target;
if ((target instanceof HTMLImageElement) || (target instanceof HTMLElement && target.nodeName === 'YT-ICON')) {
if (target.hasAttribute('shared-tooltip-text')) {
mouseEntered = target;
const emojiElement = target;
const tooltip = getTooltip(emojiElement);
const [emojiDataStore, emojiDataStoreSet] = tooltip;
emojiDataStoreSet({ displayedTooltipText: emojiElement.getAttribute('shared-tooltip-text') });
// emojiData.displayedTooltipText = evt.target.getAttribute('shared-tooltip-text')
// console.log(10, evt.target.getAttribute('shared-tooltip-text'))
}, true)
messageList.addEventListener('mouseleave', function (evt) {
const target = evt.target;
if (target === mouseEntered && mouseEntered) {
mouseEntered = null;
const emojiElement = target;
// console.log(12, evt.target.getAttribute('shared-tooltip-text'))
}, true);
const onNameFieldClick = (target, messageEntry, nameField) => {
const extra = getExtra(messageEntry);
if (!extra) return;
const data = extra.getReactiveData();
if (!data) return;
if (this.atBottom === true && this.allowScroll === true && this.contextMenuOpen === false) this.contextMenuOpen = true;
let r1 = nameField.getBoundingClientRect();
let fTop = r1.top - messageList.getBoundingClientRect().top;
let fBottom = fTop + r1.height;
wElement: mWeakRef(messageEntry),
showOnTop: messageEntry.getAttribute('view-pos') === 'down',
iconUrl: data.getProfilePic(64, -1),
username: data.bst('getUsername'),
profileUrl: data.bst('authorAboutPage')
console.log( '[bst] onNameFieldClick', Object.assign({}, unwrap(data)));
messageList.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
const currentElement = kRef(profileCard.wElement);
let b = false;
const target = evt?.target;
if (target) {
const messageEntry = target.closest('.bst-message-entry');
if (messageEntry) {
const nameField = target.closest('.bst-name-field');
if (nameField) {
onNameFieldClick(target, messageEntry, nameField);
b = true;
if (!b && currentElement && !target.closest('.bst-profile-card')) {
// console.log('click', target); // TODO
const attributeFn = () => {
if (!messageList) return;
const isDark = document.documentElement.hasAttribute('dark')
if (isDark) _setAttribute.call(messageList, 'dark', '');
else _removeAttribute.call(messageList, 'dark');
(new MutationObserver(attributeFn)).observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
// yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer
// const lcrAttributeFn = () => {
// // if (!messageList) return;
// // let isDark = document.documentElement.hasAttribute('dark')
// // if (isDark) _setAttribute.call(messageList, 'dark', '');
// // else _removeAttribute.call(messageList, 'dark');
// };
// (new MutationObserver(lcrAttributeFn)).observe(this.hostElement, { attributes: true });
// lcrAttributeFn();
ioMessageList = intersectionObserver;
createEffect(() => {
const list = solidBuild();
let j = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const mutable = mutableWM.get(list[i]);
if (typeof mutable?.viewVisible === 'function' && typeof mutable?.viewVisibleIdxChange === 'function') {
if (mutable?.viewVisible()) {
} else {
// const
// shadow.appendChild(document.createElement('div')).className = 'bst-message-entry';
function getAuthor(o) {
if (o?.rendererFlag === 1) {
return o?.header?.liveChatSponsorshipsHeaderRenderer;
return o;
function getProfilePic(min, max) {
let w = getAuthor(this)?.authorPhoto || 0;
w = w.thumbnails || w;
if (w) {
if (w.url) return w.url;
if (typeof w === 'string') return w;
if (w.length >= 0) {
const url = getThumbnail(w, min, max);
if (url) return url;
return null;
function getStickerURL(min, max) {
let w = this.sticker || 0;
w = w.thumbnails || w;
if (w) {
if (w.url) return w.url;
if (typeof w === 'string') return w;
if (w.length >= 0) {
const url = getThumbnail(w, min, max);
if (url) return url;
return null;
const fixMessages = (messages) => {
const cnt = messageList?.getInputRendererCnt() || null;
if (!cnt) return messages;
let res = [];
for (const message of messages) {
if (typeof message.text === 'string') {
let r;
try {
r = fixMessagesForEmoji.call(cnt.emojiManager, message.text)
} catch (e) {
if (r && r.length === 1 && r[0].text) {
res.push(message); // eg. hyperlink
} else if (r && r.length >= 1) {
// res.push(...r);
inPlaceArrayPush(res, r);
} else {
// console.log(199, r)
let Wkb = /tone[1-5]/
, Xkb = " \uD83C\uDFFB \uD83C\uDFFC \uD83C\uDFFD \uD83C\uDFFE \uD83C\uDFFF".split(" ")
, Ykb = "UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/COLRg9qOwdQCFce-qgodrbsLaA UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CMKC7uKOwdQCFce-qgodqbsLaA UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CJiQ8uiOwdQCFcx9qgodysAOHg UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CI3h3uDJitgCFdARTgodejsFWg UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CI69oYTKitgCFdaPTgodsHsP5g UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CKzQr47KitgCFdCITgodq6EJZg UCzC5CNksIBaiT-NdMJjJNOQ/CPGD8Iu8kN4CFREChAod9OkLmg".split(" ")
, $kb = RegExp("\uFE0F", "g")
let b = false;
let c= true;
let d = false;
a = a.replace($kb, "");
for (var e = document.createDocumentFragment(), g = 0, k, m = 0; null != (k = this.emojiRegex.exec(a)); ) {
var p = dQ(this, k[0]) || gQ(this, k[0]);
!p || p.isCustomEmoji && !b || (p = this.createEmoji(p, c),
g !== k.index && e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a.substring(g, k.index))),
g = k.index + k[0].length,
if (!d || m)
return e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a.substr(g))),
} else {
cQ.prototype.createDocumentFragment = function(a, b, c, d) {
b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
c = void 0 === c ? !0 : c;
d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
a = a.replace($kb, "");
for (var e = document.createDocumentFragment(), g = 0, k, m = 0; null != (k = this.emojiRegex.exec(a)); ) {
var p = dQ(this, k[0]) || gQ(this, k[0]);
!p || p.isCustomEmoji && !b || (p = this.createEmoji(p, c),
g !== k.index && e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a.substring(g, k.index))),
g = k.index + k[0].length,
if (!d || m)
return e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a.substr(g))),
return res;
const convertMessage = function () {
let message = this.rendererFlag === 1 ? this.header?.liveChatSponsorshipsHeaderRenderer?.primaryText : this.message;
if (typeof (message || 0) !== 'object') return [];
let t;
if ((t = message.simpleText) && typeof t === 'string') {
message = [{ text: t }];
} else if ((t = message.runs) && t.length >= 0) {
message = t;
} else {
message = [];
return fixMessages(message);
function bst(prop) {
if (prop === 'getUsername') {
const authorName = this.rendererFlag === 1 ? this.header?.liveChatSponsorshipsHeaderRenderer?.authorName : this.authorName;
return convertYTtext(authorName);
} else if (prop === 'hasMessageBody') {
const message = this.rendererFlag === 1 ? this.header?.liveChatSponsorshipsHeaderRenderer?.primaryText : this.message;
if (typeof (message || 0) !== 'object') return false;
if (message.simpleText) return true;
const runs = message.runs;
return runs && runs.length && runs[0];
} else if (prop === 'messages') {
return this.messageFixed;
} else if (prop === 'authorBadges') {
const badges = getAuthor(this)?.authorBadges;
if (typeof (badges || 0) !== 'object') return null;
return badges;
} else if (prop === 'authorType') {
function bP(a) {
return a ? a.icon ? a.icon.iconType.toLowerCase() : a.customThumbnail ? "member" : "" : ""
if (!this.authorBadges || !(this.authorBadges.length >= 1)) return '';
for (const badge of this.authorBadges) {
const r = badge ? badge.liveChatAuthorBadgeRenderer : null;
if (r && (b = (bP(r))) && "verified" !== b) {
return b;
return ''
} else if (prop === 'shouldHighlight') {
const authorType = this.bst('authorType');
return authorType === 'owner';
} else if (prop === 'timestampText') {
if (this.timestampText) return convertYTtext(this.timestampText);
const ts = +this.timestampUsec / 1000;
if (ts > 1107183600000) {
const now = Date.now();
if (ts < (now + 120000)) {
return new Date(ts).toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: "numeric", minute: "2-digit" });
return null;
} else if (prop === 'authorExternalChannelId') {
return this.authorExternalChannelId;
} else if (prop === 'authorAboutPage') {
return `https://www.youtube.com/channel/${this.authorExternalChannelId}/about`;
cProto.setAtBottomTrue = function () {
if (this.atBottom === false) {
this.atBottom = true;
if (this.activeItems_.length > 0) this.flushActiveItems_();
cProto.setAtBottomFalse = function () {
if (this.atBottom === true) {
this.atBottom = false;
cProto.__notRequired__ = (cProto.__notRequired__ || 0) | 256;
cProto.setAtBottom = (...args) => {
console.log('[bst] setAtBottom', 583, ...args)
const scrollToEnd = () => {
if (messageList && _messageOverflowAnchor && _bstMain) {
_bstMain.scrollTop = _messageOverflowAnchor.offsetTop + 5;
cProto.atBottomChanged_ = function (a) {
// var b = this;
// a ? this.hideShowMoreAsync_ || (this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = kw(function() {
// O(b.hostElement).querySelector("#show-more").style.visibility = "hidden"
// }, 200)) : (this.hideShowMoreAsync_ && lw(this.hideShowMoreAsync_),
// this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = null,
// O(this.hostElement).querySelector("#show-more").style.visibility = "visible")
// console.log('atBottomChanged_')
cProto.smoothScroll_ = function () {
cProto.resetSmoothScroll_ = function () {
this.scrollTimeRemainingMs_ = this.scrollPixelsRemaining_ = 0;
this.lastSmoothScrollUpdate_ = null;
this.smoothScrollRafHandle_ && window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.smoothScrollRafHandle_);
this.smoothScrollRafHandle_ = null;
cProto.isSmoothScrollEnabled_ = function () {
return false;
cProto.maybeAddDockableMessage17_ = cProto.maybeAddDockableMessage_;
cProto.maybeAddDockableMessage_ = function (a) {
console.log('[bst] maybeAddDockableMessage_', 791, a)
return this.maybeAddDockableMessage17_(a)
cProto.forEachItem_ = function (a) {
// mme = this
let status = 0;
let i;
try {
status = 1;
i = 0;
for (const t of this.visibleItems) {
a.call(this, "visibleItems", t, i++)
status = 2;
i = 0;
for (const t of this.activeItems_) {
a.call(this, "activeItems_", t, i++);
status = 3;
} catch (e) {
console.error('forEachItem_', status, i, this.visibleItems.length, this.activeItems_.length)
cProto.computeVisibleItems17 = cProto.computeVisibleItems;
cProto.computeVisibleItems = function (a, b) {
console.log('[bst] computeVisibleItems', 791, a, b)
// if(!this.visibleItems__) this.visibleItems__ = [];
// return this.visibleItems__;
return this.computeVisibleItems17(a, b);
const replaceObject = (dist, src) => {
const flushItem = dist;
if (flushItem) {
for (const k of Object.keys(flushItem)) {
flushItem[k] = undefined
Object.assign(flushItem, src);
return true;
return false;
function prettyPrint(obj, indent = 2) {
const cache = new Set();
function stringify(obj, level = 0) {
const indentStr = ' '.repeat(level * indent);
const nextIndentStr = ' '.repeat((level + 1) * indent);
if (obj === null) return 'null';
if (typeof obj === 'undefined') return 'undefined';
if (typeof obj === 'string') return `"${obj}"`;
if (typeof obj === 'number' || typeof obj === 'boolean') return String(obj);
if (typeof obj === 'function') return '[[ Function ]]';
if (typeof obj !== 'object') return String(obj);
if (cache.has(obj)) {
return '[Circular]';
if (obj instanceof Node) {
return `[[ ${obj.constructor.name} ]]`;
const entries = Object.entries(obj);
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
const items = entries.map(([key, value]) => {
return `${nextIndentStr}${stringify(value, level + 1)}`;
return `[\n${items}\n${indentStr}]`;
} else {
const items = entries.map(([key, value]) => {
return `${nextIndentStr}${key}: ${stringify(value, level + 1)}`;
return `{\n${items}\n${indentStr}}`;
return stringify(obj);
cProto.handleAddChatItemAction_ = function (a) {
let c = a.item
, fk = (firstObjectKey(c) || '');
let e = c[fk]
, replaceExistingItem = false;
if (a && e && a.clientId && !e.__clientId__) e.__clientId__ = a.clientId;
if (a && e && a.clientMessageId && !e.__clientMessageId__) e.__clientMessageId__ = a.clientMessageId;
// to be reviewed for performance issue // TODO
const aClientId = a.clientId || ''; // for user client request
const eId = e.id || ''; // for network content update
const replacementTo = []; // expected number of entries - less than or equal to 1
this.forEachItem_(function (tag, p, idx) {
const aObjId = (p[fk] || 0).id || undefined;
if (aObjId === aClientId || aObjId === eId) {
replacementTo.push([tag, p, idx]);
if (replacementTo.length > 0) {
if (replacementTo.length > 1) {
console.error('replacementTo.length > 1', replacementTo.slice(0));
// replacementTo.splice(0, replacementTo.length - 1);
for (const entry of replacementTo) {
const [tag, p, idx] = entry;
// const aObj = p[fk];
if ("visibleItems" === tag) {
const list = messageList.solidBuild();
const bObj = list[idx];
const dataMutable = (bObj ? mutableWM.get(bObj) : null) || 0;
if (typeof dataMutable.bObjChange === 'function') {
// console.log(' ===== pV ====')
// console.dir(prettyPrint(p))
// console.log(' ===== cV ====')
// console.dir(prettyPrint(c))
if (replaceObject(p, c)) {
replaceExistingItem = true; // to be added if not matched
// console.log('replaceObject(visibleItems)', p);
} else { // activeItems_
// console.log(' ===== pA ====')
// console.dir(prettyPrint(p))
// console.log(' ===== cA ====')
// console.dir(prettyPrint(c))
if (replaceObject(p, c)) {
replaceExistingItem = true;
// console.log('replaceObject(activeItems_)', p);
replacementTo.length = 0;
const d = this.get("stickinessParams.dockAtTopDurationMs", a) || 0;
if (d) {
const k = messageList ? messageList.querySelector(`[message-id="${e.id}"]`) : null;
k ? this.maybeAddDockableMessage_(k) : (this.itemIdToDockDurationMap[e.id] = d);
replaceExistingItem || this.activeItems_.push(c);
cProto.handleLiveChatActions_ = function (a) {
// console.log(883,a) // TODO
if (a.length) {
for (const t of a) {
// this.maybeResizeScrollContainer_(a);
if (this.activeItems_.length > 0) this.flushActiveItems_();
// kw(function() {
// b.maybeScrollToBottom_()
// });
if (!cProto.handleRemoveChatItemAction72_ && typeof cProto.handleRemoveChatItemAction_ === 'function' && cProto.handleRemoveChatItemAction_.length === 1) {
cProto.handleRemoveChatItemAction72_ = cProto.handleRemoveChatItemAction_;
cProto.handleRemoveChatItemAction_ = function (a) {
const aTargetItemId = a.targetItemId;
if (!aTargetItemId) return this.handleRemoveChatItemAction72_(a)
const entries = [];
this.forEachItem_(function (tag, p, idx) {
const k = p ? firstObjectKey(p) : null;
const aObj = k ? p[k] : null;
if (aObj && aObj.id === aTargetItemId) {
entries.push([tag, idx]);
if (entries.length >= 1) {
if (entries.length > 1) console.warn('entries.length >= 1');
for (const entry of entries) {
const [tag, idx] = entry;
this.splice(tag, idx, 1);
if (tag === "visibleItems") this.resetSmoothScroll_();
if (!cProto.handleReplaceChatItemAction72_ && typeof cProto.handleReplaceChatItemAction_ === 'function' && cProto.handleReplaceChatItemAction_.length === 1) {
cProto.handleReplaceChatItemAction72_ = cProto.handleReplaceChatItemAction_;
cProto.handleReplaceChatItemAction_ = function (a) {
const aTargetItemId = a.targetItemId;
const aReplacementItem = a.replacementItem;
if (!aTargetItemId || !aReplacementItem) return this.handleReplaceChatItemAction72_(a)
const itemKey = firstObjectKey(aReplacementItem);
const rendererItem = itemKey ? aReplacementItem[itemKey] : null;
if (!rendererItem) return this.handleReplaceChatItemAction72_(a)
const entries = [];
this.forEachItem_(function (tag, p, idx) {
const k = p ? firstObjectKey(p) : null;
const aObj = k ? p[k] : null;
if (aObj && aObj.id === aTargetItemId) {
entries.push([tag, p, idx]);
if (entries.length >= 1) {
if (entries.length > 1) console.warn('entries.length >= 1');
for (const entry of entries) {
const [tag, p, idx] = entry;
if (tag === "visibleItems") {
// this.splice(tag, idx, 1, aReplacementItem)
const list = messageList.solidBuild();
const bObj = list[idx];
const dataMutable = (bObj ? mutableWM.get(bObj) : null) || 0;
if (typeof dataMutable.bObjChange === 'function') {
if (replaceObject(p, aReplacementItem)) {
// replaceExistingItem = true;
} else {
// this.activeItems_[idx] = aReplacementItem;
if (replaceObject(p, aReplacementItem)) {
// replaceExistingItem = true;
f.handleReplaceChatItemAction_ = function(a) {
var b = this
, c = a.replacementItem;
this.forEachItem_(function(d, e, g) {
var k = Object.keys(e)[0];
(e = e[k]) && e.id === a.targetItemId && (d === "visibleItems" ? (b.splice(d, g, 1, c),
b.resetSmoothScroll_()) : b.activeItems_[g] = c)
399 splice Error
at Array.splice (chrome-extension://fjkkdihifokoajcdnhdhmcdpifmkgeid/YouTube%20Boost%20Chat.user.js#204:136:31)
at a.splice (https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/a7b1ec23/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js:2405:190)
at e.<anonymous> (https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/a7b1ec23/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js:11638:148)
at cProto.forEachItem_ (chrome-extension://fjkkdihifokoajcdnhdhmcdpifmkgeid/YouTube%20Boost%20Chat.user.js#204:3219:13)
at f.handleRemoveChatItemAction_ (https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/a7b1ec23/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js:11638:59)
at f.handleLiveChatAction_ (https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/a7b1ec23/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js:11627:29)
at cProto.handleLiveChatActions_ (chrome-extension://fjkkdihifokoajcdnhdhmcdpifmkgeid/YouTube%20Boost%20Chat.user.js#204:3372:16)
at https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/a7b1ec23/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js:1216:63
at https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/a7b1ec23/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js:3173:62
at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)
f.handleRemoveChatItemAction_ = function(a) {
var b = this;
this.forEachItem_(function(c, d, e) {
var g = Object.keys(d)[0];
(d = d[g]) && d.id === a.targetItemId && (b.splice(c, e, 1),
c === "visibleItems" && b.resetSmoothScroll_())
cProto.setupVisibleItemsList = function (solidBuild, solidBuildSet) {
if (this.visibleItems instanceof Array && !(this.visibleItems instanceof VisibleItemList)) {
const q = this.visibleItems;
const p = this.visibleItems.slice();
this.visibleItems = new VisibleItemList(solidBuild, solidBuildSet);
p.length >= 1 && inPlaceArrayPush(this.visibleItems, p);
p.length = 0;
q.length = 0;
cProto.clearList = function () {
if (!this.clearCount) this.clearCount = 1;
if (this.clearCount > 1e9) this.clearCount = 9;
if (this.activeItems_) this.activeItems_.length = 0;
// this.setupVisibleItemsList();
if (this.visibleItems && (this.visibleItems.length > 0)) {
if (typeof this.visibleItems.bypass === 'boolean') this.visibleItems.bypass = true;
this.visibleItems.length = 0;
if (typeof this.visibleItems.bypass === 'boolean') this.visibleItems.bypass = false;
if (messageList) {
messageList.solidBuildSet(a => ((a.length = 0), a));
if (!this.activeItems_.length && !this.visibleItems.length) {
// condition check for just in case
this.dockableMessages = [];
this.isSmoothed_ = !0;
this.lastSmoothChatMessageAddMs_ = null;
this.chatRateMs_ = 1E3;
this.lastSmoothScrollClockTime_ = this.lastSmoothScrollUpdate_ = null;
this.scrollTimeRemainingMs_ = this.scrollPixelsRemaining_ = 0;
this.smoothScrollRafHandle_ = null;
this.preinsertHeight_ = 0;
this.itemIdToDockDurationMap = {};
// this.maybeResizeScrollContainer_([]);
// this.items.style.transform = "";
// this.atBottom || this.scrollToBottom_()
cProto.clearList = function() {
window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.scrollClampRaf || 0);
// lw(this.scrollStopHandle || 0);
window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.asyncHandle || 0);
this.items = [];
this.asyncHandle = null;
this.shouldAnimateIn = !1;
this.scrollClampRaf = this.lastFrameTimestamp = null;
this.scrollStartTime = this.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond = 0;
this.scrollStopHandle = null
onScroll: function() {
var a = Date.now();
50 > a - this.lastHandledScroll_ || (this.lastHandledScroll_ = a,
// no need
cProto.onScrollItems_ = function (a) {
// console.log('onScrollItems_', 583, )
// this.setAtBottom();
// this.flushActiveItems_();
cProto.__notRequired__ = (cProto.__notRequired__ || 0) | 512;
cProto.scrollToBottom_ = function () {
// console.log(1882)
flushPE(async () => {
// this.itemScroller.scrollTop = Math.pow(2, 24);
// this.atBottom = !0
cProto.showNewItems_ = function (...args) {
console.log('[bst] showNewItems_', 583, ...args)
cProto.refreshOffsetContainerHeight_ = function () {
console.log('[bst] refreshOffsetContainerHeight_', 583, ...args)
cProto.maybeResizeScrollContainer_ = function (...args) {
console.log('[bst] maybeResizeScrollContainer_', 583, ...args)
this.push.apply(this, this.activeItems_)
// c = visibleItems
a=Array of ... [pending visibleItems]
// g = this.visibleItems
a.prototype.push = function(c) {
var d = Ta.apply(1, arguments)
, e = {
path: ""
, g = lu(this, c, e)
, k = g.length
, m = g.push.apply(g, la(d));
d.length && pu(this, g, e.path, k, d.length, []);
return m
function getUID(aObj) {
return `${aObj.authorExternalChannelId}:${aObj.timestampUsec}`
function convertAObj(aObj, aKey) {
aObj.uid = getUID(aObj);
if (aKey && typeof aKey === 'string') aObj.aKey = aKey;
if (aObj.aKey === "liveChatSponsorshipsGiftPurchaseAnnouncementRenderer") {
aObj.rendererFlag = 1;
} else {
aObj.rendererFlag = 0;
aObj.getProfilePic = getProfilePic;
aObj.getStickerURL = getStickerURL;
aObj.bst = bst;
aObj.messageFixed = convertMessage.call(aObj);
return convertAObj;
let nyhaDPr = null;
window.addEventListener('message', (evt) => {
if ((evt || 0).data === 'nyhaD' && nyhaDPr !== null) nyhaDPr.resolve();
const timelineResolve = async () => {
if (nyhaDPr !== null) {
await nyhaDPr.then();
nyhaDPr = new PromiseExternal();
await nyhaDPr.then();
nyhaDPr = null;
const [modiValue, modiValueSet] = createSignal();
const [tartValue, tartValueSet] = createSignal();
// const [ezValue, ezValueSet] = createSignal();
createEffect(() => {
if (modiValue() === tartValue() && mloPr !== null) {
// const isOverflowAnchorSupported = CSS.supports("overflow-anchor", "auto") && CSS.supports("overflow-anchor", "none");
cProto.flushActiveItems37_ = cProto.flushActiveItems_;
cProto.flushActiveItems_ = function () {
const clearCount0 = this.clearCount;
const items = (this.$ || 0).items;
const hostElement = this.hostElement;
if (!(items instanceof Element)) return;
if (!wAttachRoot.has(hostElement)) {
const thisData = this.data;
if (thisData.maxItemsToDisplay > 0) thisData.maxItemsToDisplay = MAX_ITEMS_FOR_TOTAL_DISPLAY;
if (!messageList) return;
if (DEBUG_windowVars) window.__bstFlush01__ = Date.now();
// if(this.hostElement.querySelectorAll('*').length > 40) return;
flushPE(async () => {
// add activeItems_ to visibleItems
// activeItems_ -> clear -> add to visibleItems
// this.setupVisibleItemsList();
if (DEBUG_windowVars) window.__bstFlush02__ = Date.now();
const activeItems_ = this.activeItems_;
const _addLen = activeItems_.length;
// console.log(55, _addLen)
if (_addLen === 0) return;
// if(this.visibleItemsCount > 40) return;
const maxItemsToDisplay = this.data.maxItemsToDisplay;
if (!this.canScrollToBottom_()) {
_addLen > maxItemsToDisplay * 2 && activeItems_.splice(0, _addLen - maxItemsToDisplay)
} else {
if (_addLen > maxItemsToDisplay) {
if (this.visibleItems && (this.visibleItems.length > 0)) {
if (typeof this.visibleItems.bypass === 'boolean') this.visibleItems.bypass = true;
this.visibleItems.length = 0;
if (typeof this.visibleItems.bypass === 'boolean') this.visibleItems.bypass = false;
if (messageList) {
messageList.solidBuildSet(a => ((a.length = 0), a));
activeItems_.splice(0, _addLen - maxItemsToDisplay);
if (DEBUG_windowVars) window.__bstFlush03__ = Date.now();
_flushed = 1;
const items = activeItems_.slice(0);
const pp = this.visibleItems.map(e => {
if (!e) return null;
if (typeof e === 'object') e = Object.values(e)[0] || 0;
return e.id || null;
const fp = pp.filter(e => typeof (e || 0) === 'string')
const cp = fp.filter(e => {
let idx1 = fp.indexOf(e);
if (idx1 >= 0) {
return fp.indexOf(e, idx1 + 1) < 0;
return false;
if (pp.length !== fp.length || fp.length !== cp.length || pp.length !== cp.length) {
console.log(992, pp.length, fp.length, cp.length)
// console.log(9192, 299, items);
// activeItems_.length = 0;
// const crCount = this.clearCount;
// const pEmpty = this.isEmpty;
if (clearCount0 !== this.clearCount) return;
if (this.isAttached !== true) return;
if (items.length === 0) return;
let existingSet = new Set();
for (const entry of this.visibleItems) {
let k = entry ? firstObjectKey(entry) : null;
let p = k ? entry[k] : null;
p && p.id && existingSet.add(p.id);
let rearrangedW = items.map(flushItem => {
const aKey = flushItem ? firstObjectKey(flushItem) : null;
const aObj = aKey ? flushItem[aKey] : null;
if (!aObj) return null;
const id = aObj.id
const uid = getUID(aObj);
if (existingSet.has(id)) return null;
// if (flushKeys.has(uid)) return null;
// flushKeys.add(uid);
return {
aKey, aObj, uid
}).filter(e => !!e);
existingSet = null;
const nd = rearrangedW.length;
if (nd === 0) return;
// await timelineResolve();
await Promise.resolve();
if (clearCount0 !== this.clearCount) return;
if (this.isAttached !== true) return;
const mapToFlushItem = new Map();
// no filtering
const rearrangedFn = entry => {
const {
flushItem, // flushItem is object so it content can be replaced since rearrangedW
aKey, aObj, uid
} = entry;
// flushKeys.removeAdd(uid);
convertAObj(aObj, aKey);
const [bObj, bObjSet] = createStore(aObj);
const createdPromise = new PromiseExternal();
const renderedPromise = new PromiseExternal();
const mutable = {
removeEntryFuncs: new Map(),
tooltips: new Map(),
createdPromise: createdPromise,
renderedPromise: renderedPromise,
removeEntry() {
this.removeEntryFuncs.forEach((f) => {
this.createdPromise = null;
this.renderedPromise = null;
this.removeEntryFuncs = null;
this.tooltips = null;
this.removeEntry = null;
this.setupFn = null;
this.bObjChange = null;
bObjChange(val) {
if (typeof (val || 0) === 'object') {
for (const s of ['authorBadges', 'message']) {
Reflect.has(val, s) || (val[s] = undefined);
Reflect.has(val, s) || (val[s] = undefined);
convertAObj(val, val.aKey || undefined);
setupFn(_messageEntry) {
// console.log(1299, _messageEntry)
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
const messageEntry = _messageEntry;
mutableWM.set(messageEntry, mutable);
const [interceptionRatio, interceptionRatioChange] = createSignal(null);
const [viewVisible, viewVisibleChange] = createSignal(null);
const [viewVisibleIdx, viewVisibleIdxChange] = createSignal(null); // 1 to n
// messageEntry.interceptionRatio = interceptionRatio;
// messageEntry.interceptionRatioChange = interceptionRatioChange;
mutable.viewVisible = viewVisible;
mutable.viewVisibleChange = viewVisibleChange;
mutable.viewVisibleIdx = viewVisibleIdx;
mutable.viewVisibleIdxChange = viewVisibleIdxChange;
setExtra(messageEntry, {
getReactiveData: () => bObj,
interceptionRatioChange: interceptionRatioChange
const bObjChange = mutable.bObjChange;
messageEntry.polymerController = {
set(prop, val) {
if (prop === 'data') {
get data() {
return bObj;
set data(val) {
get dataRaw() {
return aObj;
get authorType() {
function bP(a) {
return a ? a.icon ? a.icon.iconType.toLowerCase() : a.customThumbnail ? "member" : "" : ""
if (!bObj.authorBadges || !(bObj.authorBadges.length >= 1)) return '';
for (const badge of bObj.authorBadges) {
const r = badge ? badge.liveChatAuthorBadgeRenderer : null;
if (r && (b = (bP(r))) && "verified" !== b) {
return b;
return ''
// messageEntry.solidDispose = ()=>{};
// messageEntry.removeEntry = function () {
// removeEntry(this);
// // this.solidDispose();
// }
mutable.removeEntryFuncs.set('baseRemove', () => {
!!(bObj.aKey && bObj.aKey !== 'liveChatTextMessageRenderer') && (() => {
const a = bObj;
const entries = Object.entries({
"--yt-live-chat-disable-highlight-message-author-name-color": colorFromDecimal(a.authorNameTextColor),
"--yt-live-chat-text-input-background-color": colorFromDecimal(a.textInputBackgroundColor),
...(a.aKey === "liveChatPaidMessageRenderer" ? {
"--yt-live-chat-paid-message-primary-color": colorFromDecimal(a.bodyBackgroundColor),
"--yt-live-chat-paid-message-secondary-color": colorFromDecimal(a.headerBackgroundColor),
"--yt-live-chat-paid-message-header-color": colorFromDecimal(a.headerTextColor),
"--yt-live-chat-paid-message-timestamp-color": colorFromDecimal(a.timestampColor),
"--yt-live-chat-paid-message-color": colorFromDecimal(a.bodyTextColor),
} : {
...(a.aKey === "liveChatPaidStickerRenderer" ? {
"--yt-live-chat-paid-sticker-chip-background-color": colorFromDecimal(a.moneyChipBackgroundColor),
"--yt-live-chat-paid-sticker-chip-text-color": colorFromDecimal(a.moneyChipTextColor),
"--yt-live-chat-paid-sticker-background-color": colorFromDecimal(a.backgroundColor),
} : {
if (entries.length >= 1) {
for (const [key, value] of entries) {
if (value) messageEntry.style.setProperty(key, value);
const menuContainer = messageEntry.querySelector('.bst-message-menu-container');
menuContainer.appendChild(document.createElement('yt-icon')).icon= 'yt-icons:more' // 'more_vert';
// messageEntry.onInterception = function(){
// this.
// }
// change on state
createEffect(() => {
const visible = interceptionRatio();
if (visible > 0.9) {
} else if (visible < 0.1) {
// change on state -> change on DOM
// createRenderEffect(() => {
// const v = viewVisible();
// if (v === 1) {
// messageEntry.setAttribute('view-visible', '1');
// } else if (v === 0) {
// messageEntry.removeAttribute('view-visible');
// }
// });
// change on state
const viewVisiblePos = createMemo(() => {
if (!messageList) return;
const viewCount = messageList.visibleCount();
const num = viewVisibleIdx();
if (num >= 1 && viewCount >= 1) {
return (num > (viewCount / 2)) ? 'down' : 'up';
// messageEntry.setAttribute('view-pos', (num > (viewCount / 2)) ? 'down' : 'up');
} else {
return null;
// messageEntry.removeAttribute('view-pos');
// change on state -> change on DOM
createEffect(() => {
const v = viewVisiblePos();
if (v === null) {
_removeAttribute.call(messageEntry, 'view-pos');
} else {
_setAttribute.call(messageEntry, 'view-pos', v);
mutable.viewVisiblePos = viewVisiblePos;
ioMessageList && ioMessageList.observe(messageEntry);
modiValueSet(value => value + 1);
mutableWM.set(bObj, mutable);
mapToFlushItem.set(bObj, flushItem);
return bObj;
const visibleItems = this.visibleItems;
let wasEmpty = false;
let needScrollToEnd = false;
if (visibleItems.length === 0) {
needScrollToEnd = true;
wasEmpty = true;
} else if (this.canScrollToBottom_() === true) {
// try to avoid call offsetHeight or offsetTop directly
const list = messageList.solidBuild();
const bObj = list && list.length ? list[0] : null;
if (bObj) {
const dataMutable = mutableWM.get(bObj);
if (dataMutable && typeof dataMutable.viewVisiblePos === 'function' && typeof dataMutable.viewVisiblePos() === 'string') { // down or up
needScrollToEnd = true;
if (mloPr !== null) mloPr.resolve();
mloPr = null;
mloPrReleaseAt = 0;
const promiseFn = mloPrSetup(messageList, nd - 1);
let target0 = Date.now();
tartValueSet(() => -1);
modiValueSet(() => target0);
let rJ = 0;
let bObjX = null;
const removeFromActiveItems = (flushItem) => {
if (activeItems_.length > 0) {
const index = activeItems_.indexOf(flushItem);
if (index > -1) {
if (index >= 1) {
activeItems_.splice(index, 1);
} else {
return true;
return false;
const loopFunc = (list) => {
const bObj = bObjX;
const flushItem = mapToFlushItem.get(bObj);
const n = list.length - maxItemsToDisplay + 1;
if (n >= 1) {
if (n > 1) {
visibleItems.splice(0, n);
list.splice(0, n);
} else {
return list;
let awaitTime = 0;
// const timeline = new DocumentTimeline;
// const timelines = new Set();
const t1 = performance.now();
if (DEBUG_windowVars) window.__bstFlush04__ = Date.now();
let tq = t1;
let mg = 0;
ezPr = null;
let listChangeCount = 0;
for (; rJ < nd; rJ++) {
if (clearCount0 !== this.clearCount || this.isAttached !== true) {
const j = rJ;
bObjX = rearrangedFn(rearrangedW[j]);
// timelines.add(`${timeline.currentTime}|${tq}`);
mloUz = rJ;
ezPr = new PromiseExternal();
if (ezPr) await ezPr.then();
// if(!wasEmpty && document.visibilityState==='visible') await new Promise(r=>requestAnimationFrame(r))
const tu = performance.now();
if (tu - tq >= 6) {
// if (wasEmpty) scrollToEnd(); // before the last timelineResolve
await timelineResolve();
const tv = performance.now();
awaitTime += Math.round(tv - tu);
tq = tv;
if (ezPr) await ezPr.then();
rearrangedW.length = 0;
rearrangedW = null;
if (listChangeCount > 0) {
mloPrReleaseAt = Date.now() + 100;
const target1 = target0 + listChangeCount;
tartValueSet(() => target1);
if (!mloCond()) { // just in case
// await timelineResolve();
console.log(`flushItems: interupted; rJ=${rJ}; nd=${nd}`);
// await new Promise(resolve=>setTimeout(resolve, 80));
// return;
await promiseFn();
if (DEBUG_windowVars) window.__bstFlush05__ = Date.now();
mloPrReleaseAt = 0;
if (mloPr !== null) mloPr.resolve();
mloPr = null;
if (needScrollToEnd) scrollToEnd(); // before the last timelineResolve
// await timelineResolve();
await Promise.resolve();
if (wasEmpty) messageList.classList.add('bst-listloaded');
const t2 = performance.now();
// let at1 = timeline.currentTime
// console.log(5913,[...timelines], timeline.currentTime)
// while(timeline.currentTime - at1 < 0.008){
// await timelineResolve();
// }
// console.log(5914,[...timelines], timeline.currentTime)
const T = Math.round(t2 - t1);
const t = T - awaitTime;
if (mg > 0) console.log(`flushItems; n=${nd}; t=${t}(T=${T}); mg=${mg}`);
if (nd > 20) console.log(`one-by-one = true <${nd}>; t=${t}(T=${T})`);
const pp = this.visibleItems.map(e => {
if (!e) return null;
if (typeof e === 'object') e = Object.values(e)[0] || 0;
return e.id || null;
const fp = pp.filter(e => typeof (e || 0) === 'string')
const cp = fp.filter(e => {
let idx1 = fp.indexOf(e);
if (idx1 >= 0) {
return fp.indexOf(e, idx1 + 1) < 0;
return false;
if (pp.length !== fp.length || fp.length !== cp.length || pp.length !== cp.length) {
console.log(993, pp.length, fp.length, cp.length)
if (DEBUG_windowVars) window.__bstFlush06__ = Date.now();
// await timelineResolve();
// const tn2 = performance.now();
// console.log('tn', tn2-tn1);