Car Specification for Torn Races

Replace specified texts on the Torn Racing page

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v1.10 29/12/2024

    Fixed matching of multiple classes

  • v1.9 29/12/2024
  • v1.8 11/12/2024

    Added wildcard to match URL

  • v1.7 27/09/2024

    Re added dashes again because of some mishap

  • v1.6 26/09/2024


  • v1.5 26/09/2024

    Limited the text replacement only to a specific divs, to not override the text everywhere

  • v1.4 25/09/2024

    Added dash to separate the car suggestion and track name

  • v1.3 25/09/2024

    Added toggle to switch between new and old car names

  • v1.2 25/09/2024
  • v1.1 24/09/2024
  • v1.0 24/09/2024
  • v1.4 24/09/2024