Bypass Telegram's saving content restrictions for media and text; batch download media from selected messages
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not working with videos in some discussion
Just checked and everything still works on my end in Telegram WebK 2.0.0 (471)
Only some icons needed to be fixed.
I think someone mentioned problems with downloading large videos (more than 1 GB). Are your videos also big in size?
Tested downloading of big restricted files and videos: worked fine for 1.2 GB and 1.8 GB. So there shouldn't be any issues.
I have tried videos in small size. It does not seem to work with private discussions/private group chats.
Strange, that's exactly what I tested: downloading restricted media in a private group and a private channel.
If you could post some errors in console (F12) after you click the 📥 Download button, maybe I'll be able to fix it.
telegram is updated to much , not work today , please check ,