[Pokeclicker] Auto Battle Items

Automates the usage of Battle Items as effectively and efficiently as possible. Now includes which items you would like to automate specifically and being able to toggle them.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          [Pokeclicker] Auto Battle Items
// @namespace     Pokeclicker Scripts
// @author        Ephenia
// @description   Automates the usage of Battle Items as effectively and efficiently as possible. Now includes which items you would like to automate specifically and being able to toggle them.
// @copyright     https://github.com/Ephenia
// @license       GPL-3.0 License
// @version       1.1.2

// @homepageURL   https://github.com/Ephenia/Pokeclicker-Scripts/
// @supportURL    https://github.com/Ephenia/Pokeclicker-Scripts/issues

// @match         https://www.pokeclicker.com/
// @icon          https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=pokeclicker.com
// @grant         unsafeWindow
// @run-at        document-idle
// ==/UserScript==

var battleItemState;
var itemABLoop;
var ItemABPrefs;

function initAutoBattleItems() {
    const battleItemDisplay = document.getElementById('battleItemContainer');
    battleItemDisplay.querySelector('.card-header').outerHTML += `<button id= "auto-battle-items" class="btn btn-sm btn-${battleItemState ? 'success' : 'danger'}" style="position: absolute;left: 0px;top: 0px;width: 65px;height: 41px;font-size: 7pt;">
    Auto Use [${battleItemState ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}]
    document.getElementById('auto-battle-items').addEventListener('click', event => { switchABItems(event); });

    //Specific Battle Items Toggling
    const battleItemTop = battleItemDisplay.querySelectorAll('.amount.p-0');
    for (let i = 0; i < battleItemTop.length; i++) {
        battleItemTop[i].setAttribute('data-src', i);
        backColor(ItemABPrefs[i], battleItemTop[i]);
        battleItemTop[i].addEventListener('click', event => { toggleABItems(event); });

    function toggleABItems(event) {
        const element = event.target;
        const index = +element.getAttribute('data-src');
        ItemABPrefs[index] = !ItemABPrefs[index];
        backColor(ItemABPrefs[index], element);
        localStorage.setItem("toggleABItems", JSON.stringify(ItemABPrefs));

    function backColor(boolean, element) {
        boolean ? element.style.background = 'yellowgreen' : element.style.background = 'salmon';

    function switchABItems(event) {
        const element = event.target;
        battleItemState = !battleItemState;
        battleItemState ? ABItems() : clearInterval(itemABLoop);
        element.setAttribute('class', `btn btn-${battleItemState ? 'success' : 'danger'}`);
        element.textContent = `Auto Use [${battleItemState ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}]`;
        localStorage.setItem('autoBattleItems', JSON.stringify(battleItemState));

    function ABItems() {
        itemABLoop = setInterval(() => {
            //In order the towns required to be unlocked for each Battle Item
            const townReqs = ['Viridian City','Pewter City','Lavender Town'].flatMap(i => [i,i]);
            const battleItems = GameHelper.chunk(6, Object.keys(ItemList).filter(i=>ItemList[i].constructor.name == 'BattleItem'))[0];
            for (let i = 0; i < battleItems.length; i++) {
                if (ItemABPrefs[i]) {
                    const itemAmnt = player.itemList[battleItems[i]]();
                    const effectActive = player.effectList[battleItems[i]]();
                    const townUnlocked = TownList[townReqs[i]].isUnlocked();
                    if (townUnlocked) {
                        const getMoney = App.game.wallet.currencies[GameConstants.Currency.money]();
                        const basePrice = ItemList[battleItems[i]].basePrice;
                        const price = ItemList[battleItems[i]].price();
                        if (itemAmnt == 0 && basePrice == price && price <= getMoney) {
                    if (itemAmnt != 0 && effectActive <= 1) {
                        ItemHandler.useItem(battleItems[i], 1);
        }, 500);

    if (battleItemState) { ABItems(); }

if (!localStorage.getItem('autoBattleItems')) {
    localStorage.setItem("autoBattleItems", false);
if (!localStorage.getItem('toggleABItems')) {
    const prefArray = new Array(6).fill(false, 0, 6);
    localStorage.setItem("toggleABItems", JSON.stringify(prefArray));
battleItemState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('autoBattleItems'));
ItemABPrefs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('toggleABItems'));

function loadEpheniaScript(scriptName, initFunction) {
    const windowObject = !App.isUsingClient ? unsafeWindow : window;
    // Inject handlers if they don't exist yet
    if (windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers === undefined) {
        windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers = {};
        const oldInit = Preload.hideSplashScreen;
        var hasInitialized = false;

        // Initializes scripts once enough of the game has loaded
        Preload.hideSplashScreen = function (...args) {
            var result = oldInit.apply(this, args);
            if (App.game && !hasInitialized) {
                // Initialize all attached userscripts
                Object.entries(windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers).forEach(([scriptName, initFunction]) => {
                    try {
                    } catch (e) {
                        console.error(`Error while initializing '${scriptName}' userscript:\n${e}`);
                            type: NotificationConstants.NotificationOption.warning,
                            title: scriptName,
                            message: `The '${scriptName}' userscript crashed while loading. Check for updates or disable the script, then restart the game.\n\nReport script issues to the script developer, not to the Pokéclicker team.`,
                            timeout: GameConstants.DAY,
                hasInitialized = true;
            return result;

    // Prevent issues with duplicate script names
    if (windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers[scriptName] !== undefined) {
        console.warn(`Duplicate '${scriptName}' userscripts found!`);
            type: NotificationConstants.NotificationOption.warning,
            title: scriptName,
            message: `Duplicate '${scriptName}' userscripts detected. This could cause unpredictable behavior and is not recommended.`,
            timeout: GameConstants.DAY,
        let number = 2;
        while (windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers[`${scriptName} ${number}`] !== undefined) {
        scriptName = `${scriptName} ${number}`;
    // Add initializer for this particular script
    windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers[scriptName] = initFunction;

if (!App.isUsingClient || localStorage.getItem('autobattleitems') === 'true') {
    loadEpheniaScript('autobattleitems', initAutoBattleItems);