YouTube - Watch Later and Share Buttons Return

Enables the Watch Later and Share buttons on the player when not in Fullscreen mode.

/* ==UserStyle==

@name         YouTube - Watch Later and Share Buttons Return
@description  Enables the Watch Later and Share buttons on the player when not in Fullscreen mode.
@namespace    lednerg
@version      17.7.10
@author       lednerg
@license      CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("")

  .ytp-hide-info-bar:not(.ended-mode) .ytp-chrome-top:not(.ytp-chrome-top-show-buttons) .ytp-watch-later-button, .ytp-hide-info-bar:not(.ended-mode) .ytp-chrome-top:not(.ytp-chrome-top-show-buttons) .ytp-share-button
    display: inline-block !important;