Block or mute all the Twitter users who like or repost a specific post(Tweet), with love.
< Opiniones de Twitter Block With Love
I'm glad you like it! And a good question!
Just turn off this script or even the whole userscript manager so that my codes won't change your front-end web page. Then you can open the page "Liked by" again to see if accounts are still there. The page is already a reliable website, as you can make sure my userscript is not running, and everything is showing its default appearance.
But I have to say that I do have played a trick. When the message 'All users blocked!' shows up, the userscript has just started blocking accounts. But the process rate is fast, hundreds in just a few seconds ( also depending on your device and the network condition). Anyway, not leaving the site immediately after using this script would be ok.
this script is absolutely great but how do I make sure that it actually blocked the amount of people I selected and the "all blocked" isn't just a front is there a reliable website to see a number?