Youtube Hide Watched

Hides viewed videos from your subscriptions.

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Publicado: 24/06/2015

how does this work?

hi and thanks for making such a script! since youtube apparently just got rid of this exact feature i have to add it back in myself (with your help ^^)...

so far its not working for me (yet), so i have some questions: do i need to have the yt history enabled for it to work or how will a video count as 'watched' for the script?

Publicado: 24/06/2015

i just realized the title could have been somewhat more descriptive... my bad. i know how to use scripts and such >< im asking because i have the youtube history disabled!

Publicado: 24/06/2015
Editado: 24/06/2015

Hey bad,

Thanks for your feedback! I'm afraid it does need youtube history enabled for this script to work since it takes it's cues from youtube on which video to hide.

Basically it checks for a special badge Youtube adds to videos you've seen before; where Youtube only chooses to grey out a video you've watched, the script will remove the video entirely (with an option to show it again should you need to). This way it doesn't have to do anything crazy, it just has to look at the page that loaded and say "All the grey videos need to go away", without really knowing what the grey means.

Unfortunately, there's no real way to check which videos you've watched without using Youtube history. Any methods I could think of would not only be incredibly intrusive, but also miss the mark most of the time, so I can't help you there!

Publicado: 24/06/2015

hi and thanks for your answer, that clarified whats going on a lot!
sadly this script is not an option for me then because even if i re-enable the history i would start with an empty list...

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