Add YouTube Video Progress

Adds a progress bars (or dots) at bottom of video, a progress text which includes video quality and subtitle indicators, and a chapter title box on the YouTube video page.

< Opiniones de Add YouTube Video Progress

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 04/04/2020

50fps 60fps support?

Is it possible to add 50fps 60fps support?

Publicado: 04/04/2020

What do you mean? The progress bar works fine on 50/60 fps videos.

Publicado: 04/04/2020

Sorry. The tooltip has video quality and short descriptions. Can 50/60fps information be added to this section?

Publicado: 05/04/2020

I've just updated the script to add 50/60 fps and HDR support. Please check it.

Publicado: 05/04/2020

It looks like this in all videos.

Publicado: 06/04/2020

Oh, sorry about that. Script has been updated for that bug fix.

Publicado: 06/04/2020

Thanks for update.

Publicado: 08/04/2020

If I open a channel with a video on its homepage in a new tab and watch a video from there it looks like this.

Publicado: 09/04/2020

That's not possible. The progress text is not applicable for video on the channel/user home tab.

Publicado: 09/04/2020

When I open a channel from the Youtube home page in a new tab, it looks like this if there is a video in the home page tab of this channel and if I open a video from this section or the videos tab. But if there is no video on the channel's/user's home tab, it's okay. Everything is working properly.

Publicado: 10/04/2020
Editado: 10/04/2020

The script does not add progress text for video on user/channel page. It'll only add the progress bar.

And the channel page below doesn't even present a video player.

Publicado: 11/04/2020
Editado: 11/04/2020

Ah, I saw the problem now. The script has been updated to fix it.

At first, I couldn't understand what you're trying to explain. While the video has helped pinpointing the problem, a step-by-step procedures on reproducing the problem (without missing any context) is enough.

Anyway, thank you for your extra effort on explaining the problem.

Publicado: 11/04/2020

Sorry, but I haven't seen a change after the update. :(

Publicado: 11/04/2020

I've already tested with both Chrome and Firefox using the method as shown in your video.

So, unless I can reproduce and see the actual problem, I won't be able to know what went wrong, much less came up with a solution.

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