Youtube Scroll Volume

Use the scroll wheel to adjust volume of youtube videos

Respuesta de, 27/12/2022
Último comentario:, 28/12/2022
Bueno Stopped working?
Respuesta de hacker09, 11/03/2021
Último comentario: hacker09, 27/07/2021
Pasable Please make the script "memorize" the player volume
Respuesta de tarou, 04/09/2019
Último comentario: hacker09, 12/07/2021
Bueno player memorize volume Please player memorize volume
Respuesta de Deleted user 103157, 27/07/2019
Último comentario: kufiiAutor, 09/08/2019
Setting Change By 2 Cannot mute Setting Change By 2 Cannot mute

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