IMDB works#

Shows number of credited works after names on IMDB site

< Opiniones de IMDB works#

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Publicado: 23/01/2017
Editado: 26/01/2017

IMDB amout of movies an actor has been in

Pretty much as title says. I was wondering about this on the page:

I am on a site where we celebrate actors/actresses birthdays and I tend to have to go through 50-100 a month so being able to see how many movies a person has done on this page that I land on insteadof having to go to the actual actors page would be great.

So instead of seeing this:

May Wynn (I) (Actress, The Caine Mutiny (1954))

I would see:

May Wynn (I) [26] (Actress, The Caine Mutiny (1954))

with 26 being the amount of movies she is credited with.

Publicado: 23/01/2017
Publicado: 24/01/2017
Editado: 24/01/2017

Hmm... Not seeing anything on any page I try.

Publicado: 24/01/2017

I've fixed the bugs, now it works in FF.

Publicado: 24/01/2017

Might have been working before. I tried the new install and nothing worked still. So tried it in Chrome and it was perfect.

So went through GM scripts and found that 'General URL Cleaner' was causing an issue.

Thanks for the work.

Publicado: 26/01/2017

OK. Something else has come up. Looks like the script grabs the first thing showed in the listing. In Matt Damon it is showing him as a producer first so I am getting the numbers for that and not as an actor.

Publicado: 26/01/2017
Editado: 26/01/2017

Updated. Now works# primary number is filtered: self/thanks/archive are ignored and the maximum is selected from the rest.

You can either visit the actor pages individually so that the script recalculates data or you can clear the entire cache by running localStorage.clear() in devtools (F12 or Ctrl-Shift-I key) console prompt on any page.

Publicado: 27/01/2017

Working great. No other issues as of yet.

Publicado: 19/09/2017

I think IMDB changed up again. No longer working for me.

Publicado: 19/09/2017

Works for me.

Publicado: 19/09/2017

Bugger. I did try a preliminary run down of installed addons. Guess I need to go one by one. Thanks for checking.

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