Conversaciones » Peticiones de scripts

Can someone help with this script

Publicado: 21/10/2017
Editado: 21/10/2017

Can someone help with this script

So, i tried to modify this userscript

i want to choose from Notes what to follow, can someone please help me, i want Follow Buttons here

and when you scroll and the list is loading more the buttons to be added too

if this is hard it's not for free, thank you.

Publicado: 21/10/2017

i've done the begin of code, a dirty one i think, but i can't put those buttons on loading notes if i scroll them

$(document).ready(function() {
$(".rollup-notes-summary").click(function(t) {
$(document).ready(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
//setInterval(function() {
var myobj = document.getElementsByClassName("note-text-link");
for (var i = 0; i < myobj.length; i++) {
var nume = myobj[i].innerText;
var href = myobj[i].href;
var blog = myobj[i].insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterend', '');
//}, 3000);

}, 2000);

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