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Diverse Tool..

Publicado: 14/05/2015
Editado: 14/05/2015

Diverse Tool..

So I do not have a idea where to post this at.. But I basically have a question and or maybe see if this "tool" I am looking for is already in existence. So lately I have been in need of a diverse tool, I have it right in my head exactly how I want it to be. I understand that it is absolutely possible for me to make this tool, I just have no clue where to even start.. I do not know how to code in JavaScript, I want too badly, I know I can too..

But first off, the tool! Well I have been in need of many of things that can help reduce the clicking and pressing of keys. I found a script that has one thing, which is the most main thing I need. It has the ability to check all the check-boxes on the page that I am on, extremely helpful. But like there needs to be different selection than just "Check All", Maybe check all, uncheck all, check all that are not checked.

Now I have ran into another thing, I also got to have it were it will expand all & unexpand all the tree-expands that are on the same page. As well I was hoping it be possible to have a auto-fill selection; like "Right-Click: Tools>Auto-fill>Email or a few adjusted ones that have like Email, Alias first & last, zip code, maybe even ability to auto-select certain countries and states that correspond to the street address or zip code. There are a few other things that I was wanting to jam into the tool, they are just floating around in my thoughts until I can remember. Kinda the reason I want to make the whole thing so that I can keep editing and adding on to as I need. So if I have posted it in the wrong area, I am sorry and if possible push the Discussion to the right area or guide me to where I gotta go. I have a few e-books on my phone, and what not but I still feel as if I need someone who actually has made a userscript to give me their input on how to even start with somewhat of a idea where I am and if this tool is even possible to make without anything else.. Thank you, sorry for a wall of text guys!

Publicado: 14/05/2015
Publicado: 14/05/2015

Hmm, I will look into those extensions when I get home. Still will look into coding my own, at least to figure it out. But thank you!

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