Starblast lag/ping reducer

12/5/2024, 3:35:19 PM

< Feedback on Starblast lag/ping reducer

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2024/12/10
Edited: 2024/12/10

Do you even know how to program?

  1. Why are you looping through elements and searching for something that does not even exist? const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.unnecessary-class');, this literally just searches for elements with the class name unnecessary-class, which is not even mentioned when searching through the game code.
  2. Item #6 does not even do anything, it would just stop itself.
  3. item 7 just removes box shadows and does it in a loop.
  4. Using so many setInterval() functions, running them so often, negates the performance again and you come out almost the same as without the script.
  5. ping reduction is impossible with your code.
Posted: 2024/12/10

None of the logic in this script has any connection to network performance. Code Injector is absolutely not needed either. Try to find out for yourself why not and how Code Injector actually loads mods at all.

Posted: 2024/12/15

this script is still being tested and this was supposed to be a privet post. Didn't mean to make it public

Posted: 2024/12/17

and my dumbass had the brilliant idea to use chat GPT to get the base structure of the code. Not completely my fault :/

Posted: 2024/12/17

i will fix it, sorry for your problems.

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