AO3: [Wrangling] Mark Illegal Characters in Canonicals

Warns about any canonical tag that includes characters which should, per guidelines, be avoided. Checks on new tag, edit tag, search results, wrangle bins, and tag landing pages

Ili estas versioj de tiu ĉi skripto, kie la kodo estas ĝisdatigita. Montri ĉiujn versiojn

  • v2.2 2024/09/25

    DOM compliance correction: the notice boxes used to set the id property to "illegalChars" for marking them as part of this script, hence multiple elements on the page had the same id when it should be a unique value. now this is set as a class instead.

  • v2.1 2024/09/25

    bugfix: script didn't work on search results, when displayed in a table thanks to the Action Buttons Everywhere script

  • v2.0 2024/08/02

    now works with the updated search table script
    added warnings for slashes with, and ampersands without surrounding spaces
    added length counter on the New Tag page

  • v1.6 2024/05/17

    fixed checks when viewing the fandoms in a media category tag (e.g. recently canonized fandoms): used to check against regular tag regex allowing only Latin characters, now properly checks against the fandom regex allowing all scripts

  • v1.5 2024/01/29

    now properly alerts to spaces at beginning and/or end of the new tag

  • v1.4 2023/11/02

    fixed an interference with my "expand and collapse taglist" script on Tag Landing pages. it should now no longer consider the △ and ▽ part of the tag that needs to be checked.

  • v1.3 2023/11/02

    fixed an issue where script threw errors due to Synonym/Character/Metatag column being present but empty... except for a newline in the HTML. it now trim()'s the whitespace before checking if the cell content is an empty string, thus recognizing it correctly

  • v1.2 2023/09/08

    finds two spaces... now also in fandom tags /o\

  • v1.1 2023/09/08

    now recognizes multiple spaces as an issue
    small performance improvement so every recognized issue is if-tested fewer times in insertHeadsUp()

  • v1.0.2 2023/08/11

    issue: on page load, Tag Edit page checked all already canonical tags against the standard set of allowed characters
    fixed: now Fandom tags are properly checked against their special set of allowed characters.

  • v1.0.1 2023/08/10

    small fix - there was a leftover log output that constantly wrote out to developer consoles

  • v1.0 2023/07/29