Greasy Fork is available in English.

Switch Page Direction

Switch Page Direction from LTR to RTL and vice versa. Hotkey: Command + Shift + D.

// ==UserScript== 
// @name        Switch Page Direction
// @description Switch Page Direction from LTR to RTL and vice versa. Hotkey: Command + Shift + D.
// @author      Schimon Jehudah, Adv.
// @namespace   i2p.schimon.direction
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @copyright   2023, Schimon Jehudah (http://schimon.i2p)
// @license     Public Domain
// @match       file:///*
// @exclude     devtools://*
// @match       *://*/*
// @version     23.06
// @run-at      document-end
// @icon        
// ==/UserScript==

document.onkeyup = function(e) {
  // Command + Shift + D
  if (e.metaKey && e.shiftKey && e.which == 68) {

function switchPageDirection() {
  if (document.dir == 'ltr' || !document.dir) {
    document.dir = 'rtl';
  } else {
    document.dir = 'ltr';
  return switchPageDirection;


NOTE In case we can use context-menu and document-end in same userscript

// @run-at context-menu
// @run-at document-end

var switchPageDirection = (function switchPageDirection() {
  if (!document.dir) {
    document.dir = 'rtl';
  } else if (document.dir == 'ltr') {
    document.dir = 'rtl';
  } else if (document.dir == 'rtl') {
    document.dir = 'ltr';
  return switchPageDirection;
