Greasy Fork is available in English.

词典切换 / Dictionary Switcher

在辞典网站左侧显示一个快速切换列表,节省「另开辞典页面」和「输入关键词」的动作及时间,提高查询效率。参考了自己撸的另一款:[搜索引擎切换器 / Search Engine Switcher](。

// ==UserScript==
// @name          词典切换 / Dictionary Switcher
// @namespace
// @version       0.2.1
// @description   在辞典网站左侧显示一个快速切换列表,节省「另开辞典页面」和「输入关键词」的动作及时间,提高查询效率。参考了自己撸的另一款:[搜索引擎切换器 / Search Engine Switcher](。
// @icon

// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*

// @grant         unsafeWindow
// @grant         window.onload
// @grant         GM_getValue
// @grant         GM_setValue
// @run-at        document-body

// @license       MIT
// ==/UserScript==

// 辞典网址配置
const urlMapping = [
		name: "Google",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "q",
        testUrl: /https:\/\/\/search.*/,
		name: "Oxford",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/definition\/english\/*/,
		name: "Oxford美式",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/definition\/american_english\/*/,
		name: "韦氏词典",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/dictionary\/*/,
		name: "Longman",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/dictionary\/*/,
		name: "Cambridge",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/dictionary\/english\/*/,
		name: "Macmillan",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/dictionary\/british\/*/,
		name: "Etymo词源",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "q",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/search.*/,
		name: "Vocabulary",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/dictionary\/*/,
		name: "Collins",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/dictionary\/english\/*/,
		name: "Britannica",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/dictionary\/*/,
		name: "YouGlish",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/pronounce\/*/,
		name: "Dictionary",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/browse\/*/,
		name: "有道词典",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/w\/*/,
		name: "欧路词典",
		dicUrl: "",
		keyName: "",
		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/dicts\/en\/*/,
//	{
//		name: "Wiktionary",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "",
//		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/wiki\/*/,
//	},
//	{
//		name: "Bing",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "q",
//		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/dict\/search.*/,
//	},
//	{
//		name: "Urban",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "term",
//		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/define.php.*/,
//	},
//	{
//		name: "Wikipedia",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "",
//		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/wiki\/*/,
//	},
//	{
//		name: "VoiceTube",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "",
//		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/definition\/*/,
//	},
//	{
//		name: "人人词典",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "w",
//		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/words.*/,
//	},
//	{
//		name: "搜狗翻译",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "keyword",
//		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/text.*/,
//	},
//	{
//		name: "句酷",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "q",
//		testUrl: /http:\/\/\/search.php.*/,
//	},
//	{
//		name: "Eigochigai",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "q",
//		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/search.*/,
//	},
//	{
//		name: "汉典",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "",
//		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/hans\/*/,
//	},
//	{
//		name: "国语辞典/两岸辞典",
//		dicUrl: "",
//		keyName: "",
//		testUrl: /https:\/\/\/*/,
//	},

// JS 获取 url 参数
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
	let query =;
	if (query === "") {
	    return decodeURIComponent(window.location.href.split("/").pop());
	} else {
    	let pairs = query.split("&");
    	for (let pair of pairs) {
    		let [key, value] = pair.split("=");
    		if (key === variable) {
    			return decodeURIComponent(value);
	return null;

// 从 url 中获取搜索关键词
function getKeywords() {
	let keywords = "";
	for (let item of urlMapping) {
		if (item.testUrl.test(window.location.href)) {
			keywords = getQueryVariable(item.keyName);
	return keywords;

// 添加节点
function addBox() {
	// 主元素
	const dics = document.createElement("div"); = "dic-app-box"; = `
	    position: fixed;
		top: 150px;
		left: 12px;
		width: 100px;
		background-color: hsla(200, 40%, 96%, .8);
		font-size: 12px;
		border-radius: 6px;
		z-index: 99999;`;
	document.body.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", dics);

	// 标题
	let title = document.createElement("span");
	title.innerText = "切换辞典"; = `
		display: block;
		color: hsla(211, 60%, 35%, .8);
		text-align: center;
		margin-top: 10px;
		margin-bottom: 5px;
		font-size: 12px;
		font-weight: bold;
		-webkit-user-select: none;
		-moz-user-select: none;
		-ms-user-select: none;

	// 辞典列表
	for (let index in urlMapping) {
		let item = urlMapping[index];

		// 列表样式
		let style = `
		    text-align: center;
			display: block;
			color: hsla(211, 60%, 35%, .8) !important;
			padding: 5px 5px;
			text-decoration: none;`;
		let defaultStyle = style + `
		    color: hsla(211, 60%, 35%, .8) !important;`;
		let hoverStyle = style + `
			background-color: hsla(211, 60%, 35%, .1);`;

		// 设置辞典链接
		let a = document.createElement("a");
		a.innerText =; = defaultStyle;
		a.className = "dic-a";
		a.href = item.dicUrl + getKeywords();

		// 鼠标移入&移出效果,相当于 hover
		a.onmouseenter = function() { = hoverStyle;
		a.onmouseleave = function() { = defaultStyle;

(function() {
	"use strict";
	window.onload = addBox();