Pretervojo Ĉiuj Mallongaj ligiloj

Preterpasi Ĉiuj Mallongaj Ligiloj-Ejoj Aŭtomate Saltas ĝenajn Ligilojn, Rekte al Via Celo

< Feedback on Pretervojo Ĉiuj Mallongaj ligiloj

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2024/03/17

Script has a constant connection to the URL that is in a hidden tab eating up nearly 150MB of memory in browser! You can see this by going to about:processes and seeing what is using memory! It's one thing to visit site when you hit an actual trigger for the short link but not 100% of the time eating up memory!

Posted: 2024/04/23

I blocked URL with ublock origin


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