Greasy Fork is available in English. Bulk Edit

Bulk edit your scrobbles for any artist or album on at once.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Bulk Edit
// @description Bulk edit your scrobbles for any artist or album on at once.
// @version 1.4.1
// @author Rudey
// @homepage
// @supportURL
// @match*
// @icon
// @license AGPL-3.0-or-later
// @namespace
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ 	var __webpack_modules__ = ({

/***/ 433:
/***/ ((module) => {

async function* asyncPool(concurrency, iterable, iteratorFn) {
  const executing = new Set();
  async function consume() {
    const [promise, value] = await Promise.race(executing);
    return value;
  for (const item of iterable) {
    // Wrap iteratorFn() in an async fn to ensure we get a promise.
    // Then expose such promise, so it's possible to later reference and
    // remove it from the executing pool.
    const promise = (async () => await iteratorFn(item, iterable))().then(
      value => [promise, value]
    if (executing.size >= concurrency) {
      yield await consume();
  while (executing.size) {
    yield await consume();

module.exports = asyncPool;

/***/ })

/******/ 	});
/******/ 	// The module cache
/******/ 	var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
/******/ 	// The require function
/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
/******/ 		var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
/******/ 		if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
/******/ 			return cachedModule.exports;
/******/ 		}
/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ 		var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
/******/ 			// no needed
/******/ 			// no module.loaded needed
/******/ 			exports: {}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 		// Execute the module function
/******/ 		__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
/******/ 		return module.exports;
/******/ 	}
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
/******/ 			var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ 				() => (module['default']) :
/******/ 				() => (module);
/******/ 			__webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
/******/ 			return getter;
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		// define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
/******/ 			for(var key in definition) {
/******/ 				if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ 					Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ 				}
/******/ 			}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop))
/******/ 	})();
var __webpack_exports__ = {};
// This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be in strict mode.
(() => {
"use strict";

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "he"
const external_he_namespaceObject = he;
var external_he_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_he_namespaceObject);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/features/display-album-name.ts
async function displayAlbumName(element) {
    var _a;
    const rows = element instanceof HTMLTableRowElement ? [element] : [...element.querySelectorAll('tr')];
    const baseHref = document.querySelector('.secondary-nav-item--overview a').getAttribute('href');
    for (const row of rows) {
        if (row.getAttribute('data-edit-scrobble-id') === null || row.querySelector('.chartlist-album') !== null) {
        const coverArtAnchor = row.querySelector('.cover-art');
        const albumHref = coverArtAnchor.getAttribute('href');
        const form = row.querySelector('form[data-edit-scrobble]:not([data-edit-scrobbles])');
        let albumName;
        if (form !== null) {
            const formData = new FormData(form);
            albumName = (_a = formData.get('album_name')) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toString();
        else {
            albumName = coverArtAnchor.querySelector('img').alt;
        // Create and insert th element.
        const table = row.closest('table');
        if (!table.classList.contains('lastfm-bulk-edit-chartlist-scrobbles')) {
            const albumHeaderCell = document.createElement('th');
            albumHeaderCell.textContent = 'Album';
            const headerRow = table.tHead.rows[0];
            headerRow.insertBefore(albumHeaderCell, headerRow.children[4]);
        // Create and insert td element.
        const albumCell = document.createElement('td');
        albumCell.className = 'chartlist-album';
        if (albumName) {
            const albumAnchor = document.createElement('a');
            albumAnchor.href = albumHref;
            albumAnchor.title = albumName;
            albumAnchor.textContent = albumName;
        else {
            const noAlbumText = document.createElement('em');
            noAlbumText.className = 'lastfm-bulk-edit-text-danger';
            noAlbumText.textContent = 'No Album';
        const nameCell = row.querySelector('.chartlist-name');
        row.insertBefore(albumCell, nameCell.nextElementSibling);
        // Add menu items.
        if (albumName) {
            const menu = row.querySelector('.chartlist-more-menu');
            const albumMenuItem1 = document.createElement('li');
            const menuItemAnchor1 = document.createElement('a');
            menuItemAnchor1.href = albumHref;
            menuItemAnchor1.className = 'dropdown-menu-clickable-item more-item--album';
            menuItemAnchor1.textContent = 'Go to album';
            const albumMenuItem2 = document.createElement('li');
            const menuItemAnchor2 = document.createElement('a');
            menuItemAnchor2.href = baseHref + '/library' + albumHref;
            menuItemAnchor2.className = 'dropdown-menu-clickable-item more-item--album';
            menuItemAnchor2.textContent = 'Go to album in library';
            const artistMenuItem = menu.querySelector('.more-item--artist').parentNode;
            menu.insertBefore(albumMenuItem1, artistMenuItem);
            menu.insertBefore(albumMenuItem2, artistMenuItem);

// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/tiny-async-pool/lib/es9.js
var es9 = __webpack_require__(433);
var es9_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(es9);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/features/enhance-automatic-edits-page.ts

const viewAllButtonTemplate = document.createElement('template');
viewAllButtonTemplate.innerHTML = `
    <button type="button" class="btn-primary" disabled>
        View All At Once
const domParser = new DOMParser();
let loadPagesPromise = undefined;
let loadPagesProgressElement = undefined;
async function enhanceAutomaticEditsPage(element) {
    if (!document.URL.startsWith('')) {
    const section = element.querySelector('#subscription-corrections');
    const table = section === null || section === void 0 ? void 0 : section.querySelector('table');
    if (!section || !table) {
    const viewAllButton = viewAllButtonTemplate.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
    section.insertBefore(viewAllButton, section.firstElementChild);
    const paginationList = section === null || section === void 0 ? void 0 : section.querySelector('.pagination-list');
    if (!paginationList) {
    const paginationListItems = [...paginationList.querySelectorAll('.pagination-page')];
    const currentPageNumber = parseInt(paginationListItems.find(x => x.getAttribute('aria-current') === 'page').textContent, 10);
    const pageCount = parseInt(paginationListItems[paginationListItems.length - 1].textContent, 10);
    if (pageCount === 1) {
    loadPagesProgressElement = document.createElement('span');
    viewAllButton.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', loadPagesProgressElement);
    viewAllButton.insertAdjacentText('afterend', ' ');
    loadPagesPromise !== null && loadPagesPromise !== void 0 ? loadPagesPromise : (loadPagesPromise = loadPages(table, currentPageNumber, pageCount));
    const pages = await loadPagesPromise;
    const artistMap = new Map();
    for (const page of pages) {
        for (const row of page.rows) {
            const formData = getFormData(row);
            const artistName = formData.get('artist_name_original').toString();
            const key = artistName.toLowerCase();
            if (!artistMap.has(key)) {
                artistMap.set(key, { artistName, pageNumber: page.pageNumber });
    const artistSelect = document.createElement('select');
    for (const value of artistMap.values()) {
        const option = document.createElement('option');
        option.text = value.artistName;
        option.value = value.pageNumber.toString();
    artistSelect.selectedIndex = -1;
    artistSelect.addEventListener('change', () => {
        const pageNumber = parseInt(artistSelect.value);
        const anchor = document.createElement('a');
        anchor.href = '/settings/subscription/automatic-edits?page=' + pageNumber;
    viewAllButton.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', artistSelect);
    viewAllButton.insertAdjacentText('afterend', ' Go to artist: ');
    viewAllButton.disabled = false;
    viewAllButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
        if (pages.length >= 100 && !window.confirm(`You are about to view ${pages.length} pages at once. This might take a long time to load. Are you sure?`)) {
        viewAllButton.disabled = true; = 'fixed';
        const tableBody = table.tBodies[0];
        const firstRow = tableBody.rows[0];
        for (const page of pages) {
            if (page.pageNumber === currentPageNumber) {
            for (const row of page.rows) {
                if (page.pageNumber < currentPageNumber) {
                    firstRow.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', row);
                else {
            if (page.pageNumber % 10 === 0) {
                await delay(1);
function enhanceTable(table) { = '#fff'; = 'auto';
    const headerRow = table.tHead.rows[0];
    const body = table.tBodies[0];
    let sortedCellIndex = 1;
    const keys = [
    for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        const key = keys[i];
        const cell = headerRow.cells[i];
        cell.innerHTML = `<a href="javascript:void(0)" role="button">${cell.textContent}</a>`;
        cell.addEventListener('click', () => {
            const dir = sortedCellIndex === i ? -1 : 1;
            sortedCellIndex = sortedCellIndex === i ? -1 : i;
            const rows = [...body.rows].map(row => {
                let value = row.dataset[key];
                if (!value) {
                    value = row.querySelector(`input[name="${key}"]`).value;
                    row.dataset[key] = value;
                return { row, value };
            rows.sort((a, b) => a.value.localeCompare(b.value) * dir);
            for (const row of rows) {
    for (const row of body.rows) {
function enhanceRow(row) {
    if (row.dataset['enhanced'] === 'true') {
    row.dataset['enhanced'] = 'true';
    const formData = getFormData(row);
    const trackName = formData.get('track_name').toString();
    const artistName = formData.get('artist_name').toString();
    const albumName = formData.get('album_name').toString();
    const albumArtistName = formData.get('album_artist_name').toString();
    function emphasize(cell, content) {
        var _a; = '1';
        cell.innerHTML = `
                <span class="sr-only">
                Originally "${(_a = cell.textContent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.trim()}"
    if (trackName !== formData.get('track_name_original')) {
        emphasize(row.cells[0], trackName);
    else {
        // remove bold
        row.cells[0].innerHTML = row.cells[0].textContent;
    if (artistName !== formData.get('artist_name_original')) {
        emphasize(row.cells[1], artistName);
    if (albumName !== formData.get('album_name_original')) {
        emphasize(row.cells[2], albumName);
    if (albumArtistName !== formData.get('album_artist_name_original')) {
        emphasize(row.cells[3], albumArtistName);
function getFormData(row) {
    return new FormData(row.querySelector('form'));
async function loadPages(table, currentPageNumber, pageCount) {
    const pages = [{ pageNumber: currentPageNumber, rows: [...table.tBodies[0].rows] }];
    const pageNumbersToLoad = [...Array(pageCount).keys()].map(i => i + 1).filter(i => i !== currentPageNumber);
    updateProgress(1, pageCount);
    for await (const page of es9_default()(6, pageNumbersToLoad, loadPage)) {
        updateProgress(pages.length, pageCount);
    pages.sort((a, b) => a.pageNumber < b.pageNumber ? -1 : 1);
    return pages;
async function loadPage(pageNumber) {
    const response = await fetch(`/settings/subscription/automatic-edits?page=${pageNumber}&_pjax=%23content`, {
        credentials: 'include',
        headers: {
            'X-Pjax': 'true',
            'X-Pjax-Container': '#content',
    const text = await response.text();
    const doc = domParser.parseFromString(text, 'text/html');
    const table = doc.querySelector('.chart-table');
    return {
        rows: [...table.tBodies[0].rows],
function updateProgress(current, total) {
    loadPagesProgressElement.textContent = `${current} / ${total} (${(current * 100 / total).toFixed(0)}%)`;
function delay(ms) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/index.ts

const namespace = 'lastfm-bulk-edit';
// use the top-right link to determine the current user
const authLink = document.querySelector('a.auth-link');
const albumRegExp = new RegExp(`^${authLink === null || authLink === void 0 ? void 0 : authLink.href}/library/music(/\\+[^/]*)*(/[^+][^/]*){2}$`);
const artistRegExp = new RegExp(`^${authLink === null || authLink === void 0 ? void 0 : authLink.href}/library/music(/\\+[^/]*)*(/[^+][^/]*){1}(/\\+[^/]*)?$`);
const src_domParser = new DOMParser();
const editScrobbleFormTemplate = document.createElement('template');
editScrobbleFormTemplate.innerHTML = `
    <form method="POST" action="${authLink === null || authLink === void 0 ? void 0 : authLink.href}/library/edit?edited-variation=library-track-scrobble" data-edit-scrobble data-edit-scrobbles>
        <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="artist_name" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="track_name" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="album_name" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="album_artist_name" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="timestamp" value="">
        <button type="submit" class="mimic-link dropdown-menu-clickable-item more-item--edit-old" data-analytics-action="EditScrobbleOpen">
            Edit scrobbles
const modalTemplate = document.createElement('template');
modalTemplate.innerHTML = `
    <div class="popup_background"
        style="opacity: 0.8; visibility: visible; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); position: fixed; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px;">
    <div class="popup_wrapper popup_wrapper_visible" style="opacity: 1; visibility: visible; position: fixed; overflow: auto; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; text-align: center;">
        <div class="modal-dialog popup_content" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="modal-label" data-popup-initialized="true" aria-hidden="false" style="opacity: 1; visibility: visible; pointer-events: auto; display: inline-block; outline: none; text-align: left; position: relative; vertical-align: middle;" tabindex="-1">
            <div class="modal-content">
                <div class="modal-body">
                    <h2 class="modal-title"></h2>
        <div class="popup_align" style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; height: 100%;"></div>
if (authLink) {
function initialize() {
    // use MutationObserver because is a single-page application
    const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
        for (const mutation of mutations) {
            for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
                if (node instanceof Element) {
                    if (node.hasAttribute('data-processed')) {
                    node.setAttribute('data-processed', 'true');
    observer.observe(document.body, {
        childList: true,
        subtree: true,
function appendStyle() {
    const style = document.createElement('style');
    style.innerHTML = `
        .${namespace}-abbr {
            cursor: help;

        @media (pointer: coarse), (hover: none) {
            .${namespace}-abbr[title]:focus {
                position: relative;
                display: inline-flex;
                justify-content: center;

            .${namespace}-abbr[title]:focus::after {
                content: attr(title);
                position: absolute;
                top: 100%;
                left: 0%;
                color: #fff;
                background-color: #2b2a32;
                border: 1px solid #fff;
                width: fit-content;
                padding: 4px 7px;
                font-size: small;
                line-height: normal;
                white-space: pre;
                z-index: 1;

        .${namespace}-ellipsis {
            display: block;
            overflow: hidden;
            text-overflow: ellipsis;
            white-space: nowrap;

        .${namespace}-form-group-controls {
            margin-left: 0 !important;

        .${namespace}-list {
            column-count: 2;

        .${namespace}-loading {
            background: url("/static/images/loading_dark_light_64.gif") 50% 50% no-repeat;
            height: 64px;
            display: flex;
            justify-content: center;
            align-items: center;

        .${namespace}-text-danger {
            color: #d92323;

        .${namespace}-text-info {
            color: #2b65d9;

        @media (min-width: 768px) {
            .${namespace}-chartlist-scrobbles .chartlist-name {
                margin-top: -2px;
                margin-bottom: 13px;

            .${namespace}-chartlist-scrobbles .chartlist-album {
                margin-top: 13px;
                margin-bottom: -2px;
                position: absolute;
                left: 133.5px;
                width: 182.41px;

            .${namespace}-chartlist-scrobbles .chartlist-album::before {
                width: 0 !important;

        @media (min-width: 1260px) {
            .${namespace}-chartlist-scrobbles .chartlist-album {
                width: 272.41px;
function appendEditScrobbleHeaderLinkAndMenuItems(element) {
    if (!document.URL.startsWith(authLink.href)) {
        return; // current page is not the user's profile
function appendEditScrobbleHeaderLink(element) {
    var _a;
    const header = element.querySelector('.library-header');
    if (header === null) {
        return; // current page does not contain the header we're looking for
    const form = getEditScrobbleForm(document.URL);
    const button = form.querySelector('button');
    // replace submit button with a link = 'inline'; = 'none';
    const link = form.appendChild(document.createElement('a'));
    link.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
    link.textContent = 'Edit scrobbles';
    link.addEventListener('click', () =>;
    if (((_a = header.lastElementChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagName) === 'A') {
        header.insertAdjacentText('beforeend', ' · ');
    header.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', form);
function appendEditScrobbleMenuItems(element) {
    var _a;
    const rows = element instanceof HTMLTableRowElement ? [element] : [...element.querySelectorAll('tr')];
    for (const row of rows) {
        const link = row.querySelector('a.chartlist-count-bar-link,a.more-item--track[href^="/user/"]');
        if (!link) {
            continue; // this is not an artist, album or track
        const form = getEditScrobbleForm(link.href, row);
        const editScrobbleMenuItem = document.createElement('li');
        editScrobbleMenuItem.setAttribute('data-processed', 'true');
        // append new menu item to the DOM
        const menu = row.querySelector('.chartlist-more-menu');
        if ((_a = menu.firstElementChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hasAttribute('data-processed')) {
        menu.insertBefore(editScrobbleMenuItem, menu.firstElementChild);
function getEditScrobbleForm(url, row) {
    const urlType = getUrlType(url);
    const form = editScrobbleFormTemplate.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
    const button = form.querySelector('button');
    let allScrobbleData;
    let scrobbleData;
    let submit = false;
    button.addEventListener('click', async (event) => {
        if (!document.querySelector('.header--user .label')) {
            alert(' pro subscription is required to edit scrobbles.');
        if (!submit) {
        const loadingModal = createLoadingModal('Waiting for');
        await augmentEditScrobbleForm(urlType, scrobbleData);
        submit = false;
    form.addEventListener('submit', async (event) => {
        if (submit) {
        if (!allScrobbleData) {
            const loadingModal = createLoadingModal('Loading Scrobbles...', { display: 'percentage' });
            allScrobbleData = await fetchScrobbleData(url, loadingModal, loadingModal);
        scrobbleData = allScrobbleData;
        // use JSON strings as album keys to uniquely identify combinations of album + album artists
        // group scrobbles by album key
        let scrobbleDataGroups = [...groupBy(allScrobbleData, (s) => {
                var _a, _b;
                return JSON.stringify({
                    album_name: (_a = s.get('album_name')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '',
                    album_artist_name: (_b = s.get('album_artist_name')) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '',
        // sort groups by the amount of scrobbles
        scrobbleDataGroups = scrobbleDataGroups.sort(([_key1, values1], [_key2, values2]) => values2.length - values1.length);
        // when editing multiple albums album, show an album selection dialog first
        if (scrobbleDataGroups.length >= 2) {
            const noAlbumKey = JSON.stringify({ album_name: '', album_artist_name: '' });
            let currentAlbumKey = undefined;
            // put the "No Album" album first
            scrobbleDataGroups = scrobbleDataGroups.sort(([key1], [key2]) => {
                if (key1 === noAlbumKey)
                    return -1;
                if (key2 === noAlbumKey)
                    return +1;
                return 0;
            // when the edit dialog was initiated from an album or album track, put that album first in the list
            if (urlType === 'album' || getUrlType(document.URL) === 'album') {
                // grab the current album name and artist name from the DOM
                const album_name = (urlType === 'album' && row
                    ? row.querySelector('.chartlist-name')
                    : document.querySelector('.library-header-title')).textContent.trim();
                const album_artist_name = (urlType === 'album' && row
                    ? row.querySelector('.chartlist-artist') || document.querySelector('.library-header-title, .library-header-crumb')
                    : document.querySelector('.text-colour-link')).textContent.trim();
                currentAlbumKey = JSON.stringify({ album_name, album_artist_name });
                // put the current album first
                scrobbleDataGroups = scrobbleDataGroups.sort(([key1], [key2]) => {
                    if (key1 === currentAlbumKey)
                        return -1;
                    if (key2 === currentAlbumKey)
                        return +1;
                    if (key1 === noAlbumKey)
                        return -1;
                    if (key2 === noAlbumKey)
                        return +1;
                    return 0;
            const body = document.createElement('div');
            body.innerHTML = `
                <div class="form-disclaimer">
                    <div class="alert alert-info">
                        Scrobbles from this ${urlType} are spread out across multiple albums.
                        Select which albums you would like to edit.
                        Deselect albums you would like to skip.
                <div class="form-group">
                    <div class="form-group-controls ${namespace}-form-group-controls">
                        <button type="button" class="btn-secondary" id="${namespace}-select-all">Select all</button>
                        <button type="button" class="btn-secondary" id="${namespace}-deselect-all">Deselect all</button>
                <ul class="${namespace}-list">
                    ${[key, scrobbleData]) => {
                var _a;
                const firstScrobbleData = scrobbleData[0];
                const album_name = firstScrobbleData.get('album_name');
                const artist_name = ((_a = firstScrobbleData.get('album_artist_name')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : firstScrobbleData.get('artist_name'));
                return `
                                <div class="checkbox">
                                        <input type="checkbox" name="key" value="${external_he_default().escape(key)}" ${currentAlbumKey === undefined || currentAlbumKey === key ? 'checked' : ''} />
                                        <strong title="${external_he_default().escape(album_name !== null && album_name !== void 0 ? album_name : '')}" class="${namespace}-ellipsis ${currentAlbumKey === key ? `${namespace}-text-info` : !album_name ? `${namespace}-text-danger` : ''}">
                                            ${album_name ? external_he_default().escape(album_name) : '<em>No Album</em>'}
                                        <div title="${external_he_default().escape(artist_name)}" class="${namespace}-ellipsis">
                                            ${scrobbleData.length} scrobble${scrobbleData.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''}
            const checkboxes = body.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]');
            body.querySelector(`#${namespace}-select-all`).addEventListener('click', () => {
                for (const checkbox of checkboxes) {
                    checkbox.checked = true;
            body.querySelector(`#${namespace}-deselect-all`).addEventListener('click', () => {
                for (const checkbox of checkboxes) {
                    checkbox.checked = false;
            let formData;
            try {
                formData = await src_prompt('Select Albums To Edit', body);
            catch (error) {
                return; // user canceled the album selection dialog
            const selectedAlbumKeys = formData.getAll('key');
            scrobbleData = scrobbleDataGroups
                .filter(([key]) => selectedAlbumKeys.includes(key))
                .map(([_, values]) => values)
        if (scrobbleData.length === 0) {
            alert(` reports you haven't listened to this ${urlType}.`);
        // use the first scrobble to trick into fetching the Edit Scrobble modal
        applyFormData(form, scrobbleData[0]);
        submit = true;;
    return form;
// shows a form dialog and resolves its promise on submit
function src_prompt(title, body) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const form = document.createElement('form');
        form.className = 'form-horizontal';
        if (body instanceof Element) {
            form.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', body);
        else {
            form.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', body);
        form.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
            <div class="form-group form-group--submit">
                <div class="form-submit">
                    <button type="reset" class="btn-secondary">Cancel</button>
                    <button type="submit" class="btn-primary">
                        <span class="btn-inner">
        const content = document.createElement('div');
        content.className = 'content-form';
        const modal = new Modal(title, content, {
            dismissible: true,
            events: {
                hide: reject,
        form.addEventListener('reset', () => modal.hide());
        form.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
            resolve(new FormData(form));
class Modal {
    constructor(title, body, options) {
        this.addedClass = false;
        const fragment = modalTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
        const modalTitle = fragment.querySelector('.modal-title');
        if (title instanceof Element) {
            modalTitle.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', title);
        else {
            modalTitle.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', title);
        const modalBody = fragment.querySelector('.modal-body');
        if (body instanceof Element) {
            modalBody.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', body);
        else {
            modalBody.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', body);
        this.element = document.createElement('div');
        if (options && options.dismissible) {
            // create X button that closes the modal
            const closeButton = document.createElement('button');
            closeButton.className = 'modal-dismiss sr-only';
            closeButton.textContent = 'Close';
            closeButton.addEventListener('click', () => this.hide());
            // create modal actions div
            const modalActions = document.createElement('div');
            modalActions.className = 'modal-actions';
            // append modal actions to modal content
            const modalContent = fragment.querySelector('.modal-content');
            modalContent.insertBefore(modalActions, modalContent.firstElementChild);
            // close modal when user clicks outside modal
            const popupWrapper = fragment.querySelector('.popup_wrapper');
            popupWrapper.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
                if ( instanceof Node && !modalContent.contains( {
    show() {
        if (this.element.parentNode)
        if (!document.documentElement.classList.contains('popup_visible')) {
            this.addedClass = true;
    hide() {
        if (!this.element.parentNode)
        if (this.addedClass) {
            this.addedClass = false;
        if (this.options && && {
class LoadingModal extends Modal {
    constructor(title, options) {
        const body = `
            <div class="${namespace}-loading">
                <div class="${namespace}-progress"></div>
        super(title, body, options);
        this.completed = false;
        this.steps = [];
        this.weight = 0;
        this.progress = this.element.querySelector(`.${namespace}-progress`);
    refreshProgress() {
        switch (this.options && this.options.display) {
            case 'count':
                this.progress.textContent = `${this.steps.filter((s) => s.completed).length} / ${this.steps.length}`;
            case 'percentage':
                this.progress.textContent = Math.floor(getCompletionRatio(this.steps) * 100) + '%';
function createLoadingModal(title, options) {
    const modal = new LoadingModal(title, options);;
    return modal;
// calculates the completion ratio from a tree of steps with weights and child steps
function getCompletionRatio(steps) {
    const totalWeight = => s.weight).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
    if (totalWeight === 0)
        return 0;
    const completedWeight = => s.weight * (s.completed ? 1 : getCompletionRatio(s.steps))).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
    return completedWeight / totalWeight;
// this is a recursive function that browses pages of artists, albums and tracks to gather scrobbles
async function fetchScrobbleData(url, loadingModal, parentStep) {
    // remove "?date_preset=LAST_365_DAYS", etc.
    const indexOfQuery = url.indexOf('?');
    if (indexOfQuery !== -1) {
        url = url.substring(0, indexOfQuery);
    if (getUrlType(url) === 'artist' && !url.endsWith('/+tracks')) {
        url += '/+tracks'; // skip artist overview and go straight to the tracks
    const documentsToFetch = [fetchHTMLDocument(url)];
    const firstDocument = await documentsToFetch[0];
    const paginationList = firstDocument.querySelector('.pagination-list');
    if (paginationList) {
        const pageCount = parseInt(paginationList.children[paginationList.children.length - 2].textContent.trim(), 10);
        const pageNumbersToFetch = [...Array(pageCount - 1).keys()].map((i) => i + 2);
        documentsToFetch.push( => fetchHTMLDocument(`${url}?page=${n}`)));
    const scrobbleData = await forEachParallel(loadingModal, parentStep, documentsToFetch, async (documentToFetch, step) => {
        const fetchedDocument = await documentToFetch;
        const table = fetchedDocument.querySelector('table.chartlist:not(.chartlist__placeholder)');
        if (!table) {
            // sometimes a missing chartlist is expected, other times it indicates a failure
            if (fetchedDocument.body.textContent.includes('There was a problem loading your')) {
            return [];
        const rows = [...table.tBodies[0].rows];
        // to display accurate loading percentages, tracks with more scrobbles will have more weight
        const weightFunc = (row) => {
            const barValue = row.querySelector('.chartlist-count-bar-value');
            if (barValue === null)
                return 1;
            const scrobbleCount = parseInt(barValue.firstChild.textContent.trim().replace(/,/g, ''), 10);
            return Math.ceil(scrobbleCount / 50); // 50 = items per page on
        const scrobbleData = await forEachParallel(loadingModal, step, rows, async (row, step) => {
            const link = row.querySelector('.chartlist-count-bar-link');
            if (link) {
                // recursive call to the current function
                return await fetchScrobbleData(link.href, loadingModal, step);
            // no link indicates we're at the scrobble overview
            const form = row.querySelector('form[data-edit-scrobble]');
            return [new FormData(form)];
        }, weightFunc);
        return scrobbleData.flat();
    return scrobbleData.flat();
function getUrlType(url) {
    if (albumRegExp.test(url)) {
        return 'album';
    else if (artistRegExp.test(url)) {
        if (url.endsWith('/+albums')) {
            return 'album artist';
        else {
            return 'artist';
    else {
        return 'track';
async function fetchHTMLDocument(url) {
    // retry 5 times with exponential timeout
    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        if (i !== 0) {
            // wait 2 seconds, then 4 seconds, then 8, finally 16 (30 seconds total)
            await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, Math.pow(2, i)));
        const response = await fetch(url);
        if (response.ok) {
            const html = await response.text();
            const doc = src_domParser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
            if (doc.querySelector('table.chartlist:not(.chartlist__placeholder)') || i === 4) {
                return doc;
    throw 'There was a problem loading your scrobbles, please try again later.';
let aborting = false;
function abort() {
    if (aborting)
    aborting = true;
    alert('There was a problem loading your scrobbles, please try again later.');
// series for loop that updates the loading percentage
async function forEach(loadingModal, parentStep, array, callback, weightFunc) {
    const tuples = => ({ item, step: { completed: false, steps: [], weight: weightFunc ? weightFunc(item) : 1 } }));
    parentStep.steps.push( => tuple.step));
    const result = [];
    for (const tuple of tuples) {
        result.push(await callback(tuple.item, tuple.step));
        tuple.step.completed = true;
    return result.flat();
// parallel for loop that updates the loading percentage
function forEachParallel(loadingModal, parentStep, array, callback, weightFunc) {
    const tuples = => ({ item, step: { completed: false, steps: [], weight: weightFunc ? weightFunc(item) : 1 } }));
    parentStep.steps.push( => tuple.step));
    return Promise.all( (tuple) => {
        const result = await callback(tuple.item, tuple.step);
        tuple.step.completed = true;
        return result;
function applyFormData(form, formData) {
    for (const [name, value] of formData) {
        const input = form.querySelector(`input[name="${name}"]`);
        input.value = value;
// augments the default Edit Scrobble form to include new features
async function augmentEditScrobbleForm(urlType, scrobbleData) {
    const wrapper = await observeChildList(document.body, '.popup_wrapper');
    // wait 1 frame
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }));
    const popup = wrapper.querySelector('.popup_content');
    const title = popup.querySelector('.modal-title');
    const form = popup.querySelector('form[action$="/library/edit?edited-variation=library-track-scrobble"]');
    const elements = form.elements;
    title.textContent = `Edit ${urlType} Scrobbles`; = 'capitalize';
    // remove traces of the first scrobble that was used to initialize the form
    const track_name_input = elements.track_name;
    const artist_name_input = elements.artist_name;
    const album_name_input = elements.album_name;
    const album_artist_name_input = elements.album_artist_name;
    const tracks = augmentInput(scrobbleData, popup, track_name_input, 'tracks');
    augmentInput(scrobbleData, popup, artist_name_input, 'artists');
    augmentInput(scrobbleData, popup, album_name_input, 'albums', album_artist_name_input);
    augmentInput(scrobbleData, popup, album_artist_name_input, 'album artists', album_name_input);
    // add information alert about album artists being kept in sync
    if (album_artist_name_input.placeholder === 'Mixed' && scrobbleData.some((s) => s.get('album_artist_name') === artist_name_input.value)) {
        const messageTemplate = document.createElement('template');
        messageTemplate.innerHTML = `
            <div class="form-group-success">
                <div class="alert alert-info">
                    <p>Matching album artists will be kept in sync.</p>
        const message = messageTemplate.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
        album_artist_name_input.parentNode.insertBefore(message, album_artist_name_input.nextElementSibling);
        const removeMessage = () => {
            album_artist_name_input.removeEventListener('input', removeMessage);
            album_artist_name_input.removeEventListener('keydown', removeMessage);
        album_artist_name_input.addEventListener('input', removeMessage);
        album_artist_name_input.addEventListener('keydown', removeMessage);
    // keep album artist name in sync
    let previousValue = artist_name_input.value;
    artist_name_input.addEventListener('input', () => {
        if (album_artist_name_input.value === previousValue && album_artist_name_input.placeholder !== 'Mixed') {
            album_artist_name_input.value = artist_name_input.value;
            album_artist_name_input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
        previousValue = artist_name_input.value;
    // update the "Automatic edit" checkbox label
    const automaticEditFormGroup = form.querySelector('.form-group--create_automatic_edit_rule');
    if (automaticEditFormGroup && urlType !== 'track') {
        const label = automaticEditFormGroup.querySelector('.checkbox label').lastChild;
        label.textContent = label.textContent.replace('of this track', `for ${tracks} track${tracks !== 1 ? 's' : ''} of this ${urlType}`);
    // replace the "Bulk edit" checkbox with one that cannot be disabled
    let bulkEditFormGroup = form.querySelector('.form-group--edit_all');
    if (bulkEditFormGroup)
    const types = ['artist', 'track', 'album', 'album artist'];
    types.splice(types.indexOf(urlType), 1);
    const summary = `${types[0]}, ${types[1]} and ${types[2]}`;
    const bulkEditFormGroupTemplate = document.createElement('template');
    bulkEditFormGroupTemplate.innerHTML = `
        <div class="form-group form-group--edit_all js-form-group">
            <label for="id_edit_all" class="control-label">Bulk edit</label>
            <div class="js-form-group-controls form-group-controls">
                <div class="checkbox">
                    <label for="id_edit_all">
                        <input id="id_edit_all" type="checkbox" checked disabled>
                        <input name="edit_all" type="hidden" value="true">
                        Edit all
                        <span class="abbr ${namespace}-abbr" tabindex="-1" title="You have scrobbled any combination of ${summary} ${scrobbleData.length} times">
                            ${scrobbleData.length} scrobbles
                        of this ${urlType}
    bulkEditFormGroup = bulkEditFormGroupTemplate.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
    form.insertBefore(bulkEditFormGroup, automaticEditFormGroup !== null && automaticEditFormGroup !== void 0 ? automaticEditFormGroup : form.lastElementChild);
    // each exact track, artist, album and album artist combination is considered a distinct scrobble
    const distinctGroups = groupBy(scrobbleData, (s) => {
        var _a, _b;
        return JSON.stringify({
            track_name: s.get('track_name'),
            artist_name: s.get('artist_name'),
            album_name: (_a = s.get('album_name')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '',
            album_artist_name: (_b = s.get('album_artist_name')) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '',
    const distinctScrobbleData = [...distinctGroups].map(([_name, values]) => values[0]);
    // disable the submit button when the form has validation errors
    const submitButton = form.querySelector('button[type="submit"]');
    form.addEventListener('input', () => {
        submitButton.disabled = form.querySelector('.has-error') !== null;
    // set up the form submit event listener
    submitButton.addEventListener('click', async (event) => {
        var _a, _b;
        for (const element of form.elements) {
            if (element instanceof HTMLInputElement && element.dataset['confirm'] && element.placeholder !== 'Mixed') {
                if (confirm(element.dataset['confirm'])) {
                    delete element.dataset['confirm']; // don't confirm again when resubmitting
                else {
                    return; // stop submit
        const formData = new FormData(form);
        const formDataToSubmit = [];
        const track_name = getMixedInputValue(track_name_input);
        const artist_name = getMixedInputValue(artist_name_input);
        const album_name = getMixedInputValue(album_name_input);
        const album_artist_name = getMixedInputValue(album_artist_name_input);
        for (const originalData of distinctScrobbleData) {
            const track_name_original = originalData.get('track_name');
            const artist_name_original = originalData.get('artist_name');
            const album_name_original = (_a = originalData.get('album_name')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';
            const album_artist_name_original = (_b = originalData.get('album_artist_name')) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '';
            // if the album artist field is Mixed, use the old and new artist names to keep the album artist in sync
            const album_artist_name_sync = album_artist_name_input.placeholder === 'Mixed' && distinctScrobbleData.some((s) => s.get('artist_name') === album_artist_name_original)
                ? artist_name
                : album_artist_name;
            // check if anything changed compared to the original track, artist, album and album artist combination
            if (track_name !== null && track_name !== track_name_original ||
                artist_name !== null && artist_name !== artist_name_original ||
                album_name !== null && album_name !== album_name_original ||
                album_artist_name_sync !== null && album_artist_name_sync !== album_artist_name_original) {
                const clonedFormData = cloneFormData(formData);
                // expects a timestamp
                clonedFormData.set('timestamp', originalData.get('timestamp'));
                // populate the *_original fields to instruct which scrobbles need to be edited
                clonedFormData.set('track_name_original', track_name_original);
                if (track_name === null) {
                    clonedFormData.set('track_name', track_name_original);
                clonedFormData.set('artist_name_original', artist_name_original);
                if (artist_name === null) {
                    clonedFormData.set('artist_name', artist_name_original);
                clonedFormData.set('album_name_original', album_name_original);
                if (album_name === null) {
                    clonedFormData.set('album_name', album_name_original);
                clonedFormData.set('album_artist_name_original', album_artist_name_original);
                if (album_artist_name_sync === null) {
                    clonedFormData.set('album_artist_name', album_artist_name_original);
                else {
                    clonedFormData.set('album_artist_name', album_artist_name_sync);
        if (formDataToSubmit.length === 0) {
            alert('Your edit doesn\'t contain any real changes.'); // TODO: pretty validation messages
        // hide the Edit Scrobble form
        const cancelButton = form.querySelector('button.js-close');;
        const loadingModal = createLoadingModal('Saving Edits...', { display: 'count' });
        const parentStep = loadingModal;
        // run edits in series, inconsistencies will arise if you use a parallel loop
        await forEach(loadingModal, parentStep, formDataToSubmit, async (formData) => {
            // Edge does not support passing formData into URLSearchParams() constructor
            const body = new URLSearchParams();
            for (const [name, value] of formData) {
                body.append(name, value);
            const response = await fetch(form.action, { method: 'POST', body: body });
            const html = await response.text();
            // use DOMParser to check the response for alerts
            const placeholder = src_domParser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
            for (const message of placeholder.querySelectorAll('.alert-danger')) {
                alert(message.textContent.trim()); // TODO: pretty validation messages
        // sometimes displays old data when reloading too fast, so wait 1 second
        setTimeout(() => { window.location.reload(); }, 1000);
// helper function that completes when a matching element gets appended
function observeChildList(target, selector) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
            for (const mutation of mutations) {
                for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
                    if (node instanceof Element && node.matches(selector)) {
        observer.observe(target, { childList: true });
// turns a normal input into an input that supports the "Mixed" state
function augmentInput(scrobbleData, popup, input, plural, otherInput) {
    var _a;
    const groups = [...groupBy(scrobbleData, (s) => s.get(].sort((a, b) => b[1].length - a[1].length);
    if (groups.length >= 2) {
        // display the "Mixed" placeholder when there are two or more possible values
        input.value = '';
        input.placeholder = 'Mixed';
        const tab = '\xa0'.repeat(8); // 8 non-breaking spaces
        const abbr = document.createElement('span');
        abbr.className = `abbr ${namespace}-abbr`;
        abbr.tabIndex = -1;
        abbr.textContent = `${groups.length} ${plural}`;
        abbr.title =[key, values]) => `${values.length}x${tab}${key !== null && key !== void 0 ? key : ''}`).join('\n');
        input.parentNode.insertBefore(abbr, input.nextElementSibling);
        input.dataset['confirm'] = `You are about to merge scrobbles for ${groups.length} ${plural}. This cannot be undone. Would you like to continue?`;
        // datalist: a native HTML5 autocomplete feature
        const datalist = document.createElement('datalist'); = `${namespace}-${}-${}-datalist`;
        for (const [value] of groups) {
            const option = document.createElement('option');
            option.value = (_a = value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';
        input.autocomplete = 'off';
        input.parentNode.insertBefore(datalist, input.nextElementSibling);
    // display green color when field was edited, red if it's not allowed to be empty
    const formGroup = input.closest('.form-group');
    const defaultValue = input.value;
    input.addEventListener('input', () => {
        input.placeholder = ''; // removes "Mixed" state
    input.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
        if (event.keyCode === 8 || event.keyCode === 46) { // backspace or delete
            input.placeholder = ''; // removes "Mixed" state
    otherInput === null || otherInput === void 0 ? void 0 : otherInput.addEventListener('input', () => {
    function refreshFormGroupState() {
        if (input.value !== defaultValue || groups.length >= 2 && input.placeholder === '') {
            if (input.value === '' && ( === 'track_name'
                || === 'artist_name'
                || === 'album_name' && (!!otherInput.value || otherInput.placeholder === 'Mixed')
                || === 'album_artist_name' && !!otherInput.value || otherInput.placeholder === 'Mixed')) {
            else {
    return groups.length;
function groupBy(array, keyFunc) {
    const map = new Map();
    for (const item of array) {
        const key = keyFunc(item);
        const value = map.get(key);
        if (!value) {
            map.set(key, [item]);
        else {
    return map;
function getMixedInputValue(input) {
    return input.placeholder !== 'Mixed' ? input.value : null;
function cloneFormData(formData) {
    const clonedFormData = new FormData();
    for (const [name, value] of formData) {
        clonedFormData.append(name, value);
    return clonedFormData;


/******/ })()