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VPN'siz Vikipedi ve Imgur

Wikipedia sayfaları için Wikiwand'a ve Imgur fotoğrafları için Imgurp'a yönlendirerek içeriğe erişebilmenizi sağlar. Bu hizmetin asıl sahibi olan sunucu sahiplerine teşekkürler.

< Feedback on VPN'siz Vikipedi ve Imgur

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2019/02/27

Doesn't work

It just doesn't work for me :/

Posted: 2019/03/01
Edited: 2019/03/01

In what circumstances? It is written with aim of replacing links' Url with this unforbidden zero clones'. If you write wikipedia link directly adress bar, it doesn't work indeed. By the way I am thinking about make a change for that sometime.

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