GitHub Static Time

A userscript that replaces relative times with a static time formatted as you like it

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v1.1.0 2024/02/17

    feat: use eslint-plugin-userscripts (#202)

  • v1.1.0 2024/02/17

    Add UTC support (#178)

  • v1.0.10 2023/07/01

    Global: replace @include with @match (#192)

  • v1.0.10 2022/10/24 Static-time: update dependencies
  • v1.0.9 2021/07/21 Mutation: Update all
  • v1.0.8 2021/02/21 Add @supportURL pointing to the GitHub repo (#137) (per )
  • v1.0.8 2021/01/31 Mutation: Add menu observer
  • v1.0.7 2019/02/17 Global: Update GitHub icon
  • v1.0.6 2019/02/02 Meta: Fix linting issue
  • v1.0.6 2019/01/29 Static-time: Add title attribute to element, Global: Update mutation script
  • v1.0.4 2018/10/05 Mutations: Update comment load selector
  • v1.0.3 2018/05/17 Global: Update mutation script
  • v1.0.2 2018/05/10 Global: Update mutation script
  • v1.0.1 2018/04/09 Global: update mutation script url
  • v1.0.0 2018/01/18 Update assets & fix linting
  • v0.1.3 2017/10/08 Global: update mutation script url, Global: Fix linting issues
  • v0.1.2 2017/06/10 Static-time: Prevent JS error after browser back arrow, Static-time: add container update delay Needed to allow rendering of repo file list
  • v0.1.1 2017/05/16 Static-time: fix linting & update license
  • v0.1.0 2017/04/25
  • v0.1.0 2017/04/25 Imported from URL