
Check ChangeLog from Github Relase page.

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Posted: 2014/06/19
Edited: 2014/06/28

Strangely formatted, very long lines

Appears to have quite a bit duplicated. All-round suspicious looking code.

azu 2Author
Posted: 2014/06/24
Edited: 2014/06/24

Yes, this script was generated with browserify.


I think Greasemonkey's @require hard to create modular script.(Each module must has URL...)
So, I have created this script with browserify by way of experiment.

azu 2Author
Posted: 2014/06/24
Edited: 2014/06/24

JavaScript doesn't have module system(without ES6 module).
Browserify can bundle up all of the script depencies.( bundle = depencies.concat([aModule, bModule]) )
These modules are my code and code on npm.

> And is code on reviewed by someone

No, npm can publish a package without need for review.

I think It's difficult to ensure confidence about code on npm.

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