Spotify hotkeys JS - Allows hotkeys and media keys to control the Spotify web player from any tab
Gmail Calender Connector JS - Füllt bei Anlage eines Kalendereintrages aus einer E-Mail heraus automatisch Datum und Uhrzeit aus
closeDoublePage JS - Closes the old tab, if a new one with the same URL emerges
Filmografie von IMDb nach Wikipedia JS - Wandelt die Filmografie von IMDb mithilfe von Wikidata in Wikipedia-Quelltext um
JSON-LD from IMDb to QuickStatements JS - Gets data from JSON-LD from IMDb to QuickStatements, to publish it on Wikidata
- language redirect JS - Redirects to the page of the own language
Google tab paths JS - Use tabs to choose the Google search results
Get label from JS - Offers labels based on the episode number or title as Wikidata label
Wikipedia Artikel Generator JS - Erstellt Grundgerüste für Wikipedia-Artikel von Personen aus Wikidata-Daten
Wikidata Episode Generator JS - Creates QuickStatements for Wikidata episode items from Wikipedia episode lists
Simplify QuickStatements Import Buttons JS - Simplify the import buttons of QuickStatements into one button
Reset Default Translation JS - Resets the language to auto because Google is always setting it to different unused languages
Sparql to QuickStatements JS - Copy commands from Sparql to QuickStatements
Edit Scrobbles JS - Adds an "Edit scrobble" entry to the context menu of
Sofascore Chances JS - Replace betting odds with chances calculated by the odds