Hide Webpage Notification Permission Requests JS - Automatically hides notification permission requests on all webpages.
NGA Article Template Repository (Local) JS - Save article template to local storage for retrieval.
Happy Comics - Automatic Page Turning for Mobile JS - Provides automatic page turning and touch control for Happy Comics mobile version.
Happy Comics Optimization of image loading JS - Load all images at once, and reload indefinitely if loading fails.
Happy Comics - Hide Specific Position AppBar JS - Hide AppBar except at the top and bottom of the page
Happy Comics - Collapse and Expand Comments Section JS - Collapse or expand the comments section of Happy Comics, and hide some irrelevant elements.
OP.GG Auto Recorder JS - Automatically clicks "Record" buttons on OP.GG website
Bahamut Article Template Repository (Local) JS - Save article template to local storage for retrieval.
Intercept Alerts and Enable Debugging JS - Ticket booking bot with timing and CSP bypass
Tixcraft Detail to Game URL JS - Open modified Tixcraft URLs in a new background tab by replacing 'detail' with 'game'
Open Elements in Background Tab JS - 將選定的元素在背景分頁或新分頁開啟
LanguageTemplateManager JS (Library) - Language
test_嗨皮 JS (Library) - test