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Habitica Chat Window Toggle Spells JS - Adds spell toggle to HabitRPG/Habitica
pwnyFilters JS - Load the pwnyBar settings in any page.
LIHKG Redirect JS - redirect to browser friendly lihkg
Copy-Clip JS - A ridiculously simple way to copy links to the clipboard
PrivateStream Responsive Embed JS - Stupid Website
ShadeRoot RedBubble JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for RedBubble
ShadeRoot GFYCat JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for GFYCat
ShadeRoot PhotoBucket JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Photobucket
ShadeFix Minds JS - ShadeFix for Minds, broadening the central content on any page
ShadeRoot ExtraTorrent JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for ExtraTorrent
input contrast JS - Force inputs colors on pages
Nintendo Store Canada JS - Auto redirect nintendo store to canada store
Helvetica on LIHKG JS - changing font on LIHKG
Disable javascript alert boxs JS - A simple userscript that defeats and disable the javascript alert boxes
WWT Easy Updater JS - Adds update button to "Your Torrents" page
WME Livemap Speed JS - Wazers speed on livemap
Clean Loopy For Youtube (Improved) JS - Displays a link below YouTube videos to enable/disable auto replay.
WWT PM From Shout JS - Adds PM link to posts in shoutbox
WME True Segment Length JS - Displays geodesic segment length in feet & meters
Block sites JS - Block sites (such as Baidu, etc.) You can edit the block list in the script.
Random Wikia JS - Press a button to go to any random page of the wikia you're on
AH Clan Extension test #1 JS - D - Double Split -|- S - Triple Split -|- A - 16 Split -|- Q - Feed
__JaZzY's Macros JS - Fastest W-Feeding, , (G) Doublesplit Macro, (A) Max Split, and More to be Added! ❤
OGame - Chat Alianza JS - band of brothers
DC_trop_ouha JS - Super secret project
Rep Char Limit Bypasser JS - Bypass the character limit for giving people rep.
SINGULARITY'S Cross beam JS - Allows a ship to beam from planet to foreign ship directly
PrivateStream Responsive Embed JS - Stupid Website
old-smzdm(旧版张大妈) JS - 什么值得买默认使用旧版本
Gazelle Autofiller JS - Automatically fills a Gazelle form
4chan link fix JS - hiroshiMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT
自动放大Phabricator图片 JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube NoHTML5 JS - Little primitive youtube html5 disabler
Virgo Gaming Bots JS - SUBSCRIBE Virgo Gaming!
Magog Enhancements Hoard JS - Small enhancements for the Magog forums.
/r/classic4chan css deanonymizer JS - Deanonymize /r/classic4chan users.
video auto size (kissanime) JS - resize the video to pixel format size
Kukualarmklok clock JS - Adds a clock so you can see how long it is until the alarm rings
CubeCraft Reports JS - Adds a link to the appeals page to each report.
- Headers Toggle JS - Removes headers from
Fake News Warnings JS - Display a popup warning on fake news sites. See:
link_open_newtab JS - Open link in a new tab.
lang-8 fix CJK lang-specific variants display JS - fix display of language-specific glyphs of CJK ideographs
- image list JS - Lists all images in a chapter/volume
Virgo Gaming Bots JS - SUBSCRIBE Virgo Gaming!
Disable NYTimes Blog Smooth-Scrolling JS - Disables the smooth scrolling done by site's script
Better WooWee JS - try to take over the world!
Vimeo Player Speed Slider JS - Add Speed Slider to Vimeo Player Settings
GFY Photo Captions JS - On Go Fug Yourself slideshows, move the photo captions to the right sidebar.
YouTube Playlist Close JS - Allow quick closing of playlists
pc 微信跳转页面直接打开 JS - pc上从微信打开taobao等页面 还要手动复制粘贴,表示不爽
NGU Holiday Plugin JS - Adds the ability to toggle the snow effect on NextGenUpdate among other things.
NGU Holiday Plugin - For Dark Themes JS - Adds the ability to toggle the snow effect on NextGenUpdate among other things (DARK THEME).
PassTheHeadphones Collage Export Utility JS - Saves a collection of torrents as a text file
- :: Group Top 10 JS - Groups torrents from the same album in Top 10 lists
链接自动跳转 JS - 访问分享链接时自动跳转至下载页面或验证页面
链接附加提取码 JS - 生成分享链接时自动附加提取码
TextReFlower JS - click on text to reflow into visible area, Android FF USI
VideoLayerRemover JS - kill layer video ads, maybe you have to unpause manually 2 or 3 times, use carfully!
Steam Store - Removed App/Sub Redirect To SteamDB JS - If the Steam Store app/sub doesn't exist, is removed or is region-locked, redirect to instead of
Private Agario Elite Script JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Kuracyja na zawsze zabanowany JS - Gdy Kuracyja zabanowany, to cieplutko na sercu się robi.
Vertix Script JS - A script created by /u/ReelablePenny14 and /u/HighNoon643
Gazelle Snatched JS - Mark snatched torrents across your favorite gazelle music trackers.
Convert units to Celcius JS - attempts to convert all Farenheit temperature measurments to Celcius. Not infallable, but decent for cooking measurements
WME Split POI JS - Split POI with a new seg
xkcd 1418 JS - Replaces the word "force" with "horse" everywhere. Is expandable with other replacements.
tapuz stop link ads JS - stops tapuz from replacing links in ads
HF Staff Opti JS - For Optimized
LF Clickable Userbars JS - Harvey R Specter
twitchplaysdark JS - twitchplaysdark controller
Chatango HTML Mini Overlay JS - An extension for's new html5/js chat. Which adds the old "mini profile on hover" feature.
Fusion Scouts JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
iRacing Auto Join JS - This script adds an auto join checkbox after registering for an iRacing session. Once a green join button becomes available it will be automatically clicked if the checkbox is ticked.
ZenMoney Currency Percents JS - On the ZenMoney service ( calculates the total percent each currency concludes and shows you alert if you need to buy or sell a currency. By default works for USD, EUR and RUB, with desired percents 30, 30 and 40 respectively. Change the __PARAMS__ settings below to your desired values. Timeout setting is required, because when the page loads, the objects are not ready yet.
4Chan WinRAR Finder JS - Creates a list of all GET's in current thread
KAT: smart full date/time JS - Today: "1 hour ago", yesterday: "yesterday, 11:44", earlier: "12 days ago, 01 Oct 2015, 10:45"
BCPop JS - Filter bandcamp user collections by popularity
MODIFIED LIME FOR ROSE JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
General Magnet Link Cleaner JS - Reduces magnet links to their HASH source
(mTurk) ProductRnR School Appropriate HIT Helper JS - Defaults all images in the ProductRnR "Identify these images as School appropriate" HITs as "OK to show" so that you only have to glance at and change the ones that aren't.
MODIFIED LIME FOR VER JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
ink JS - ink_trade
WoTStatScript - Tournament Teams JS - More info for World of Tanks tournament teams
Simkl inline tagging and memo taking JS - Adds inline-memos to Simkl for quick tagging
lulu 1.0 JS - spamsms
- links (HML) JS - Parses HorribleSubs Releases table for anime episodes, filtering out the series name and generates a MAL search link IF it doesn't have a horriblesubs link.
Uncheck Google Two Factor Authorization Trust This Device JS - Disable google's automatic "Dont ask again on this computer" checkbox when entering Two Factor code
MODIFIED LIME FOR FWAG JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
MODIFIED LIME FOR SARYN JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
MODIFIED LIME FOR DTRIXELL JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
Stop asking to save auth-code JS - Will set the "remember this computer" check box off by default in Google 2-Step authentication. To never save this computer. Good for work computers.
MODIFIED LIME FOR BEZCO JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
MyEpisodes Downloader JS - Adds download links to MyEpisodes website
Pimp My CAT JS - The CAT Pimper
DCF Filing Embed JS - enter something useful
- Link JS - Show baidu link for
Show Password JS - Rollover any password field to see the password as tooltip pop up.
Tumblr - Archive Reblog JS - Reblog posts from any archive.