FIX for "Bing Search returns to the top" !

Stop doing weird things, Bing ! ;)

// ==UserScript==
// @name         FIX for "Bing Search returns to the top" !
// @namespace
// @version      1.0.1
// @description  Stop doing weird things, Bing ! ;)
// @author       Henry
// @match        http*://**
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    So, I switched to Bing a month ago and.. I HAD the same problem, but I just fixed it !

    There's a function in a script file triggered when Bing Search is Out of Focus, waiting for 15 seconds, and then Scroll the page to the top.

    Why ? ... I really don't know ... but, who cares ? ;)

    For Tampermonkey addon users on Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera and Firefox, the simple way is to install a script like this.

    AwayTimeThreshold defines the waiting time in seconds when the tab is no longer active to scroll up the page. (Default value: 15 seconds)

    Some sort of temporary (but for a long time, i think ^^) solution is to set an impossible value to reach to this variable. (2 592 000 seconds = One month.)

    I currently use this solution, and it works like a charm ! ;)
    window.AwayTimeThreshold = 2_592_000;

    // other solution
    // Disable the scroll to top functionality
    function disableScrollToTop() {
        window.scrollTo = function(x, y) {
            if (y !== 0) {
                window.scrollTo.originalFunc(x, y);
        window.scrollTo.originalFunc = window.scrollTo;

    // Listen for 'focus' events on the window
    window.addEventListener('focus', disableScrollToTop);