// ==UserScript==
// @name Gelbooru Overhaul
// @namespace https://github.com/Enchoseon/gelbooru-overhaul-userscript/raw/main/gelbooru-overhaul.user.js
// @version 0.7.2
// @description Various toggleable changes to Gelbooru such as enlarging the gallery, removing the sidebar, and more.
// @author Enchoseon
// @include *gelbooru.com*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_download
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
"use strict";
// =============
// Configuration
// =============
const config = {
general: {
amoled: true, // A very lazy Amoled theme
autoDarkMode: true, // Apply Amoled theme if system in Dark mode, higher priority than 'amoled'
autoDarkModeForceTime: false, // Ignore system theme and check time for dark mode
autoDarkModeStartHour: 19, // Start and End time if ForceTime is enabled or system does not supports dark mode
autoDarkModeEndHour: 7,
sexySidebar: true, // Move the leftmost sidebar to the top-left of the screen next to the Gelbooru logo
post: {
fitVertically: true, // Scale media to fit vertically in the screen
center: true, // Center media
gallery: {
removeTitle: true, // Removes the title attribute from thumbnails
rightClickDownload: true, // Makes it so that when you right-click thumbnails you'll download their highest-resolution counterpart
rightClickDownloadSaveAsPrompt: false, // Show the "Save As" File Explorer prompt when right-click downloading
enlargeFlexbox: true, // Make the thumbnails in the gallery slightly larger & reduce the number of columns
enlargeThumbnailsOnHover: true, // Make the thumbnails in the gallery increase in scale when you hover over them (best paired with gallery.higherResThumbnailsOnHover)
higherResThumbnailsOnHover: true, // Make the thumbnails in the gallery higher-resolution when you hover over them
advancedBlacklist: true, // Use the advanced blacklist that supports AND operators & // comments
advancedBlacklistConfig: `
// Humans
// Extremely Niche Kinks
minigirl penis_hug
// Shitty Artists
`, // ^ This arbitrary blacklist is purely for demo purposes. For a larger blacklist, see blacklist.txt in the GitHub repository
download: {
blockUnknownArtist: true, // Block the download of files without a tagged artist
missingArtistText: "_unknown-artist", // Text that replaces where the artist name would usually be in images missing artist tags
var css = "";
// =======================================================
// Higher-Resolution Preview When Hovering Over Thumbnails
// Download Images in Gallery on Right-Click
// Remove Title from Thumbnails
// Advanced Blacklist
// =======================================================
if (config.gallery.higherResThumbnailsOnHover || config.gallery.rightClickDownload || config.gallery.removeTitle || config.gallery.advancedBlacklist) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
Object.values(document.querySelectorAll(".thumbnail-preview")).forEach((elem) => {
var aElem = elem.querySelector("a");
var imgElem = aElem.querySelector("img");
if (config.gallery.higherResThumbnailsOnHover) { // Higher-Resolution Preview When Hovering Over Thumbnails
imgElem.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() {
convertThumbnail(imgElem, aElem, false);
}, false);
if (config.gallery.rightClickDownload) { // Download Images in Gallery on Right-Click
imgElem.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => {
convertThumbnail(imgElem, aElem, true).then(function() {
downloadImage(imgElem, aElem);
if (config.gallery.removeTitle) { // Remove Title from Thumbnails
imgElem.title = "";
if (config.gallery.advancedBlacklist) { // Advanced Blacklist
config.gallery.advancedBlacklistConfig.forEach((blacklistLine) => {
if (blacklistLine.includes("&&")) { // AND statements
var remove = true;
blacklistLine = blacklistLine.split("&&");
blacklistLine.forEach((andArg) => {
if (!tagFound(andArg)) {
remove = false;
if (remove) {
} else if (tagFound(blacklistLine)) { // Simple & straightforward blacklisting
function tagFound(query) { // Check if a tag is present in the imgElem
var tags = imgElem.alt.split(",");
tags = tags.map(tag => tag.trim())
if (tags.includes(query)) {
return true;
return false;
Object.values(document.querySelector(".mainBodyPadding").querySelectorAll("div")).reverse()[1].querySelectorAll("a").forEach((aElem) => {
var imgElem = aElem.querySelector("img");
if (config.gallery.higherResThumbnailsOnHover) { // Higher-Resolution Preview When Hovering Over Thumbnails
imgElem.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() {
convertThumbnail(imgElem, aElem, false);
}, false);
if (config.gallery.rightClickDownload) { // Download Images in Gallery on Right-Click
imgElem.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => {
convertThumbnail(imgElem, aElem, true).then(function() {
downloadImage(imgElem, aElem);
if (config.gallery.removeTitle) { // Remove Title from Thumbnails
imgElem.title = "";
if (config.gallery.advancedBlacklist) { // Advanced Blacklist
config.gallery.advancedBlacklistConfig.forEach((blacklistLine) => {
if (blacklistLine.includes("&&")) { // AND statements
var remove = true;
blacklistLine = blacklistLine.split("&&");
blacklistLine.forEach((andArg) => {
if (!tagFound(andArg)) {
remove = false;
if (remove) {
} else if (tagFound(blacklistLine)) { // Simple & straightforward blacklisting
function tagFound(query) { // Check if a tag is present in the imgElem
var tags = imgElem.alt.split(",");
tags = tags.map(tag => tag.trim())
if (tags.includes(query)) {
return true;
return false;
// =================================
// Make Leftmost Sidebar Collapsable
// =================================
if (config.general.sexySidebar && window.location.search !== "") {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.id = "sidebar";
div.innerHTML = document.querySelectorAll(".aside")[0].innerHTML;
css += `
.aside {
grid-area: aside;
display: none;
#container {
grid-template-columns: 0px auto;
#sidebar {
position: fixed;
width: 4px;
height: 100%;
padding-top: 60px;
overflow: hidden;
background: red;
top: 0;
left: 0;
transition: 142ms;
z-index: 420690;
#sidebar:hover {
position: fixed;
width: 240px;
height: 100%;
padding-top: 0px;
overflow-y: scroll;
background: ${isDarkMode() ? 'black' : 'white'};
opacity: 0.9;
// =============================
// Scale Media To Fit Vertically
// =============================
if (config.post.fitVertically) {
css += `
#image, #gelcomVideoPlayer {
height: 90vh !important;
width: auto !important;
// resize to fit horizontally on 'Click here to expand image.'
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
let resizeLink = document.querySelector("#resize-link").querySelector("a");
let oldOnClick = resizeLink.onclick;
resizeLink.onclick = function(event) {
Object.values(document.querySelectorAll("#image, #gelcomVideoPlayer")).forEach((elem) => {
elem.style.cssText += `
height: auto !important;
width: 95vw !important;
// ============
// Center Media
// ============
if (config.post.center) {
css += `
.image-container {
display: flex !important;
justify-content: center;
// ===========================
// Enlarge Thumbnails On Hover
// ===========================
if (config.gallery.enlargeThumbnailsOnHover) {
css += `
.thumbnail-preview a img {
transform: scale(1);
transition: transform 169ms;
.thumbnail-preview a img:hover {
transform: scale(2.42);
transition-delay: 142ms;
.thumbnail-preview:hover {
position: relative;
z-index: 690;
.mainBodyPadding div a img {
max-height: 10vw !important;
transform: scale(1);
transition: transform 169ms;
.mainBodyPadding div a img:hover {
transform: scale(2.42);
transition-delay: 142ms;
position: relative;
z-index: 690;
// =======================
// Enlarge Gallery Flexbox
// =======================
if (config.gallery.enlargeFlexbox) {
css += `
.thumbnail-preview {
height: 21em;
width: 20%;
.thumbnail-preview {
transform: scale(1.42);
html, body {
overflow-x: hidden;
.searchArea {
z-index: 420;
#paginator {
margin-top: 6.9em;
main {
margin-top: 1.21em;
// ===========================
// Extremely Lazy Amoled Theme
// ===========================
if (isDarkMode()) {
css += `
body, #tags-search {
color: white;
.note-body {
color: black !important;
.aside, .searchList, header, .navSubmenu, #sidebar {
filter: saturate(42%);
.thumbnail-preview a img {
border-radius: 0.42em;
#container, header, .navSubmenu, body, .alert-info, footer, html, #tags-search {
background-color: black !important;
background: black !important;
.searchArea a, .commentBody, textarea, .ui-menu {
filter: invert(1) saturate(42%);
.aside, .alert-info, #tags-search {
border: unset;
// ==========
// Inject CSS
// ==========
(function() {
var s = document.createElement("style");
s.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
// =================
// Process Blacklist
// =================
(function() {
var blacklist = config.gallery.advancedBlacklistConfig.split(/\r?\n/);
var output = [];
blacklist.forEach((line) => { // Convert blacklist to array form
line = line.trim();
if (!line.startsWith("//") && line !== "") { // Ignore comments
output.push(line.replace(/ /g, "&&") // Marker to tell the blacklist loop this is an AND statement
.replace(/_/g, " ") // Format to be same as imgElem alt text
config.gallery.advancedBlacklistConfig = output;
// ================
// Utility Functions
// ================
// Get higher-resolution counterpart of a thumbnail
function convertThumbnail(imgElem, aElem, highestQuality) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var gelDB = GM_getValue("gelDB", {});
var index = hash(aElem.href);
if (!gelDB[index] || (highestQuality && !gelDB[index].high) || (!gelDB[index].medium)) { // Request higher-resolution image (unless it's already indexed)
var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
xobj.open("GET", aElem.href, true);
xobj.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") {
const responseDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xobj.responseText, "text/html");
if (responseDocument.querySelector("#gelcomVideoPlayer")) { // Reject videos
reject("Gelbooru Overhaul doesn't support videos in convertThumbnail() or downloadImage() yet.");
if (highestQuality) {
alert("Gelbooru Overhaul doesn't support videos in convertThumbnail() or downloadImage() yet.");
gelDB[index] = {};
gelDB[index].tags = convertTagElem(responseDocument.querySelector("#tag-list")); // Grab tags
gelDB[index].medium = responseDocument.querySelector("#image").src; // Get medium-quality src
gelDB[index].high = responseDocument.querySelectorAll("script:not([src])"); // Get highest-quality src
gelDB[index].high = gelDB[index].high[gelDB[index].high.length - 1]
GM_setValue("gelDB", gelDB);
} else { // Skip the AJAX voodoo if it's already indexed. Added bonus of cache speed.
function output() {
if (highestQuality) {
imgElem.src = gelDB[index].high;
} else {
imgElem.src = gelDB[index].medium;
// Convert tag list elem into a friendlier object
function convertTagElem(tagElem) {
var tagObj = {
"artist": [],
"character": [],
"copyright": [],
"metadata": [],
"general": [],
"deprecated": [],
Object.values(tagElem.querySelectorAll("li")).forEach((tag) => {
if (tag.className.startsWith("tag-type-")) {
var type = tag.className.replace("tag-type-", "");
tag = tag.querySelector("span a")
.replace("https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=wiki&s=list&search=", "");
return tagObj;
// Generate hash from string (https://stackoverflow.com/a/52171480)
function hash(str, seed = 0) {
let h1 = 0xdeadbeef ^ seed, h2 = 0x41c6ce57 ^ seed;
for (let i = 0, ch; i < str.length; i++) {
ch = str.charCodeAt(i);
h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ ch, 2654435761);
h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ ch, 1597334677);
h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1>>>16), 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2>>>13), 3266489909);
h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2>>>16), 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1>>>13), 3266489909);
return 4294967296 * (2097151 & h2) + (h1>>>0);
// Download image
function downloadImage(imgElem, aElem) {
var gelDB = GM_getValue("gelDB", {});
var index = hash(aElem.href);
var extension = imgElem.src.split(".").at(-1);
var artist = gelDB[index].tags.artist.join(" ");
if (config.download.blockUnknownArtist && artist === "") { // Don't download if blockUnknownArtist is enabled and artist tag is missing
url: imgElem.src,
name: formatFilename(artist, index, extension),
saveAs: config.gallery.rightClickDownloadSaveAsPrompt,
// Create the filename from the artist's name
function formatFilename(artist, index, extension) {
if (artist === "") {
artist = config.download.missingArtistText;
const illegalRegex = /[\/\?<>\\:\*\|":]/g;
artist = decodeURI(artist).replace(illegalRegex, "_") // Make filename-safe (https://stackoverflow.com/a/11101624)
.replace(/_{2,}/g, "_") // and remove consecutive underscores
.toLowerCase() + "_" + index + "." + extension;
return artist;
// Check if dark mode should be applied
function isDarkMode() {
//if auto enabled
let hasMediaColorScheme = (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme)').media !== 'not all');
if(config.general.autoDarkModeForceTime || !hasMediaColorScheme)
let hours = new Date().getHours();
if(hours >= config.general.autoDarkModeStartHour || hours <= config.general.autoDarkModeEndHour)
return true;
return false;
//system in dark mode
if(window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches)
return true;
//system in light mode
return false;
//if permanent dark mode enabled
else if(config.general.amoled)
return true;
return false;