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// ==UserScript== // @name 超星网课助手(全网最强题库版本)|支持90%以上图片题 // @namespace Ruinous // @version 5.6.0 // @description 【修复视频功能】【支持新版自动跳转】【完美倍速】开放优化收录系统,自动挂机看尔雅MOOC,支持视频自动完成,章节测验自动答题提交,支持自动切换任务点等,开放自定义参数 // @author Ruinous // @match *://** // @match *://** // @connect // @connect // @require // @run-at document-end // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @license MIT // @antifeature ads // @original-script // @original-author wyn665817 // @original-license MIT // ==/UserScript== function getRandomInteger(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } const api_array = [ "", ]; const api_upload = [ "" ]; // 设置修改后,需要刷新或重新打开网课页面才会生效 var setting = { api: getRandomInteger(0, api_array.length), // 答题接口编号,参考上方,默认随机 // 5E3 == 5000,科学记数法,表示毫秒数 time: 5e3, // 默认响应速度为5秒,不建议小于3秒 token: "", // 捐助用户可以使用定制功能,更精准的匹配答案,此处填写捐助后获取的识别码 review: 0, // 复习模式,完整挂机视频(音频)时长,支持挂机任务点已完成的视频和音频,默认关闭 queue: 1, // 队列模式,开启后任务点逐一完成,关闭则单页面所有任务点同时进行,默认开启 submit: 1, //答案收录,开启后可在作业完成界面自动收录题目,默认开启 // 1代表开启,0代表关闭 video: 1, // 视频支持后台、切换窗口不暂停,支持多视频,默认开启 work: 1, // 自动答题功能(章节测验),作业需要手动开启查询,高准确率,默认开启 audio: 1, // 音频自动播放,与视频功能共享vol和rate参数,默认开启 book: 1, // 图书阅读任务点,非课程阅读任务点,默认开启 docs: 1, // 文档阅读任务点,PPT类任务点自动完成阅读任务,默认开启 // 本区域参数,上方为任务点功能,下方为独立功能 jump: 1, // 自动切换任务点、章节、课程(需要配置course参数),默认开启 read: "0", // 挂机课程阅读时间,单位是分钟,'65'代表挂机65分钟,请手动打开阅读页面,默认'0'分钟 face: 0, // 解除面部识别(不支持二维码类面部采集),此功能仅为临时解除,默认关闭 total: 1, // 显示课程进度的统计数据,在学习进度页面的上方展示,默认开启 // 仅开启video(audio)时,修改此处才会生效 line: "公网1", // 视频播放的默认资源线路,此功能适用于系统默认线路无资源,默认'公网1' http: "标清", // 视频播放的默认清晰度,无效参数则使用系统默认清晰度,默认'标清' // 本区域参数,上方为video功能独享,下方为audio功能共享 vol: "0", // 默认音量的百分数,设定范围:[0,100],'0'为静音,默认'0' rate: "1", // 视频播放默认倍率,参数范围0∪[0.0625,16],'0'为秒过,默认'1'倍,注意:在页面内开启永久秒过时,该选项失效 // 仅开启work时,修改此处才会生效 auto: 0, // 答题完成后自动提交,默认关闭,注意:在页面内开启永久自动提交时,该选项失效 temp: 1, //答题完成后自动保存搜索到的答案,默认开启 none: 0, // 无匹配答案时执行默认操作,关闭后若题目无匹配答案则会暂时保存已作答的题目,默认关闭 scale: 0, // 富文本编辑器高度自动拉伸,用于文本类题目,答题框根据内容自动调整大小,默认关闭 // 仅开启jump时,修改此处才会生效 course: 1, // 当前课程完成后自动切换课程,仅支持按照根目录课程顺序切换,默认开启 lock: 1, // 跳过未开放(图标是锁)的章节,即闯关模式或定时发放的任务点,默认开启 jumptime: 3e3, //跳转至下个课程的延迟时间,不建议小于3秒 // 自动登录功能配置区 school: "账号为手机号可以不修改此参数", // 学校/单位/机构码,要求完整有效可查询,例如'清华大学' username: "", // 学号/工号/借书证号(邮箱/手机号/账号),例如'2018010101',默认'' password: "", // 密码,例如'123456',默认'' //验证配置区 ischeck: 0, //是否检测完毕,可手动更改为1避免全部检测(如果改为1可能会不能使用) }, _self = unsafeWindow, url = location.pathname, top = _self, nowtime=new Date().getTime(); if (GM_getValue("auto_work_upload")==undefined||GM_getValue("timestamp")==undefined){ GM_setValue("auto_work_upload",; GM_setValue("timestamp",new Date().getTime()) }else{"auto_work_upload"); } if (url != "/studyApp/studying" && top != document.domain =\./, ""); try { while (top != { top = top.parent.document ? top.parent :; if (top.location.pathname == "/mycourse/studentstudy") break; } } catch (err) { // console.log(err); top = _self; } var $ = _self.jQuery || top.jQuery, parent = _self == top ? self : _self.parent, Ext = _self.Ext || parent.Ext || {}, UE = _self.UE, vjs = _self.videojs; String.prototype.toCDB = function () { return this.replace(/\s/g, "") .replace(/[\uff01-\uff5e]/g, function (str) { return String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(0) - 65248); }) .replace(/[“”]/g, '"') .replace(/[‘’]/g, "'") .replace(/。/g, "."); }; setting.normal = ""; // ':visible' // setting.time += Math.ceil(setting.time * Math.random()) - setting.time / 2; setting.job = [":not(*)"]; && setting.job.push('iframe[src*="/video/index.html"]'); && setting.job.push('iframe[src*="/work/index.html"]'); && setting.job.push('iframe[src*="/audio/index.html"]'); && setting.job.push('iframe[src*="/innerbook/index.html"]'); && setting.job.push( 'iframe[src*="/ppt/index.html"]', 'iframe[src*="/pdf/index.html"]' ); setting.tip = !setting.queue || (top != _self && jobSort($ || Ext.query)); if (url == "/mycourse/studentstudy") { _self.checkMobileBrowerLearn = $.noop; var classId =[zs]{2}id=(\d+)/i)[1] || 0, courseId = _self.courseId ||\d+)/i)[1] || 0; setting.lock || $("#coursetree").on("click", "[onclick*=void], [href*=void]", function () { _self.getTeacherAjax( courseId, classId, $(this).parent().attr("id").slice(3) ); }); } else if (url == "/ananas/modules/video/index.html" && { if ( _self.greenligth = Ext.emptyFn; checkPlayer(_self.supportH5Video()); } else if ( url == "/work/doHomeWorkNew" || url == "/api/work" || url == "/work/addStudentWorkNewWeb" ) { if (!UE) { var len = ($ || Ext.query || Array)("font:contains(未登录)", document) .length; setTimeout( len == 1 ? top.location.reload : parent.greenligth, setting.time ); } else if ( { setTimeout(relieveLimit, 0); beforeFind(); } } else if(url=="/mooc2/work/dowork"){ alert("新版脚本作业功能仍在测试中,可能出现不稳定的情况,请谨慎使用!"); $( '<div style="border: 2px dashed rgb(0, 85, 68); width: 330px; position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; z-index: 99999; background-color: rgba(70, 196, 38, 0.6); overflow-x: auto;">' + '<span style="font-size: medium;"></span>' + '<div style="font-size: medium;">正在搜索答案...</div>' + "<button>折叠面板</button>" + '<div style="max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto;">' + '<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px;">' + "<thead>" + "<tr>" + '<th style="width: 25px; min-width: 25px;">题号</th>' + '<th style="width: 60%; min-width: 130px;">题目(点击可复制)</th>' + '<th style="min-width: 130px;">答案(点击可复制)</th>' + "</tr>" + "</thead>" + '<tfoot style="display: none;">' + "<tr>" + '<th colspan="3">答案提示框 已折叠</th>' + "</tr>" + "</tfoot>" + "<tbody>" + "<tr>" + '<td colspan="3" style="display: none;"></td>' + "</tr>" + "</tbody>" + "</table>" + "</div>" + "</div>" ) .appendTo("body").on("click","button",function(){ $(this).find("tbody, tfoot").toggle(); }); let len=$(".questionLi").size(); $(".questionLi").each(function(i){ console.log($(this).children("h3").text().replace(/[0-9]?.*?\(.*?题\) /g,"")); }); } else if (url == "/ananas/modules/audio/index.html" && { if ( _self.greenligth = Ext.emptyFn; _self.videojs = hookAudio; hookAudio.xhr = vjs.xhr; } else if ( url == "/ananas/modules/innerbook/index.html" && && setting.tip ) { setTimeout(function () { _self.setting ?"end")) : _self.greenligth(); }, setting.time); } else if ( url.match(/^\/ananas\/modules\/(ppt|pdf)\/index\.html$/) && && setting.tip ) { setTimeout(function () { _self.setting ? _self.finishJob() : _self.greenligth(); }, setting.time); frameElement.setAttribute("download", 1); } else if (url == "/knowledge/cards"||url=="/api/work") { console.log( if("mooc2=1")!=-1){ $ && checkToNextnew(); }else{ $ && checkToNext(); } } else if (url.match(/^\/(course|zt)\/\d+\.html$/)) { setTimeout(function () { && _self.sendLogs && $(".course_section:eq(0) .chapterText").click(); }, setting.time); } else if (url == "/ztnodedetailcontroller/visitnodedetail") { *= 60 / $(".course_section").length; && _self.sendLogs && autoRead(); } else if (url == "/mycourse/studentcourse") { var gv =\d+&/g); && $("<a>", { href: "/moocAnalysis/chapterStatisticByUser?classI" + gv[1] + "courseI" + gv[0] + "userId=" + _self.getCookie("_uid") + "&ut=s", target: "_blank", title: "点击查看章节统计", style: "margin: 0 25px;", html: "本课程共" + $(".icon").length + "节,剩余" + $("em:not(.openlock)").length + "节未完成", }) .appendTo(".zt_logo") .parent() .width("auto"); } else if (url.match(/^\/visit\/(courses|interaction)$/)) { setting.face && $(".zmodel").on("click", "[onclick^=openFaceTip]", DisplayURL); } else if (^passport2/)) { setting.username && getSchoolId(); } else if (location.hostname == "") { if(setting.ischeck==0){ opencheckGUI(); } } else if (url == "/widget/pcvote/goStudentVotePage") { $(":checked").click(); $(".StudentTimu").each(function (index) { var ans = _self.questionlist[index].answer; $(":radio, :checkbox", this).each(function (num) { ans[num].isanswer &&; }); $(":text", this).val(function (num) { return $(ans[num].content).text().trim(); }); }); } else if (url == "/work/selectWorkQuestionYiPiYue") { if(setting.submit==1){ dynamicLoadCss(""); submitAnswer(); } } function opencheckGUI(){ _self.layui.use("layer", function () {{ content: "拖动进度条、倍速播放、秒过会导致不良记录!</br>欢迎加入QQ群:646942172 共同讨论<br>等待下方加载完成出现404 not found即为完成人工验证</br><iframe src=''></iframe>", title: "超星网课助手人工验证", btn: "验证完毕", offset: "t", closeBtn: 0, }); }); } function dynamicLoadCss(url) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var link = document.createElement('link'); link.type='text/css'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = url; head.appendChild(link); } function getIframe(tip, win, job) { if (!$) return ( Ext.get(frameElement || []) .parent() .child(".ans-job-icon") || Ext.get([]) ); do { win = win ? win.parent : _self; job = $(win.frameElement).prevAll(".ans-job-icon"); } while (!job.length && win.parent.frameElement); return tip ? win : job; } function jobSort($) { var fn = $.fn ? [getIframe(1), "length"] : [self, "dom"], sel = setting.job.join( ", :not(.ans-job-finished) > .ans-job-icon" + setting.normal + " ~ " ); if ($(sel, fn[0].parent.document)[0] == fn[0].frameElement) return true; if (!getIframe()[fn[1]] || getIframe().parent().is(".ans-job-finished")) return null; setInterval(function () { $(sel, fn[0].parent.document)[0] == fn[0].frameElement && fn[0].location.reload(); }, setting.time); } function checkPlayer(tip) { console.log(_self.videojs); _self.videojs = hookVideo; hookVideo.xhr = vjs.xhr; Ext.isSogou = Ext.isIos = Ext.isAndroid = false; var data = Ext.decode(_self.config("data")) || {}; delete data.danmaku; data.doublespeed = 1; frameElement.setAttribute("data", Ext.encode(data)); if (tip) return; _self.supportH5Video = function () { return true; }; alert("此浏览器不支持html5播放器,请更换浏览器"); } function hookVideo() { _self.alert = console.log; console.log(arguments); var config = arguments[1]; if(config!=undefined){ var line = Ext.Array.filter(, function (value, index) { return value.label == setting.line && index; }), function (value) { return Ext.isNumber(value); } )[0] || 0, http = Ext.Array.filter(config.sources, function (value) { return value.label == setting.http; })[0]; config.playlines.unshift(config.playlines[line]); config.playlines.splice(line + 1, 1); config.plugins.videoJsResolutionSwitcher.default = http ? http.res : 360; config.plugins.studyControl.enableSwitchWindow = 1; config.plugins.timelineObjects.url = "/richvideo/initdatawithviewer?"; config.plugins.seekBarControl.enableFastForward = 1; if (!setting.queue) delete config.plugins.studyControl; arguments[1]["playbackRates"]=[0.5,1,1.5,2,4,8,16]; // config.preload = setting.tip ? 'auto' : 'none'; // console.log(arguments); var player = vjs.apply(this, arguments), a = '<a href="' + _self.config("objectid") + '" target="_blank">', img = '<img src="" style="margin: 6px 0 0 6px;">'; player.playbackRate=function (t){if(void 0===t)return;this.tech_&&this.tech_.featuresPlaybackRate?this.cache_.lastPlaybackRate||this.techGet_("playbackRate"):setting.rate;this.techCall_("setPlaybackRate",t)}; player.volume(Math.round(setting.vol) / 100 || 0); /* Ext.get(player.controlBar.addChild("Button").el_).setHTML( a + img + "</a>" ).dom.title = "下载视频";*/ let fastbutton=$(player.controlBar.addChild("Button").el_); let fastbutton_always=$(player.controlBar.addChild("Button").el_); fastbutton.html("<span>一键秒过</span>"); fastbutton.prop("title","点击后即可单独秒过该视频"); fastbutton.on("click",()=>{ config.plugins.seekBarControl.sendLog( player.children_[0], "ended", Math.floor(player.cache_.duration) ); }); GM_getValue("fast")==undefined? GM_setValue("fast",setting.rate==0):""; fastbutton_always.html("<span>"+(GM_getValue("fast")==1?"关闭永久秒过":"开启永久秒过")+"</span>"); fastbutton_always.prop("title","点击后即可开启或关闭永久秒过所有视频"); fastbutton_always.on("click",()=>{ if(GM_getValue("fast")==0){ GM_setValue("fast",1); fastbutton_always.html("<span>"+(GM_getValue("fast")==1?"关闭永久秒过":"开启永久秒过")+"</span>"); var Timer=setTimeout( config.plugins.seekBarControl.sendLog( player.children_[0], "ended", Math.floor(player.cache_.duration) ),3000); }else{ GM_setValue("fast",0); fastbutton_always.html("<span>"+(GM_getValue("fast")==1?"关闭永久秒过":"开启永久秒过")+"</span>"); Timer.cancel(); } }); player.on("loadstart", function () { setting.tip &&; this.playbackRate( setting.rate > 16 || setting.rate < 0.0625 ? 1 : setting.rate ); //console.log(this.playbackRate) });["loadedmetadata", "firstplay"], function () { setting.two = (setting.rate === "0" || GM_getValue("fast")==1)&& setting.two < 1; setting.two && config.plugins.seekBarControl.sendLog( this.children_[0], "ended", Math.floor(this.cache_.duration) ); }); player.on("ended", function () {"ans-job-finished"); }); } return player; } function hookAudio() { _self.alert = console.log; var config = arguments[1]; config.plugins.studyControl.enableSwitchWindow = 1; config.plugins.seekBarControl.enableFastForward = 1; if (!setting.queue) delete config.plugins.studyControl; var player = vjs.apply(this, arguments), a = '<a href="' + _self.config("objectid") + '" target="_blank">', img = '<img src="" style="margin: 6px 0 0 6px;">'; player.volume(Math.round(setting.vol) / 100 || 0); player.playbackRate( setting.rate > 16 || setting.rate < 0.0625 ? 1 : setting.rate ); Ext.get(player.controlBar.addChild("Button").el_).setHTML( a + img + "</a>" ).dom.title = "下载音频"; player.on("loadeddata", function () { setting.tip &&; });"firstplay", function () { setting.rate === "0" && config.plugins.seekBarControl.sendLog( this.children_[0], "ended", Math.floor(this.cache_.duration) ); }); player.on("ended", function () {"ans-job-finished"); }); return player; } function relieveLimit() { if (setting.scale) _self.UEDITOR_CONFIG.scaleEnabled = false; $.each(UE.instants, function () { var key = this.key; this.ready(function () { this.destroy(); UE.getEditor(key); }); }); } function beforeFind() { setting.regl = parent.greenligth || $.noop; if ($.type(parent._data) == "array") return setting.regl(); setting.div = $( '<div style="border: 2px dashed rgb(0, 85, 68); width: 330px; position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; z-index: 99999; background-color: rgba(70, 196, 38, 0.6); overflow-x: auto;">' + '<span style="font-size: medium;"></span>' + '<div style="font-size: medium;">正在搜索答案...</div>' + '<button style="margin-right: 10px;">暂停答题</button>' + '<button style="margin-right: 10px;">' + ( ? "取消本次自动提交" : "开启本次自动提交") + "</button>" + '<button style="margin-right: 10px;">重新查询</button>' + '<button style="margin-right: 10px;">'+(GM_getValue("auto_work_upload")==1? "关闭永久自动提交":"开启永久自动提交")+'</button>' + "<button>折叠面板</button>" + '<div style="max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto;">' + '<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px;">' + "<thead>" + "<tr>" + '<th style="width: 25px; min-width: 25px;">题号</th>' + '<th style="width: 60%; min-width: 130px;">题目(点击可复制)</th>' + '<th style="min-width: 130px;">答案(点击可复制)</th>' + "</tr>" + "</thead>" + '<tfoot style="display: none;">' + "<tr>" + '<th colspan="3">答案提示框 已折叠</th>' + "</tr>" + "</tfoot>" + "<tbody>" + "<tr>" + '<td colspan="3" style="display: none;"></td>' + "</tr>" + "</tbody>" + "</table>" + "</div>" + "</div>" ) .appendTo("body") .on("click", "button, td", function () { var len = $(this).prevAll("button").length; if (this.nodeName == "TD") { $(this).prev().length && GM_setClipboard($(this).text()); } else if (!$(this).siblings().length) { $(this).parent().text("正在搜索答案..."); setting.num++; } else if (len === 0) { if (setting.loop) { clearInterval(setting.loop); delete setting.loop; len = ["已暂停搜索", "继续答题"]; } else { setting.loop = setInterval(findAnswer, setting.time); len = ["正在搜索答案...", "暂停答题"]; } setting.div .children("div:eq(0)") .html(function () { return $(this).data("html") || len[0]; }) .removeData("html"); $(this).html(len[1]); } else if (len == 1) { = !; $(this).html( ? "取消本次自动提交" : "开启本次自动提交"); } else if (len == 2) { parent.location.reload(); } else if (len == 3) { if(GM_getValue("auto_work_upload")==1){; GM_setValue("auto_work_upload",0); }else{; GM_setValue("auto_work_upload",1); } $(this).html(GM_getValue("auto_work_upload")==1? "关闭永久自动提交":"开启永久自动提交"); } else if (len == 4) { setting.div.find("tbody, tfoot").toggle(); } }) .find("table, td, th") .css("border", "1px solid") .end(); setting.lose = setting.num = 0; = parent._data = []; setting.over = '<button style="margin-right: 10px;">跳过此题</button>'; setting.curs = $("script:contains(courseName)", top.document) .text() .match(/courseName:\'(.+?)\'|$/)[1] || $("h1").text().trim() || "无"; setting.loop = setInterval(findAnswer, setting.time); var tip = { undefined: "任务点排队中", null: "等待切换中" }[setting.tip]; tip && setting.div .children("div:eq(0)") .data("html", tip) .siblings("button:eq(0)") .click(); } function findAnswer() { if (setting.num >= $(".TiMu").length) { var arr = setting.lose ? [ '共有 <font color="red">' + setting.lose + "</font> 道题目待完善(已深色标注)", saveThis, ] : ["答题已完成", submitThis]; setting.div .children("div:eq(0)") .data("html", arr[0]) .siblings("button:eq(0)") .hide() .click(); return setTimeout(arr[1], setting.time); } var $TiMu = $(".TiMu").eq(setting.num), question = filterImg($TiMu.find(".Zy_TItle:eq(0) .clearfix")) .replace(/^【.*?】\s*/, "") .replace(/\s*(\d+\.\d+分)$/, ""), type = $TiMu.find("input[name^=answertype]:eq(0)").val() || "-1"; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: api_array[setting.api] + encodeURIComponent(question), timeout: setting.time, onload: function (xhr) { if (!setting.loop) { } else if (xhr.status == 200) { let response = xhr.responseText; if (response.startsWith("null")) { response = response.slice(4); } var obj = $.parseJSON(response) || {}; = obj.da || obj.answer; obj.code = obj.hasOwnProperty("code") ? obj.code : obj.hasOwnProperty("data") ? == "" ? 0 : 1 : 0; if (obj.code!=undefined) { setting.div.children("div:eq(0)").text("正在搜索答案..."); var td = '<td style="border: 1px solid;', data = String( .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/<(?!img)/g, "<"); = /^http/.test(data) ? '<img src="' + + '">' :; $( "<tr>" + td + ' text-align: center;">' + $TiMu.find(".Zy_TItle:eq(0) i").text().trim() + "</td>" + td + '" title="点击可复制">' + (question.match("<img") ? question : question.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<")) + "</td>" + td + '" title="点击可复制">' + (/^http/.test(data) ? : "") + data + "</td>" + "</tr>" ) .appendTo(setting.div.find("tbody")) .css( "background-color", fillAnswer($TiMu.find("ul:eq(0)").find("li"), obj, type) ? "" : "rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.6)" );[setting.num++] = { code: obj.code > 0 ? 1 : 0, question: question, option:, type: Number(type), }; } else { setting.div .children("div:eq(0)") .html( || setting.over + "服务器繁忙,正在重试..."); } setting.div.children("span").html(obj.msg || obj || ""); } else if (xhr.status == 403) { var html = xhr.responseText.indexOf("{") ? 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"" :; if (!isNaN(school)) return setTimeout(toLogin, setting.time, school); if (school == "账号为手机号可以不修改此参数") return alert("请修改school参数"); $.getJSON( "/org/searchUnis?filter=" + encodeURI(school) + "&product=44", function (data) { if (!data.result) return alert("学校查询错误"); var msg = $.grep(data.froms, function (value) { return == school; })[0]; msg ? setTimeout(toLogin, setting.time, msg.schoolid) : alert("学校名称不完整"); } ); } function toLogin(fid) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "/api/login?name=" + setting.username + "&pwd=" + setting.password + "&schoolid=" + fid + "&verify=0", onload: function (xhr) { var obj = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText) || {}; obj.result ? (location.href = decodeURIComponent($("#ref, #refer_0x001").val())) : alert(obj.errorMsg || "Error"); }, }); } function submitAnswer() { console.log("提交答案"); var data=[] data = data.length ? $(data) : $('.TiMu').map(function() { var title = filterImg($('.Zy_TItle .clearfix', this)); return { question: title.replace(/^【.*?】\s*/, '').replace(/\s*(\d+\.\d+分)$/, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' '), type: ({单选题: 0, 多选题: 1, 填空题: 2, 判断题: 3})[title.match(/^【(.*?)】|$/)[1]] }; }); if(data[0].type==null){ var a=new Array(); var f=$('.Cy_TItle1') for(var i = 0;i<f.length;i++){ var s = f.eq(i).find('h2').text().match(/\..*?题/)[0].replace('.',''); var e = f.eq(i).find('h2').text().match(/共.*?题/)[0].replace('共','').replace('题',''); for(var j = 0;j<e;j++){ a.push(s); } } for(var k= 0;k<data.length;k++){ switch(a[k]){ case '单选题': data[k].type=0; break; case '多选题': data[k].type=1; break; case '填空题': data[k].type=2; break; case '判断题': data[k].type=3; break; case '简答题': data[k].type=10; break; case '计算题': data[k].type=10; break; } } } data = $.grep( { var $TiMu = $('.TiMu').eq(index); if (this.type == 2) { var $ans = $TiMu.find('.Py_tk, .Py_answer').eq(0); if (!$TiMu.find('.cuo').length && this.code) { return false; } else if (!$ans.find('.cuo').length) { this.option = $ans.find('.clearfix').map(function() { return $(this).text().trim(); }).get().join('#') || '无'; } else if (this.code) { this.code = -1; } else { return false; } } else if (this.type == 3) { var o = $TiMu.find('.font20:last').text(); if ($TiMu.find('.cuo').length) { this.option = ({'√': '错误', '×': '正确'})[o] || '无'; } else if (!this.code) { this.option = ({'√': '正确', '×': '错误'})[o] || '无'; } else { return false; } } else if (this.type == 10){ var t =filterImg($TiMu.find('.font14'), this).match(/正确答案:.*?我的答案/)[0].replace('正确答案:','').replace('我的答案','').replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); var p =filterImg($TiMu.find('.pingyu'), this); if(t==''){ return false; } else{ this.answer=t; this.key=p; } } else { var text = $TiMu.find('.Py_answer > span:eq(0)').text(); if ($TiMu.find('.dui').length && this.code && !/^A?B?C?D?E?F?G?$/.test(this.option)) { return false; } else if ($TiMu.find('.dui').length || text.match('正确答案')) { text = text.match(/[A-G]/gi) || []; this.answer = $.map(text, function(value) { return filterImg($TiMu.find('.fl:contains(' + value + ') + a')); }).join('#') || '无'; this.answersheet=$.map(['A','B','C','D','E','F','G'].slice(0,['A','B','C','D','E','F','G'].findIndex((n)=>n==$TiMu.find('.Zy_ulTop>li:last').text().match(/[A-G]/gi)[0])+1), function(value) { return filterImg($TiMu.find('.fl:contains(' + value + ') + a')); }).join('#') || '无'; this.key = text.join(''); } else { return false; } } return this; }), function(value) { if(value.answer=='无'){ value.answer=''; } return value /*&& value.answer != '无'*/; }); setting.curs = $('script:contains(courseName)', top.document).text().match(/courseName:\'(.+?)\'|$/)[1] || $('h1>span:first').text().trim() || '无'; console.log(setting.curs) data.length && submitbefore(setting.curs,JSON.stringify(data)) console.log(data); } function submitbefore(course,data){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: api_upload[0], headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: 'course=' + encodeURIComponent(course) + '&data=' + encodeURIComponent(data), onerror: function(e) {console.log(e)}, onload: function(xhr){ console.log(xhr); if(xhr.status==200){ let response = xhr.responseText; let respdata = $.parseJSON(response); let amount=respdata.amount; let; let msg=respdata.msg?respdata.msg:""; $("body").append("<div class='container' style='border:1px;border-radius:4px;position: fixed;width: 330px;height:200px;top:20px;right:20px;background-color:rgba(70, 196, 38, 0.6);z-index:9999;font-size: medium;padding:20px;'>感谢您提供的"+total+"道题目。<br>当前题库收录数目:"+amount+"道<br>"+msg+"</div>"); } }, }) } function filterImg(dom) { return $(dom) .clone() .find("img[src]") .replaceWith(function () { return $("<p></p>").text('<img src="' + $(this).attr("src") + '">'); }) .end() .find("iframe[src]") .replaceWith(function () { return $("<p></p>").text( '<iframe src="' + $(this).attr("src") + '"></irame>' ); }) .end() .text() .trim(); }