Youtube store/restore bilingual subtitles and playback speed - download subtitles

The selected subtitle language and playback speed are stored and auto restored

< Feedback on Youtube store/restore bilingual subtitles and playback speed - download subtitles

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2022-03-04

Chrome: 99.0.4844.51 & 98.0.4758.102 (64 bit)
script: 3.0.5

there's no button displayed aftet refreshing the page several times,
you can test out on a random video, e.g.:

is there any tutorial/screenshot anywhere to see if it function well or not?

resume to be normal function status, adding some screenshots to guide here;


Posted: 2022-03-05

Hi fork_hero: The script only support language English/Chinese/Russian, otherwise the menu text never be matched. Go to youtube setting -> language, set language to English or Chinese or Russian.

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